143 research outputs found

    Translating Christianity in an Age of Reformations

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    This article argues that the age of the Protestant and Catholic Reformations and the global spread of the latter brought with it the challenge that not only was it necessary to learn new languages in order to communicate the Christian message to non-European peoples encountered during the so-called ‘Age of Discovery’, but some kind of control had to be exercised over the new, global circulation of sacred images and relics. The latter facilitated the visual (and virtual) translation of such holy sites as Jerusalem and Rome and its specific holy treasures in the mental prayers of the faithful. It concludes that it was less Lamin Sanneh’s ‘triumph of [linguistic] translatability’ and more the physical translatability of the sacred that made possible the emergence of Roman Catholicism as this planet’s first world religion

    Pap Smear : Apa yang Perlu Anda Ketahui ?

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    v, 122 hlm.; 21 cm

    Pap smear: apa yang perlu anda ketahui/ Evennett

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    v, 122 hal. ; 21 cm

    Pap Smear

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    Pie IV et les bénéfices de Jean Du Bellay

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    Evennett Henry Outram. Pie IV et les bénéfices de Jean Du Bellay. In: Revue d'histoire de l'Église de France, tome 22, n°97, 1936. pp. 425-461