413 research outputs found

    Optimal conditions for primary production in a polymictic tropical lake (Lake Xolotl´an, Nicaragua)

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    From 1987 to 1993we assessed the variation of phytoplankton biomass, underwater irradiance and primary production in Lake Xolotlán (L. Managua, Nicaragua). Chlorophyll-a averaged 65 mg m−3 and maximum and minimum concentrationswere 120 and 30mg m−3, respectively. The variability over depths and weeks was low (CV< 20%). There were strong correlations between particulate carbon and chlorophyll-a (the ratio = 100: 1) and between particulate carbon and particulate nitrogen and phosphorus (the ratio � 100: 11: 1). Gross primary production averaged 6.8 g C m−2 d−1 and was stable over the years (CV�10%). Algal cell growth was approximately 4–5 g C m−2 d−1. Productivity was limited only by the availability of underwater light and the depth of the photic zone was mainly regulated by the chlorophyll-a concentration. Therefore, areal photic zone chlorophyll-a was the only factor directly correlated to the integral photosynthetic activity but, contrary to theoretical models, the production did not increase in proportion to chlorophyll-a. Data from African lakes show a similar pattern

    Analysis of Cyberbullying from a Pancasila Perspective

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    The rapid development in the field of technology has brought various positive and negative impacts. There are many typical crimes that occur, one of which is cyberbullying. These crimes take the form of oppression, insults, psychological violence or intimidation in cyberspace which is carried out repeatedly which is intended to embarrass, spread ugliness and hatred, intimidation which is directed directly or openly through digital devices and platforms such as social media, email, messaging applications, and gaming sites exist. Apart from that, there are several fundamental factors that form the background to the perpetrator's behavior and the impacts it causes. Cyberbullying cases are considered a violation of the 2nd and 5th principles of Pancasila. In responding to the problem of cyberbullying, Indonesia has sufficient laws and regulations to crack down on this criminal act of cyberbullying, one of which is Law Number 11 of 2008 concerning Information and Electronic Transactions (ITE). By applying Pancasila values ??and understanding applicable laws, efforts to prevent and handle cyberbullying can be improved, creating a safer and more positive social media environment, especially for the nation's next generation. This research aims to determine the meaning, impact and ways to overcome it that are useful for provide knowledge to everyone. This research is research that uses a descriptive method in the type of literature study by describing, illustrating, explaining and analyzing the situation and conditions of the problem object from the researcher's perspective based on the results of the literature review

    Analysis of Cyberbullying from a Pancasila Perspective

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    The rapid development in the field of technology has brought various positive and negative impacts. There are many typical crimes that occur, one of which is cyberbullying. These crimes take the form of oppression, insults, psychological violence or intimidation in cyberspace which is carried out repeatedly which is intended to embarrass, spread ugliness and hatred, intimidation which is directed directly or openly through digital devices and platforms such as social media, email, messaging applications, and gaming sites exist. Apart from that, there are several fundamental factors that form the background to the perpetrator's behavior and the impacts it causes. Cyberbullying cases are considered a violation of the 2nd and 5th principles of Pancasila. In responding to the problem of cyberbullying, Indonesia has sufficient laws and regulations to crack down on this criminal act of cyberbullying, one of which is Law Number 11 of 2008 concerning Information and Electronic Transactions (ITE). By applying Pancasila values ??and understanding applicable laws, efforts to prevent and handle cyberbullying can be improved, creating a safer and more positive social media environment, especially for the nation's next generation. This research aims to determine the meaning, impact and ways to overcome it that are useful for provide knowledge to everyone. This research is research that uses a descriptive method in the type of literature study by describing, illustrating, explaining and analyzing the situation and conditions of the problem object from the researcher's perspective based on the results of the literature review

    The Insatiable Demand for Cheese in the Market of Cumbe Parish

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    In the cheese market of the Cumbe parish, many cheese brands are positioned as consumer favorites, which has been the motivation behind the creation of various projects focused on the production and elaboration of cheeses. The present research aims to provide a better overview and knowledge of the viability of the project of elaboration and manufacturing of mature cheeses by the Austral Livestock Association in the parish of Cumbe of the Cuenca Canton. The main objective of the research was to understand the insatiable demand for cheese in the market and analyze the production process of the Austral Livestock Association. The study is based on the primary, secondary, and statistical data from the Parish Gad of Cumbe and the INEC. A survey comprising 11 questions helped determine the demand of cheese. The correct analysis, interpretation, and discussion of results helped to determine that the project in question has scope, and at the end of the investigation, it was concluded that through an exhaustive analysis it was possible to verify the viability of the projected statistical data of the supply and demand. Keywords: demand, marked, supply, cheese, unsatisfied demand, cumbe. Resumen En el mercado de quesos de la parroquia de Cumbe están posicionadas muchas marcas de quesos como preferidas del consumidor, lo cual ha motivado a la creación de diversos proyectos enfocados en la producción y elaboración de quesos. Mediante la investigación realizada se obtuvo un mejor panorama y conocimiento de la viabilidad del proyecto de elaboración y fabricación de quesos maduros de la Asociación Ganadera Austral de la parroquia de Cumbe del Cantón Cuenca. En la investigación el objetivo principal es conocer el nivel de la demanda insatisfecha de la producción de quesos, para realizar un estimado de producción de la Asociación Ganadera Austral con su proyecto, los métodos utilizados para la investigación se basaron en las fuentes primarias, secundarias y en datos estadísticos del Gad Parroquial de Cumbe y del INEC. Mediante estos métodos se pudo utilizar la técnica de la encuesta, la cual consta de once preguntas, con diferentes tipos de incógnitas que ayudaron a determinar la demanda insatisfecha. El correcto análisis, interpretación y discusión de resultados, nos ayudan a determinar que el proyecto a realizarse tiene mercado en el sector, finalizando la investigación nos encontramos con las conclusiones que mediante un análisis exhaustivo se pudo constatar la viabilidad de los datos estadísticos proyectados de la oferta y demanda obtenido como resultado final la demanda insatisfecha. Palabras Clave: demanda, marcado, oferta, queso, demanda insatisfecha, cumbe

    Primer registro del murciélago Artibeus inopinatus (Chiroptera: Phyllostomidae) en Costa Rica

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    Introduction: The range of the the Honduran fruit bat, Artibeus inopinatus, extends in the south to Nicaragua and there were no previous records of its presence in Guanacaste, Costa Rica, which is the southern limit of the tropical dry forest in Central America. Objective: To record the presence of A. inopinatus in Costa Rica. Methods: In May 2023, we did a mist netting session in Playa Naranjo, Santa Rosa. Results: We captured a pregnant female. Conclusion: Our finding extends the southern distribution of A. inopinatus into northwest Costa Rica. Introducción: El ámbito del murciélago frutero hondureño, Artibeus inopinatus, se extiende al sur hasta Nicaragua y no existían registros previos de su presencia en Guanacaste, Costa Rica, que es el límite sur del bosque seco tropical en América Central. Objetivo: Registrar la presencia de A. inopinatus en Costa Rica. Métodos: En mayo de 2023, hicimos una sesión de captura con redes de niebla en Playa Naranjo, Santa Rosa. Resultados: Capturamos una hembra preñada. Conclusión: Nuestro hallazgo amplía la distribución al sur de A. inopinatus hacia el noroeste de Costa Rica