217 research outputs found

    Value driven conceptual design of unmanned air system for a defence application

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    The work presented culminates in the development of a value driven conceptual design assessment framework for a small Unmanned Air System (UAS) to be utilized in a defence application. In the field of Multi-Disciplinary Design Optimisation, most recent systematic search has been devoted to fixed topology parametric geometries, pertaining to a single concept, with very little stress put on the optimization of variable topologies describing alternative design concepts. The search is conducted in a highly novel manner, generating a broad range of combinations of UAS configurations and geometries by systematically searching alternative concepts and design configurations through the parameterization of the aircraft geometric topologies. Moreover, the “value” of proposed solutions is assessed in an objective way both from performance and economic perspectives, while the optimal solution is identified based on the user’s needs after relaxing all of the design constraints. During the multi-criteria decision analysis, the quantification/conversion of the linguistic preferences of the user between the various attributes to numerical values has disclosed some deficiencies introduced by the unjustifiable numerical scales used in the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and a novel value model for consistent value assessment is introduced, synthesizing the AHP assessment methodologies with multi-attribute value-focused analysis

    Value driven conceptual design of Unmanned Air System for defence applications

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    The work presented concerns the development of a value driven conceptual design assessment framework for a small Unmanned Air System (UAS) to be utilized in a defence application. In the field of Multi-Disciplinary Design Optimization, most recent systematic search has been devoted to fixed topology parametric geometries, pertaining to a single concept, with very little stress put on the optimization of variable topologies describing alternative design concepts. The search is conducted in a highly novel manner, generating a broad range of combinations of UAS configurations and geometries by systematically searching alternative concepts and design configurations through the parameterization of the aircraft geometric topologies. Moreover, the “value” of proposed solutions is assessed in an objective way both from performance and economic perspectives, while the optimal solution is identified after relaxing all of the design constraints as advocated by value driven design philosophy. During the multi-criteria decision analysis, the quantification/conversion of the linguistic preferences of the user between the various attributes to numerical values has disclosed some deficiencies introduced by the unjustifiable numerical scales used in the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). This problem is resolved by a novel value model synthesizing the AHP assessment methodologies with multi-attribute value-focused analysis

    Road Upgrading in Terms of Geometric and Functional Characteristics

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    The road network plays a vital role in the economy of any country and maintaining the infrastructure at a level that serves the current traffic needs is a critical element. Road maintenance directly affects road users. If it is not adequate or if it is not done in time, the damage that will occur, in a national and provincial network, may be unmanageable and will affect the increased operating costs of vehicles, delays in travel, increase in the accident index and generally reduce the reliability of transport services. When corrective interventions can no longer be postponed or cancelled, extensive restoration and reconstruction work takes place, which costs much more than the simple / preventive maintenance that can be planned and carried out in a timely manner. The protection of the existing road network is necessary and its maintenance in good condition is a dominant issue for a Management Body and often precedes as a priority even a new investment in the field of road infrastructure. This paper focuses on road network management from the point of view of upgrading and maintenance. An optimization methodology is proposed depending on the condition of the road, so that the choice of operation is optimal for the current situation. In this way, unnecessary expenses, which are brought about by the usual maintenance works, are avoided, while the street cannot serve modern traffic needs efficiently

    Quantum-based Decision Making Under Uncertainty in the Presence of Entanglement for the Development of Optimal Strategies in Engineering Design

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    The work presented concerns the development of a quantum-based decision making model utilised in the identification of optimal strategies in engineering design under uncertainty in a quantum-like entangled decision making, assessing intention interference. Several experiments and decision making paradoxes have manifested the deficiency of rationality assumption employed by classical decision making theory, with humans often violating the hypotheses of the expected utility theory and Game Theory by making irrational choices. Quantum Decision Theory (QDT) is the basis of the proposed decision making model, since only this theory can be employed to develop an operational tool in any social interplay, given the preferences of the individuals/players, to assess the quantum probabilities of their strategies. The decision makers’ brain is assumed of a dual nature, with brain processes divided to conscious and subconscious constituent parts and the computed quantum strategic probabilities consisted of two parts, the first one being rationality related and the other one capturing biases, emotions and feelings. Hence, given a priori the preferences of the decision makers, this model can be utilised as an operational tool for decision making under uncertainty in the presence of entanglement assessing the quantum probabilities of the players’ strategies in any engineering design. This quantum-based decision making model, identifying the optimal strategic choices of the stakeholders involved, is employed in the presented conceptual design of an Unmanned Air System (UAS), based on both the stakeholders’ rationality, personal intuitive feelings and behavioural biases

    Environmental variability and heavy metal concentrations from five lagoons in the Ionian Sea (Amvrakikos Gulf, W Greece)

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    Background: Coastal lagoons are ecosystems of major importance as they host a number of species tolerant to disturbances and they are highly productive. Therefore, these ecosystems should be protected to ensure stability and resilience. The lagoons of Amvrakikos Gulf form one of the most important lagoonal complexes in Greece. The optimal ecological status of these lagoons is crucial for the well-being of the biodiversity and the economic prosperity of the local communities. Thus, monitoring of the area is necessary to detect possible sources of disturbance and restore stability. New information: The environmental variables and heavy metals concentrations, from five lagoons of Amvrakikos Gulf were measured from seasonal samplings and compared to the findings of previous studies in the area, in order to check for possible sources of disturbance. The analysis, showed that i) the values of the abiotic parameters vary with time (season), space (lagoon) and with space over time; ii) the variability of the environmental factors and enrichment in certain elements is naturally induced and no source of contamination is detected in the lagoons

    Polytraits : a database on biological traits of marine polychaetes

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    The study of ecosystem functioning – the role which organisms play in an ecosystem – is becoming increasingly important in marine ecological research. The functional structure of a community can be represented by a set of functional traits assigned to behavioural, reproductive and morphological characteristics. The collection of these traits from the literature is however a laborious and time-consuming process, and gaps of knowledge and restricted availability of literature are a common problem. Trait data are not yet readily being shared by research communities, and even if they are, a lack of trait data repositories and standards for data formats leads to the publication of trait information in forms which cannot be processed by computers. This paper describes Polytraits (http://polytraits.lifewatchgreece.eu), a database on biological traits of marine polychaetes (bristle worms, Polychaeta: Annelida). At present, the database contains almost 20,000 records on morphological, behavioural and reproductive characteristics of more than 1,000 marine polychaete species, all referenced by literature sources. All data can be freely accessed through the project website in different ways and formats, both human-readable and machine-readable, and have been submitted to the Encyclopedia of Life for archival and integration with trait information from other sources

    The Fox and the Lion: Investigating Associations between Empathy and Emotion Perspective-Taking in Aesop's Fables

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    Empathy is essential in story comprehension as it requires understanding of the emotions and intentions of the characters. We evaluated the sensitivity of an emotional perspective-taking task using Aesop’s Fables in relation to empathy. Participants (N = 301) were presented with 15 short fables and were asked to rate the intensity of the emotions they would feel (anger, sadness, disgust, fear, surprise, joy, trust, and anticipation) by adopting the perspective of one of the characters (offender, victim) or the observer’s perspective. A data-driven approach revealed that participants’ responses were aligned with the characters’ intentions, suggesting successful emotional perspective-taking. Participants sympathized with the victim rather than the offender, demonstrating affective sharing processes. Further, participants with higher empathy scores exhibited stronger negative emotions from the victim’s perspective, independently of their level of distress. Our task was not influenced by gender effects. We suggest that the Aesop’s Fables task could provide an indirect instrument to study empathy

    The Consequentialist Scale: Translation and empirical investigation in a Greek sample

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    The Consequentialist Scale (Robinson, 2012) [89] assesses the endorsement of consequentialist and deontological moral beliefs. This study empirically investigated the application of the Greek translation of the Consequentialist Scale in a sample of native Greek speakers. Specifically, 415 native Greek speakers completed the questionnaire. To uncover the underlying structure of the 10 items in the Consequentialist Scale, an Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) was conducted. The results revealed a three-factor solution, where the deontology factor exhibited the same structure as the original work by Robinson (2012) [89], while the original consequentialism factor split into two separate factors. Significant Pearson's r correlations were observed between age and responses to the Consequentialist Scale. Separate EFAs were conducted for two age groups based on a medial split: younger (36 years old or less) and older (more than 36 years old). Interestingly, the younger group exhibited a two-factor solution with the same structure as the original work, while the older group showed a three-factor solution. A hierarchical k-means cluster analysis revealed that the cluster of participants who scored higher in deontology compared to consequentialism primarily consisted of older participants, whereas the two other clusters comprised of younger participants exhibited the reverse pattern. Neither gender nor previous experience with philosophy significantly affected scores on the Consequentialist Scale. Overall, our study provides evidence that the Consequentialist Scale is suitable for use in the Greek population

    Oxcarbazepine as monotherapy of acute mania in insufficiently controlled type-1 diabetes mellitus: a case-report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Type-1 diabetes mellitus (DM) is a lifelong serious condition which often renders the application of standard treatment options for patients' comorbid conditions, such as bipolar disorder I, risky – especially for acute manic episodes. We present such a case whereby the application of standard anti-manic treatments would have jeopardized a patient whose physical condition was already compromised by DM.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We report the case of a 55-year-old female with a history of type-1 DM since the age of 11, and severe ocular and renal vascular complications thereof. While on the waiting list for pancreatic islet cell transplantation, she developed a manic episode that proved recalcitrant to a treatment with gabapentin, lorazepam and quetiapine. Moreover, her mental state affected adversely her already compromised glycemic control, requiring her psychiatric hospitalization. Her psychotropic medication was almost discontinued and replaced by oxcarbazepine (OXC) up to 1800 mg/day for 10 days.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The patient's mental state improved steadily and on discharge, 3 weeks later, she showed an impressive improvement rate of over 70% on the YMRS. Moreover, she remains normothymic 6 months after discharge, with OXC at 1200 mg/day.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Standard prescribing guidelines for acute mania recommend a combination of an antipsychotic with lithium or, alternatively, a combination of an antipsychotic with valproate or carbamazepine. However, in our case, administration of lithium was at least relatively contra-indicated because of patient's already compromised renal function. Furthermore, antipsychotics increase glucose levels and thus were also relatively contra-indicated. Moreover, the imminent post-transpantation immunosupressant treatment with immuno-modulating medicines also contra-indicated both valproate and carbamazepine. Despite the severe methodological limitations of case reports in general, the present one suggests that OXC as monotherapy might be both safe and efficacious in the treatment of acute mania in patients with early-onset type-1 DM, whose already compromised physical condition constitutes an absolute or relative contra-indication for the administration of standard treatments, though there are no, as yet, randomized clinical trials attesting to its efficacy unambiguously.</p