187 research outputs found

    Exploring the Fashion Visiting Experience: a Content Analysis about the “Boncompagni Ludovisi Museum”

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    Fashion represents a multi-disciplinary and to some extent a cross-disciplinary field of research, spanning economic and industry studies, cultural, heritage and sociological research, geographical and tourism reflections.Fashion is a hallmark of Italian exports: through the fashion products, Italy exports its outstanding sense of beauty and aesthetics, the artisanal manufacturing expertise and a certain artistic value. Furthermore, fashion characterizes the cultural and touristic image of Italy, affecting and/or enriching the tourists’ experience.The aim of the work is exploring the experience of visitors of the “Boncompagni Ludovisi Decorative Art Museum” in Rome, through a content analysis of the posts published on the Facebook Official Page and the reviews shared on TripAdvisor.More in details, after a literature review about the ‘museification’ trends in the fashion tourism, the work will deeply explore through a content analysis the several dimensions of post visiting experience, in order to understand the mutual roles of core attractions (collections and location’s architecture) and museum’s quality of welcome.Tourism management and policy’s implications will be discussed.La moda rappresenta un campo di ricerca multidisciplinare e, in una certa misura, interdisciplinare, che abbraccia studi economici e industriali, ricerche culturali, storiche e sociologiche, riflessioni geografiche e turistiche.La moda è un capitolo cruciale dell'export italiano: attraverso i prodotti della moda, l'Italia esporta il suo eccezionale senso di bellezza ed estetica, la competenza artigianale manifatturiera e un certo valore artistico. Inoltre, la moda caratterizza l'immagine culturale e turistica dell'Italia, influenzando e / o arricchendo l'esperienza turistica.L'obiettivo del lavoro è quello di esplorare l'esperienza dei visitatori del "Museo delle arti decorative Boncompagni Ludovisi" a Roma, attraverso una “analisi del contenuto” dei post pubblicati sulla Pagina ufficiale di Facebook e delle recensioni condivise su TripAdvisor.Più in dettaglio, dopo una revisione della letteratura sulle tendenze alla  “museificazione” nel settore del fashion, il lavoro esplorerà profondamente le diverse dimensioni dell'esperienza di visita, al fine di comprendere il ruolo delle principali attrazioni (collezioni e location) e la qualità dell'accoglienza del museo.Verranno inoltre discusse le principali implicazioni di gestione e policy

    Water-Soluble Gold Nanoparticles Protected by Fluorinated Amphiphilic Thiolates

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    The preparation and the properties of gold nanoparticles (Au NPs) protected by perfluorinated amphiphiles are described. The thiols were devised to form a perfluorinated region close to the gold surface and to have a hydrophilic portion in contact with the bulk solvent to impart solubility in water. The monolayer protected clusters were prepared, in an homogeneous phase using sodium thiolates because of the low nucleophilicity of the alpha-perfluorinated thiols, and fully characterized with 1H, 19F NMR spectrometry, IR and UV-vis absorption spectroscopies, transmission electron microscopy (TEM), thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). Au NPs with core diameters ranging from 1.6 to 2.9 nm, depending on the reaction conditions, were obtained. Water-soluble NPs (MPC-F8-PEGs) were obtained with the thiol HS-F8-PEG ending with a short poly(ethylene glycol) unit (PEG-OMe 550), whereas thiols with shorter PEG chains give rise to NPs insoluble in water. MPC-F8-PEGs undergo an exchange reaction with amphiphilic alkyl thiols. ESR investigations, using a hydrophobic radical probe, indicate that the MPC-F8-PEG monolayer shows a greater hydrophobicity compared to the analogous hydrogenated monolayer.

    Tourism and digital endowment in Italy: a spatial analysis

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    In consideration of the recent trend reversal in the number of foreigners’ and residents’ arrivals and nights spent in the Italian tourism system, this work is proposing to evaluate to what extent the endowment of infrastructures for telephonic and telematic and the digital endowment among the enterprises are able to boost the domestic tourism demand in Italy. The results of the proposed spatial models confirm the general assumption regarding the centrality of the digitalization processes, both from the public interventions perspective and from the entrepreneurial initiatives perspective. In this way, the need to harmonize public and private policies becomes pivotal in order to revitalize and stimulate the internal tourism demand in Italy. The policy implications can be read as an instrument for rebalancing a troubling trend involving the tourism demand in Italy of the last 30 years

    Electronic structure of copper phthalocyanine:An experimental and theoretical study of occupied and unoccupied levels

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    An experimental and theoretical study of the electronic structure of copper phthalocyanine (CuPc) molecule is presented. We performed x-ray photoemission spectroscopy (XPS) and photoabsorption [x-ray absorption near-edge structure (XANES)] gas phase experiments and we compared the results with self-consistent field, density functional theory (DFT), and static-exchange theoretical calculations. In addition, ultraviolet photoelectron spectra (UPS) allowed disentangling several outer molecular orbitals. A detailed study of the two highest occupied orbitals (having a(1u) and b(1g) symmetries) is presented: the high energy resolution available for UPS measurements allowed resolving an extra feature assigned to vibrational stretching in the pyrrole rings. This observation, together with the computed DFT electron density distributions of the outer valence orbitals, suggests that the a(1u) orbital (the highest occupied molecular orbital) is mainly localized on the carbon atoms of pyrrole rings and it is doubly occupied, while the b(1g) orbital, singly occupied, is mainly localized on the Cu atom. Ab initio calculations of XPS and XANES spectra at carbon K-edge of CuPc are also presented. The comparison between experiment and theory revealed that, in spite of being formally not equivalent, carbon atoms of the benzene rings experience a similar electronic environment. Carbon K-edge absorption spectra were interpreted in terms of different contributions coming from chemically shifted C 1s orbitals of the nonequivalent carbon atoms on the inner ring of the molecule formed by the sequence of CN bonds and on the benzene rings, respectively, and also in terms of different electronic distributions of the excited lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (LUMO) and LUMO+1. In particular, the degenerate LUMO appears to be mostly localized on the inner pyrrole ring

    sp hybridization in free carbon nanoparticles-presence and stability observed by near edge X-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy

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    The presence and stability of sp hybridized atoms in free carbon nanoparticles was investigated by NEXAFS spectroscopy. The experiments show that a predominant fraction of carbon atoms is found in linear sp-chains and that conversion into sp(2) structures proceeds already at low temperature and in the gas phase

    Electronic structure of copper phthalocyanine:An experimental and theoretical study of occupied and unoccupied levels

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    An experimental and theoretical study of the electronic structure of copper phthalocyanine (CuPc) molecule is presented. We performed x-ray photoemission spectroscopy (XPS) and photoabsorption [x-ray absorption near-edge structure (XANES)] gas phase experiments and we compared the results with self-consistent field, density functional theory (DFT), and static-exchange theoretical calculations. In addition, ultraviolet photoelectron spectra (UPS) allowed disentangling several outer molecular orbitals. A detailed study of the two highest occupied orbitals (having a(1u) and b(1g) symmetries) is presented: the high energy resolution available for UPS measurements allowed resolving an extra feature assigned to vibrational stretching in the pyrrole rings. This observation, together with the computed DFT electron density distributions of the outer valence orbitals, suggests that the a(1u) orbital (the highest occupied molecular orbital) is mainly localized on the carbon atoms of pyrrole rings and it is doubly occupied, while the b(1g) orbital, singly occupied, is mainly localized on the Cu atom. Ab initio calculations of XPS and XANES spectra at carbon K-edge of CuPc are also presented. The comparison between experiment and theory revealed that, in spite of being formally not equivalent, carbon atoms of the benzene rings experience a similar electronic environment. Carbon K-edge absorption spectra were interpreted in terms of different contributions coming from chemically shifted C 1s orbitals of the nonequivalent carbon atoms on the inner ring of the molecule formed by the sequence of CN bonds and on the benzene rings, respectively, and also in terms of different electronic distributions of the excited lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (LUMO) and LUMO+1. In particular, the degenerate LUMO appears to be mostly localized on the inner pyrrole ring

    The HERMES-technologic and scientific pathfinder

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    HERMES-TP/SP (High Energy Rapid Modular Ensemble of Satellites Technologic and Scientific Pathfinder) is a constellation of six 3U nano-satellites hosting simple but innovative X-ray detectors, characterized by a large energy band and excellent temporal resolution, and thus optimized for the monitoring of Cosmic High Energy transients such as Gamma Ray Bursts and the electromagnetic counterparts of Gravitational Wave Events, and for the determination of their positions. The projects are funded by the Italian Ministry of University and Research and by the Italian Space Agency, and by the European Union's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Program under Grant Agreement No. 821896. HERMES-TP/SP is an in-orbit demonstration, that should be tested starting from 2022. It is intrinsically a modular experiment that can be naturally expanded to provide a global, sensitive all sky monitor for high-energy transients

    Conoscenza tecnologica. Nuovi paradigmi dell’innovazione e specificità italiana

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    Nel volume si esaminano le categorie concettuali utili a spiegare e a governare l'innovazione così come si analizza il posizionamento dell'Italia nel quadro internazionale degli investimenti e delle attività in Ricerca e Sviluppo, giungendo a una valutazione non troppo pessimistica anche se le numerose debolezze della situazione italiana vengono rimarcate; si sottolinea la specificità delle dinamiche dell'innovazione in Italia, legate a una morfologia fortemente territorializzata della struttura produttiva e a una specializzazione settoriale tradizionalmente sbilanciata verso l'innovazione di prodotto.- Indice #4- Introduzione, Cristiano Antonelli #10- L’innovazione come problema europeo: vecchie e nuove prospettive sulla divisione del lavoro nel processo innovativo, J. Stan Metcalfe #28- La nuova economia della conoscenza e dell’attività innovativa, Cristiano Antonelli #56- Le fonti di finanziamento e la specializzazione nelle attività di ricerca e sviluppo, Alessandra Lanza e Martin Marchesi #94- Il ruolo delle piccole e medie imprese nel sistema innovativo italiano, Daniele Archibugi, Rinaldo Evangelista e Leopoldo Nascia #124- Le relazioni università/industria in Italia, Luigi Orsenigo e Emanuela Cancogni #176- Dai "contenitori" ai "contenuti": i parchi scientifici e tecnologici in Italia, Fabrizio Cesaroni e Alfonso Gambardella #246- La partecipazione italiana ai Programmi Quadro della Commissione delle Comunità Europee, Aldo Geuna e Myriam Mariani #336- Riferimenti bibliografici #38