27 research outputs found

    Regulation of integrative and complementary medicine

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    Regulation of integrative and complementary medicine Student: Eva Škulková Tutor: PharmDr. Jitka Pokladníková, Ph.D. Dept. of Social and Clinical Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové, Charles University, the Czech Republic Background: The prevalence of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) is high 76% and it is rising. In the Czech Republic, there are no legislation or general standards that would ensure uniform requirements for providing CAM. At present, there is a lack of comprehensive understanding of how CAM methods are provided. Aim: To determine the level of regulation of the most commonly used CAM methods in the Czech Republic. Methods: The level of regulation has been evaluated according to regulatory criteria based on requirements for healthcare professionals. The list of the researched methods is based on foreign studies and at the same time specific CAM methods for the Czech Republic were added. Specific methods were selected by the expert group. The data was obtained by searching the Internet using The Google. The obtained data was processed in MS Excel using descriptive statistics. Results: Altogether, 98 CAM methods were searched. Of these, 28 methods were excluded from the evaluation, 70 methods were evaluated according to the criteria, and 2 methods were double...Regulace integrativní a komplementární medicíny Student: Eva Škulková Vedoucí DP: PharmDr. Jitka Pokladníková, Ph.D. KSKF, Faf v Hradci Králové, UK, Česká republika Úvod: Prevalence užívání komplementární a alternativní medicíny (KAM) je vysoká 76% a stoupá. V České republice neexistují žádné právní předpisy ani obecné standardy, které by zajišťovaly jednotné požadavky na poskytování KAM. V současné době chybí ucelený přehled o tom, jakým způsobem jsou KAM metody poskytovány. Cíl: Zjistit stupeň regulace profesí nejčastěji používaných metod KAM v České republice. Metodika: Stupeň regulace byl hodnocen podle kritérií regulace, které vychází z požadavků na zdravotnické pracovníky. Seznam zkoumaných metod vychází ze zahraničních studií. Zároveň byly přidány specifické KAM metody pro Českou republiku vybrané expertní skupinou. Data byla získána vyhledáváním na internetu pomocí vyhledávače Google. Získaná data byla zpracována v MS Excel za použití deskriptivní statistiky. Výsledky: Celkem bylo zkoumáno 98 metod KAM. Z toho 28 metod bylo vyčleněno z hodnocení, 70 metod bylo hodnoceno podle daných kritérií a u 2 metod bylo dvojí bodové hodnocení. Nejvyšší skóre 9 bodů získala muzikoterapie. Dále následovala homeopatie s 8,5 body, arteterapie, dramaterapie a výživové poradenství s 8 body, aromaterapie a...Katedra sociální a klinické farmacieDepartment of Social and Clinical PharmacyFaculty of Pharmacy in Hradec KrálovéFarmaceutická fakulta v Hradci Králov


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    The Generation Y, grown in the age of economic prosperity, preferring work – life balance instead of high level of remuneration, is not only the first global generation, but also the first generation widely accessing to the information and communication technologies has entered current labor market. The paper focuses to the specification and characteristic of Czech and French generation Y in workplace, compares and determines the similarity or dissimilarity of young workers in their demands, values and expectations about the workplace and labor market. The research questions prove hypothesis of the generation Y satisfaction with working conditions and sufficiency of job opportunities in in their country. The research based on the primary source data was carried on questionnaire survey of 170 secondary and tertiary schools graduates, age between 18 and 30 years, nationality of Czech Republic and France. The research was carried throughout the years 2013 and 2014. Data from the questionnaires were processed by the statistical method of contingency tables for comparison of two distinct target groups and chi-square test. Findings were dedicated to the recommendation of diversity management methods implementation in the sphere of human resource management

    Kiralna separacija beta-blokatora tekućinskom kromatografijom visoke djelotvornosti i određivanje enantiomera bisoprolola u površinskim vodama

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    Beta-blockers are chiral compounds with enantiomers that have different bioactivity, which means that while one is active, the other can be inactive or even harmful. Due to their high consumption and incomplete degradation in waste water, they may reach surface waters and affect aquatic organisms. To address this issue we developed a chromatographic method suitable for determining beta-blocker enantiomers in surface waters. It was tested on five beta-blockers (acebutolol, atenolol, bisoprolol, labetalol and metoprolol) and validated on bisoprolol enantiomers. Good enantioseparation of all analysed beta-blockers was achieved on the Chirobiotic V column with the mobile phase composed of methanol/acetic acid/triethylamine (100/0.20/0.15 v/v/v) at a flow rate of 0.5 mL/min and column temperature of 45 °C. Method proved to be linear in the concentration range from 0.075 μg/mL to 5 μg/mL, and showed good recovery. The limits of bisoprolol enantiomer detection were 0.025 μg/mL and 0.026 μg/mL and of quantification 0.075 μg/mL and 0.075 μg/mL. Despite its limitations, it seems to be a promising method for bisoprolol enantiomer analysis in surface water samples. Further research could focus on waste water analysis, where enantiomer concentrations may be high. Furthermore, transferring the method to a more sensitive one such as liquid chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry and using ammonium acetate as the mobile phase additive instead of acetic acid and triethylamine would perhaps yield much lower limits of detection and quantification.Beta-blokatori su kiralni spojevi s enantiomerima različite bioaktivnosti, dakle, dok je jedan enantiomer aktivan, drugi može biti neaktivan ili čak štetan za organizam. Zbog njihove visoke potrošnje i nepotpune razgradnje u pogonima za preradu otpadnih voda, postoji mogućnost da se pojave u prirodnim vodama i negativno utječu na vodene organizme. Stoga je u ovom radu razvijena kromatografska metoda za određivanje enantiomera beta-blokatora u prirodnim vodama. Metoda je testirana na pet beta-blokatora (acebutolol, atenolol, bisoprolol, labetalol i metoprolol) te validirana za enantiomere bisoprolola. Dobra enantioseparacija svih analiziranih beta-blokatora postignuta je na koloni Chirobiotic V sastava mobilne faze metanol/octena kiselina/trietilamin (100:0,2:0,15 v/v/v) pri protoku od 0,5 mL/min i temperaturi od 45 °C. Metodom je postignuta dobra linearnost u području od 0,075 μg/mL do 5 μg/mL s dobrim analitičkim povratom. Granice detekcije pojedinih enantiomera bisoprolola bile su 0,025 μg/mL i 0,026 μg/mL, a granice kvantifikacije 0,075 μg/ mL za oba enantiomera. Unatoč ograničenjima metode, pokazala se kao obećavajuća metoda analize enantiomera bisoprolola u površinskim vodama. Daljnja istraživanja mogla bi se izvoditi na otpadnim vodama, gdje bi koncentracije enantiomera mogle biti više. Također, korištenjem osjetljivije metode, primjerice vezanoga sustava tekućinske kromatografije i tandemne spektrometrije masa, te korištenjem amonijeva acetata kao aditiva mobilnoj fazi umjesto octene kiseline i trietilamina, mogle bi se postići znatno niže granice detekcije i kvantifikacije

    Separation and Quantification of 1,4-benzodiazepines: HPLC versus CZE

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    The goal of the present study was to separate a set of benzodiazepines, namely bromazepam, oxazepam, nitrazepam, chlordiazepoxide, flunitrazepam, lormetazepam and diazepam by analytical scale HPLC and CZE. The both methods for separation of these seven compounds from the 1,4-benzodiazepine group were optimized and compared. LODs and LOQs were determined under the optimized conditions in the both methods. The corresponding LOD and LOQ values are approximately three orders of magnitude lower in HPLC than in CZE. As expected, elution order was found to be different for the both techniques. As a result of a critical collation of all the parameters considered, RP-HPLC was found to be more suitable for determination of the set of benzodiazepines. A real sample analysis was performed under optimized conditions to demonstrate applicability of the proposed analytical methods. (doi: 10.5562/cca1738

    High-contrast differentiation resolution 3D imaging of rodent brain by X-ray computed microtomography

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    The biomedically focused brain research is largely performed on laboratory mice considering a high homology between the human and mouse genomes. A brain has an intricate and highly complex geometrical structure that is hard to display and analyse using only 2D methods. Applying some fast and efficient methods of brain visualization in 3D will be crucial for the neurobiology in the future. A post-mortem analysis of experimental animals' brains usually involves techniques such as magnetic resonance and computed tomography. These techniques are employed to visualize abnormalities in the brains' morphology or reparation processes. The X-ray computed microtomography (micro CT) plays an important role in the 3D imaging of internal structures of a large variety of soft and hard tissues. This non-destructive technique is applied in biological studies because the lab-based CT devices enable to obtain a several-micrometer resolution. However, this technique is always used along with some visualization methods, which are based on the tissue staining and thus differentiate soft tissues in biological samples. Here, a modified chemical contrasting protocol of tissues for a micro CT usage is introduced as the best tool for ex vivo 3D imaging of a post-mortem mouse brain. This way, the micro CT provides a high spatial resolution of the brain microscopic anatomy together with a high tissue differentiation contrast enabling to identify more anatomical details in the brain. As the micro CT allows a consequent reconstruction of the brain structures into a coherent 3D model, some small morphological changes can be given into context of their mutual spatial relationships

    Kapilary zone electrophoresis of sulfonated azodyes

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    Tato práce se zabývá studiem vlivu různých separačních podmínek na separaci směsi sulfonovaných azobarviv kapilární zónovou elektroforézou. Byl zkoumán vliv složení a pH pracovního elektrolytu a vliv přídavku beta-cyklodextrinu. Separace byly prováděny v nepokryté kapiláře a v kapiláře pokryté lineárním polyakrylamidem.Dokončená práce s úspěšnou obhajobo

    Assessment of cytostatics used in the treatment of retinoblastoma by means of high-efficiency fluid chromatography

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    The goal of this bachelor's thesis was to develop and validate a new method enabling detection of etoposide in plasma and the vitreous humour. Etoposide belongs to the roup of cytostatics used for retinoblastoma and other tumours treatment. It is possible to determine etoposide by high performance liquid chromatography, enzimoimmunoanalyticly, or by radioimmunoanalysis. Etoposide is tied in plasma up to 95% to plasmatic proteins, namely albumin, and that is why the drug dosage is low. Monitoring of the etoposide level enables more effective and safer possibilities of treatment. Etoposide is determined by high performance liquid chromatography with UV detection at 229 nm. During the evaluation of the method its accuracy, robustness, linearity and range and limit of detection was checked. The method was checked on 200 plasma and vitreous humour of rabbits. Calibrating curve is linear up to 80 μg/ml in plasma as well as in the vitreous humour. Variation coefficient regarding the repeatability, reproducibility and robustness was lower than 10%. It was found out that repeated de-freezing of the sample does not effect the etoposide determination. This method is suitable for determination of etoposide in vitreous humour and plasma. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org