5,645 research outputs found

    Migrantes y refugiados: reflexiones conceptuales (Migrants and refugees: conceptual reflections)

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    Resumen: Al margen de las definiciones legales existentes, cada vez resulta más difícil mantener una clara distinción entre refugiados (políticos) y migrantes (económicos). En concreto, las restrictivas políticas migratorias, de refugio y asilo están estrechamente relacionadas con lo que los expertos llaman the asylum-migration nexus. Así, la creación de múltiples categorías administrativas de personas protegidas, la presencia de refugiados no reconocidos como tales, la incorporación de refugiados en las redes ilegales de inmigración o la solicitud del status de refugiado por parte de población migrante colaboran en la confusión de realidades. Igualmente, los cambios sociales experimentados en las últimas décadas suponen un reto para las definiciones legales derivadas de la Convención de Ginebra de 1951 y que, desde diferentes sectores, vienen calificándose como excesivamente limitadas.Abstract: Apart from the existing legal definitions, the simple distinction between (politic) refugees and (economic) migrants is getting more difficult to maintain. Restrictive refugee and migration legislations are strong related with what different experts have called the asylum-migration nexus. The creation of multiple administrative categories of protected people; non recognized refugees; the incorporation of refugees to illegal networks of migration; economic migrants trying to enter a country through refugee status; etc. collaborate to the confusion of the realities. Recent social changes are also a challenge to legal definitions derived from the 1951 Geneva Convention, which are described as excessively restrictive by different actors

    H3K18 lactylation marks tissue‑specific active enhancers

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    Background: Histone lactylation has been recently described as a novel histone posttranslational modification linking cellular metabolism to epigenetic regulation. Results: Given the expected relevance of this modification and current limited knowledge of its function, we generate genome-wide datasets of H3K18la distribution in various in vitro and in vivo samples, including mouse embryonic stem cells, macrophages, adipocytes, and mouse and human skeletal muscle. We compare them to profiles of well-established histone modifications and gene expression patterns. Supervised and unsupervised bioinformatics analysis shows that global H3K18la distribution resembles H3K27ac, although we also find notable differences. H3K18la marks active CpG islandcontaining promoters of highly expressed genes across most tissues assessed, including many housekeeping genes, and positively correlates with H3K27ac and H3K4me3 as well as with gene expression. In addition, H3K18la is enriched at active enhancers that lie in proximity to genes that are functionally important for the respective tissue. Conclusions: Overall, our data suggests that H3K18la is not only a marker for active promoters, but also a mark of tissue specific active enhancers.ETH Zurich ETH Zurich core fundingEuropean Research Council (ERC) European Commission 803491Botnar Research Centre for Child Health Multi-Investigator ProjectWorld Food System Center of ETH ZurichIntegrative Food and Nutrition Center of EPF

    Environmental risks in the news: a qualitative analysis of Spanish television news programs

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    Dada la influencia fundamental de los medios de comunicación en la difusión de amenazas y riesgos, nuestro objetivo es analizar el discurso mediático en torno a un riesgo en particular: el medioambiental. A partir de una muestra de 84 programas informativos emitidos en las tres cadenas de televisión españolas con mayores índices de audiencia a nivel nacional, se ha localizado y analizado un total de 138 noticias, todas ellas relativas al medio ambiente y la naturaleza. La información recogida ha sido codificada y clasificada de acuerdo a cuatro temáticas: causas, consecuencias, soluciones y referencias a problemas medioambientales. En términos generales, las noticias tienden a centrarse en eventos concretos y a mostrar preferencia por contenidos emocionales, de entretenimiento o anecdóticos, frente a explicaciones en torno a soluciones, consecuencias y, sobre todo, causas de los problemas medioambientales.Given the important role mass media play in the dissemination of risks, this article analysis the media discourse about a particular risk: the environmental one. From a sample of 84 news programs broadcast by the three Spanish television channels with the highest national ratings, we have analyzed a total of 138 pieces of news related to the environment and the nature. Applying qualitative methodology, the information has been classified looking for discourses around: references to environmental risks, causes, consequences and solutions. In general terms, news tend to focus on specific events and display their preference to emotional contents, entertainment or anecdotal facts, compared to the explanation of solutions, consequences and, above all, causes

    Parenting practices as risk or preventive factors for adolescent involvement in cyberbullying: Contribution of children and parent gender

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    Literature points out the role of parenting on adolescent cyberbullying involvement. However, it is necessary to clarify how gender affects this relationship. The aim of this study has been to examine the relation between the adolescents’ perception about parenting practices, and their involvement in cyberbullying, bearing in mind both girls’ and boys’ gender and progenitors’ gender. The sample comprised 2060 Spanish secondary school students (47.9% girls; Mage = 14.34). Two-way ANOVA and binary logistic regression analyses were carried out. An effect of the interaction between sex and cyberbullying roles in maternal affection and communication, inductive discipline, and psychological control, as well as paternal promotion of autonomy and psychological control, was found. In general, it can be observed that the more negative results were found in cyber-aggressors, especially when this role is assumed by girls. The results of logistic regression analysis suggest that parenting practices explain better cyberbullying involvement in girls compared to boys, finding some important differences between both sexes regarding protective and risk factors. These findings highlight the importance of parenting practices to explain cyberbullying involvement, which supports the necessity of including family among the addresses of intervention programs.Gobierno de España PSI2016-74871-RGobierno de España PSI2015-64114-REuropean Research Council H2020 grant number 75517

    Mash-ups, re-cuts y fake trailers: manifestaciones mediáticas del consumidor contemporáneo

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    Comunicaciones del IV Congreso Internacional sobre análisis fílmico celebrado en la Universitat Jaume I de Castellón 4,5 y 6 de mayo de 201

    Menores expuestos a violencia contra la mujer por parte del compañero íntimo en España. Un análisis cuantitativo

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    A growing number of authors have been suggesting the necessary incorporation of children in the analysis of gender violence and, specifically, in the analysis of intimate partner violence against women (IPV). Such incorporation would be relevant not only for reducing children's invisibility and vulnerability, but also for achieving a better understanding of the characteristics and dynamics of IPV. Based on these considerations, we present in this paper the results of a secondary analysis applied to the data obtained in the last Spanish Survey on Violence Against Women. The available information allows us to analyze: 1) the presence of children exposed to IPV, 2) the relationship between this presence and the probability of reporting the violence, and 3) women's perception about the parental role of the aggressors.Cada vez más autores destacan la necesaria incorporación de la infancia en el estudio de la violencia de género y, en concreto, de la violencia contra la mujer por parte del compañero íntimo (VCI). Tal incorporación puede facilitar, no sólo una menor invisibilidad y desprotección de niños y niñas, sino también una mejor comprensión de la propia violencia, sus características y dinámicas. Partiendo de estas consideraciones, en este artículo se presentan los resultados de un análisis secundario de los datos obtenidos en la última Macroencuesta sobre violencia contra las mujeres en España. En concreto, la información disponible permite analizar: 1) la presencia de menores expuestos a VCI; 2) la posible relación entre esta presencia y la formulación de denuncias; y 3) la percepción que tienen las mujeres en torno al rol parental de los agresores