87 research outputs found

    Improving object segmentation by using EEG signals and rapid serial visual presentation

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    This paper extends our previous work on the potential of EEG-based brain computer interfaces to segment salient objects in images. The proposed system analyzes the Event Related Potentials (ERP) generated by the rapid serial visual presentation of windows on the image. The detection of the P300 signal allows estimating a saliency map of the image, which is used to seed a semi-supervised object segmentation algorithm. Thanks to the new contributions presented in this work, the average Jaccard index was improved from 0.470.47 to 0.660.66 when processed in our publicly available dataset of images, object masks and captured EEG signals. This work also studies alternative architectures to the original one, the impact of object occupation in each image window, and a more robust evaluation based on statistical analysis and a weighted F-score

    C4 nephritic factor in patients with immune-complex-mediated membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis and C3-glomerulopathy

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    Prise en compte des spécificités culturelles et des muta-tions nécessaires dans le management industriel français pour répondre aux nouvelles exigences de l’industrie 4.0

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    Regarding the previous industrial revolutions and organizational changes and evalu-ating the promises made by Industry 4.0, our aim is to imagine concrete developments in lean management and organization by building the manager of tomorrow. For this, a methodological approach will be applied to compare the theoretical con-cepts of lean, their concrete applications in current manufacturing and their possible weaknesses looking for I4.0 ‘s principles. Future developments will be made, by in-tegrating feedback and digital, organizational and generational constraints, and will allow us to draw up a portrait of the operational manager of the future, in an agile or even liberated organization. These proposals will be concretely implemented and evaluated on a French industri-al site that will be our field of experimentation. Through the analysis of the factors of success and failure of digitization projects in this historic factory of an international group, we will evaluate the assumptions previously made and enrich the management model imagined. In a second phase, through a survey of several European sites, we will question operational managers at all levels in order to define the func-tions and interactions of the French manager 4.0 in terms of skills, objectives and management methods. All these conclusions will focus on the key position of the in-termediate manager in technological developments and their ownership, but also on proposals to take into account and adapt organizations to facilitate the integration of the key concepts of I4.0 which are a great asset of renewal for the French industry.A la lumière des précédentes révolutions industrielles et évolutions organisationnelles et en évaluant les promesses portées par l’Industrie 4.0, notre propos est d’imaginer les évolutions tangibles du lean management et des organisations en construisant le manager de demain. Pour cela, une démarche méthodologique sera appliquée afin de confronter les concepts théoriques du lean, leurs applications concrètes en entreprises et leurs éventuelles faiblesses à la lumière des principes de l’I4.0. Les évolutions à venir seront posées, en intégrant les retours d’expériences ainsi que les contraintes digitales, organisationnelles et générationnelles et nous permettront de dresser le portrait du manager opérationnel du futur, dans une organisation agile, voire libérée. Ces propositions seront concrètement mises en application et appréciées sur un site industriel français qui sera notre champ d’expérimentation. A travers l’analyse des facteurs de succès et d’échecs de projets de digitalisation dans cette usine historique d’un groupe international, nous évaluerons les hypothèses précédemment posées et enrichirons le modèle de management imaginé. Dans un second temps et à travers une enquête sur plusieurs sites européens nous questionnerons les managers opérationnels de tous niveaux afin de définir les fonctions et les interactions du manager 4.0 français en termes de compétences, d’objectivation et de mode de management. L’ensemble de ces conclusions porteront sur la position clef du manager intermédiaire dans les évolutions technologiques et leur appropriation mais aussi sur des propositions de prise en compte et d’adaptation des organisations pour faciliter l’intégration des concepts clefs de l’I4.0 qui sont un formidable atout de renouveau pour l’industrie française

    Considering cultural specifications and necessary trans-formations in the French industrial management to meet the new requirements of industry 4.0

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    A la lumière des précédentes révolutions industrielles et évolutions organisationnelles et en évaluant les promesses portées par l’Industrie 4.0, notre propos est d’imaginer les évolutions tangibles du lean management et des organisations en construisant le manager de demain. Pour cela, une démarche méthodologique sera appliquée afin de confronter les concepts théoriques du lean, leurs applications concrètes en entreprises et leurs éventuelles faiblesses à la lumière des principes de l’I4.0. Les évolutions à venir seront posées, en intégrant les retours d’expériences ainsi que les contraintes digitales, organisationnelles et générationnelles et nous permettront de dresser le portrait du manager opérationnel du futur, dans une organisation agile, voire libérée. Ces propositions seront concrètement mises en application et appréciées sur un site industriel français qui sera notre champ d’expérimentation. A travers l’analyse des facteurs de succès et d’échecs de projets de digitalisation dans cette usine historique d’un groupe international, nous évaluerons les hypothèses précédemment posées et enrichirons le modèle de management imaginé. Dans un second temps et à travers une enquête sur plusieurs sites européens nous questionnerons les managers opérationnels de tous niveaux afin de définir les fonctions et les interactions du manager 4.0 français en termes de compétences, d’objectivation et de mode de management. L’ensemble de ces conclusions porteront sur la position clef du manager intermédiaire dans les évolutions technologiques et leur appropriation mais aussi sur des propositions de prise en compte et d’adaptation des organisations pour faciliter l’intégration des concepts clefs de l’I4.0 qui sont un formidable atout de renouveau pour l’industrie française.Regarding the previous industrial revolutions and organizational changes and evalu-ating the promises made by Industry 4.0, our aim is to imagine concrete developments in lean management and organization by building the manager of tomorrow. For this, a methodological approach will be applied to compare the theoretical con-cepts of lean, their concrete applications in current manufacturing and their possible weaknesses looking for I4.0 ‘s principles. Future developments will be made, by in-tegrating feedback and digital, organizational and generational constraints, and will allow us to draw up a portrait of the operational manager of the future, in an agile or even liberated organization. These proposals will be concretely implemented and evaluated on a French industri-al site that will be our field of experimentation. Through the analysis of the factors of success and failure of digitization projects in this historic factory of an international group, we will evaluate the assumptions previously made and enrich the management model imagined. In a second phase, through a survey of several European sites, we will question operational managers at all levels in order to define the func-tions and interactions of the French manager 4.0 in terms of skills, objectives and management methods. All these conclusions will focus on the key position of the in-termediate manager in technological developments and their ownership, but also on proposals to take into account and adapt organizations to facilitate the integration of the key concepts of I4.0 which are a great asset of renewal for the French industry

    Prise en compte des spécificités culturelles et des muta-tions nécessaires dans le management industriel français pour répondre aux nouvelles exigences de l’industrie 4.0

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    Regarding the previous industrial revolutions and organizational changes and evalu-ating the promises made by Industry 4.0, our aim is to imagine concrete developments in lean management and organization by building the manager of tomorrow. For this, a methodological approach will be applied to compare the theoretical con-cepts of lean, their concrete applications in current manufacturing and their possible weaknesses looking for I4.0 ‘s principles. Future developments will be made, by in-tegrating feedback and digital, organizational and generational constraints, and will allow us to draw up a portrait of the operational manager of the future, in an agile or even liberated organization. These proposals will be concretely implemented and evaluated on a French industri-al site that will be our field of experimentation. Through the analysis of the factors of success and failure of digitization projects in this historic factory of an international group, we will evaluate the assumptions previously made and enrich the management model imagined. In a second phase, through a survey of several European sites, we will question operational managers at all levels in order to define the func-tions and interactions of the French manager 4.0 in terms of skills, objectives and management methods. All these conclusions will focus on the key position of the in-termediate manager in technological developments and their ownership, but also on proposals to take into account and adapt organizations to facilitate the integration of the key concepts of I4.0 which are a great asset of renewal for the French industry.A la lumière des précédentes révolutions industrielles et évolutions organisationnelles et en évaluant les promesses portées par l’Industrie 4.0, notre propos est d’imaginer les évolutions tangibles du lean management et des organisations en construisant le manager de demain. Pour cela, une démarche méthodologique sera appliquée afin de confronter les concepts théoriques du lean, leurs applications concrètes en entreprises et leurs éventuelles faiblesses à la lumière des principes de l’I4.0. Les évolutions à venir seront posées, en intégrant les retours d’expériences ainsi que les contraintes digitales, organisationnelles et générationnelles et nous permettront de dresser le portrait du manager opérationnel du futur, dans une organisation agile, voire libérée. Ces propositions seront concrètement mises en application et appréciées sur un site industriel français qui sera notre champ d’expérimentation. A travers l’analyse des facteurs de succès et d’échecs de projets de digitalisation dans cette usine historique d’un groupe international, nous évaluerons les hypothèses précédemment posées et enrichirons le modèle de management imaginé. Dans un second temps et à travers une enquête sur plusieurs sites européens nous questionnerons les managers opérationnels de tous niveaux afin de définir les fonctions et les interactions du manager 4.0 français en termes de compétences, d’objectivation et de mode de management. L’ensemble de ces conclusions porteront sur la position clef du manager intermédiaire dans les évolutions technologiques et leur appropriation mais aussi sur des propositions de prise en compte et d’adaptation des organisations pour faciliter l’intégration des concepts clefs de l’I4.0 qui sont un formidable atout de renouveau pour l’industrie française

    Lean Management 4.0: Proposition for the evolution of managerial criteria

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    International audienceAt a time when industry is experiencing its 4th revolution, the question of the evolution of the organization is raised and with it the role of operational excellence in this digital transformation. Lean management for the most part implies manufacturing organization and we can legitimately question ourselves on its relation to the concepts of digitalization. Our aim here is to methodologically analyze the managerial concepts of lean management and highlight them in relation to Industry 4.0. After reviewing the literature and the method laid out, we will evaluate the managerial concepts, individually confronting them with our operational experience and then propose a reflection on western 4.0 lean management, with two distinct choices and points of comparison. The article will conclude with perspectives for additional research

    The evolution of world class manufacturing toward Industry 4.0: A case study in the automotive industry

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    International audienceIn order to increase the level of global competitiveness and improve the performance of production system, a large number of manufacturing companies have implemented world class manufacturing (WCM) approach, which has developed based on the third industrial revolution and the need for mass production. The evolution in production equipment and communication technologies, and the demand of markets for personalized mass production, have forced manufacturing companies to transform their production systems and prepare for a revolution. This revolution, known as Industry 4.0 (I4.0), or the digital transformation, has been introduced as a new type of organization of manufacturing systems that is more flexible and agile, and is based on using large amounts of information and data in the decision-making process. One of the main characteristics of this concept is decentralization, which allows different subsystems to make decisions autonomously in order to have self-organization systems. There are some important differences between the principles of WCM and I4.0. World class manufacturing is mainly based on continuous improvement and cost reduction, without a global vision for profit optimization. Industry 4.0 is mainly based on using all accessible information and data of systems and making decentralized decisions, but it also involves a global vision and a systemic approach to global profit optimization. However, achieving these objectives takes a very long time, and the challenges are numerous. As with all projects, for a transformation project to succeed, it is very important to define the transition phase and the way to change and introduce these new principles. This paper presents part of our research project, in collaboration with the Fiat Powertrain Technologies company, concerning the transformation of their production system toward the factory of the future. We highlight the design principles of I4.0 and the potential of the WCM system for transformation and achieving development of the characteristics of I4.0. We focus on five of the principal technical pillars of WCM and the steps in their development, and present some modifications in adoption of the design principles of I4.0. An example of change in the professional maintenance pillar of WCM is also presented

    Industrial Excellence and Industry 4.0: Management Concepts Evolution - Case Study in Automotive Industry

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    International audienceThe fourth industrial revolution is almost there, and manufacturing industries are preparing for industrial transformations, called also as Industry 4.0 (I4.0). In this context, three pillars of transformation, namely technological, methodological and managerial transformation, must be considered simultaneously. This paper emphasizes mainly on the question of the managerial evolution. Through the industrial excellence prism of the World Class Manufacturing (WCM), we will focus initially on the risks and opportunities associated with digital transformation and then analyses the success factors of the transformation, such as engagement, involvement and communication. Based on this observation and our concrete analysis of the time distribution of the activities of operational managers, a proposal will finally be to use the technologies and methodologies transformation to free up time for the manager, allowing to refocus on the main aspect of his job: human relations. With this prioritization of actions, digital transformation can be deployed and bring the maximum of performance to industries