87 research outputs found

    Competencia informacional para la actividad traductora

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    En el proceso de traducción existen tareas que requieren del uso de información. Por otra parte, la tecnología ha originado nuevas formas de trabajar que influyen en la manera de usar la información. Entre las distintas competencias vinculadas al desempeño de la actividad traductora, se discute la importancia de la competencia informacional.En el procés de traducció existeixen tasques que requereixen l'ús d'informació. D'altra banda, la tecnologia ha originat noves formes de treballar que influeixen en la manera d'utilitzar la informació. Entre les diferents competències vinculades al desenvolupament de l'activitat traductora, es discuteix la importància de la competència informacional

    Knowledge management in the voluntary sector: A focus on sharing project know-how and expertise

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    Voluntary sector organisations are operated principally by volunteers who are not obliged to share their knowledge, as might be expected in a for profit company, with a greater consequent loss of knowledge should individuals leave. This research examines how a volunteer-led organisation, the Campaign for Real Ale (CAMRA), acquires, stores and shares its project knowledge in the context of event management. Three annual CAMRA festivals of different sizes and maturity were selected to see how volunteers' knowledge is managed in the process of organising their festivals. Key festival officers were interviewed and focus groups, comprising of festival volunteers, were conducted. While the maturity of a festival and its size seemed to influence the ways in which knowledge was managed there were some commonalities between festivals. Evident was a strong master-apprentice model of learning with little formal training or record keeping except, that is, where legislation and accountability in treasury and health and safety functions were necessary. Trust between volunteers and their need to know and to share information appeared to be dependent, in part, on their perception and confidence in the success of the overarching project organisation, and this helped shape volunteers' knowledge sharing practices. Whilst there was evidence of a laissez-faire approach to codification and the sharing of knowledge, this was less so when volunteers recognised a genuine lack of knowledge which would hinder the success of their festival. The analysis also highlighted factors related to the sharing of knowledge that, it is suggested, have not been identified in the for-profit sector

    La Intel·ligència Competitiva en les universitats: el rol de les biblioteques

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    Podeu consultar el programa complet de la jornada a: http://hdl.handle.net/2445/6816

    Collaboration networks in big science: The ATLAS experiment at CERN

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    Actualmente los grandes experimentos científicos necesitan una gran organización en la que participan cientos de investigadores de varias instituciones. Un aspecto interesante, aunque poco estudiado, de este nuevo tipo de iniciativas científicas es la forma que toma la colaboración interna entre los miembros de las instituciones participantes. En este trabajo se investiga este tema en uno de los ejemplos más conocidos de big science: el experimento ATLAS del CERN. Mediante la aplicación de varias técnicas de análisis de redes a información proveniente de bases de datos internas del CERN, se identifican varios patrones de colaboración dentro del experimento. Se comprueba, por una parte, el alto nivel de colaboración entre las instituciones representadas en ATLAS, superior al observado usualmente en el campo de la física, y se identifican los actores principales en la red de colaboración. Por otra parte, se observa que la red de colaboración no sigue un patrón “libre de escala” o de “ley de potencia”, al contrario de lo que ocurre en otras redes de colaboración estudiadas en física y en otros campos. Finalmente, se advierte que la distancia geográfica entre dos instituciones no parece tener ningún efecto en la probabilidad de establecer relaciones de colaboración, contrastando también con lo que ocurre en otros tipos de redes de colaboración.AbstractNowadays big scientific experiments require large organizations and hundreds of researchers who participate from several institutions. An interesting, yet rarely studied aspect of this new kind of scientific enterprise is the internal collaboration between the members of the participating institutions. Here we assess this matter in one of the most well-known examples of big science: the ATLAS experiment at CERN. Applying different network analysis techniques to data from internal CERN databases, we have identified several collaboration patterns in the experiment. We observe, on the one hand, the high level of collaboration between the institutions represented in, higher than the average in the field of physics, and we identify the key institutions in the collaboration network. On the other hand, we notice that the collaboration network does not follow a scale-free or power-law model, contrary to what happens in other studied collaboration networks in physics and other areas. Finally, we observe that geographic distance between two institutions does not seem to affect the probability of establishing collaboration relationships, in contrast also to what happens in other kinds of collaboration networks

    Bibliotecas de los colegios profesionales en el área de salud en Cataluña: servicios actuales y necesidades de actuación

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    The recent importance of professional acreditation through professional associations is increasing every day. Professional associations must provide information and services lo their members, with especial attention on the library services. This paper makes an analysis of the services offered by professionall associations libraries, related to biomedical and health sciences in Catalonia. The method employed has been a questionnaire. The results obtained show the need to improve the services and their use, and the importance of developing some recommendations in order lo help the construction of a minimum number of services that should be offered by these institutions.Las tendencias anglosajonas ponen de manifiesto la importancia de la acreditación de profesionales a través de los colegios profesionales, con especial incidencia en el papel que las bibliotecas deben desarrollar como difusores de servicios de información y especialmente de información bibliográfica. Se analizan los servicios que ofrecen las bibliotecas de los colegios profesionales relacionados con el ámbito de la salud en Cataluña mediante la utilización de una encuesta de opinión. Los resultados demuestran la necesidad de potenciar su uso y de la elaboración de unas pautas que sirvan para la creación de unos servicios mínimos que deberían ofrecer las bibliotecas de los colegios profesionales relacionados con cualquier disciplin

    La información como bien económico: reflexiones sobre la crisis financiera de 2008

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    Information is a key economic resource. Its proper conceptualization, as well as its practical integration in socioeconomic environment, poses several questions and follows general premises. These are reviewed, and once this framework is established it is illustrated with an informational analysis of the 2008 financial crisis, including remarks on changes in the financial system information environment that affected stakeholders’ information behaviour and decision making

    Digital connection and disconnection: a reflection

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    An analysis of how people use information and communication technology under the metaphor of Digital Visitors and Residents, the results of which show the use of technologies, the Internet, and social networks depends heavily on the situation and context. This article also reflects on the effects of technological stress, infoxication, and the different ways people self-regulate their technological behavior

    Are patents the future evaluation documents for universities?

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    As technological documents of high value, patents are not only sources of information but can also be used to evaluate the quality of universities and their faculty. With the increasing number of patents by universities, it becomes necessary to create standard indicator

    Knowledge management in the voluntary sector: a focus on sharing project know-how and expertise

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    Voluntary sector organisations are operated principally by volunteers who are not obliged to share their knowledge, as might be expected in a for-profit company, with a greater consequent loss of knowledge should individuals leave. This research examines how a volunteer-led organisation, the Campaign for Real Ale (CAMRA), acquires, stores and shares its project knowledge in the context of event management. Three annual CAMRA festivals of different sizes and maturity were selected to see how volunteers’ knowledge is managed in the process of organising their festivals. Key Festival Officers were interviewed and focus groups, comprising of festival volunteers, were conducted. While the maturity of a festival and its size seemed to influence the ways in which knowledge was managed there were some commonalities between festivals. Evident was a strong master-apprentice model of learning with little formal training or record keeping except, that is, where legislation and accountability in treasury and health and safety functions were necessary. Trust between volunteers and their need to know and to share information appeared to be dependent, in part, on their perception and confidence in the success of the overarching project organisation, and this helped shape volunteers’ knowledge-sharing practices. While there was evidence of a laissez-faire approach to codification and the sharing of knowledge, this was less so when volunteers recognised a genuine lack of knowledge, which would hinder the success of their festival. The analysis also highlighted factors related to the sharing of knowledge that, it is suggested, have not been identified in the for-profit sector

    Reflexiones de disciplina. Menciones de grado como estrategia de expansión de la Información y la Documentación

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    European Universities, due to The new European Higher Education Area, have designed new degrees. In Information Science, this process has also been seen as a kind of restructuring. These paper shows the search of new professional profiles, as well as new future strategies for the discipline as a way of expand Information Science in the labor market. Thus, majors in Information Science degrees in UOC are presented