1,401 research outputs found

    Middle Managers’ Views on Participation in a Home Visiting Program for First-Time Parents in Scania, Sweden

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    Family home visiting programs delivering early childhood services are supported by politicians and policy makers in many countries. This study focuses on a home visiting program for first-time parents in a county in Sweden. The program comprises six home visits conducted by interprofessional teams, including child healthcare nurses, midwives, social workers and dental hygienists, with the aim to increase accessibility to child healthcare and to promote more equal health in young children. Child healthcare, maternal care, social services and dental care organisations participated voluntarily in the program. This study explores how middle managers of the participating organisations view the program. Data were collected from semi-structured interviews with ten middle managers. The interviews were analysed using qualitative content analysis as a method. The results show that the middle managers saw the home visiting program as beneficial for society, parents and children, and the participating organisations and professionals. In other words, they expressed both altruistic goals and a self-interest in participating. The study is of importance as middle managers’ decision to participate in a home visiting program might be grounded on their perceptions of the program

    Sensory meat quality, ultimate pH values, blood metabolites and carcass parametersin reindeer (Rangifer tarandus tarandus L.) fed various diets

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    This investigation was made to study and compare the effects of different diets on sensory meat quality and ultimate pH values in reindeer muscles and to relate stress-induced blood metabolites and carcass parameters to the meat quality traits measured. Altogether 23 female reindeer calves were included in the study. During an adaptation period, all reindeer were allowed free access to a mimicked natural diet containing 80% lichens (lichen diet). On January 28, 8 reindeer (group Cjan) were slaughtered. Five reindeer (group C.Mar) were allowed continuous free access to the lichen diet throughout the experiment. During 8 days, the other reindeer (groups PL and PS) were given the lichen diet, half of the amount offered to the control group, and were then starved for one day. Thereafter, these reindeer were fed 80% commercial reindeer feed (pellets) and either 20% lichens (group PL), or 20% silage (group PS) for 5 weeks. After this, all animals were slaughtered. The average carcass weight and dressing percentage in the group fed commercial reindeer feed and lichens (PL) were higher than in group CMar- Fat registrations were generally higher in groups PL and PS than in the groups Cj2n and CMar- Ultimate pH values in M. triceps brachii and M. longissimus were significantly lower in the group CMST than in PL. The levels of all blood metabolites (urea, ASAT and Cortisol) were generally higher in groups PL and PS than in groups Cja„ and CMEF- NO significant differences were found in any of sensory attributes of the meat (monitored according to ISO standards). The present study shows that muscle and fat depots in reindeer can be improved by feeding a diet based on reindeer pellets but suggests that a feeding period of 35 days might be too short to affect the sensory properties of reindeer meat

    Lactic acid bacteria in Swedish honey bees during outbreaks of American foulbrood

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    The honey bee microbiota is involved in several important functions, and alterations in the composition could have a severe effect on honey bee health. Among the bacteria identified in the honey bee microbiome are a group of non-pathogenic honey bee-specific lactic acid bacteria (hbs-LAB) that have been shown to inhibit the growth of bacterial pathogens such as Paenibacillus larvae, the causative agent of American foulbrood (AFB). While P. larvae only causes disease in larvae and not in adult honey bees, there are reports of the pathogen causing changes in the microbiota composition of the adults. The aim of this study was to investigate how AFB in the colony affect the hbs-LAB composition in adult honey bees. Adult bees were collected from colonies with and without AFB during three outbreaks of AFB in Sweden. The hbs-LAB was analyzed using qPCR to detect and quantify the number of ten hbs-LAB (five Lactobacilli, two Apilactobacilli, one Bombilactobacilli, and two Bifidobacterium). The hbs-LAB composition was compared between AFB outbreaks and depending on the AFB status of the honeybee colony at the time of sampling. The data analyses revealed differences in the abundance of individual hbs-LAB between outbreaks and an overall difference in bacterial community composition depending on AFB status. Also, a higher hbs-LAB diversity was observed in samples that were P. larvae culture positive.To investigate if the bacterial disease American foulbrood (AFB) affects lactic acid bacteria (LAB) in honeybees, adult bees were collected from colonies with and without AFB during outbreaks in Sweden. We found differences in the abundance of the individual LAB between the different outbreaks.imag

    Behaviour, physiology and carotenoid pigmentation in Arctic charr Salvelinus alpinus

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    The behaviour during an exploration task and the response to a confinement stress of Arctic charr Salvelinus alpinus were evaluated. Behaviour of individuals during 90 min of exploration was classified into high and low activity. High-activity individuals had higher plasma cortisol levels following stress compared to low-activity individuals. This indicates that high- and low-activity individuals correspond to reactive and proactive stress-coping styles. Further, a pigmentation analysis showed that high-activity individuals had a higher number of carotenoid spots cm(-2) than low-activity individuals. Thus, carotenoid pigmentation, as melanin pigmentation in other salmonids, could be linked to stress-coping style in S. alpinus. (C) 2013 The Fisheries Society of the British Isle

    Yritysvastuun nousu, valtiot ja globaali etelÀ

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    Global Development Paradigms in Local Realities : A Case Study of the MDGs in Tanzania

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    Only abstract. Paper copies of master’s theses are listed in the Helka database (http://www.helsinki.fi/helka). Electronic copies of master’s theses are either available as open access or only on thesis terminals in the Helsinki University Library.Vain tiivistelmĂ€. Sidottujen gradujen saatavuuden voit tarkistaa Helka-tietokannasta (http://www.helsinki.fi/helka). Digitaaliset gradut voivat olla luettavissa avoimesti verkossa tai rajoitetusti kirjaston opinnĂ€ytekioskeilla.Endast sammandrag. Inbundna avhandlingar kan sökas i Helka-databasen (http://www.helsinki.fi/helka). Elektroniska kopior av avhandlingar finns antingen öppet pĂ„ nĂ€tet eller endast tillgĂ€ngliga i bibliotekets avhandlingsterminaler.Denna pro gradu -avhandlings frĂ€msta mĂ„lsĂ€ttning Ă€r att analysera och förklara förhĂ„llandet mellan tvĂ„ centrala utvecklingsparadigm - det neoliberala och mĂ€nskliga paradigmet. Analysen baserar sig pĂ„ en fallstudie av FN:s MillenniemĂ„l i Tanzania. MillenniemĂ„len Ă€r ett konkret resultat av det mĂ€nskliga utvecklingsparadigmet och utgör dĂ€rför ett intressant forskningsobjekt för denna studie. UtgĂ„ngspunkten Ă€r att det neoliberala utvecklingsparadigmet har dominerat bistĂ„ndssamarbetet sedan början av 1980-talet, men att det mĂ€nskliga paradigmet som varit dess alternativ, nu verkar ha tagit en starkare roll Ă„tminstone i den offentliga debatten. Vilken roll dessa mĂ„l sedan fĂ„tt i praktiskt bistĂ„ndssamarbete pĂ„ lokal nivĂ„ och huruvida det mĂ€nskliga utvecklingsparadigmet förstĂ€rkts genom att dessa mĂ„l har lanserats, Ă€r centrala frĂ„gor för denna studie. I denna avhandling utgĂ„r jag ifrĂ„n att de olika paradigmen och deras uppkomst baserar sig pĂ„ historiska trender inom utvecklingsteorier. De neoliberala och mĂ€nskliga utvecklingsparadigmen Ă€r normativa paradigm som stöds av VĂ€rldsbanken respektive FN. De Ă€r direkt kopplade till bistĂ„ndssamarbetet, som Ă€r en normativ, politisk process. Analysen av dessa paradigms roller görs ur en neo-Gramsciansk referensram. Den neo-Gramscianska teorin om hegemoni ger analytiska redskap att förklara de maktrelationer som definierar paradigmens roller. Det neoliberala paradigmet representerar intellektuell hegemoni medan det mĂ€nskliga paradigmet utgör en mot-hegemonisk kraft till den. Avhandlingens frĂ€msta slutsats Ă€r att det mĂ€nskliga utvecklingsparadigmets roll Ă€r fortfarande svag jĂ€mfört med det neoliberala paradigmet. Jag hĂ€vdar att det neoliberala paradigmet har lyckats absorbera de centrala dragen av det mĂ€nskliga paradigmet för sin egen nytta. Detta innebĂ€r att FN och MillenniemĂ„len inte idag representerar ett alternativ till neoliberal utveckling, utan legitimerar den i stĂ€llet. MillenniemĂ„lens roll har förblivit frĂ€mst retorisk, medan neoliberala reformer har fortskridit i Tanzania. NĂ€r den offentliga diskussionen fokuserar sig pĂ„ MillenniemĂ„len, finns det en risk att bistĂ„ndssamarbetes verkliga substans blir i skymundan. Samtidigt framstĂ„r FN:s roll i att skapa vĂ€rldsomfattande utvecklingsnormer som relativt svag. Avhandlingen Ă€r gjord med kvalitativa metoder. En central del av forskningsmaterialet bestĂ„r av intervjuer som gjorts i Tanzania under sommaren 2007. Förutom dessa intervjuer, har Tanzanias tvĂ„ fattigdomsstrategier (poverty reduction strategies) analyserats

    Benefits and constrains of covalency: the role of loop length in protein stability and ligand binding

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    Protein folding is governed by non-covalent interactions under the benefits and constraints of the covalent linkage of the backbone chain. In the current work we investigate the influence of loop length variation on the free energies of folding and ligand binding in a small globular single-domain protein containing two EF-hand subdomains-calbindin D-9k. We introduce a linker extension between the subdomains and vary its length between 1 to 16 glycine residues. We find a close to linear relationship between the linker length and the free energy of folding of the Ca2+-free protein. In contrast, the linker length has only a marginal effect on the Ca2+ affinity and cooperativity. The variant with a single-glycine extension displays slightly increased Ca2+ affinity, suggesting that the slightly extended linker allows optimized packing of the Ca2+-bound state. For the extreme case of disconnected subdomains, Ca2+ binding becomes coupled to folding and assembly. Still, a high affinity between the EF-hands causes the non-covalent pair to retain a relatively high apparent Ca2+ affinity. Our results imply that loop length variation could be an evolutionary option for modulating properties such as protein stability and turnover without compromising the energetics of the specific function of the protein
