26 research outputs found
Stability and Manoeuvrability of Experimental Aircraft VUT 001 Marabu
Práce se zabývá stabilitou a řiditelností experimentálního letounu VUT 001 Marabu. Obsahuje výpočet aerodynamických stabilitních derivací a dalších potřebných dat pro vyhodnocení statické a dynamické stability. Výběr vhodného autopilota.This diploma thesis deals with a stability and manoeuvrability of experimental aircraft VUT 001 MARABU. It contains calculation of aerodynamic stability derivations and other data necessary for evaluation of static and dynamic stability. Assessment of convenient autopilot.
Microplastics in General Secondary Chemistry Education
The bachelor thesis focuses on microplastics as a frequently discussed topic in the context of environmental hazards, which despite its topicality and popularity is not included in the teaching of Chemistry as a general educational subject. The theoretical part focuses on the size classification, origin, composition, appearance, sources, and the occurrence of microplastics, including their impact on the environment. The first practical part consists of an analysis of the Framework Educational Programme for Elementary education, the Framework Education Programme for Grammar Schools, and selected Schools Educational Programmes with a main focus on microplastics. The second practical part is devoted to the design of learning activities through which pupils are able to actively learn about the topic of microplastics in the context of teaching Chemistry as a general education subject. This active form of familiarisation with the topic should aim at increasing the pupils' interest in learning about this topic and contribute to the awareness of the possible risks involved at the same time. KEYWORDS Microplastics, general chemistry at lower secondary and grammar schools, environmental educationBakalářská práce se zaměřuje na mikroplasty jako často diskutované téma v souvislosti s ohrožením životního prostředí, a které i přes jeho aktuálnost a popularitu nebývá zahrnováno do výuky chemie jako všeobecně vzdělávacího předmětu. Teoretická část se zaměřuje na velikostní klasifikaci, původ, složení, vzhled, zdroje a výskyt mikroplastů, včetně jejich vlivu na životní prostředí. První část praktické části tvoří analýza rámcového vzdělávacího programu pro základní vzdělávání, rámcového vzdělávacího programu pro gymnázia a vybraných školních vzdělávacích programů se zaměřením na možné souvislosti tématu Mikroplasty. Druhá část praktické části je věnována návrhu výukových aktivit, prostřednictvím kterých se žáci mohou aktivní formou seznámit s problematikou tématu Mikroplasty v rámci výuky chemie jako všeobecně vzdělávacího předmětu. Aktivní forma seznámení by měla cílit na zvýšení zájmu žáků o toto téma a zároveň by měla přispívat k uvědomování si možných rizik s tím spojených. KLÍČOVÁ SLOVA Mikroplasty, výuka chemie na základní škole a gymnáziu, enviromentální výchovaKatedra chemie a didaktiky chemiePedagogická fakultaFaculty of Educatio
Dependence of Selected Water Quality Parameters on Flow Rates at River Sites in the Czech Republic
The paper analyses dependence of water quality parameters on flow rates at several sites in the Vltava River catchment in the Czech Republic. The presented results indicate that at the monitored sites, concentrations of nitrates, suspended solids and dissolved oxygen are in direct relation to flow rate. Temperature has an inverse relationship to flow rate. Other parameters show various relationships to flow rate at individual monitored sites or do not show any statistically significant relations
Podmínky rekvalifikace pracovníků v okrese Olomouc
Prezenční156 - Katedra národohospodářskáNeuveden
Selected interesting math and logic problems
Bakalářská práce se zabývá vybranými zajímavými matematickými a logickými problémy. Popisuje jejich historický vznik a průběh. Představuje zadání každého úkolu a jeho variant. Po zadání je vždy podrobně probráno řešení problému.
Jednotlivé úlohy jsou O vlku, koze a zelí, úloha O třech kanibalech a třech misionářích, Einsteinova hádanka, O sedmi mostech města Královce a obrazce jedním tahem. Kapitoly, které následují jsou složitější a jsou to Problém čtyř barev, Jezdcova procházka, Úloha o 36 důstojnících, Problém dvou obálek a Monty Hallův problém.ObhájenoThe bachelor thesis deals with selected interesting mathematical and logical problems. It describes their historical origin and course. It represents the assignment of each task and its variants. After the assignment, the solution to the problem is always discussed in detail.
The individual problems are About the Wolf, the Goat and the Cabbage, the problem About Three Cannibals and Three Missionaries, Einstein's Riddle, About the Seven Bridges of the City of Královce, and One-Stroke Shapes. The following chapters are more difficult and are The Four Colors Problem, The Horseman's Walk, The 36 Officers Problem, The Two Envelopes Problem, and The Monty Hall Problem
Microplastics in General Secondary Chemistry Education
The bachelor thesis focuses on microplastics as a frequently discussed topic in the context of environmental hazards, which despite its topicality and popularity is not included in the teaching of Chemistry as a general educational subject. The theoretical part focuses on the size classification, origin, composition, appearance, sources, and the occurrence of microplastics, including their impact on the environment. The first practical part consists of an analysis of the Framework Educational Programme for Elementary education, the Framework Education Programme for Grammar Schools, and selected Schools Educational Programmes with a main focus on microplastics. The second practical part is devoted to the design of learning activities through which pupils are able to actively learn about the topic of microplastics in the context of teaching Chemistry as a general education subject. This active form of familiarisation with the topic should aim at increasing the pupils' interest in learning about this topic and contribute to the awareness of the possible risks involved at the same time. KEYWORDS Microplastics, general chemistry at lower secondary and grammar schools, environmental educatio
Analysis of Conditions for the Implementation of Dynamic Points in the Chemistry Curriculum as a General Education Subject - Microplastics
The diploma thesis focuses on the phenomenon of so-called dynamic points of curriculum, which represent the implementation of new non-traditional topics into the content of teaching reflecting the current results of technology development including their environmental context. In the theoretical part of the diploma thesis the concept of dynamic curriculum places is elaborated with a focus on the topic "Microplastics" in the teaching of chemistry as a general teaching subject as their current example. The practical part is firstly aimed to the design of teaching activities on the topic "Microplastics", supporting the implementation of this topic in the teaching of chemistry at lower secondary schools and in the corresponding grades of multi-year grammar schools. Subsequently, in the practical part, the specific conditions for the implementation of the topic "Microplastics" in the teaching of chemistry as a general teaching subject are analysed through two case studies, focusing on the information and material-technical conditions of lower secondary schools and multi-year grammar schools, including examination of the effectiveness and functionality of the proposed teaching activities supporting this implementation in schools through practice. The results of the analysis illustrate that the case of a..