353 research outputs found

    Enhancing family quality-of-life outcomes: The NEUROQUALYFAM project

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    Background: Neurodegenerative diseases (ND) have a great impact on both patients and their relatives, since the latter play an essential role in the care process. Consequently, the families require support to perform this function with higher levels of wellbeing. The objective of the NEUROQUALYFAM project (Interreg V‐A Spain‐Portugal, POCTEP) is to analyze the quality of life of families of people with ND, to identify their needs and to plan family‐centered support resources in order to offer high‐quality social health services for people with ND and their families. Method: The study sample will consist of 300 families from the Spanish‐Portuguese cross‐border area. The Family Quality of Life Survey ‐ Dementia (FQoLS) will be translated, adapted and validated (DiZazzo‐Miller & Samuel, 2011) to assess their quality of life. Focus groups with families and professionals from health, social services and the third sector will be conducted to identify needs and support resources. The “section 2‐Support and Services” of the validated Spanish version of the Beach Center Family Quality of Life Scale (Verdugo, Rodríguez and Sainz, 2012) will be adapted for families of people with ND to identify the types of support needed and to what extent they are provided. A confirmatory factor analysis will be conducted to examine the validity of the construct FQoLS‐ ND. A top‐down content analysis will be undertaken for qualitative data. Result: The project will provide: (a) a procedure to evaluate the quality of life of families of people with ND; (b) the identification and mapping of unmet support needs regarding the health and social system; (c) the planning of a family‐centered support system for the improvement of health and wellbeing outcomes, and (d) the design of a comprehensive ICT platform of support resources that enhances training, information exchange and collaborative networks between and among families and professionals. Conclusion: The project NEUROQUALYFAM provides a research and intervention model that might be applied in other regions and countries. It strengthens cooperation between the institutions (health and social services, third sector) to improve the quality of family life and optimize support resources for family caregivers

    Review and analysis of the Spanish regulations on health and social care of people with neurodegenerative diseases and their families

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    Background; Neurodegenerative diseases (ND) constitute a problem of great magnitude, seriousness and complexity that require actions in the diverse areas of the Health and Social System (Ministerio de Sanidad, Servicios Sociales e Igualdad, 2016). These actions must cover the basic needs of patients and their families, while improving their care and quality of life. Given this situation, the aim of this study is to carry out a detailed review of the current national and regional regulations regarding health and social care of people with ND and their families. Method; After a systematic review of 102 regulatory measures in Spain and in the Autonomous Community of Castile and Leon, those failing to consider the family of the person with ND were discarded. Finally, 35 instructions related to ND in terms of health and social services were analyzed and classified according to their scope (9 state regulations, 16 autonomous community regulations and 10 approved strategies). Result; The analyses showed that: (1) only 34% of the regulatory instructions include contents that are directly or indirectly related to the quality of life of the families of these patients; (2) analyzed instructions do not specify how to coordinate resources and services in the health and social welfare sector for the care of people with ND and their families. Conclusion; This study shows the lack of regulations in our region and country that specifically focus on the families of people with ND, as these relatives are not deemed to be direct beneficiaries. Likewise, there is a lack of specificity regarding the coordination of the services and resources for patients and their families. Reference: Ministerio de Sanidad, Servicios Sociales e Igualdad. (2016). Estrategia en Enfermedades Neurodegenerativas del Sistema Nacional de Salud. Madrid: Ministerio de Sanidad, Servicios Sociales e Igualdad

    Spanish translation and adaptation of a family quality-of-life survey for families of people with neurodegenerative disease

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    Background: One of the main objectives of NEUROQUALYFAM Project is to assess the quality of life and the needs of support of families of people with a neurodegerative disease (ND) in Spain. For this purpose, The Family Quality of Life Survey‐Adapted for Main Caregivers of Persons with Dementia (FQoLS; DiZazzo‐Miller & Samuel, 2011) has been translated and adapted to the Spanish context. Method: The “International Test Commission guidelines for test translation and adaptation” were taken into account, thus considering the following phases: 1) Two initial and independent translations of FQoLS; 2) Review and synthesis of the translations; 3) Focus groups with families of people with a ND, as well as with health, social and third sector professionals, in order to assess the relevance, clarity and appropriateness of items; 4) Synthesis and agreement by a committee of experts; 5) Backtranslation and comparison with the original items; 6) Pilot study of the consensual version with a sample of families with an individual with a ND. Result: After the translation and adaptation process, the comprehension and appropriateness of items and response options in the preliminary version were verified. The application of the final version of the instrument and the assessment of its psychometric properties will be conducted in a subsequent phase of the study. Conclusion: Preliminary results indicate that the instrument has been successfully translated and adapted to the Spanish context. Moreover, this questionnaire seems to be a useful tool for assessing the quality of life of families of patients with ND as well as for designing intervention strategies aimed to optimize support resources and improve families’ health and wellbeing outcomes. Reference: DiZazzo‐Miller, R., Samuel, P.S. (2011). Family Quality of Life Survey: Main Caregivers of Persons with Dementia. Detroit, MI, USA: Wayne State University

    Factors predicting mental health in youth during the first COVID-19 lockdown in Spain

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    [EN]Background: The first COVID-19 lockdown decreed in Spain by the government resulted in a significant disruption in the daily lives of youth that may have affected their mental health. The aim of this study was to identify factors that influenced youth mental health during this period. Methods: Between March and May 2020, a sample of 1205 youths (age range 18–24 years) from across Spain completed a questionnaire that assessed sociodemographic, mental health, loneliness, coping with humour and healthy habits. Data were analysed using Structural Equation Modelling. Results: The proposed model showed good fit values, and significant variables explained 37% of mental health. Loneliness, coping humour, healthy and unhealthy habits, and gender significantly predicted youth mental health. Conclusions: The consequences of the pandemic and confinement derived from COVID-19 seemed to be especially severe for youth, increasing their mental health vulnerability. It is recommended that evaluating the long-term effects of confinement on this population, the mental health needs they may have and the support resources that would help meet them in situations of isolation, paying special attention to females

    Family quality of life in neurodegenerative diseases: exploring needs and supports in the cross-border area Spain-Portugal

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    [EN]Neurodegenerative diseases often have an impact on both patients and their family caregivers. Given that families are an important support resource for people with neurodegenerative diseases, it is important to ensure their own quality of life. This symposium aim to present the NEUROQUALYFAM project funded by Cross Border Cooperation Programme Spain–Portugal 2014–2020 (POCTEP). The main objective of this project is to improve the quality of life of family caregivers who care people with neurodegenerative disease at home through the assessment of their needs and support resources, and the subsequent design and optimization of high-quality resources and services that are family-centered

    Los programas de mediación escolar como herramientas para la promoción de unas relaciones de pareja saludables en la adolescencia

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    ABSTRACTRomantic relationships become relevant during adolescence and influence psychosocial and affective development. Therefore, it is necessary to encourage positive romantic relationships during this developmental stage. According to scientific literature, the use of appropriate interpersonal communication skills, constructive problem-solving techniques and effective emotional intelligence tools is positively related to the quality of couple relationships. As peer-mediation programs teach these social emotional competencies to facilitate positive socialization, schools might optimize this resource and extend it to the context of couple relationship.Therefore, this article seeks to propose a psychoeducational intervention based on school-mediation programs that aims to promote healthy romantic relationships among adolescents. First, a literature review on school mediation and couple relationships in adolescence is provided. Subsequently, the objectives, recipients, trainers, methods, contents and activities that might be part of this innovative intervention approach are specified, as well as the steps that should be followed in its implementation. As a conclusion, it is highlighted how this proposal improves school mediation programs.RESUMENDurante la adolescencia, las relaciones de pareja empiezan a cobrar relevancia y a influir en el desarrollo psicosocial y afectivo. Por ello, es necesario fomentar relaciones románticas saludables en esta etapa evolutiva. En la literatura científica se sugiere que la adecuada comunicación interpersonal, la resolución constructiva de conflictos, y el manejo eficaz de las emociones se asocian positivamente con la calidad de las relaciones de pareja. Como es sabido, los programas de mediación escolar persiguen dotar a los/as adolescentes de estas competencias socioemocionales, entre otras, para favorecer una socialización positiva. En consecuencia, es recomendable que los centros educativos que cuentan con un programa de mediación instaurado optimicen este recurso extendiéndolo a la  temática de las relaciones de pareja.El objetivo de este trabajo es proponer una intervención psicoeducativa que haga uso de los programas de mediación escolar para promocionar relaciones románticas saludables entre los adolescentes. Para ello, en primer lugar, se revisa la literatura relevante en el ámbito de la mediación escolar y de las relaciones de pareja de calidad en la adolescencia. Seguidamente se concretan los objetivos, destinatarios, formadores, métodos, contenidos y actividades que pueden formar parte de este novedoso planteamiento de intervención, así como los pasos a seguir para su implementación. A modo de conclusión, se ofrece una prospectiva de esta línea de trabajo y se sintetizan las aportaciones y mejoras que supone en el campo de la mediación escolar.ABSTRACT Romantic relationships become relevant during adolescence and influence psychosocial and affective development. Therefore, it is necessary to encourage positive romantic relationships during this developmental stage. According to scientific literature, the use of appropriate interpersonal communication skills, constructive problem-solving techniques and effective emotional intelligence tools is positively related to the quality of couple relationships. As peer-mediation programs teach these social emotional competencies to facilitate positive socialization, schools might optimize this resource and extend it to the context of couple relationship.Therefore, this article seeks to propose a psychoeducational intervention based on school-mediation programs that aims to promote healthy romantic relationships among adolescents. First, a literature review on school mediation and couple relationships in adolescence is provided. Subsequently, the objectives, recipients, trainers, methods, contents and activities that might be part of this innovative intervention approach are specified, as well as the steps that should be followed in its implementation. As a conclusion, it is highlighted how this proposal improves school mediation programs

    Adult Attachment, Conflict Resolution Style and Relationship Quality among Spanish Young-adult Couples

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    The evidence of the interrelationships between adult attachment, conflict resolution style and relationship quality in couple relationships shows some inconsistencies and it is mostly based on English-speaking adult samples, as well as on individuals’ rather than on both couple members’ reports. Therefore, the aim was to examine the associations between adult attachment, conflict resolution style and relationship quality from a dyadic approach. A sample of 405 heterosexual young couples completed online the brief version of the Experiences in Close Relationships-Revised Questionnaire, the respondent version of the Conflict Resolution Styles Inventory, and a 4-item measure of relationship quality. Avoidance attachment showed a stronger negative correlation than anxiety with relationship quality. Withdrawal and conflict engagement styles were more highly correlated with avoidance and anxiety, respectively. At a dyadic level, relationship quality was negatively predicted by actor avoidance attachment and positively predicted by partner relationship quality. No actor or partner effects of conflict resolution style on relationship quality were observed. Overall, partners with higher attachment anxiety and avoidance reported more dysfunctional conflict resolution styles and less satisfaction with the relationship

    Les dones al món i a la societat

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    Treball de l'alumnat del Grau d'Educació Primària de la Facultat d'Educació de la UB. Proposta d'activitat emmarcada al projecte de recerca EDU201S-69332-R "Desarrollo de las competencias para la educación multilingüe". Any: 2017. Tutors: Juli Palou i Margarida CambraLa creació d'aquesta capsa està vinculada amb la necessitat de tractar el gènere en la nostra societat i en les cultures del món. Per aquest motiu i sent conscients de la carència educativa o la poca rellevància que, segons el nostre parer, ocupa aquest tema a les escoles, hem dissenyat una capsa que intenta trencar amb els estereotips de gènere tot respectant la moral i les creences de cadascú


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    With the purpose of evaluating the soil quality in three land use systems, they were established in the community of Las Lagunas, District of Bugaba, Province of Chiriquí; sampling plots where each farm represented a cropping system. The systems evaluated were: cocoa agroforestry system, intercropping system and plantain monoculture. To obtain the site quality index (ICS) values, the methodology proposed by Cantú et al. (2007), the chemical-physical indicators are analyzed using the methodology of Díaz Romeu and Hunter (1978) and Henríquez and Cabalceta (1999). According to the characterization, the intercropped system and plantain cultivation are similar, differing from the SAF of cocoa, the latter being able to be considered organic. The attributes selected for ICS were: pH in water (1:2.5), availability of nutrients, nitrogen% and bulk density; corresponding to the plantain cultivation system a value of 2.85, intercropping 2.55 and SAF cocoa 2.54. For the physical - chemical indicators, the plot of plantain cultivation and intercropping recorded the highest contents of phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, organic matter, nitrogen, apparent density and better pH; in relation to the cocoa agroforestry system. The bulk density for the cocoa agroforestry system was of very high quality, being a more organic system with better soil quality.Con el propósito de evaluar la calidad de suelo en tres sistemas de uso de suelo, se establecieron en la comunidad de Las Lagunas, Distrito de Bugaba, Provincia de Chiriquí; parcelas de muestreo donde cada finca representó un sistema de cultivo. Los sistemas evaluados fueron: sistema agroforestal de cacao, sistema de cultivos intercalados y monocultivo de plátano. Para la obtención de los valores de índice de Calidad de Sitio (ICS) se utilizó la metodología propuesta por Cantú et al. (2007), los indicadores químicos–físicos se analizan mediante la metodología de Díaz Romeu y Hunter (1978) y Henríquez y Cabalceta (1999). De acuerdo con la caracterización el sistema intercalado y cultivo de plátano son similares, diferenciándose del SAF de cacao pudiéndose considerar este último como orgánico. Los atributos seleccionados para ICS fueron: pH en agua (1:2.5), disponibilidad de nutrimentos, nitrógeno% y densidad aparente; correspondiéndole al sistema de cultivo de plátano un valor de 2.85, cultivo intercalado 2.55 y SAF cacao 2.54. Para los indicadores físicos - químicos la parcela de cultivo de plátano y cultivos intercalados registraron los mayores contenidos de fósforo, potasio, calcio, magnesio, materia orgánica, nitrógeno, densidad aparente y mejor pH; en relación con el sistema agroforestal de cacao. La densidad aparente para el sistema agroforestal de cacao fue de muy alta calidad, siendo un sistema más orgánico y de mejor calidad de suelo