202 research outputs found
Autobiographical memory, self, and stress-related psychiatric disorders: which implications in cancer patients?
International audienceAutobiographical memory refers to information and memories of personal life events, accumulated since childhood, which enable the construction of a feeling of identity and continuity. Autobiographical memory retrieval is a dynamic and reconstructive process, as mental representations change with the passage of time. This flexible aspect of memory is linked to one's changing self and aspirations over time, that evolve according to our personal status and environment. Hence, any breakdown in the continuity of life involves a distortion of memory. Such distortions can be observed in stress-related psychiatric disorders, such as major depression or post-traumatic stress disorder, where autobiographical memory retrieval is characterized by overgenerality (i.e., the tendency to recall generic memories rather than specific events in response to cue words). Such memory disorders can be observed at different degrees in cancer patients. We will report studies focusing on the above-mentioned psychiatric disorders and cancer, and will attempt to establish a relation with autobiographical memory disturbances. The better understanding of such memory deficits could permit new pathophysiological hypotheses to emerge. Recommendations for future research that will enhance understanding of the factors that contribute to autobiographical memory in cancer are suggested
Longitudinal brain metabolic changes from amnestic mild cognitive impairment to Alzheimer's disease.
International audienceA sensitive marker for monitoring progression of early Alzheimer's disease would help to develop and test new therapeutic strategies. The present study is aimed at investigating brain metabolism changes over time, as a potential monitoring marker, in patients with amnestic mild cognitive impairment, according to their clinical outcome (converters or non-converters), and in relation to their cognitive decline. Seventeen amnestic mild cognitive impairment patients underwent magnetic resonance imaging and 18FDG-positron emission tomography scans both at inclusion and 18 months later. Baseline and follow-up positron emission tomography data were corrected for partial volume effects and spatially normalized using magnetic resonance imaging data, scaled to the vermis and compared using SPM2. 'PET-PAC' maps reflecting metabolic per cent annual changes were created for correlation analyses with cognitive decline. In the whole sample, the greatest metabolic decrease concerned the posterior cingulate-precuneus area. Converters had significantly greater metabolic decrease than non-converters in two ventro-medial prefrontal areas, the subgenual (BA25) and anterior cingulate (BA24/32). PET-PAC in BA25 and BA24/32 combined allowed complete between-group discrimination. BA25 PET-PAC significantly correlated with both cognitive decline and PET-PAC in the hippocampal region and temporal pole, while BA24/32 PET-PAC correlated with posterior cingulate PET-PAC. Finally, the metabolic change in BA8/9/10 was inversely related to that in BA25 and showed relative increase with cognitive decline, suggesting that compensatory processes may occur in this dorso-medial prefrontal region. The observed ventro-medial prefrontal disruption is likely to reflect disconnection from the hippocampus, both indirectly through the cingulum bundle and posterior cingulate cortex for BA24/32, and directly through the uncinate fasciculus for BA25. Altogether, our findings emphasize the potential of 18FDG-positron emission tomography for monitoring early Alzheimer's disease progression
Chronic Dietary Exposure to a Low-Dose Mixture of Genistein and Vinclozolin Modifies the Reproductive Axis, Testis Transcriptome, and Fertility
Background: The reproductive consequences and mechanisms of action of chronic exposure to low-dose endocrine disruptors are poorly understood.[br/] Objective: We assessed the effects of a continuous, low-dose exposure to a phytoestrogen (genistein) and/or an antiandrogenic food contaminant (vinclozolin) on the male reproductive tract and fertility.[br/] Methods: Male rats were exposed by gavage to genistein and vinclozolin from conception to adulthood, alone or in combination, at low doses (1 mg/kg/day) or higher doses (10 and 30 mg/kg/day). We studied a number of standard reproductive toxicology end points and also assessed testicular mRNA expression profiles using long-oligonucleotide microarrays.[br/] Results: The low-dose mixture and high-dose vinclozolin produced the most significant alterations in adults: decreased sperm counts, reduced sperm motion parameters, decreased litter sizes, and increased post implantation loss. Testicular mRNA expression profiles for these exposure conditions were strongly correlated. Functional clustering indicated that many of the genes induced belong to the âneuroactive ligand-receptor interactionsâ family encompassing several hormonally related actors (e.g., follicle-stimulating hormone and its receptor). All exposure conditions decreased the levels of mRNAs involved in ribosome function, indicating probable decreased protein production.[br/] Conclusions: Our study shows that chronic exposure to a mixture of a dose of a phytoestrogen equivalent to that in the human diet and a low doseâalbeit not environmentalâof a common anti-androgenic food contaminant may seriously affect the male reproductive tract and fertility
Virtualia 2016. La réalité virtuelle au service de la recherche: Actes du séminaire organisé par le CIREVE à Caen (19 octobre 2016),
International audienceLe sĂ©minaire Virtualia est nĂ© en 2006 en mĂȘme temps que le Centre Interdisciplinaire de RĂ©alitĂ© Virtuelle (CIREVE) de lâUniversitĂ© de Caen Normandie. Son objectif est de permettre aux Ă©quipes associĂ©es au CIREVE dâexposer leurs mĂ©thodologies et les rĂ©sultats de leurs travaux dans le domaine de la RĂ©alitĂ© Virtuelle, tout en sâouvrant Ă des communications extĂ©rieures. Il a connu quatre Ă©ditions de 2006 Ă 2009.2016 fut lâoccasion de relancer VIRTUALIA et de concrĂ©tiser le partenariat avec les UniversitĂ©s de Rouen et du Havre dans le cadre de la COMUE. Une Structure FĂ©dĂ©rative de Recherche « CIREVE » est en effet en cours de labellisation au sein de Normandie UniversitĂ©. 2016 est Ă©galement une annĂ©e importante car elle marque Ă la fois le dixiĂšme anniversaire du CIREVE et la finalisation dâune plate-forme de rĂ©alitĂ© virtuelle normande, unique en son genre sur le territoire français. Elle est composĂ©e dâune salle immersive quatre faces de 45 m2, Ă©quipĂ©e dâun tapis roulant particuliĂšrement adaptĂ© pour lâanalyse de la marche en temps rĂ©el (GRAIL de Motek Medical). Les calculateurs de cette salle immersive sont mutualisĂ©s avec un amphithĂ©Ăątre attenant de 150 places, de maniĂšre que les expĂ©rimentations effectuĂ©es avec un sujet unique dans la salle immersive puissent ĂȘtre suivies par un auditoire nombreux (besoins de formation notamment). Les Ă©quipes utilisent le matĂ©riel au fur et Ă mesure des dĂ©veloppements informatiques et de nouveaux protocoles dâexpĂ©rimentation germent dans lâesprit des chercheurs qui voient dans la rĂ©alitĂ© virtuelle des possibilitĂ©s de tests jamais atteintes.Une centaine de chercheurs utilise rĂ©guliĂšrement le plateau technique CIREVE, dans des visĂ©es de recherche qui leur sont propres. Il est toutefois apparu quâun certain nombre de problĂ©matiques concernaient toutes les disciplines et quâune partie de la rĂ©flexion sur les mondes virtuels pouvait ĂȘtre mutualisĂ©e. Le sĂ©minaire VIRTUALIA permet dâoffrir un espace de rencontre Ă ces chercheurs, issus dâhorizons diffĂ©rents, pour discuter de lâutilisation de lâoutil dâun point de vue Ă©pistĂ©mologique. Il est par exemple capital de sâinterroger sur la notion de prĂ©sence. Le sujet se comporte-il de la mĂȘme façon dans lâenvironnement virtuel et dans le monde rĂ©el ? Les chemins de circulation choisis dans le modĂšle virtuel sont-ils les mĂȘmes que ceux qui seraient empruntĂ©s en rĂ©alitĂ© ? Les conclusions Ă©tablies dans le modĂšle virtuel sont-elles directement transposables Ă la rĂ©alitĂ© ? Un des enjeux du travail est dâĂ©valuer la pertinence subjective des modĂšles virtuels, ce qui est capital avant de gĂ©nĂ©raliser leur utilisation dans des actions de formation par exemple. Lâutilisation dâune technologie nâest jamais complĂštement neutre. Dans le cadre des mondes virtuels, lâinteraction de lâhomme avec le monde de synthĂšse nâest possible quâau travers de logiciels et dâinterfaces matĂ©rielles. Il faut sâassurer que les processus cognitifs soient adĂ©quats avant de sâinterroger sur le rĂ©sultat des simulations. Naturellement, le sĂ©minaire permet Ă©galement Ă chaque discipline dâexposer les rĂ©sultats des derniĂšres recherches rĂ©alisĂ©es grĂące Ă la rĂ©alitĂ© virtuelle.Les domaines scientifiques concernĂ©s par la rĂ©alitĂ© virtuelle sont multiples : les civilisations et les patrimoines culturels, la mĂ©decine, les neurosciences, la psychologie, les sciences du mouvement et du sport, lâingĂ©nierie, lâinformatique. LâUniversitĂ© de Caen Normandie Ă©tant pluridisciplinaire, le spectre des utilisations est trĂšs large. Elles se rĂ©partissent en trois axes principaux et un axe en Ă©mergence :LA REPRĂSENTATION : la rĂ©alitĂ© virtuelle permet de reprĂ©senter et de visualiser, interactivement et en trois dimensions, des environnements disparus, dĂ©gradĂ©s, inaccessibles, ou des environnements futurs.Domaines concernĂ©s : civilisations, patrimoine, linguistique...L'EXPĂRIMENTATION : en permettant d'interagir en temps rĂ©el avec un monde numĂ©rique 3D, la rĂ©alitĂ© virtuelle offre de nouvelles perspectives d'expĂ©rimentations dans des environnements de plus en plus proches du rĂ©el et en mĂȘme temps parfaitement contrĂŽlables.Domaines concernĂ©s : santĂ©, neuropsychologie, psychologie, activitĂ©s physiques et sportives...LA CREATION ET LE DEVELOPPEMENT DâOUTILS : les informaticiens crĂ©ent et testent des applications concernant les mĂ©thodes de navigation en monde virtuel, de restitution de la rĂ©alitĂ©.Domaine concernĂ© : informatique.LA FORMATION (axe en Ă©mergence) : par la reprĂ©sentation de la connaissance, par les diverses possibilitĂ©s d'expĂ©rimentation, la rĂ©alitĂ© virtuelle est un formidable outil de formation.Domaines concernĂ©s : sciences du langage, mĂ©decine, informatique (serious game, simulation...).Une partie importante de la rĂ©flexion dĂ©veloppĂ©e lors du sĂ©minaire Virtualia 2016 a Ă©tĂ© consacrĂ©e aux enjeux sociĂ©taux liĂ©s Ă la rĂ©alitĂ© virtuelle : notions de mĂ©moire, dâapprentissage des gestes techniques, dâĂȘtre humain « augmentĂ© » etc. Les articles publiĂ©s attestent du savoir-faire, bien rĂ©el cette fois, que le CIREVE a acquis en termes de crĂ©ation de mondes virtuels pour reprĂ©senter, expĂ©rimenter et former. La publication des actes du sĂ©minaire Virtualia vise Ă mettre en lumiĂšre des recherches particuliĂšrement innovantes qui sâeffectuent dans un cadre technologique exceptionnel.- S. Madeleine, Virtualia 2016. Introduction (et direction de l'Ă©dition)- J. Grieu, F. Lecroq, Th. Galinho, H. Boukachour, Environnements industriels virtualisĂ©s et processus dâapprentissage- Ph. Brunet, J. Dehut, Images 3D et humanitĂ©s numĂ©riques : modĂ©lisation et restitution du geste thĂ©Ăątral- G. Lecouvey, J. Gonneaud, N. Legrand, G. Rauchs, F. Eustache, B. Desgranges, RĂ©alitĂ© virtuelle et mĂ©moire- N. Benguigui, C. Mandil, M. Mallek, L. Lejeune, R. Thouvarecq, Ătude des liens entre perception et action dans des environnements virtuels- E.-G. Dupuy, A. Maneuvrier, E. Vlamynck, S. Besnard, B. Bienvenu, L.-M. Decker, Le syndrome dâEhlers-Danlos type hypermobile : Ă©volution des stratĂ©gies posturales en rĂ©ponse Ă un programme de rĂ©Ă©ducation Ă visĂ©e somesthĂ©sique- C. Weismann-Arcache, RĂ©alitĂ© virtuelle et humain augmentĂ© : subjectivation, dĂ©subjectivation ?- L. Haddouk, RĂ©alitĂ© psychique en visioconsultatio
Réductions énantiocatalytiques de composés dicarbonyles (application à la synthÚse du fragment C14-C25 de la bafilomycine A1)
PARIS-BIUSJ-ThĂšses (751052125) / SudocPARIS-BIUSJ-Physique recherche (751052113) / SudocSudocFranceF
Semen quality of 4480 young cancer and systemic disease patients: baseline data and clinical considerations
International audienceBackground: Except for testicular cancer and Hodgkin's disease, baseline data on semen quality in case of cancers as well as systemic pathologies of the young adult are scarce or based on low sample size. Methods: Semen quality in patients having testicular cancer (TGCT, n = 2315), Hodgkin's disease (HD, n = 1175), non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL, n = 439), leukemia (L, n = 360), sarcoma (S, n = 208), brain tumour (BT, n = 40), Behcet's disease (Behcet's, n = 68) or multiple sclerosis (MS, n = 73) was studied and compared to that of 1448 fertile men candidates for sperm donation (CSD) and 208 partners of pregnant women (PPW). All samples were studied following the same methodology in a single laboratory. Post freezing and thawing semen characteristics were also studied. Results: The percentage of normozoospermic men was only 37 % for L patients and lower than 60 % for TGCT, NHL, S and BT. The level of sperm production was differently decreased according to pathologies, the median total sperm count in TC and L patients being four times lower (p < 0.01 when compared to CSD and PPW). The lowest percentage of progressively motile spermatozoa was found for L and BT patients (both, p < 0.01 compared to CSD and PPW). The percentage of morphologically normal spermatozoa was also reduced in cancer patients, especially in BT patients. Progressive motility after thawing in patients was about half that observed among candidates for sperm donation. In almost half of the semen of patients with testicular cancer or leukemia, the total number of motile spermatozoa per straw was less than 0.5 Ă 10 6 compared to 4.3 Ă 10 6 in CSD. Conclusions: The present data confirm on large series the deleterious impact of various cancers of the young adult on semen quality, establishing thus baseline data for future studies. Owing to the post-thaw quality of the frozen straws, future fertility projects for the majority of the patients studied (in case there is no post-treatment recovery of spermatogenesis) should necessitate an ICSI to provide the best chance of paternity whatever the fertility checkup in the female partner
Spatiotemporal trends in human semen quality
International audienceOver the past four decades, studies of various designs have reported spatial and temporal trends in human semen quality. Several standardized-methodology studies in homogeneous populations that compare specific cities within a country or a continent provide clear evidence of geographical differences in sperm production, even over short distances within the same country. Human sperm production is widely believed to be declining over time, but evidence from the scientific literature is less clear. Studies based on repeated cross-sectional data from a single centre have shown mixed results. Among the numerous retrospective studies conducted in a single centre, only some included homogeneous groups of men and appropriate methods, and most of them suggest a temporal decrease in human sperm production in the geographical areas considered. Conclusions reporting temporal trends in sperm production that came from existing retrospective multicentre studies based on individual semen data and those using means, medians or estimates of sperm production are questionable, owing to intrinsic limitations in the studies performed. Regardless of study design, studies on the percentage of motile or morphologically normal spermatozoa are still limited by the inherent variability in assessment. Overall, available data do not enable us to conclude that human semen quality is deteriorating worldwide or in the Western world, but that a trend is observed in some specific areas. To understand these trends and contrasts in sperm and semen quality, prospective studies should be encouraged and combined with assessment of the male exposome
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