107 research outputs found

    Patrim?nio pedol?gico e fatores impactantes ambientais nas trilhas de uso p?blico em parques do Espinha?o Meridional.

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    Programa de P?s-Gradua??o em Evolu??o Crustal e Recursos Naturais. Departamento de Geologia, Escola de Minas, Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto.Os solos s?o circunscritamente considerados recursos naturais para fins econ?micos para muitas ?reas do conhecimento, como por exemplo, a Agronomia e as Engenharias. Em ?reas protegidas por sua vez s?o relacionados ? sustenta??o da vida. Este olhar funcional dos solos demonstra sua subvaloriza??o como parte dos 5G (patrim?nio geol?gico, geodiversidade, geoconserva??o, geoturismo e geoparques). Estudos relacionados aos impactos ambientais por sua vez n?o correlacionam a valora??o da natureza para al?m da biodiversidade. A partir destas premissas o presente trabalho pretendeu estabelecer um invent?rio do patrim?nio pedol?gico representado por pedoss?tios, bem como os fatores ambientais impactantes nos solos de trilhas em ?reas naturais protegidas, ambos para a sua pedoconserva??o. Foram selecionadas tr?s trilhas m?dias e lineares, sobre substratos diversos, em ?reas altamente visitadas de unidades de conserva??o (UC) da Serra do Espinha?o Meridional /MG: a ?Trilha da Cachoeira da Farofa? no Parque Nacional da Serra do Cip? (PNSC) sobre diamictitos e sedimentos de aluvi?o; a ?Trilha do Pico do Itacolomi? no Parque Estadual do Itacolomi (Peit) sobre filitos e quartzitos; ?Trilha do Campo Ferruginoso? no Parque Estadual da Serra do Rola Mo?a (PESRM), sobre coura?as e itabiritos. A metodologia envolveu tr?s etapas: escrit?rio, campo e laborat?rio. A primeira envolveu revis?o e elabora??o de instrumentos de coleta de dados (formul?rios estruturado qualitativo-quantitativos de oferta pedotur?stica por meio de ?Lugares de Interesse Pedol?gico? ? LIPe nas trilhas amostradas); tabula??o de dados de oferta e gera??o de gr?ficos no software Microsoft Office Excel. A segunda por: sele??o de pontos significativos para teste de resist?ncia superficial do solo atrav?s de penetr?metro de cone com anel volum?trico; abertura de trincheiras nas margens (zonas intactas) e leito principal (zonas de visita??o) das trilhas com descri??o macromorfol?gica dos horizontes pedol?gicos; coleta de amostras deformadas e indeformadas de solo com o objetivo de detectar eventuais altera??es f?sicas e morfol?gicas como compacta??o nos horizontes mais superficiais e eros?o no leito da trilha; e quantifica??o pedotur?stica. A laboratorial envolveu: an?lises textural (granulom?trica), medida da porosidade por meio da adsor??o de nitrog?nio l?quido (N2BET), difratometria de raios x e microscopia ?ptica de l?minas delgadas. Os resultados demonstraram que h? altera??es f?sicas e morfol?gicas mais significativas nos solos do leito das trilhas do que nas adjac?ncias, na sequ?ncia Peit>PNSC>PESRM, que se acredita serem relacionadas ao substrato, declividade e visita??o. Os 28 LIPe inventariados t?m pontua??o m?dia baixa quanto aos crit?rios cient?fico e cultural mas alta quanto ao educativo e tur?stico, carecendo de estrat?gias de geoconserva??o, como prote??o legal, conserva??o, valoriza??o e divulga??o e monitoramento. Tais LIPe s?o atrativos fundamentais para as ?trilhas-solo?, estimulando uma ramifica??o do ecoturismo, turismo rural e geoturismo: o ?pedoturismo?. Apesar do fim maior das unidades de conserva??o ser a conserva??o da biodiversidade e a categoria Parque permitir a visita??o com fins cient?ficos, ? premente o maior investimento em pesquisas para a conserva??o dos recursos abi?ticos. Espera-se que tais dados sirvam para a revis?o dos planos de manejo das tr?s UC, conciliando os tr?s tipos de relat?rios e se fazendo como extens?o para seus conselhos consultivos, na forma de contribui??o para a gest?o, pedoconserva??o de suas trilhas-solo, satisfazendo comunidades tradicionais do entorno e visitantes.Soils are circumscribed as natural resources with economic objectives for many areas of knowledge, such as Agronomy and Engineering. In protected areas, in turn are related to sustaining life. This functional view of the soils demonstrates its undervaluation as part of the 5G (geological heritage, geodiversity, geoconservation, geotourism and geoparks). Studies related to environmental impacts in turn do not correlate the valuation of nature beyond biodiversity. From these premises, the present work intends to establish an inventory of the pedological heritage represented by pedosites, as well as influencing environmental factors in the soils of trails in protected natural areas, both for their pedoconservation. For this, the selected sample was three medium and linear trails in highly visited areas of conservation units of the Southern Espinha?o Mountain Range (Minas Gerais, Brazil): the "Farofa Waterfall Trail" in the Parque Nacional da Serra do Cip? (PNSC); The "Itacolomi Peak Trail" at the Parque Estadual do Itacolomi (Peit); "Ferruginous Field Trail" in the Parque Estadual Serra do Rola-Mo?a (PESRM). On diverse lithology: diamictites and alluvium sediments, phyllites and quartzites, and iron ore deposits respectively. The methodology involved three steps: office, field and laboratory. The first one involved revision; data collection instruments (qualitative-quantitative structured form for pedotourism through of Pedological Interest Places ? PIP in the trails sampled); Tabulation of supply and demand data and graphing in Microsoft Office Excel software. The second by: selection of significant points for soil surface resistance test using cone penetrometer with volumetric ring; opening of trenches on the banks (intact areas) and main bed (visitation zones) of the tracks with macromorphological description of the pedological horizons; collection of deformed and undisturbed soil samples with the objective of detecting possible physical and morphological changes such as compaction in the more superficial horizons and erosion in the trail bed; and pedotouristic quantification. In addition, the laboratory involved textural analysis, porosity granulometry through liquid nitrogen adsorption (N2BET), x-ray diffractometry and thin - film optical microscopy. The results showed that there are more significant physical and morphological changes in the soils of the tracks than in the adjacent ones, in the sequence Peit> PNSC> PESRM, which are believed to be related to substrate, declivity and visitation. The 28 PIP inventories have low average scores regarding the scientific and cultural criteria but high regarding the educational and tourist, lacking strategies of geoconservation, as legal protection, conservation, valorization and dissemination and monitoring. Such PIPs are fundamental attractions for the "soil trails", stimulating a branch of ecotourism, rural tourism and geotourism: the "pedotourism. Although the main purpose of conservation units is the conservation of biodiversity and the Park category allows the visitation for scientific purposes, it is urgent the greatest investment in research for the conservation of abiotic resources. It is hoped that such data will serve to review the management plans of the three parks, reconciling the three types of reports and making it an extension to their advisory councils, in the form of contribution to management, conservation of their soil tracks, satisfying traditional communities and visitors

    Perfil do geoturista do Parque Estadual da Serra do Rola-Mo?a, MG.

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    O Parque Estadual da Serra do Rola-Mo?a (PESRM) ? uma unidade de conserva??o de Prote??o Integral em Minas Gerais, com caracter?sticas geol?gicas e geomorfol?gicas que o caracterizam como um geoss?tio do Geoparque do Quadril?tero Ferr?fero, com alto potencial para o geoturismo. A pesquisa teve por objetivo conhecer o perfil do visitante do PESRM, na tentativa de identificar se h? entre os visitantes potenciais geoturistas. A metodologia incluiu revis?o bibliogr?fica e digital, e trabalho de campo, por meio da aplica??o de question?rios estruturados qualitativo-quantitativo a 50 visitantes. Os resultados demonstram que o visitante do Parque, em sua maioria, n?o sabe o que ? geoturismo (57%) e que est? em um geoparque (64%), ? mineiro (86%), homem (68%), casado (58%), jovem (68% entre 26 e 45 anos de idade), cat?lico (42%), viaja com a fam?lia (36%), excursionista (97,96%), utiliza o ve?culo pr?prio (74%), motivado por contempla??o da natureza (36%), economicamente da classe B (44%) e boa escolaridade (50% n?vel superior). Desta forma, o perfil do geoturista ? de ?n?vel I? (curioso) demonstrando necessidade de melhor interpreta??o do segmento por meio de um programa educacional de uso p?blico para as geoci?ncias.The Rola-Mo?a Range State Park is an Integral Protection nature protected area in Minas Gerais (MG), Brazil, with geological and geomorphological features that characterize it as a geosite in the Ferriferous Quadrangle Geopark, with high potential for geotourism. The research aimed to know the Park visitor profile in an attempt to identify whether there is among potential visitors geotourists. The methodology included bibliographic and digital review, and field work, through the application of qualitative and quantitative structured questionnaires to 50 visitors. The results show that the visitor's Park, mostly, do not know what is geotourism (57%) and is in a geopark (64%); is from MG (86%); male (68%); married (58%); young (68% between 26 and 45 years old); Catholic (42%); traveling with family (36%); excursionist (97.96%); using the vehicle itself (74%); driven by the contemplation of nature (36%); economically middle class (44%); and good education (50% higher level). Thus, the geotourist profile is "Level I" (curious) demonstrating need for better interpretation of the segment through an educational program for public use for the geosciences

    Different views of community based tourism of marine extractive Reserve of Soure, Amazonia (Brazil).

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    As Reservas Extrativistas t?m como prote??o b?sica a sociobiodiversidade. Uma das alternativas de uso p?blico sustent?vel se d? pelo turismo, que est? sujeito a gerar impactos negativos. Assim, o presente trabalho aborda os diferentes olhares do Turismo de Base Comunit?ria (TBC) na Reserva Extrativista Marinha de Soure (RESEXMS). A pesquisa de cunho explorat?rio e estudo de caso se deram por meio de revis?o bibliogr?fica, elabora??o de instrumento de coleta de dados (question?rios estruturados qualitativos) e 16 entrevistas a 11 representantes do conselho deliberativo (poder p?blico, setor privado e sociedade civil organizada) e turistas. Complementarmente houve observa??o participante por meio de est?gio volunt?rio na unidade de conserva??o. Como resultados observouse que o TBC ? um importante transformador socioecon?mico, cultural e ambiental, no entanto sendo necess?ria uma maior articula??o dele enquanto participa??o ativa dos atores sociais, para maior efetividade de gest?o da ?rea protegida.The basic function of extractive reserves is protecting sites? sociobiodiversity. One alternative for sustainable public use of extractive reserves is tourism, which may have negative effects on the reserves? socio-biodiversity. Therefore, the present work addresses different perspectives of Community-Based Tourism (CBT) in the Marine Extractive Reserve of Soure, Brazil. The exploratory research and case study presented in this work include a bibliographic review, qualitative structured questionnaires, and 16 interviews with 11 representatives of the deliberative council, which includes members from the government, the private sector and organized civil society as well as tourists. In addition, participation as an observer through a voluntary internship in the protected area. Results show that the CBT is an important transformation agent of the socio-economic, cultural, and environmental conditions of the reserve. However, it is necessary to increase its articulation as active participation of the stakeholders to improve the effectiveness of reserve management

    Acessibilidade e mobilidade urbanas de city-tour a p? em Ouro Preto/MG : turismo e geotecnologias.

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    Na cidade brasileira de Ouro Preto ? MG, acessibilidade e mobilidade urbana em conjunto arquitet?nico hist?rico s?o um desafio entre a preserva??o e a modernidade. Com paisagem geomorfol?gica acidentada, cujo uso e ocupa??o do solo se desenvolveram sem planejamento espacial, de logradouros estreitos e desnivelados, o direito ? cidade por meio da mobilidade ? uma provoca??o. Este presente artigo vai ao encontro a atividade tur?stica, e aos turistas que percorrem as ruas da cidade a p?. Compreendendo a produ??o do espa?o urbano, pela mobilidade e acesso do passear ao caminhar, por meio da cartografia, do sensoriamento remoto, como ferramentas de melhoria comunicacional entre a cidade e o turista. Assim, criou-se roteiros tur?sticos de caminhada city tours, com informa??es geogr?ficas, cartogr?ficas, hist?ricas, de imagens e croquis, para um caminhar mais confort?vel pela cidade.In the Brazilian city of Ouro Preto - MG, accessibility and urban mobility are a challenge between preservation and modernity. With the rugged geomorphological landscape, whose use and occupation of the soil has developed without spatial planning, narrow and uneven roads, the right to the city through mobility is a provocation. This article goes to the encounter of a tourist activity, and to the tourists that travel as the city of the street on foot. Understanding the production of urban space, mobility and access to walking, through cartography, remote sensing, as the characteristics of improved communication between the city and the tourist. However touristic itineraries of walks around the city were created, with geographic, cartographic, historical information, of images and sketches, for a more comfortable walk through the city

    Study of the hepatic function of exercised and nutritionally recovered animals.

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    The goal of the present work was to study the hepatic function of animals in a process of nutritional recovery associated or not with physical exercise (swimming 30 minutes/day during 8 weeks). Fifty two female Fisher rats were divided into six groups: Control Sedentary (CS), Control Trained (CT), Recovered Sedentary (RS), Recovered Trained (RT), Malnourished Sedentary (MS) and Malnourished Trained (MT). We have concluded that the protocol of nutritional recovery was efficient in promoting the recovery of body weight of the animals RS but exercise did not change this picture. Considering the activities of aminotransferases, alkaline phosphatase and the concentration of globulins, data suggest hepatic injure in the malnourished animals, and this has not occurred with recovered ones

    Performance evaluation tribological and thermal friction materials during the braking process.

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    Neste artigo, buscou-se verificar os par?metros de opera??o de um sistema de freio a disco para motocicletas utilizando-se uma bancada de ensaios baseada no procedimento Krauss, descrita pela norma ABNT NBR 6143/1995 [1]. Optou-se por conduzir um Experimento Fatorial 23, em que os tr?s fatores de controle considerados (tipo de disco de freio, tipo de pastilha e o valor da press?o de acionamento da manete de freio) foram alterados deliberadamente em dois n?veis cada. Buscou-se analisar as propriedades dos materiais envolvidos novos e ap?s um determinado tempo de uso, denominado materiais assentados. Para avaliar o desempenho do sistema de freios durante o processo de frenagem, analisaram-se quatro vari?veis de resposta simultaneamente: temperatura final, coeficiente de atrito, desacelera??o e momento da for?a de frenagem. Foram utilizadas t?cnicas de Planejamento de Experimentos Fatoriais para analisar os dados coletados. Como resultado, o desempenho tribol?gico mais satisfat?rio aconteceu para os materiais constituintes do par de atrito, disco e pastilhas, assentados, e um maior valor de press?o de acionamento da manete de freio. J? para a temperatura, o melhor resultados ocorreu para os materiais do par de atrito novo e um menor valor de press?o. Por fim, foi proposta uma t?cnica de otimiza??o com o intuito de encontrar a melhor combina??o dos n?veis de cada fator que otimize o desempenho global das m?ltiplas vari?veis resposta.In this paper, we sought to verify the operating parameters of a disc brake system for motorcycles using a bench testing based on Krauss procedure described by the ABNT NBR 6143/1995 [1]. It was decided to conduct an experiment Factorial 23, in which the three control factors considered (type of brake disc, type of chip and the value of the brake lever on working pressure) have changed on two levels each. It sought to analyze the properties of new materials involved, and after a certain time of use, called settlers materials. To evaluate the performance of the brake system during the braking process, we analyzed four response variables simultaneously: final temperature, coefficient of friction, deceleration time and braking force. Factorial Design of Experiments techniques were used to analyze the collected data. As a result, the most satisfactory tribological performance happened to the pair of materials constituting the friction disk and pads, setting, and an increased brake lever of the actuation pressure value. As for the temperature, best results occurred for the friction pair new materials with lower pressure. Finally, it proposed an optimization technique in order to find the best combination of the levels of each factor to optimize the overall performance of multivariable respons


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    Taxas de germina\ue7\ue3o de sementes, sobreviv\ueancia e crescimento de plantas, par\ue2metros estes avaliados no presente estudo, s\ue3o informa\ue7\uf5es essenciais para a caracteriza\ue7\ue3o do potencial biol\uf3gico de esp\ue9cies para uso em processos de recupera\ue7\ue3o de \ue1reas degradadas. A falta de conhecimento sobre tais aspectos em esp\ue9cies nativas t\ueam justificado o uso de plantas ex\uf3ticas na revegeta\ue7\ue3o de vo\ue7orocas em todo o Brasil. Entretanto, especialmente em locais sujeitos \ue0 grande sazonalidade clim\ue1tica e sobre solos oligotr\uf3ficos, esp\ue9cies ex\uf3ticas nem sempre apresentam bom desempenho, levando o empreendimento de revegeta\ue7\ue3o ao insucesso ou elevando consideravelmente a necessidade de aplica\ue7\ue3o de tratos culturais. Com o objetivo de ampliar os conhecimentos sobre o potencial biol\uf3gico para revegeta\ue7\ue3o em vo\ue7orocas de plantas nativas do cerrado e de uma gram\uednea ex\uf3tica, que vem sendo amplamente usada em projetos de conten\ue7\ue3o de eros\ue3o, pl\ue2ntulas e touceiras das esp\ue9cies nativas Cratylia argentea (Desv.) Kuntze e Echinolaena inflexa (Poir.) Chase, e da ex\uf3tica Vetiveria zizanioides (L.) Nash foram transferidas para o col\ufavio de uma vo\ue7oroca no munic\uedpio de Ouro Preto - MG, onde permaneceram durante a esta\ue7\ue3o seca de 2010 sem aplica\ue7\ue3o de fertilizantes ou irriga\ue7\ue3o. Em blocos ao acaso, parcelas de 1 x 1 m receberam aleatoriamente quatro tratamentos de plantio: touceiras de Echinolaena inflexa ou de Vetiveria zizanioides; e touceiras destas gram\uedneas em cons\uf3rcio com a leguminosa arbustiva Cratylia argentea. Todas as gram\uedneas e 73% das pl\ue2ntulas da leguminosa sobreviveram. Como esperado, a cobertura verde de Echinolaena Inflexa diminuiu ao longo da esta\ue7\ue3o seca, tendo, entretanto, rebrotado ap\uf3s as primeiras chuvas. Vetiveria zizanioides manteve a \ue1rea foliar ativa e apresentou crescimento significativo no per\uedodo. Cratylia argentea apresentou altas taxas de germina\ue7\ue3o de sementes e de crescimento, entretanto, nodula\ue7\ue3o ocorreu em apenas dois indiv\uedduos. Assim, n\ue3o houve influ\ueancia da leguminosa no crescimento das gram\uedneas. Os resultados indicam que tanto as esp\ue9cies nativas do cerrado como a gram\uednea ex\uf3tica possuem alto potencial para revegeta\ue7\ue3o em col\ufavio de vo\ue7oroca, tendo sobrevivido ao per\uedodo cr\uedtico de seca e sobre substrato oligotr\uf3fico sem adi\ue7\ue3o de fertilizantes ou irriga\ue7\ue3o.Rates of seed germination, plant survival and growth, as measured in the present study, are essential parameters to characterize the biological potential of species for the restoration of degraded areas. The lack of knowledge about these aspects in native species has justified the use of exotic plants in Brazilian gullies revegetation. However, especially in places subject to highly seasonal climate and on oligotrophic soils, exotic species do not always perform well, leading to revegetation failure or significantly increasing the cultivation care needs. To improve the knowledge concerning to the biological potencial of cerrado native species and of an exotic grass which has been used for erosion contention, in the present study, seedlings and clumps of native cerrado species, Cratylia argentea (Desv.) Kuntze and Echinolaena inflexa (Poir.) Chase, and of the exotic grass Vetiveria zizanioides (L.) Nash, were transferred to a gully colluvium in Ouro Preto, Minas Gerais state, where they remained during the dry season of 2010 without application of fertilizers or irrigation. In randomized block design, plots of 1 x 1 m received four planting treatments: clumps of Echinolaena inflexa or Vetiveria zizanioides, and clumps of these grasses intercropped with the legume Cratylia argentea. All grasses and 73% of the legume seedlings survived. As expected, the green cover of Echinolaena inflexa decreased throughout the dry season, however, showing regrowth after the first rains. Leaf area of Vetiveria zizanioides remained active and grew significantly in the period. Cratylia argentea showed high rates of germination and growth; however, nodulation occurred in only two individuals. Thus, there was no influence of the legume on grasses growth. Results indicate that both native species and the exotic grass tested are potential successful plants for gullies replanting. Plants survived and grew on low nutrient substrate and during the critical period of drought without any fertilizer or irrigation application

    Application of experimental planning techniques for optimization of the tribological and thermal behavior of friction materials during the braking process.

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    Sistemas de freio t?m a finalidade de reduzir ou manter a velocidade de um ve?culo, lev?-lo ? imobilidade ou mant?-lo im?vel. O princ?pio b?sico dos sistemas de freios por atrito ? a convers?o da energia cin?tica do ve?culo em energia t?rmica. Neste estudo, buscou-se analisar os par?metros de opera??o de um sistema de freio a disco para motocicletas utilizando-se um banco de ensaios baseado no procedimento Krauss, descrita pela norma ABNT NBR 6143/1995. Optou-se por conduzir um Experimento fatorial completo 2?, em que os tr?s fatores de controle considerados (tipo de disco de freio, tipo de pastilha e o valor da press?o de acionamento da manete de freio) foram alterados deliberadamente em dois n?veis cada. Analisou-se as propriedades dos materiais envolvidos novos e ap?s um determinado tempo de uso, denominado materiais assentados. Para avaliar o desempenho do sistema de freio durante o processo de frenagem, analisaram-se duas vari?veis de resposta simultaneamente: coeficiente de atrito e temperatura final. A partir dos experimentos, o desempenho tribol?gico mais satisfat?rio ocorreu para os materiais constituintes do par de atrito, disco e pastilhas, assentados, e um menor valor de press?o de acionamento da manete de freio. J? para a temperatura, o melhor resultado ocorreu para os materiais do par de atrito novo e um menor valor de press?o. Com o intuito de encontrar a melhor combina??o dos n?veis de cada fator que otimize o desempenho global destas duas vari?veis resposta, foi proposta uma t?cnica de otimiza??o de m?ltiplas respostas. Como resultado, obteve-se os n?veis assentados do par de atrito e o menor valor de press?o como os capazes de otimizar as duas vari?veis resposta simultaneamente. Por fim, o banco de ensaios foi adaptado com um motor de maior pot?ncia, o que possibilitou evidenciar e esclarecer mais sobre o efeito brake fade.Brake systems are employed to reduce or maintain the speed of a vehicle, take it to stillness or keep it motionless. The basic principle of friction brake systems is the conversion of the kinetic energy of the vehicle into thermal energy. This study aimed to analyze the operating parameters of a disc brake system for motorcycles using a test bench based on the Krauss procedure described by ABNT NBR 6143/1995. It was decided to conduct a complete 2? factorial experiment, in which the three control factors considered (type of brake disc, type of pad and the value of brake lever drive pressure) were deliberately altered in two levels each. The properties of the new materials were analyzed and after a certain time of use, called seated materials. To evaluate the performance of the brake system during the braking process, two response variables were analyzed simultaneously: friction coefficient and final temperature. From the experiments, the most satisfactory tribological performance occurred for the constituent materials of the friction pair, disc and pads, set, and a lower value of brake lever drive pressure. As for the temperature, the best result occurred for the materials of the new friction pair and a lower pressure value. In order to find the best combination of levels of each factor that optimizes the overall performance of these two response variables, a multiple response optimization technique was proposed. As a result, the settling levels of the friction pair and the lowest pressure value were obtained as the ones able to optimize the two response variables simultaneously. Finally, the test bench was adapted with a higher power engine, which made it possible to highlight and clarify more about brake fade or brake reduction effect

    Halogenase Genes in Nonribosomal Peptide Synthetase Gene Clusters of Microcystis (Cyanobacteria): Sporadic Distribution and Evolution

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    Cyanobacteria of the genus Microcystis are known to produce secondary metabolites of large structural diversity by nonribosomal peptide synthetase (NRPS) pathways. For a number of such compounds, halogenated congeners have been reported along with nonhalogenated ones. In the present study, chlorinated cyanopeptolin- and/or aeruginosin-type peptides were detected by mass spectrometry in 17 out of 28 axenic strains of Microcystis. In these strains, a halogenase gene was identified between 2 genes coding for NRPS modules in respective gene clusters, whereas it was consistently absent when the strains produced only nonchlorinated corresponding congeners. Nucleotide sequences were obtained for 12 complete halogenase genes and 14 intermodule regions of gene clusters lacking a halogenase gene or containing only fragments of it. When a halogenase gene was found absent, a specific, identical excision pattern was observed for both synthetase gene clusters in most strains. A phylogenetic analysis including other bacterial halogenases showed that the NRPS-related halogenases of Microcystis form a monophyletic group divided into 2 subgroups, corresponding to either the cyanopeptolin or the aeruginosin peptide synthetases. The distribution of these peptide synthetase gene clusters, among the tested Microcystis strains, was found in relative agreement with their phylogeny reconstructed from 16S–23S rDNA intergenic spacer sequences, whereas the distribution of the associated halogenase genes appears to be sporadic. The presented data suggest that in cyanobacteria these prevalent halogenase genes originated from an ancient horizontal gene transfer followed by duplication in the cyanobacterial lineage. We propose an evolutionary scenario implying repeated gene losses to explain the distribution of halogenase genes in 2 NRPS gene clusters that subsequently defines the seemingly erratic production of halogenated and nonhalogenated aeruginosins and cyanopeptolins among Microcystis strains

    Biological evaluation of crude and degummed oil from Moringa oleifera seeds.

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    The aim of this work was to evaluate the oil extracted from Moringa oleifera (fam. Moringaceae) seeds from the nutritional standpoint. Nutritional evaluation of crude or degummed moringa oil or soybean oil (as a control) involved the determination of the Food Efficiency (FE) in male Fisher rats and the fatty acid composition of the moringa oil. Hepatic and renal functions were assessed by measuring serum transaminases activity and urea and creatinine concentrations, respectively. Serum cholesterol and triglycerides, alkaline phosphatase, total proteins and albumine were also measured. Results showed that FE was slightly increased by the crude moringa oil while no differences were found between the soybean and degummed moringa oil regarding this parameter. Renal or hepatic injures as well as major alterations in serum proteins were not induced by the tested oils. These results suggested that degummed M. oleifera oil possessed adequate biological quality as compared to the crude oil
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