90 research outputs found

    L'ús d'animals a la medicina de la tradició llatina: estudi del Tresor de la Beutat, un tractat medieval dedicat als cosmètics femenins

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    L’ús de productes derivats d’animals (Zooteràpia) ha format part de l’arsenal terapèutic dermatològic en les diverses cultures a través del temps. El Tresor de Beutat és un tractat medieval dedicat als cosmètics femenins i la salut, escrit en català medieval que es conserva a la Biblioteca de la Universitat de Barcelona. Descriu més de 200 remeis i tractaments per a les dones del segle XIV . Molts d’aquests tractaments eren productes d’origen animal. Estudiem el Tresor de Beutat per determinar quins animals i quines de les seves parts eren emprades, així com la forma d’utilització i indicacions terapèutiques. El document original va ser transcrit al català formal i el text analitzat per tal d’identificar totes les substàncies d’origen animal destinades a la teràpia. Aquestes substàncies van ser ordenades segons l’espècie, i es van estudiar les diferents parts emprades dels animals, la manera de preparació i les seves indicacions. Es van identificar un total de 223 substàncies o elements (animals, plantes i minerals) utilitzats com a remeis. D’ells, 47 (21%) eren d’origen animal, pertanyents a 30 animals, 15 mamífers, 7 aus, 4 animals marins, 2 de rèptils i amfibis i 2 insectes. Les diferents parts dels animals utilitzats inclouen la pell, el greix, els ronyons, el cervell, les banyes, les ungles, les secrecions anals, glàndules mamàries o salivals, la femta, o fins i tot l’animal sencer, en el cas dels mamífers. De les aus, s’usaven les plomes, ous, greixos, els nius, el cap, el suc propi de l’animal, i els excrements. Dels animals marins es va emprar l’animal a trossos, els ossos i els ous, i dels insectes els ous de formiga; la mel i la cera d’abelles; dels rèptils i amfibis els ous i la sang. Els tractaments s’utilitzen principalment per a la cara, com a cosmètics per al cabell i el cos, la higiene, la salut general i per la pell. També per l’esfera otorinolaringològica, ocular, els trastorns dentals, i ginecològics, així com per a l’alleugeriment del dolor. El Tresor de Beutat proporciona informació sobre el coneixement dels tractaments tòpics, amb una base científica (i no màgica) amb una àmplia gamma de recursos d’origen animal, amb les formulacions acuradament elaborades per a fins cosmètics i terapèutics dissenyats per assolir l’ideal de la bellesa i la salut en les dones medievals, sent evident en les bases d’alguns tractaments tòpics utilitzats en el segle XXI

    L'ús d'animals a la medicina de la tradició llatina: estudi del Tresor de la Beutat, un tractat medieval dedicat als cosmètics femenins

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    L’ús de productes derivats d’animals (Zooteràpia) ha format part de l’arsenal terapèutic dermatològic en les diverses cultures a través del  temps. El Tresor de Beutat és un tractat medieval dedicat als cosmètics  femenins i la salut, escrit en català medieval que es conserva a la  Biblioteca de la Universitat de Barcelona. Descriu més de 200 remeis i  tractaments per a les dones del segle XIV . Molts d’aquests tractaments  eren productes d’origen animal. Estudiem el Tresor de Beutat per  determinar quins animals i quines de les seves parts eren emprades, així  com la forma d’utilització i indicacions terapèutiques. El document original  va ser transcrit al català formal i el text analitzat per tal d’identificar totes  les substàncies d’origen animal destinades a la teràpia. Aquestes  substàncies van ser ordenades segons l’espècie, i es van estudiar les  diferents parts emprades dels animals, la manera de preparació i les  seves indicacions.Es van identificar un total de 223 substàncies o elements (animals, plantes i minerals) utilitzats com a remeis. D’ells, 47 (21%) eren d’origen  animal, pertanyents a 30 animals, 15 mamífers, 7 aus, 4 animals marins,  2 de rèptils i amfibis i 2 insectes. Les diferents parts dels animals  utilitzats inclouen la pell, el greix, els ronyons, el cervell, les  banyes, les ungles, les secrecions anals, glàndules mamàries o salivals,  la femta, o fins i tot l’animal sencer, en el cas dels mamífers. De les aus,  s’usaven les plomes, ous, greixos, els nius, el cap, el suc propi de  l’animal, i els excrements. Dels animals marins es va emprar l’animal a  trossos, els ossos i els ous, i dels insectes els ous de formiga; la mel i la  cera d’abelles; dels rèptils i amfibis els ous i la sang. Els tractaments  s’utilitzen principalment per a la cara, com a cosmètics per al cabell i el cos, la higiene, la salut general i per la pell. També per l’esfera  otorinolaringològica, ocular, els trastorns dentals, i ginecològics, així com per a l’alleugeriment del dolor. El Tresor de Beutat proporciona informació sobre el coneixement dels tractaments tòpics, amb una base científica (i no màgica) amb una àmplia gamma de recursos d’origen animal, amb les formulacions acuradament elaborades per a fins cosmètics i terapèutics dissenyats per assolir l’ideal de la bellesa i la salut en les dones  medievals, sent evident en les bases d’alguns tractaments tòpics utilitzats en el segle XXI

    Effectiveness and pharmacoeconomic analysis of the treatment of severe asthma with omalizumab in clinical practice

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    Objetivo: Evaluar el gasto sociosanitario tras la incorporación de omalizumab al tratamiento estándar en el control del asma grave, así como analizar su efectividad, en condiciones de práctica clínica. Método: Estudio observacional, retrospectivo y multicéntrico realizado en 12 servicios de neumología de la Comunidad Valenciana. Se analizaron datos de 186 pacientes. Se compararon resultados del año previo y los cinco años posteriores a la incorporación de omalizumab. La efectividad se calculó a partir del incremento de tres puntos en el Asthma Control Test y la reducción del número de exacerbaciones anuales. La utilidad se calculó mediante el número de años de vida ajustados por calidad. En la evaluación económica se incluyeron costes directos e indirectos. Los resultados se expresaron en términos de relación coste-efectividad incremental y relación coste-utilidad incremental. Resultados: Se detectaron mejoras significativas en la función pulmonar, el control del asma, la calidad de vida y el número de años de vida ajustados por calidad, entre el año anterior y el posterior al inicio de omalizumab. Teniendo en cuenta los costes directos e indirectos, la relación coste-efectividad incremental por exacerbación evitada fue de 1.789,28 € (intervalo de confianza 95%: 1.019,13-3.038,12) y de 4.569,38 € (intervalo de confianza 95%: 3.442,86-6.075,05) por incremento de tres puntos en el Asthma Control Test. La relación coste-utilidad incremental por número de años de vida ajustados por calidad ganada fue de 50.239,98 € (intervalo de confianza 95%: 37.209,88-68.923,84). Conclusiones: La introducción de omalizumab en el tratamiento del asma grave es efectiva en condiciones de práctica clínica. Disminuye los costes directos e indirectos y proporciona mejoras significativas en el estado de salud de los pacientesObjective: To assess socio-sanitary expenditure after the addition of omalizumab to standard treatment in the control of severe asthma and to analyse its effectiveness under standard clinical practice. Method: Observational retrospective multicentre study conducted in 12 pneumology services in the Valencian Community, Spain. Data from 186 patients were analysed. Results of the year before and after the addition of omalizumab were compared. Effectiveness was calculated based on a 3-point increase in the Asthma Control Test and a reduction in the number of annual exacerbations. Utility was calculated by the number of quality adjusted life years. The economic assessment included both direct and indirect costs and results were expressed in terms of incremental cost-effectiveness and incremental cost-utility ratio. Results: Significant improvements were found in lung function, asthma control, quality of life, and quality adjusted life years between the year before and after the introduction of omalizumab. Taking into account direct and indirect costs, the incremental cost-effectiveness for each avoided exacerbation was € 1,789.28 (95% CI: € 1,019.13-3,038.12) and € 4,569.38 (95% CI: 3,442.86-6,075.05) per 3-point increase in the Asthma Control Test score. The incremental cost-utility ratio per quality adjusted life years gained was € 50,239.98 (95% CI: 37,209.88-68,923.84). Conclusions: The addition of omalizumab to the treatment regime of patients with severe asthma is effective under standard clinical practice, decreases direct and indirect costs, and provides significant improvements in the health status of patients

    Actualización de la Guía Española de la EPOC (GesEPOC): comorbilidades, automanejo y cuidados paliativos

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    [EN]: The current health care models described in GesEPOC indicate the best way to make a correct diagnosis, the categorization of patients, the appropriate selection of the therapeutic strategy and the management and prevention of exacerbations. In addition, COPD involves several aspects that are crucial in an integrated approach to the health care of these patients. The evaluation of comorbidities in COPD patients represents a healthcare challenge. As part of a comprehensive assessment, the presence of comorbidities related to the clinical presentation, to some diagnostic technique or to some COPD-related treatments should be studied. Likewise, interventions on healthy lifestyle habits, adherence to complex treatments, developing skills to recognize the signs and symptoms of exacerbation, knowing what to do to prevent them and treat them within the framework of a self-management plan are also necessary. Finally, palliative care is one of the pillars in the comprehensive treatment of the COPD patient, seeking to prevent or treat the symptoms of a disease, the side effects of treatment, and the physical, psychological and social problems of patients and their caregivers. Therefore, the main objective of this palliative care is not to prolong life expectancy, but to improve its quality. This chapter of GesEPOC 2021 presents an update on the most important comorbidities, self-management strategies, and palliative care in COPD, and includes a recommendation on the use of opioids for the treatment of refractory dyspnea in COPD.[ES]: Los modelos de atención sanitaria actuales descritos en GesEPOC indican la mejor manera de hacer un diagnóstico correcto, la categorización de los pacientes, la adecuada selección de la estrategia terapéutica y el manejo y la prevención de las agudizaciones. Además, en la EPOC concurren diversos aspectos que resultan cruciales en una aproximación integrada de la atención sanitaria a estos pacientes. La evaluación de las comorbilidades en el paciente con EPOC representa un reto asistencial. Dentro de una valoración integral debe estudiarse la presencia de comorbilidades que tengan relación con la presentación clínica, con alguna técnica diagnóstica o con algunos tratamientos relacionados con la EPOC. Asimismo, son necesarias intervenciones en hábitos de vida saludables, la adhesión a tratamientos complejos, desarrollar capacidades para poder reconocer los signos y síntomas de la exacerbación, saber qué hacer para prevenirlos y tratarlos enmarcados en un plan de automanejo. Finalmente, los cuidados paliativos constituyen uno de los pilares en el tratamiento integral del paciente con EPOC, con los que se buscan prevenir o tratar los síntomas de una enfermedad, los efectos secundarios del tratamiento, y los problemas físicos, psicológicos y sociales de los pacientes y sus cuidadores. Por tanto, el objetivo principal de estos cuidados paliativos no es prolongar la esperanza de vida, sino mejorar su calidad. En este capítulo de GesEPOC 2021 se presenta una actualización sobre las comorbilidades más importantes, las estrategias de automanejo y los cuidados paliativos en la EPOC, y se incluye una recomendación sobre el uso de opiáceos para el tratamiento de la disnea refractaria en la EPOC.Peer reviewe

    Intermittent Hypoxia Is Associated With High Hypoxia Inducible Factor-1α but Not High Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Cell Expression in Tumors of Cutaneous Melanoma Patients

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    Epidemiological associations linking between obstructive sleep apnea and poorer solid malignant tumor outcomes have recently emerged. Putative pathways proposed to explain that these associations have included enhanced hypoxia inducible factor (HIF)-1α and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) cell expression in the tumor and altered immune functions via intermittent hypoxia (IH). Here, we examined relationships between HIF-1α and VEGF expression and nocturnal IH in cutaneous melanoma (CM) tumor samples. Prospectively recruited patients with CM tumor samples were included and underwent overnight polygraphy. General clinical features, apnea-hypopnea index (AHI), desaturation index (DI4%), and CM characteristics were recorded. Histochemical assessments of VEGF and HIF-1α were performed, and the percentage of positive cells (0, 75%) was blindly tabulated for VEGF expression, and as 0, 0-5.9, 6.0-10.0, >10.0% for HIF-1α expression, respectively. Cases with HIF-1α expression >6% (high expression) were compared with those 75% of cells was compared with those with <75%. 376 patients were included. High expression of VEGF and HIF-1α were seen in 88.8 and 4.2% of samples, respectively. High expression of VEGF was only associated with increasing age. However, high expression of HIF-1α was significantly associated with age, Breslow index, AHI, and DI4%. Logistic regression showed that DI4% [OR 1.03 (95% CI: 1.01-1.06)] and Breslow index [OR 1.28 (95% CI: 1.18-1.46)], but not AHI, remained independently associated with the presence of high HIF-1α expression. Thus, IH emerges as an independent risk factor for higher HIF-1α expression in CM tumors and is inferentially linked to worse clinical CM prognostic indicators.IA is supported by SEPAR (086/2014 and 595/2017). MM-G is supported by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (PI16/01772) and cofinanced by the European Development Regional Find “A way to achieve Europe” (ERDF) and SEPAR (211/2012). ER-F is the recipient of a postdoctoral fellowship from “Fundación Científica de la Asociación Española Contra el Cáncer” and supported by FMM-2013/0075 of “Fundación Mutua Madrileña.” JR-P is supported by FIS 2014/1737 from the Spanish Ministry of Health. RF is supported in part by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness—Instituto de Salud Carlos III (FIS-PI14/00004); DG is supported by National Institutes of Health grant 1R01HL130984 and by the Herbert T. Abelson Chair in Pediatrics

    Echocardiographic Changes with Positive Airway Pressure Therapy in Obesity Hypoventilation Syndrome. Long-Term Pickwick Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial

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    Spanish Sleep Network.[Rationale] Obesity hypoventilation syndrome (OHS) has been associated with cardiac dysfunction. However, randomized trials assessing the impact of long-term noninvasive ventilation (NIV) or continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) on cardiac structure and function assessed by echocardiography are lacking. Rationale: Obesity hypoventilation syndrome (OHS) has been associated with cardiac dysfunction. However, randomized trials assessing the impact of long-term noninvasive ventilation (NIV) or continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) on cardiac structure and function assessed by echocardiography are lacking.[Objectives] In a prespecified secondary analysis of the largest multicenter randomized controlled trial of OHS (Pickwick Project; N = 221 patients with OHS and coexistent severe obstructive sleep apnea), we compared the effectiveness of three years of NIV and CPAP on structural and functional echocardiographic changes.[Methods] At baseline and annually during three sequential years, patients underwent transthoracic two-dimensional and Doppler echocardiography. Echocardiographers at each site were blinded to the treatment allocation. Statistical analysis was performed using a linear mixed-effects model with a treatment group and repeated measures interaction to determine the differential effect between CPAP and NIV. Measurements and Main Results: A total of 196 patients were analyzed: 102 were treated with CPAP and 94 were treated with NIV. Systolic pulmonary artery pressure decreased from 40.5 ± 1.47 mm Hg at baseline to 35.3 ± 1.33 mm Hg at three years with CPAP, and from 41.5 ± 1.56 mm Hg to 35.5 ± 1.42 with NIV (P < 0.0001 for longitudinal intragroup changes for both treatment arms). However, there were no significant differences between groups. NIV and CPAP therapies similarly improved left ventricular diastolic dysfunction and reduced left atrial diameter. Both NIV and CPAP improved respiratory function and dyspnea.[Conclusions] In patients with OHS who have concomitant severe obstructive sleep apnea, long-term treatment with NIV and CPAP led to similar degrees of improvement in pulmonary hypertension and left ventricular diastolic dysfunction

    Respiratory Polygraphy Patterns and Risk of Recurrent Cardiovascular Events in Patients With Acute Coronary Syndrome

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    Introduction: Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) severity is based on the apnea-hypopnea index (AHI). The AHI is a simplistic measure that is inadequate for capturing disease severity and its consequences in cardiovascular diseases (CVDs). Deleterious effects of OSA have been suggested to influence the prognosis of specific endotypes of patients with acute coronary syndrome (ACS). We aim to identify respiratory polygraphy (RP) patterns that contribute to identifying the risk of recurrent cardiovascular events in patients with ACS. Methods: Post hoc analysis of the ISAACC study, including 723 patients admitted for a first ACS (NCT01335087) in which RP was performed. To identify specific RP patterns, a principal component analysis (PCA) was performed using six RP parameters: AHI, oxygen desaturation index, mean and minimum oxygen saturation (SaO2), average duration of events and percentage of time with SaO2 < 90%. An independent HypnoLaus population-based cohort was used to validate the RP components. Results: From the ISAACC study, PCA showed that two RP components accounted for 70% of the variance in the RP data. These components were validated in the HypnoLaus cohort, with two similar RP components that explained 71.3% of the variance in the RP data. The first component (component 1) was mainly characterized by low mean SaO2 and obstructive respiratory events with severe desaturation, and the second component (component 2) was characterized by high mean SaO2 and long-duration obstructive respiratory events without severe desaturation. In the ISAACC cohort, component 2 was associated with an increased risk of recurrent cardiovascular events in the third tertile with an adjusted hazard ratio (95% CI) of 2.44 (1.07 to 5.56; p-value = 0.03) compared to first tertile. For component 1, no significant association was found for the risk of recurrent cardiovascular events. Conclusion: A RP component, mainly characterized by intermittent hypoxemia, is associated with a high risk of recurrent cardiovascular events in patients without previous CVD who have suffered a first ACS.Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII; PI10/02763, PI10/02745, PI18/00449, and PI19/00907), co-funded by FEDER, “Una manera de hacer europa,” IRBLleida – Fundació Pifarré, CERCA Programme/Generalitat de Catalunya, SEPAR, ResMed Ltd. (Australia), Esteve-Teijin (Spain), Oxigen Salud (Spain), Associació Lleidatana de Respiratori (ALLER), and Sociedad Española de Sueño (SES). AZ is the recipient of a predoctoral fellowship “Ajuts 2021 de Promoció de la Recerca en Salut-9a edició” from IRBLleida/Diputació de Lleida. JD acknowledges receiving financial support from ISCIII (Miguel Servet 2019: CP19/00108), co-funded by the European Social Fund (ESF), “Investing in your future.” MS-d-l-T has received financial support from a “Ramón y Cajal” grant (RYC2019-027831-I) from the “Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación – Agencia Estatal de Investigación” co-funded by the European Social Fund (ESF)/“Investing in your future.” FB received funding from from ResMed (an Australian company that develops products related to sleep apnea), the Health Research Fund, the Spanish Ministry of Health, the Spanish Respiratory Society, the Catalonian Cardiology Society, Esteve-Teijin (Spain), Oxigen Salud (Spain), and ALLER. The funders were not involved in the study design, collection, analysis, interpretation of data, the writing of this article, or the decision to submit it for publication