14 research outputs found

    Variations in training of surgical oncologists: Proposal for a global curriculum

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    Cyprus souvenir

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    Cooperative Games Among Densely Deployed WLAN Access Points

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    The high popularity of Wi-Fi technology for wireless access has led to a common problem of densely deployed access points (APs) in residential or commercial buildings, competing to use the same or overlapping frequency channels and causing degradation to the user experience due to excessive interference. This degradation is partly caused by the restriction where each client device is allowed to be served only by one of a very limited set of APs (e.g., belonging to the same residential unit), even if it is within the range of (or even has a better signal quality to) many other APs. The current chapter proposes a cooperative strategy to mitigate the interference and enhance the quality of service in dense wireless deployments by having neighboring APs agree to take turns (e.g., in round-robin fashion) to serve each other’s clients. We present and analyze a cooperative game-theoretic model of the incentives involved in such cooperation and identify the conditions under which cooperation would be beneficial for the participating APs

    SALL - Roadmap For Living Labs In Education

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    <p>The <strong>Roadmap For Living Labs in Education</strong> is made to inspire and help you transform the way you plan and implement education projects using the Living Lab methodology. It takes its roots in <strong>Open Schooling</strong>.<br><br>The goal is to empower students to become actors in their educational journey and provide meaning to what they learn at school by building sustainable solutions with their community.</p><p>This hands-on manual will provide you with an easy and flexible methodology, some inspiring examples of existing Living Labs projects in Education, and practical tools that have been tested and approved by educators across Europe. It contains, among other things, icebreaking, practical activities to create a supportive and caring community and the recording of masterclasses exploring what the approach can bring to culture and education.</p><p>The Living Lab approach holds the potential to benefit students, teachers, schools and the local community It has yielded numerous benefits for all participants, among them a positive impact on science attitudes, civic engagement and motivation. This methodology can require a stronger motivation than more traditional approaches, but it's so rewarding! Dont' be too ambitious in the beginning and start small. A project can always grow later. There are also many rewarding possibilities to build around existing projects that you have already implemented.</p><p>This roadmap for Living Lab in education will help you gather a strong community around your initiatives and build new relationships inside and outside your institution.</p&gt

    MAPP Dataset

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    Database on Political Party Membership Figures. Spatial Units: National level; Unit of analysis: Parties; Unit of observation: Number of party members (M) per party per yea

    Joint EVS/WVS 2017-2021 Dataset (Joint EVS/WVS)

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    The European Values Study (EVS) and the World Values Survey (WVS) are two large-scale, cross-national and longitudinal survey research programmes. They include a large number of questions on moral, religious, social, political, occupational and family values which have been replicated since the early eighties. Both organizations agreed to cooperate in joint data collection from 2017. EVS has been responsible for planning and conducting surveys in European countries, using the EVS questionnaire and EVS methodological guidelines. WVSA has been responsible for planning and conducting surveys in countries in the world outside Europe, using the WVS questionnaire and WVS methodological guidelines. Both organisations developed their draft master questionnaires independently. The joint items define the Common Core of both questionnaires. The Joint EVS/WVS is constructed from the two EVS and WVS source datasets: - European Values Study 2017 Integrated Dataset (EVS 2017), ZA7500 Data file Version 4.0.0, doi:10.4232/1.13560 (https://doi.org/10.4232/1.13560). - European Values Study 2017: Ukraine (EVS 2017), ZA7539 Data file Version 1.0.0, doi:10.4232/1.13714 (https://doi.org/10.4232/1.13714). - World Values Survey: Round Seven–Country-Pooled Datafile. Version 2.0.0, doi: 10.14281/18241.13 (https://doi.org/10.14281/18241.13).The European Values Study (EVS) and the World Values Survey (WVS) are two large-scale, cross-national and longitudinal survey research programmes. They include a large number of questions on moral, religious, social, political, occupational and family values which have been replicated since the early eighties. Both organizations agreed to cooperate in joint data collection from 2017. EVS has been responsible for planning and conducting surveys in European countries, using the EVS questionnaire and EVS methodological guidelines. WVSA has been responsible for planning and conducting surveys in countries in the world outside Europe, using the WVS questionnaire and WVS methodological guidelines. Both organisations developed their draft master questionnaires independently. The joint items define the Common Core of both questionnaires. The Joint EVS/WVS is constructed from the two EVS and WVS source datasets: - European Values Study 2017 Integrated Dataset (EVS 2017), ZA7500 Data file Version 4.0.0, doi:10.4232/1.13560 (https://doi.org/10.4232/1.13560). - European Values Study 2017: Ukraine (EVS 2017), ZA7539 Data file Version 1.0.0, doi:10.4232/1.13714 (https://doi.org/10.4232/1.13714). - World Values Survey: Round Seven–Country-Pooled Datafile. Version 2.0.0, doi: 10.14281/18241.13 (https://doi.org/10.14281/18241.13)

    Next-generation ARIA care pathways for rhinitis and asthma: a model for multimorbid chronic diseases

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    Abstract Background In all societies, the burden and cost of allergic and chronic respiratory diseases are increasing rapidly. Most economies are struggling to deliver modern health care effectively. There is a need to support the transformation of the health care system into integrated care with organizational health literacy. Main body As an example for chronic disease care, MASK (Mobile Airways Sentinel NetworK), a new project of the ARIA (Allergic Rhinitis and its Impact on Asthma) initiative, and POLLAR (Impact of Air POLLution on Asthma and Rhinitis, EIT Health), in collaboration with professional and patient organizations in the field of allergy and airway diseases, are proposing real-life ICPs centred around the patient with rhinitis, and using mHealth to monitor environmental exposure. Three aspects of care pathways are being developed: (i) Patient participation, health literacy and self-care through technology-assisted “patient activation”, (ii) Implementation of care pathways by pharmacists and (iii) Next-generation guidelines assessing the recommendations of GRADE guidelines in rhinitis and asthma using real-world evidence (RWE) obtained through mobile technology. The EU and global political agendas are of great importance in supporting the digital transformation of health and care, and MASK has been recognized by DG Santé as a Good Practice in the field of digitally-enabled, integrated, person-centred care. Conclusion In 20 years, ARIA has considerably evolved from the first multimorbidity guideline in respiratory diseases to the digital transformation of health and care with a strong political involvement

    Next-generation ARIA care pathways for rhinitis and asthma: a model for multimorbid chronic diseases

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    Abstract Background In all societies, the burden and cost of allergic and chronic respiratory diseases are increasing rapidly. Most economies are struggling to deliver modern health care effectively. There is a need to support the transformation of the health care system into integrated care with organizational health literacy. Main body As an example for chronic disease care, MASK (Mobile Airways Sentinel NetworK), a new project of the ARIA (Allergic Rhinitis and its Impact on Asthma) initiative, and POLLAR (Impact of Air POLLution on Asthma and Rhinitis, EIT Health), in collaboration with professional and patient organizations in the field of allergy and airway diseases, are proposing real-life ICPs centred around the patient with rhinitis, and using mHealth to monitor environmental exposure. Three aspects of care pathways are being developed: (i) Patient participation, health literacy and self-care through technology-assisted “patient activation”, (ii) Implementation of care pathways by pharmacists and (iii) Next-generation guidelines assessing the recommendations of GRADE guidelines in rhinitis and asthma using real-world evidence (RWE) obtained through mobile technology. The EU and global political agendas are of great importance in supporting the digital transformation of health and care, and MASK has been recognized by DG Santé as a Good Practice in the field of digitally-enabled, integrated, person-centred care. Conclusion In 20 years, ARIA has considerably evolved from the first multimorbidity guideline in respiratory diseases to the digital transformation of health and care with a strong political involvement

    International Social Survey Programme: Religion I-III - ISSP 1991-1998-2008

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    Die Kumulation der ISSP-Studien aus den Jahren 1991, 1998 und 2008besteht aus zwei Datensätzen: ZA5070 und ZA5071. Die vorliegendeStudienbeschreibung bezieht sich auf den Datensatz ZA5070. Er enthältalle kumulierten inhaltlichen sowie Demographievariablen. DerZusatzdatensatz ZA5071 enthält dagegen jene, meist länderspezifischenVariablen, die aus den verschiedensten Gründen nicht kumulierbar waren.Diese Variablen können jedoch, wenn nötig, sehr leicht in denHauptdatensatz integriert werden. Einen umfassenden Überblick über denAufbau der Kumulation, die Variablen und die wichtigstenKodierungsentscheidungen bietet das nachfolgende pdf-Dokument: Guide for the ISSP ´Religion´ cumulation of the years 1991, 1998 and 2008 Einstellung zur religiösen Praxis. Themen: Einschätzung des persönlichen Glücksgefühls; Verantwortung desStaates für die Bereitstellung von Arbeitsplätzen und den Abbau vonUnterschieden zwischen Reich und Arm; Einstellung zu vorehelichemGeschlechtsverkehr und zu außerehelichem Geschlechtsverkehr (Ehebruch);Einstellung zu homosexuellen Beziehungen zwischen Erwachsenen;Einstellung zu Abtreibung im Falle von Behinderung oder Krankheit desBabys und im Falle geringen Einkommens der Familie; Rollenverständnisin der Ehe; Einstellung zum Steuerbetrug und zur Angabe falscherInformationen zum Erhalt staatlicher Sozialleistungen;Institutionenvertrauen (Parlament, Unternehmen und Industrie, Kircheund religiöse Organisationen, Gerichte und Rechtssystem, Schulen undBildungssystem); Einstellung zum Einfluss von religiösen Führern aufWähler und Regierung; Beurteilung der Macht von Kirchen und religiösenOrganisationen im Lande; Zweifel oder fester Glaube an Gott (SkalaDeismus); Glaube an: ein Leben nach dem Tod, Himmel, Hölle, Wunder;Einstellung zur Bibel; Einstellung zu einer höheren Wahrheit und zumSinn des Lebens (Gott kümmert sich um jeden Menschen persönlich, nurwenig persönlicher Einfluss auf das Leben möglich (Fatalismus), Lebenhat nur einen Sinn aufgrund der Existenz Gottes, Leben dient keinemZweck, eigenes Tun verleiht dem Leben Sinn); jeder gestaltet seinSchicksal selbst; Bekehrung zum Glauben nach einem Schlüsselerlebnis;Religion der Mutter, des Vaters und des Ehepartners bzw. Partners;Religion, mit der der Befragte aufgewachsen ist; Kirchgangshäufigkeitdes Vaters und der Mutter in der Kindheit des Befragten; persönlicheKirchgangshäufigkeit in der Jugend; Häufigkeit des Betens und derTeilnahme an religiösen Aktivitäten; Selbsteinschätzung derReligiosität und Spiritualität; Glaube an Glücksbringer, Wahrsager,Gesundbeter und Horoskope; Erlebnis von Wiedergeburt; Konzept von Gott(semantisches Differential: Mutter/Vater, Herr und Meister/Ehepartner,Richter/Liebender, Freund/König); Weltimage: Schlechtes versus Gutes,der Mensch ist gut versus korrupt; Personenvertrauen; Einstellung zuWissenschaft und Religion (Skala: moderne Wissenschaft bringt mehrSchaden als Nutzen, zu viel Vertrauen in die Wissenschaft und zu wenigreligiöses Vertrauen, Religionen bringen mehr Konflikte als Frieden,Intoleranz von Menschen mit starken religiösen Überzeugungen); Wahrheitin einer oder in allen Religionen; demokratische oder göttliche Gesetzeals Grundlage für Entscheidungen zwischen richtig und falsch. Demographie: Geschlecht; Alter; Familienstand; Zusammenleben mit einemPartner; Jahre der Schulbildung, höchster Bildungsabschluss;derzeitiger Beschäftigungsstatus des Befragten und seines Partners;Wochenarbeitszeit; Beruf (ISCO-88) des Befragten und seines Partners;Vorgesetztenfunktion; Beschäftigung im privaten oder öffentlichenDienst oder Selbständigkeit; Selbständige wurden gefragt: Anzahl derBeschäftigten; Gewerkschaftsmitgliedschaft; Haushaltsgröße;Haushaltszusammensetzung; Parteipräferenz (links-rechts),länderspezifische Parteipräferenz; Wahlbeteiligung bei der letztenWahl; Kirchgangshäufigkeit; Konfession (länderspezifisch); Selbsteinstufung auf einer Oben-Unten-Skala; Region (länderspezifisch). Zusätzlich verkodet wurde: Gewichtungsfaktoren