62 research outputs found

    Ensino Superior em turismo: satisfação e empregabilidade

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    Tese de dout., Turismo, Faculdade de Economia, Univ. do Algarve, 201

    A satisfação dos licenciados em turismo: os novos desafios para as Instituções de Ensino Superior e para o setor do turismo.

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    O presente estudo analisa os elementos antecedentes e consequentes da satisfação do diplomado em Turismo em relação à Instituição de Ensino Superior (IES) frequentada, considerando ainda o seu conhecimento do setor do Turismo enquanto profissional desta área. Este encontro de experiências representará uma fonte de informação chave para o posicionamento e gestão estratégicos das IES com oferta formativa em Turismo, bem como para a indústria do Turismo, que reconhecerá as que correspondem de forma mais assertiva às necessidades dos atuais profissionais do Turismo. Utilizando um quadro conceptual baseado na análise da satisfação do consumidor e recorrendo à técnica Partial Least Square – Path Modelling, procurou-se analisar a relação entre as variáveis que integram o processo de formação da satisfação do consumidor considerado, e que se baseia na metodologias dos Índices Nacionais de Satisfação do Consumidor, e algumas caraterísticas da amostra. Os resultados evidenciam a variável imagem como o elemento principal no processo de formação da satisfação dos inquiridos em relação à IES frequentada e indicam ainda distinções relevantes na perceção dos inquiridos ao nível da natureza da IES, ensino universitário ou politécnico

    Account for variation by field in publication: bibliometric databases’ analysis in a Portuguese Higher Education Institution

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    [EN] This study seeks to examine the variation by field in publication practices in a Portuguese Higher Education Institution (HEI), where both research in Social Sciences and in Hard Sciences is conducted. The intention is to raise the issue of the suitability of bibliometrics for the Professors/researchers’ evaluation considering their areas of research, as well as understanding the sort of use they make of these instruments. Different Bibliometric Databases were managed to analyze the use given to them by all the researchers in this HEI and to find out the main differences in its use according to the researched field of study. These results might represent a valuable source of information for HEIs in the process of finding the balance between the different procedures and format for the evaluation of researchers, to identify their in/ability to proficiently use these tools and to study the suitability of each tool to different profiles.This work is financed by national funds through FCT - Foundation for Science and Technology, IP, within the scope of the reference project UIDB/04470/2020Malheiros, C.; Gomes, C.; Campos, F.; Eurico, S. (2023). Account for variation by field in publication: bibliometric databases’ analysis in a Portuguese Higher Education Institution. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 151-158. https://doi.org/10.4995/CARMA2023.2023.1641315115

    Segmenting graduates consumers of higher education in tourism: An extension of the ECSI Model

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    This research explores the European Consumer Satisfaction Index model applied to higher education in tourism by accounting for unobserved heterogeneity. In particular, it intends to identify segments of Higher Education Institutions’ consumers based on the structural model estimates of the European Consumer Satisfaction Index, enlarged with the employability construct. A model-based segmentation approach in Partial Least Squares path modelling is used. The European Consumer Satisfaction Index was properly adjusted to the educational framework and has shown its effectiveness when assessing students’ satisfaction regarding the attended Higher Education Institution. Two distinctive, graduates’ segments were identified using a sample of 166 Higher Education Institutions’ consumers. Results confirm the assumption of heterogeneity as the relationships differ across segments and the need for Higher Education Institutions to differently target those segments in such a competitive context. These results may be used strategically by Higher Education Institutions and policy makers as segments of graduates are identified according to their perception of employability and the future influence of this on their satisfaction. Deepening the knowledge on their consumers, Higher Education Institutions will be better prepared to adjust their educational performance to graduates’ best interests and to promote their offer

    Analysis and comparison of a hydraulic and pneumatic system using the Dymola software

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    This work addresses the modelling of a system using Modelica language and the Dymola software tool. Dymola is a modelling and simulation environment that uses the open Modelica language to map hardware components of physical systems directly into software components. Therefore, this modelling language allows the user to model a system in a physical form, rather than a mathematical fashion, through the use of general equations, objects, and links. This paper as an informative character about a tool for the development of mechatronic systems. The topics covered here are part of a more extensive modelling and simulation work on the dynamics of mechanical systems, within the scope of an Integrated Master in Mechanical Engineering. This study was carried out based on the comparison between pneumatic and hydraulic models of the same system. Therefore, it was modeled a system used in backhoe loaders that can be operated either using a hydraulic or a pneumatic cylinder. The activity focuses, essentially, on the analysis of parameters that describe the behaviour of the system, emphasizing the position, velocity, acceleration and loads observed in both cylinders. The goal is to introduce the reader to the Dymola environment and Modelica language by addressing the modelling of a system. This study also pretends to identify significant differences regarding the behaviour performance of the pneumatic and hydraulic approaches to model the selected system, and the causes that lead to such differences.(undefined)info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Probiotic supplementation for Rheumatoid Arthritis: a promising adjuvant therapy in the gut microbiome era

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    Copyright © 2021 Ferro, Charneca, Dourado, Guerreiro and Fonseca. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY). The use, distribution or reproduction in other forums is permitted, provided the original author(s) and the copyright owner(s) are credited and that the original publication in this journal is cited, in accordance with accepted academic practice. No use, distribution or reproduction is permitted which does not comply with these terms.Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic immune-mediated inflammatory disease that ultimately leads to joint destruction and functional disability. Although the exact etiology of RA is not fully understood, it is well established that gut microbiota (GM) plays a vital role in the pathogenesis of RA, with accumulating evidence suggesting that gut dysbiosis induces a chronic inflammatory response that may be linked to disease development. Of interest, patients with RA have significant changes in the intestinal microbiota compared to healthy controls, and several studies have suggested the use of probiotics as a possible adjuvant therapy for RA. Benefits of probiotic supplementation were reported in animal models of arthritis and human studies, but the current evidence regarding the effect of probiotic supplementation in the management of RA remains insufficient to make definite recommendations. Several different strains of Lactobacillus and Bifidobacteria, as single species or in mixed culture, have been investigated, and some have demonstrated beneficial effects on disease activity in RA human subjects. As of now, L.casei probiotic bacteria seems to be the strongest candidate for application as adjuvant therapy for RA patients. In this review, we highlight the role of GM in the development and progression of RA and summarize the current knowledge on the use of probiotics as a potential adjuvant therapy for RA. We also review the proposed mechanisms whereby probiotics regulate inflammation. Finally, the role of fermented foods is discussed as a possible alternative to probiotic supplements since they have also been reported to have health benefits.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Revisiting ionic liquid structure‐property relationship: A critical analysis

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    grant number 201863/2014-6 UIDB/04378/2020 UIDB/50025/2020-2023 POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007688 PTDC/QUI-QFI/31508/2017 FCT-(ROTEIRO/0031/2013-PINFRA/22161/2016 UIDB/04378/2020In the last few years, ionic liquids (ILs) have been the focus of extensive studies concerning the relationship between structure and properties and how this impacts their application. Despite a large number of studies, several topics remain controversial or not fully answered, such as: the existence of ion pairs, the concept of free volume and the effect of water and its implications in the modulation of ILs physicochemical properties. In this paper, we present a critical review of state‐of-the‐art literature regarding structure–property relationship of ILs, we re‐examine analytical theories on the structure–property correlations and present new perspectives based on the existing data. The interrelation between transport properties (viscosity, diffusion, conductivity) of IL structure and free volume are analysed and discussed at a molecular level. In addition, we demonstrate how the analysis of microscopic features (particularly using NMR‐derived data) can be used to explain and predict macroscopic properties, reaching new perspectives on the properties and application of ILs.publishersversionpublishe

    Let’s Write a Short Story… About Peniche

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    Informações sobre autores dos Contos in Prefácio: A orientação, revisão e edição dos textos coube-nos a nós [Natália Pérez Santos| Sofia Eurico] que, somamos uma satisfação acrescida e aproveitamos este espaço para agradecer novamente aos estudantes: - Gabriel Santos; Inês Polido; João Pedro Martins; Marta Câmara; Pedro Alpendre; Beatriz Brás; Diogo Branco; Inês de Mata; Renata Franco; Daniela Silva; Henrique Rodrigues; Inês Matos; Mielson Nancassa; Alexandre Silva; António Rodrigues; João Pereira; José Fernandes; Maria Almeida; Alice Paulo; Lara Pinto; Maria do Mar; Mariana Oliveira; Alexandra Vasco; Duarte Quintino; Matilde Martins; Rita Sintra. Peniche , Setembro 2023 Natália Pérez Santos| Sofia EuricoPrefácio: Na dupla qualidade de editoras deste livro e professoras dos autores destes contos, agradecemos o seu valioso contributo naquele que foi um trabalho pioneiro desenvolvido na Escola Superior de Turismo e Tecnologia do Mar, em Peniche. O desafio lançado à turma de 2º ano da licenciatura em Animação Turística foi apenas o princípio de uma multiplicidade de tarefas que se desenrolaram durante um semestre do ano letivo 2022/2023. O desafio lançado à comunidade docente do Politécnico de Leiria de criação e aplicação de práticas educativas inovadoras pelo Projeto SKill4Future serviu de mote para o início desta aventura pedagógica. O nosso total agradecimento à equipa responsável pelo projeto que se mostrou sempre disponível nas diferentes etapas. Fortalecidas pelo nosso percurso de largos anos de docência a estudantes da área de Animação Turística e Turismo, inspiradas pelos nossos estudantes e ambicionando criar oportunidades de aprendizagem ativa, estimuladas pela nossa participação no Projeto Skills4Future apresentamos, aqui e agora, um dos resultados práticos deste desafio. No âmbito do Património, do Turismo e da Formação Linguística, desenhou-se um conjunto de atividades que visaram a criação e a produção de materiais didáticos inovadores, inclusivos e digitalmente aliciantes, consubstanciados em práticas pedagógicas que combinaram de forma dinâmica a interdisciplinaridade, os conteúdos teóricos, os procedimentos metodológicos e a avaliação. Para a concretização destes materiais contámos com o apoio permanente da UED – Unidade de Ensino à Distância do Politécnico de Leiria – que disponibilizou através das suas valências ferramentas imprescindíveis para a produção deste livro. Ao longo de todo o processo, os estudantes/autores desenvolveram múltiplas competências solicitadas nas diferentes etapas do projeto. São disso exemplo a análise detalhada e imersiva do património cultural de Peniche, a criação de narrativas que interligam o mundo da imaginação com dados factuais, a utilização de diferentes línguas na redação dos contos, a ilustração destes mesmos contos, a conceção de uma versão acessível a diferentes públicos, entre outros. Peniche, Setembro 2023 Natália Pérez Santos| Sofia EuricoN/

    Ultrasound findings and prognosis of shoulder pain: a role for Doppler signal?

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    © 2023 The Authors. Journal of Clinical Ultrasound published by Wiley Periodicals LLC. This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs License, which permits use and distribution in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited, the use is non-commercial and no modifications or adaptations are made.Purpose: To find ultrasound prognostic factors for shoulder pain. Methods: This was an observational, prospective study, comparing the evolution of ultrasound findings with clinical outcomes, in patients with shoulder pain. Data were collected in two appointments, from February 2018 to March 2021. Two-tailed non-parametric statistics were used, and p values <0.05 were considered significant. Results: A total of 79 participants were included in this study (median age 59 years, range 24-70, 61 women). A positive Doppler signal on tendons (p = 0.002) and absent tendon heterogeneity (p = 0.01) were associated with the patient's self-reported improvement. Tendon calcifications with poorly defined contours (p = 0.03) and sparse distribution (p = 0.001) were associated with VAS improvement. A reduction in the number of calcifications (p = 0.004), in the supraspinatus tendon thickness (p = 0.01), in subacromial effusions (p = 0.03), and in color Doppler grade (p = 0.02), between initial and follow-up exams, was found in patients with an improved DASH outcome. Conclusion: A positive Doppler signal on shoulder tendons can be a marker for a better prognosis in shoulder pain. Poorly defined and sparsely distributed calcifications can also indicate a better course of the disease.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio