156 research outputs found

    Optimization of Main Exhaust Fan Systems at Battle Mountain Canada Ltd., Golden Giant Mine

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    In 1997, production needs required that the exhaust conditions at the Golden Giant Mine be maximized. One of the principal exhaust raises, the West Return Air Raise #1, designed to handle some 189 m3/s (400,000 cfm) but operating at 102 m3/s (216,000 cfm), was a primary candidate for optimization. This paper describes the major design changes and installation modifications carried out at this surface fan installation. The new installation not only outperformed the design expectations but also achieved the new mine exhaust requirements

    Prevalence and factors associated with orolabial lesions in beach workers

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    OBJECTIVE: To assess the prevalence and factors associated with orolabial lesions caused by sun exposure in beach workers. METHODS: Cross-sectional study with 362 beach workers from five urban beaches in the city of Natal, northeastern Brazil, from August to December 2010. All subjects completed a validated questionnaire to collect personal, occupational, and health-related information and underwent an orolabial clinical examination by trained examiners. Potential associations between sociodemographic, occupational, and health-related variables and the presence of orolabial lesions were assessed using the chi-square test at a 5% significance level. The multivariate analysis was performed using Poisson regression. RESULTS: Of the 362 workers examined, 27.1% had orolabial lesions. Of these, 76.8% were males, 61.6% dark or black skinned, 94.5% informal workers, and 85.4% reported sun exposure. Most (81.1%) reported using sun protection methods including sunscreen (38.7%), lip balm (15.3%), and cap/hat (72.4%). Twenty-eight percent reported smoking and 48% regular drinking. Sun protection with cap/hat was associated with orolabial lesions caused by sun exposure. CONCLUSIONS: There was found a high prevalence of orolabial lesions in workers exposed to sunlight that was associated with the use of a cap/hat as a sun protection method

    Is Dexamethasone superior to Ketorolac in reducing pain, swelling and trismus following mandibular third molar removal? A split mouth triple-blind randomized clinical trial

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    The preemptive use of anti-inflammatory drugs, such as corticosteroids and NSAIDs, has the potential to reduce pain, swelling and trismus following oral surgery. The aim of this study was to compare the efficacy of dexamethasone and ketorolac tromethamine in reducing pain, swelling and trismus after mandibular third molar removal. The researches implemented a triple-blind, randomized clinical trial. The study was conducted with ASA I individuals aging between 18 and 35 years, which were randomized and submitted to two interventions, one with 8mg dexamethasone and the other with 20mg ketorolac tromethamine given 1h before the procedure. The primary predictor variable was the use of dexamethasone or ketorolac. The primary outcome variable was the postoperative pain level, measured with a Visual Analogue Scale. The secondary outcome variables were the amount of rescue analgesic consumed, swelling and trismus. Repeated-measures ANOVA and t-test for paired samples were used to compare the means. Significance was set at p < 0.05. Fifty individuals were randomized and allocated to intervention, and the sample was composed of 40 subjects who completed the study (27 female and 13 male). Dexamethasone, when compared to ketorolac tromethamine, showed a significantly higher reduction in pain level at 8h, 16h, 24h, 32h, 40h and 72h, in swelling and trismus at 24h, 48h, 72h and 7 days and in total number of rescue analgesics taken up to 72h postoperative (p < 0.05). The clinical performance of dexamethasone in controlling pain, swelling and trismus after mandibular third molar removal was superior to ketorolac tromethamine?s

    Prevalence of ulcerative stomatitis in arbovirus infections in a Brazilian Northeast population

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    Although there are no population-based studies that support an association, there are reports in the literature of mucocutaneous, vesiculobullous and ulcerated lesions in the oral mucosa in cases of arbovirus infection. The aim of this study is to analyze the prevalence of ulcerative stomatitis in individuals affected by arboviruses in a population of the municipality of Arcoverde, Pernambuco, Brazil. 1,003 people living in an area assigned to a Primary Health Care Unit were interviewed. A structured questionnaire was used for data collection, with questions about sociodemographic variables, residence conditions, general health information, as well as information about the general signs and symptoms of arboviruses and specifically about oral lesions. Of the 1,003 individuals interviewed, 815 (81.25%) were infected by one or more arboviruses. Of these, 147 (18%) reported ulcerated oral lesions during arbovirus infections. The association between arbovirus infections and the presence of ulcerated oral lesions was statistically significant (p = 0.000). In these cases, the ulcerated lesions on the oral mucosa appear to be associated with arbovirus infection, especially Chikungunya, although the pathophysiological mechanisms are not defined, and the studies are not sufficient to confirm this association


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    This paper presents reflections on the management of the managerial group of the organizations and challenges for the professionals of Human Resources to provide politics and processes for the management with this group.  Complex questions for the professionals of Human resources are considered:  How to select a manager?  Who is them or this professional?  Which are the most necessary characteristics of him? How to determine his functions?  How to conceive a program of managerial development?  How to evaluate his work?  How to deal with his demands and claims?  How to deal with contradictions inherent of this function? To present a way to answer to these questions, the half-structuralized interviews were realized with 61 managers of averages and great companies in the area of telecommunications and computer science located in the Metropolitan Region of Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais - Brazil, that represent 5.4% of the brazilian sector of services, with 6,3% of the busy staff in the sector.  It is convenient to remember that this segment is of the economy in constant technological and managerial innovations bringing excellent consequences for the companies of the present time in Brazil. In this manner, the joined results translate the clearly relation between the context of changes and the managerial work.  The managers have been pressured to present results and not only to reach goals, but also surpass them.  They need a sensible capacity of adaptation and an interpersonal relationship to collaborate in the direction to the company’s objectives. The managers need to invest in them auto-development and to remain themselves constantly brought up to date, since the knowledge started to be a basic aspect to the exercise of the managerial function.  Finally, it was observed that these professionals have an important paper in the management of the people in these organizations, being responsible for them good functioning, it would have to consist in a specific strategy in the politics and practices management of Human Resources.Este paper apresenta reflexões sobre a gestão do corpo gerencial das organizações e desafios para os profissionais de Recursos Humanos para prover políticas e processos para a gestão desse grupo. São consideradas questões complexas para os profissionais de Recursos Humanos: Como selecionar um gerente? Quem é esse ou essa profissional? Quais as características necessárias a ele? Como determinar suas funções? Como conceber um programa de desenvolvimento gerencial? Como avaliar o seu trabalho? Como lidar com as suas reivindicações e reclamações? Como lidar com as suas contradições profissionais vivenciadas? Para apresentar um caminho para responder a essas questões, buscou-se dados em entrevistas semi-estruturadas realizadas com 61 gerentes de médias e grandes empresas da área de telecomunicações e informática localizadas na Região Metropolitana de Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais - Brasil, que representam 5,4% do setor de serviços brasileiro, com 6,3% do pessoal ocupado no setor (IBGE-PAS, 2002). Trata-se de segmentos da economia em constantes inovações tecnológicas e gerenciais trazendo conseqüências relevantes para as empresas da atualidade. Nesse sentido, os resultados encontrados traduzem claramente a relação entre o contexto de mudanças e o trabalho gerencial. Os gerentes têm sido pressionados a apresentarem resultados e não apenas a atingirem metas, mas supera-las. Para isso, eles necessitam de uma sensível capacidade de adaptação e de relacionamento interpessoal para conseguirem gerir sua equipe e colaborar rumo aos objetivos da empresa. Notou-se que os gerentes precisam investir em seu auto-desenvolvimento e manterem-se constantemente atualizados, já que o conhecimento passou a ser fundamental para o exercício da função gerencial. Por fim, observa-se que esses profissionais têm um papel importante na gestão das pessoas nas organizações e são responsáveis pelo bom funcionamento da mesma, sendo assim, deveriam se constituir em uma estratégia específica nas políticas e práticas de gestão de Recursos Humanos

    Prevalence of lip and perioral Ephelides in beach workers

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    BACKGROUND: Ephelides are small hyperpigmented macules common in the skin, presenting as areas with increased melanin production. Ephelides are observed in genetically predisposed individuals, particularly fair-skinned people highly susceptible to sunburn. OBJECTIVES: This study aimed to determine the prevalence of lip and perioral ephelides in 362 beach workers in the city of Natal (Rio Grande do Norte) and to investigate potential associations with sociodemographic, occupational and general health. METHODS: For this purpose clinical tests were performed by calibrated examiners in the epidemiological area around the lips and the area bounded laterally by the nasolabial groove and at the bottom by the chin. A questionnaire was completed and assessed. The possible associations between sociodemographic variables, occupational and general health with the presence of lip and perioral ephelides were evaluated by chi-square test for a significance level of 5%. RESULTS: Approximately one third of the workers were affected by perioral ephelides (33.7%) and around a quarter of them by lip ephelides (24.0%). Gender was the only variable significantly associated with the presence of perioral ephelides (p = 0.002), unlike lip ephelides which proved to be significantly associated with habits (p = 0.036) and alcoholism (0.030). CONCLUSIONS: The prevalence of ephelides in lip and perioral region was high in the study population, with gender and certain habits associated with its occurrence

    VLA Dashboard: Um Mecanismo para Visualização do Desempenho de Estudantes de Matemática no Ensino Médio

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    Este artigo descreve as contribuições do uso de um mecanismo VLA Dashboard para visualização do desempenho de estudantes do Ensino Médio em avaliações de Matemática Básica aplicadas no Moodle. Diante disso, empregou-se uma pesquisa qualitativa do tipo Estudo de Caso. Em seguida, a coleta foi aplicada em três etapas: pré-Teste, oficina de capacitação e aplicação de avaliação diagnóstica pelos professores. Também, foi usado o Modelo de Aceitação de Tecnologia para os questionários. Os resultados apontam que o uso das técnicas de Visualização da Informação, learning analytics e abordagem multiagente contribuem para melhorar os diagnósticos das atividades avaliativas do professor

    Ciclo Avaliação-Ação: Uma Abordagem para Análise do Desempenho em Matemática de Estudantes do Ensino Fundamental

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    Este artigo descreve a proposta do Ciclo Avaliação-Ação, uma abordagem para avaliação do processo de ensino-aprendizagem usando recursos computacionais de baixo custo e disponíveis para maioria dos professores. Como Estudo de Caso e fundamentado nos descritores da Prova Brasil, aplicaram-se testes simulados de Matemática para estudantes do 9º Ano do Ensino Fundamental, tabulando os dados em Planilhas Eletrônicas para análise dos resultados de cada teste. Calcularam-se estatísticas dos desempenhos individualizados e das turmas, identificando questões com descritores e caracterizando o grau de domínio. Os relatórios forneceram as informações para o professor organizar intervenções pedagógicas focadas nos descritores com maior grau de dificuldade, acelerando o ciclo ensino-aprendizagem-avaliação

    Políticas públicas e projetos para o fortalecimento da cadeia de valor.

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    O texto está organizado em quatro seções. Na primeira, são apresentadas políticas públicas que foram criadas especificamente para a castanha&#8209;da&#8209;amazônia, desde o primeiro instrumento legal aprovado, ainda na década de 1960, até decretos mais recentes, específicos para alguns estados da Amazônia. Na segunda seção, são apresentadas políticas criadas a partir de 2009, quando foi instituído o Plano Nacional de Promoção de Cadeias de Produtos da Sociobiodiversidade (PNPSB), não apenas para a castanha, mas também para diversos outros produtos, a maioria com origem no extrativismo vegetal não madeireiro praticado por povos e comunidades tradicionais. A terceira seção detalha experiências de algumas das políticas públicas no estado do Amapá, onde houve uma significativa articulação entre políticas públicas e ações de outros atores. Na quarta e última seção, apresentamos as considerações finais. 137ODS 2, ODS 3, ODS 8, ODS 11, ODS 12, ODS 13, ODS 17

    <bold>Interaction between Pyridostigmine Bromide and Oxidative Stress</bold>

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    In this chapter the following topics will be addressed: (1) actions of the cholinergic system in the nervous system, commenting on acetylcholine metabolism and acetylcholinesterase metabolism; (2) acetylcholinesterase inhibitors as subtitle in this topic: pharmacological characterization of pyridostigmine bromide, mechanism of action, and therapeutic effect of the drug; (3) use of pyridostigmine bromide in Persian Gulf War; and (4) potential effect of pyridostigmine bromide in oxidative stress, addressing as subtitle the influence of pyridostigmine bromide on the superoxide-hydrogen peroxide imbalance model. Studies indicate that the interaction between pyridostigmine bromide and stressors could trigger genotoxicity, the mechanism associated with the induction of oxidative stress that leads to this side effect of this drug; however, this discussion needs to be better elucidated and may be more discussed as there is interaction between the pyridostigmine bromide and an endogenous oxidative imbalance caused by it or even by the possible interaction of this with genetic variations present in the antioxidant metabolism