19 research outputs found


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    Abstrak: Indonesia terletak di antara dua benua, yaitu Asia dan Australia dan dua Samudra, yaitu Hindia dan Pasifik. Wilayah Indonesia merupakan wilayah yang rawan bencana, seperti gunung berapi, gempa tektonik, banjir, dan tanah longsor. Kesiapan bangunan sementara untuk korban bencana masih kurang dapat memenuhi kebutuhan dan juga kuran dapat cepat dalam pembangunan. Bamboo merupakan pilihan utama untuk bangunan pasca bencana karena mudah didapat dan mudah dikerjakan. Namun banyak kualitas bangunan huntara bambu banyak yang tidak dihuni karena kurang layak huni. Untuk itu diperlukan peningkatan kualitas konstruksi juga nilai fungsinya supaya penghuni tidak menjadi korban kedua dari bangunannya, dengan memperhatikan standart minimum konstruksi yang baik rumus 4S+1D yaitu stabil, strenght, safe, sinergi dan durability. Contoh model pengembangan bangunan dan perlindungan konstruksi pada Huntara bambu di atas sawah, Gereja St. Yakobus Bantul, dan Mushola di tengah sawah.Kata kunci: Pasca Bencana, Konstruksi, Bambu, HuntaraTitle: Development and Protection Model of Post-Disaster Bamboo Construction, Abstract: Indonesia is located between two continents, namely Asia and Australia, and two oceans, the Indian and Pacific Oceans. Region Indonesia is a disaster-prone area, such as volcanoes, tectonic earthquakes, floods, and landslides. The readiness buildings against disasters still do not meet the standards of good construction. Post-disaster shelter building with bamboo material already many tried to cope with the disaster because the bamboo material is easily available and easy to do. Quality of bamboo shelters, many unoccupied for less livable. It is necessary for improved functioning of shelters by taking into account the minimum standards of good construction, 4S + 1D formula that is stable, strong, safe, synergies, and durable. If building shelters already have a foundation of good construction, the shelter would be uninhabitable and last a long time: Examples Bamboo church buildings, Huntara, and Mushola in the middle of rice fields.Keywords: Post-disaster, Construction, Bamboo, Temporary shelter

    Ekspresi Bangunan Sebagai Perwujudan Kepercayaan dan Kearifan Lokal Pada Bangunan Tradisional Nusantara

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    Traditional buildings in Indonesia consist of various types and expressions, with one common thread, namely that each building has the same belief in the big world and the small world. This belief is represented in the building as the head (top), body (center) and feet (bottom) as a part of the building. In the common spatial relationship, the building's central space as the center point, the balance point between the upper and lower rooms as well as the decotomic part around them. This paper aims to describes local wisdom that is manifested in buildings as a form of expression of community trust in responding to situations and conditions of the natural environment and local climate. The content analysis method was carried out to study the influence of different tropical climate types in the western and eastern parts of Indonesia. The results of the analysis show that the influence of tropical humid climate types in the western and eastern parts of Indonesia on buildings is distinguished by the expression of the shape of the roof, walls and floors. Buildings in the western part of Indonesia are affected by a humid tropical climate with more rainfall and higher humidity than in the eastern part of Indonesia

    Pengembangan Program Jembatan Penyeberangan Orang Menjadi Penyeberangan Mobil di Desa Sukatani

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    Human-crossing bridge development project in Sukatani Village, an underdeveloped area in Sukabumi Sub-district, West Java Province on 2013 was a program resulted from a collaborative work between Kementerian Negara Pembangunan Daerah Tertinggal (State Ministry for Development Acceleration in Underdeveloped Regions) and Lembaga Kerjasama Fakultas Teknik Universitas Gadjah Mada (Faculty of Engineering Cooperation Agency). In this program, Dinas Bina Marga dan Tata Ruang Provinsi Jawa Barat was involved as a technical supervisor. In this project, LKFT UGM’s role and function in carrying out the values of Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi were done through the implementation of a social participation model. This social participation model positioned the local community as an object of education and development. The project’s funding from Kementerian PDT was independently managed by Organisasi Masyarakat Sipil (Civil Society Organization). In managing the funding, a progress report scheme was implemented as control and education tool.  The trust that was established among involved parties allowed some kind of coaching process to support a full role from the local society in the bridge development project. Finally, the project resulted in a high quality bridge that exceeded the project’s target and initial expectation from a human crossing bridge to a car crossing bridge. This escalation was able to raise the local society’s confidence and sense of belonging towards the bridge as their own hand work. Then on the next fiscal year of 2014, the local government further improved the bridge’s quality from a car crossing bridge into a heavy vehicle crossing bridge.

    Structural Value Of Empyak

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    ABSTRACT Empyak is a part of the traditional building that must be developed to preserve its existence. This paper explores the impact of construction method and structural behavior of empyak. The identification of how structurally work is essential as a primary information to develop the construction of empyak. Initially, a model with scale 1:3 was made to understand structural behavior under the seismic simulation. Some observation will be done to find out the changing of its shape under seismic forces. The results of this research are limited to understand the function of every element in the building stability. The result of the study will be useful for the development of traditional architecture. Empyak not only regards as a construction element but also as a structural element, which is the subject of the study. Keywords: Empyak, structure, construction, bamboo ABSTRAK Empyak adalah salah satu elemen bangunan tradisional Yogyakarta yang perlu dilestarikan. Artikel ini membahas mengenai konstruksi empyak terhadap perilaku struktur bangunan keseluruhannya. Bagaimana empyak bekerja sebagai elemen struktural perlu dipelajari untuk dikembangkan dengan metode yang lebih modern. Pemahaman mengenai perilaku struktur empyak dilakukan dengan pengamatan model konstruksi dibawak berbagai karakter pembebanan. Observasi terhadap model berfungsi untuk mengetahui perubahan bentuk setelah dilakukan pembebanan. Penelitian ini dibatasi pada fungsi-fungsi struktural setiap elemen empyak untuk mendapatkan bangunan yang stabil. Penelitian ini bermanfaat untuk memahami bagaimana nilai-nilai konstruksi dan struktur yang ada dalam konstruksi empyak. Keywords : Empyak, struktur, konstruksi, bamb

    Community-based tourism: concepts, opportunities and challenges

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    Purpose: The community-based tourism concept needs to be understood deeply. We need to know and predict the opportunities and challenges that exist and will occur in the future in developing the community and tourism as a mutualism. This research analyzed the theories to describe it and derive conclusions for the basic concepts of community-based tourism as well as further explore the cases of applying these concepts to gain opportunities and challenges from community-based tourism  Research methodology: This study is a conceptual article using the literature review method Results: This study elaborates the concepts, opportunities and challenges of the community-based tourism paradigm. Limitations: This study is a secondary data-based analysis (literature review) on the concept of community-based tourism in the social and cultural context of the community, as well as the opportunities and challenges of its application to tourism development Contribution:   This study provides an in-depth and comprehensive view of community-based tourism to assist in exploring approaches and theories in community-based tourism research and planning and policymaking in the tourism sector, especially in the local community aspect

    Entwicklung einer Holzschindelkonstruktion fur Einfachhauser in Java..

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    Stuttgartx, 255 p.: gmb.; 21 cm

    Perlindungan Bangunan Secara Perencanaan dan Konstruksi di Desa Kampung Naga

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    Kampung Naga Village is a traditional village in Tasikmalaya, West Java. The people of Kampung Naga are still very obedient to their ancestral teachings and their belief in Macrocosm. They live together with nature and maintain a harmonious environment. The village of Kampung Naga, which was built with wood materials, was burned down and rebuilt in 1956 and still follows customary rules. In 2009, Kampung Naga was shaken by an earthquake but there was no significant damage to the houses of Kampung Naga. This research wants to reveal their concept of thinking in planning the village area as well as construction so that wooden buildings can withstand more than 60 years of weather and environmental changes. The results of the rational analysis show that the belief of Macrocosm, living with nature is a destructive factor such as treating water, termites, poisonous smoke, but it can shift meaning to a gift that can coexist until now without having to get rid of or defeat one another

    Ketahanan sistem struktur bangunan terhadap angin studi kasus : Mbaru Niang di Desa Wae Rebo, Kabupaten Manggarai, NTT

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    Wae Rebo merupakan salah satu desa di Kabupaten Manggarai yang berada di ketinggian 1200 mdpl. Desa ini memiliki bangunan tradisional berbentuk kerucut dengan ketinggian lima belas meter yang dinamakan mbaru niang. Letaknya yang berada di ketinggian akan berpengaruh pada bangunan terhadap angin dimana semakin tinggi suatu tempat maka semakin besar kecepatan anginnya. Namun hingga saat ini mbaru niang masih berdiri dengan fungsi yang sama sebagai tempat tinggal sejak puluhan tahun. Keterbatasan teknologi saat itu membuat masyarakat Wae Rebo menggunakkan teknologi yang sederhana dalam membangun mbaru niang. Hal ini menjadikan bahasan yang menarik untuk diteliti, dimana tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana ketahanan sistem struktur rumah tradisional mbaru niang yang dibangun oleh masyarakat Wae Rebo terhadap angin. Dan kondisi tersebut menjadikan masalah terhadap konstruksi bangunan yang berada di ketinggian. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini bersifat kualitatif rasionalistik dengan memperoleh data studi literatur dari berbagai jurnal, selain itu juga peneliti melakukan wawancara guna mencocokan data. Hasil dari penelitian ini ditemukan penggunaan sistem struktur bangunan di mbaru niang terhadap angin dapat dikatakan tepat guna, dimana bangunan ini juga memiliki struktur yang terpisah didalamnya. Serta adanya sistem struktur sendi dan jepit sehingga dapat meminimalkan goyangan dari terpaan angin, sistem tersebut diperkuat lagi dengan dengan teknik kunci dari sistem ikat yang membuat setiap sambungan lebih fleksibel

    The Potential of the Bebak Wall Protection Technique on Increasing Construction Stability and Material Bond Strength

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    Bebak, the local building material of East Nusa Tenggara, has long been used as the primary building material, especially as wall material. However, bebak wall construction commonly used today is not yet ideal in terms of its material protection and function. Bebak is a relatively quick damage construction due to termites, which eventually causes the enclosed space's thermal conditions less comfortable. This research is part of the quality improvement program of healthy housing in that region, which focuses on bebakwall protection byplastering the wall with concrete plaster. Two scale models were examined; a wall plasteredonly on one side, and a wall plastered on both sides. By using a simple construction approach, the research aims to evaluate the bebakprotection technique's effects on the construction stability and the bond strength between the bebak composite wall materials. The results of visual evaluations revealed that single-sided plaster on bebak walls could maintain the construction stability and the bond strength of the composite material better than the double-sided one. Furthermore, the evaluation also reveals additional benefits of the plasteredwalls for the users, such as adaptability and simplicity of modular wall replication to build affordable healthy housin