364 research outputs found

    GABA, not glutamate, controls the activity of substantia nigra reticulata neurons in awake, unrestrained rats

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    Substantia nigra pars reticulata (SNr) receives both GABAergic and glutamatergic (GLU) inputs that are believed to act together to regulate neuronal activity in this structure. To examine the role of these inputs, single-unit recording was coupled with iontophoresis of GLU and GABA in rats under two conditions: awake, unrestrained and under chloral hydrate anesthesia. Although GABA potently inhibited SNr cells in both conditions, freely moving rats showed lower sensitivity than anesthetized animals. Likewise, GLU effectively induced excitations in most SNr neurons in anesthetized animals but was much less effective in awake, unrestrained animals in terms of both the number of sensitive cells and the magnitude of GLU-induced excitation. These findings, along with consistent excitations induced by bicuculline in awake, unrestrained rats, suggest that modulation of GABA inhibitory input, not the opposing actions of GLU and GABA, is the primary factor that regulates the activity state of SNr neurons

    Arterial hypertension after surgical closure of omphalocele and gastroschisis

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    Arterial hypertension has been reported as a complication of surgical closure of an abdominal wall defect. No report studying the incidence, the characteristics and the clinical significance of hypertension after surgical correction of an omphalocele or gastroschisis has been published so far. The medical records of all newborns with surgically corrected gastroschisis or omphalocele identified in two centers were retrospectively evaluated. Arterial hypertension was defined as a mean daily systolic and/or diastolic blood pressure value higher than the 95 percentile for age and/or weight, according to literature data. The timing of surgery, weight gain, plasma creatinine and the use of diuretics or vasoactive drugs were compared between the groups with and without hypertension. Seventy-two patients were identified and included in the study, 29 with omphalocele and 43 with gastroschisis. Those with omphalocele were born at a mean age of 37.3±2.6weeks with a mean birth weight of 2,971±715g, and those with gastroschisis were born at 36.1±2.0weeks with a mean birth weight of 2,527±498g. Blood pressure values of 66 patients were available for analysis. Of the omphalocele patients, 46.2% (12/26) developed systolic hypertension, compared to 17.5% (7/40) of the patients with gastroschisis ( P =0.024). Hypertension was always transient, lasting an average of 4 and 1day in the omphalocele and gastroschisis groups, respectively. Two patients with omphalocele were given anti-hypertensive therapy. There was no difference between patients with or without hypertension regarding weight gain, use of vasoactive drugs or diuretics, mean weekly creatinine values or the timing of surgery. Newborns with an abdominal wall defect frequently present with transient arterial hypertension. Hypertension occurs significantly more often, is more severe and lasts longer in patients with omphalocele than in patients with gastroschisis. In both groups, hypertension is transient and rarely requires therapy. The cause of hypertension remains unclea

    Action Potential Waveform Variability Limits Multi-Unit Separation in Freely Behaving Rats

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    Extracellular multi-unit recording is a widely used technique to study spontaneous and evoked neuronal activity in awake behaving animals. These recordings are done using either single-wire or mulitwire electrodes such as tetrodes. In this study we have tested the ability of single-wire electrodes to discriminate activity from multiple neurons under conditions of varying noise and neuronal cell density. Using extracellular single-unit recording, coupled with iontophoresis to drive cell activity across a wide dynamic range, we studied spike waveform variability, and explored systematic differences in single-unit spike waveform within and between brain regions as well as the influence of signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) on the similarity of spike waveforms. We also modelled spike misclassification for a range of cell densities based on neuronal recordings obtained at different SNRs. Modelling predictions were confirmed by classifying spike waveforms from multiple cells with various SNRs using a leading commercial spike-sorting system. Our results show that for single-wire recordings, multiple units can only be reliably distinguished under conditions of high recording SNR (≄4) and low neuronal density (≈20,000/ mm3). Physiological and behavioural changes, as well as technical limitations typical of awake animal preparations, reduce the accuracy of single-channel spike classification, resulting in serious classification errors. For SNR <4, the probability of misclassifying spikes approaches 100% in many cases. Our results suggest that in studies where the SNR is low or neuronal density is high, separation of distinct units needs to be evaluated with great caution

    Intermediate-term results after en bloc double-lung transplantation with bronchial arterial revascularization

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    AbstractObjective: Between May 1990 and January 1994, 18 patients underwent en bloc double-lung transplantation with tracheal anastomosis and bronchial arterial revascularization. Because at that time it was already suggested that chronic ischemia could be a contributing factor in occurrence of obliterative bronchiolitis, the purpose of this study was to evaluate, with a follow-up ranging from 22 to 69 months, the midterm effects of bronchial arterial revascularization on development of obliterative bronchiolitis. Results: Results were assessed according to tracheal healing, functional results, rejection, infection, and incidence of obliterative bronchiolitis. There were no intraoperative deaths or reexplorations for bleeding related to bronchial arterial revascularization, but there were three hospital deaths and five late deaths, two of them related to obliterative bronchiolitis. According to the criteria previously defined, tracheal healing was assessed as grade I, IIa, or IIb in 17 patients and grade IIIa in only one patient. Early angiography (postoperative days 20 to 40) demonstrated a patent graft in 11 of the 14 patients in whom follow-up information was obtained. Ten patients are currently alive with a 43-month mean follow-up. Among the 15 patients surviving more than 1 year, functional results have been excellent except in five in whom obliterative bronchiolitis has developed and who had an early or late graft thrombosis. Furthermore, those patients had a significantly higher incidence of late acute rejection (p < 0.02), cytomegalovirus disease (p < 0.006), and bronchitis episodes (p < 0.0008) than patients free from obliterative bronchiolitis. Conclusion: We conclude that besides its immediate beneficial effect on tracheal healing, long-lasting revascularization was, at least in this small series, associated with an absence of obliterative bronchiolitis, thus suggesting but not yet proving the possible role of chronic ischemia in this multifactorial disease. (J THORAC CARDIOVASC SURG 1996;112:1292-300

    An intragenic mutagenesis strategy in Physcomitrella patens to preserve intron splicing.

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    This is an Open Access article licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License) and originally published in Scientific Reports. You can access the article on the publiser's website by following this link: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-017-05309-w Dette er en vitenskapelig, fagfellevurdert artikkel som opprinnelig ble publisert i Scientific Reports. Artikkelen er publisert under lisensen Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Du kan ogsĂ„ fĂ„ tilgang til artikkelen pĂ„ utgivers hjemmeside ved Ă„ fĂžlge denne lenken: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-017-05309-wGene targeting is a powerful reverse genetics technique for site-specific genome modification. Intrinsic homologous recombination in the moss Physcomitrella patens permits highly effective gene targeting, a characteristic that makes this organism a valuable model for functional genetics. Functional characterization of domains located within a multi-domain protein depends on the ability to generate mutants harboring genetic modifications at internal gene positions while maintaining the reading-frames of the flanking exons. In this study, we designed and evaluated different gene targeting constructs for targeted gene manipulation of sequences corresponding to internal domains of the DEFECTIVE KERNEL1 protein in Physcomitrella patens. Our results show that gene targeting-associated mutagenesis of introns can have adverse effects on splicing, corrupting the normal reading frame of the transcript. We show that successful genetic modification of internal sequences of multi-exon genes depends on gene-targeting strategies which insert the selection marker cassette into the 5â€Č end of the intron and preserve the nucleotide sequence of the targeted intron

    Formalizing of Category Theory in Agda

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    The generality and pervasiness of category theory in modern mathematics makes it a frequent and useful target of formalization. It is however quite challenging to formalize, for a variety of reasons. Agda currently (i.e. in 2020) does not have a standard, working formalization of category theory. We document our work on solving this dilemma. The formalization revealed a number of potential design choices, and we present, motivate and explain the ones we picked. In particular, we find that alternative definitions or alternative proofs from those found in standard textbooks can be advantageous, as well as "fit" Agda's type theory more smoothly. Some definitions regarded as equivalent in standard textbooks turn out to make different "universe level" assumptions, with some being more polymorphic than others. We also pay close attention to engineering issues so that the library integrates well with Agda's own standard library, as well as being compatible with as many of supported type theories in Agda as possible
