17 research outputs found

    Correlating Notch Signaling with Thymocyte Maturation

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    AbstractThe Notch receptor and its ligands are involved in many developmental processes. They are highly expressed in the thymus and have been implicated in the CD4 versus CD8 lineage decision. We identified the constitutively active intracellular fragment of murine Notch-1 as capable of rendering thymomas resistant to glucocorticoid-induced apoptosis. This effect was confirmed in other T cell lines and in CD4+CD8+ DP thymocytes. Activation of the Notch signaling pathway also upregulated a number of other markers that, like steroid resistance, correlate with DP maturation into both the CD4 and CD8 lineages. These results suggest that Notch signaling is critically involved in the maturation of DP thymocytes into both CD4+ and CD8+ SP thymocytes

    An Inducible and Reversible Mouse Genetic Rescue System

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    Inducible and reversible regulation of gene expression is a powerful approach for uncovering gene function. We have established a general method to efficiently produce reversible and inducible gene knockout and rescue in mice. In this system, which we named iKO, the target gene can be turned on and off at will by treating the mice with doxycycline. This method combines two genetically modified mouse lines: a) a KO line with a tetracycline-dependent transactivator replacing the endogenous target gene, and b) a line with a tetracycline-inducible cDNA of the target gene inserted into a tightly regulated (TIGRE) genomic locus, which provides for low basal expression and high inducibility. Such a locus occurs infrequently in the genome and we have developed a method to easily introduce genes into the TIGRE site of mouse embryonic stem (ES) cells by recombinase-mediated insertion. Both KO and TIGRE lines have been engineered for high-throughput, large-scale and cost-effective production of iKO mice. As a proof of concept, we have created iKO mice in the apolipoprotein E (ApoE) gene, which allows for sensitive and quantitative phenotypic analyses. The results demonstrated reversible switching of ApoE transcription, plasma cholesterol levels, and atherosclerosis progression and regression. The iKO system shows stringent regulation and is a versatile genetic system that can easily incorporate other techniques and adapt to a wide range of applications

    Relatório de estágio em farmácia comunitária

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    Relatório de estágio realizado no âmbito do Mestrado Integrado em Ciências Farmacêuticas, apresentado à Faculdade de Farmácia da Universidade de Coimbr

    Universal Dependencies 2.6

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    Universal Dependencies is a project that seeks to develop cross-linguistically consistent treebank annotation for many languages, with the goal of facilitating multilingual parser development, cross-lingual learning, and parsing research from a language typology perspective. The annotation scheme is based on (universal) Stanford dependencies (de Marneffe et al., 2006, 2008, 2014), Google universal part-of-speech tags (Petrov et al., 2012), and the Interset interlingua for morphosyntactic tagsets (Zeman, 2008)