25 research outputs found

    Sobre la versión castellana (fragmentos), José Luis Etcheverry

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    A vanadium/aspirin complex controlled release using a poly(ß-propiolactone) film : Effects on osteosarcoma cells

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    A delivery system for vanadium was developed using poly(ß-propiolactone)(PßPL) films. The release kinetics of a complex of vanadium (IV) with aspirin (VOAspi) was evaluated with lms prepared from polymers of different molecular weights, as well as with variable drug load. A sustained release of vanadium over 7 days was achieved. The drug release kinetics depends on contributions from two factors: (a) diffusion of the drug; and (b) erosion of the PßPL lm. The experimental data at an early stage of release were tted with a diffusion model, which allowed determination of the diffusion coef cient of the drug. VOAspi does not show strong interaction with the polymer, as demonstrated by the low apparent partition coef cient (approximately 10-2). UMR106 osteosarcoma cells were used as a model to evaluate the anticarcinogenic effects of the VOAspi released from the PßPL lm. VOAspi–PßPL lm inhibited cell proliferation in a dose-response manner and induced formation of approximately half of the thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS), an index of lipid peroxidation, compared to that with free VOAspi in solution. The unloaded PßPL lm did not generate cytotoxicity, as evaluated by cell growth and TBARS. Thus, the polymer-embedded VOAspi retained the antiproliferative effects showing lower cytotoxicity than the free drug. Results with VOAspi–PßPL lms suggest that this delivery system may have promising biomedical and therapeutic applications.Facultad de Ciencias Exacta

    A vanadium/aspirin complex controlled release using a poly(ß-propiolactone) film : Effects on osteosarcoma cells

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    A delivery system for vanadium was developed using poly(ß-propiolactone)(PßPL) films. The release kinetics of a complex of vanadium (IV) with aspirin (VOAspi) was evaluated with lms prepared from polymers of different molecular weights, as well as with variable drug load. A sustained release of vanadium over 7 days was achieved. The drug release kinetics depends on contributions from two factors: (a) diffusion of the drug; and (b) erosion of the PßPL lm. The experimental data at an early stage of release were tted with a diffusion model, which allowed determination of the diffusion coef cient of the drug. VOAspi does not show strong interaction with the polymer, as demonstrated by the low apparent partition coef cient (approximately 10-2). UMR106 osteosarcoma cells were used as a model to evaluate the anticarcinogenic effects of the VOAspi released from the PßPL lm. VOAspi–PßPL lm inhibited cell proliferation in a dose-response manner and induced formation of approximately half of the thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS), an index of lipid peroxidation, compared to that with free VOAspi in solution. The unloaded PßPL lm did not generate cytotoxicity, as evaluated by cell growth and TBARS. Thus, the polymer-embedded VOAspi retained the antiproliferative effects showing lower cytotoxicity than the free drug. Results with VOAspi–PßPL lms suggest that this delivery system may have promising biomedical and therapeutic applications.Facultad de Ciencias Exacta

    Propuesta de una aplicación móvil centrada en micro aprendizaje LearnApp

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    Se presenta a continuación LearnApp, una aplicación móvil centrada en el micro aprendizaje (en inglés micro learning), constituyendo una perspectiva o modalidad de aprendizaje orientada a la fragmentación de contenidos didácticos, por medio de los cuales se adquieren determinadas competencias. El aprendizaje se genera en pequeños pasos que, al interconectarse, forman un conocimiento más amplio y profundo a largo plazo. Se caracteriza por ser una forma de aprendizaje realizada en un corto tiempo, que puede ser llevado a cabo en cualquier momento y lugar. El objetivo de incorporar LearnApp al proceso formativo es convertir su uso en un hábito diario para que el aprendizaje se consiga a partir de actividades breves y continuas. Como atractivo, la aplicación incorpora elementos de gamificación que se detallan en el transcurso del presente escrito. En este artículo nos proponemos mostrar la conformación de la aplicación móvil LearnApp centrada en el micro aprendizaje, incorporando elementos de gamificación, con el objetivo de promover el tratamiento de diferentes capacidades relacionadas con el pensamiento computacional e incrementar la participación activa de las y los estudiantes durante todo el proceso educativo. LearnApp fue desarrollada durante el año 2022 por el grupo de investigación de ambientes ubicuos (GIAU), perteneciente a la Facultad de Ingeniería de la UNLPam.Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informátic

    Challenges in Clinico-Genetic Correlations in Parkinson’s disease (PD): The Role of Copy Number Variants (CNV)

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    Parkinson’s disease (PD) represents the second most common neurodegenerative disease and remains incurable. Mutations in multiple genes have been linked to monogenic PD (gPD); these monogenic forms, however, represent a small number of cases while in most instances PD appears as idiopathic (iPD). These findings raise the question of whether genetic and idiopathic parkinsonisms constitute the same disease. Nevertheless, monogenic-PD phenotypes and iPD both fulfill MDS criteria for PD, and show evidence of alpha-synuclein aggregates in both conditions. Distinct genetic loci in rare Mendelian forms have been identified as causal mutations, others as possible disease-causing genes, and genome-wide association studies have reported several risk loci, many of them located in the genes associated with the dominant mutations. Not only single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), but other kinds of DNA molecular defects as well have been spotted as significant disease-causing mutations, including large chromosomal structural rearrangements and copy number variations (CNVs). As their size varies, and detection methodologies have different sensitivity and resolution, CNVs pose a special challenge in genetic studies, and there currently is a debate on the pathogenetic or susceptibility impact of specific CNVs on PD. In this review, through multiple instances of experimental evidence, we analyze the impact on histopathology of the different mutational mechanisms involved in the genesis and etiology of PD. We believe that increasing our knowledge about the changes and implications at tissue level produced by each of those mechanisms will allow to develop much more suitable and personalized potential therapeutic strategies, biomarker identification, as well as disease modeling, agreeing with the precision medicine concept.Fil: Gatto, Emilia Mabel. Instituto de Neurociencias Buenos Aires S. A.; ArgentinaFil: Radrizzani Helguera, Martin. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de San Martín; ArgentinaFil: González Rojas, Natalia. Instituto de Neurociencias Buenos Aires S. A.; ArgentinaFil: Cesarini, Martin Emiliano. Instituto de Neurociencias Buenos Aires S. A.; ArgentinaFil: Etcheverry, José Luis. Instituto de Neurociencias Buenos Aires S. A.; ArgentinaFil: Perandones, Claudia. Dirección Nacional de Instituto de Investigación.Administración Nacional de Laboratorios e Institutos de Salud "Dr. Carlos G. Malbrán"; Argentin

    A vanadium/aspirin complex controlled release using a poly(ß-propiolactone) film : Effects on osteosarcoma cells

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    A delivery system for vanadium was developed using poly(ß-propiolactone)(PßPL) films. The release kinetics of a complex of vanadium (IV) with aspirin (VOAspi) was evaluated with lms prepared from polymers of different molecular weights, as well as with variable drug load. A sustained release of vanadium over 7 days was achieved. The drug release kinetics depends on contributions from two factors: (a) diffusion of the drug; and (b) erosion of the PßPL lm. The experimental data at an early stage of release were tted with a diffusion model, which allowed determination of the diffusion coef cient of the drug. VOAspi does not show strong interaction with the polymer, as demonstrated by the low apparent partition coef cient (approximately 10-2). UMR106 osteosarcoma cells were used as a model to evaluate the anticarcinogenic effects of the VOAspi released from the PßPL lm. VOAspi–PßPL lm inhibited cell proliferation in a dose-response manner and induced formation of approximately half of the thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS), an index of lipid peroxidation, compared to that with free VOAspi in solution. The unloaded PßPL lm did not generate cytotoxicity, as evaluated by cell growth and TBARS. Thus, the polymer-embedded VOAspi retained the antiproliferative effects showing lower cytotoxicity than the free drug. Results with VOAspi–PßPL lms suggest that this delivery system may have promising biomedical and therapeutic applications.Facultad de Ciencias Exacta

    Diseño, desarrollo e implementación de un sistema Web para el control y gestión de la empresa Impresora Contacto Ltda.

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    109 p.Todos conocemos las grandes ventajas que obtienen las empresas al utilizar las tecnologías informáticas, para realizar la gestión y administración de los procesos de producción. En el caso de las medianas empresas donde existe un escaso conocimiento en esta materia, de las posibilidades y ventajas que conlleva computarizar el sistema, y los procesos administrativos se realizan manualmente, es necesario crear un programa que cuente con la posibilidad de adaptar la formula de control y gestión usada actualmente en la empresa. Esta herramienta, debe adaptarse a las necesidades y requerimientos, que ya están interiorizados dentro de la administración de la industria con el objetivo que pueda ser fácilmente adoptada por la empresa, que ayude, agilice y optimice el proceso de ministración y gestión de esta. El no utilizar estos sistemas computacionales se presenta como un problema, sin embargo, su implementación, se convierte en una oportunidad de innovar y en una ventaja competitiva frente a las demás empresas del rubro, desarrollando una nueva forma de realizar el proceso de control y gestión, y asta presentarse como una empresa superior en cuanto a calidad y servicio a las alternativas existentes hoy en el mercado.Es por estas razones que se hace necesaria la creación y ayuda en la implementación de un software a la medida para esta empresa./ABSTRACT: We all know the great advantages that companies get from using cybernetic technologies, from administration to production processing. In the specificase of mid-sized companies, where little or no knowledge of these advantages exist. Usually the administrative processes are done manually, making it necessary to create computer programs that adapt to the administrative necessities and requirements of each company, speeding up and optimizing their management. Not using these computational systems becomes a problem: it's implementation in a company pen opportunities to innovate and get an upper hand before other businesses of the same area. This will allow further development of the company, due to it's newly acquired methods of administration, becoming o ering a superior service, and thus and overall a better quality company compared to it's alternative of the same eld. For these reason is that the creation and implementation of custom software is becoming a necessity for these companies

    C3G, through its GEF activity, induces megakaryocytic differentiation and proplatelet formation

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    [Background]: Megakaryopoiesis allows platelet formation, which is necessary for coagulation, also playing an important role in different pathologies. However, this process remains to be fully characterized. C3G, an activator of Rap1 GTPases, is involved in platelet activation and regulates several differentiation processes. [Methods]: We evaluated C3G function in megakaryopoiesis using transgenic mouse models where C3G and C3GΔCat (mutant lacking the GEF domain) transgenes are expressed exclusively in megakaryocytes and platelets. In addition, we used different clones of K562, HEL and DAMI cell lines with overexpression or silencing of C3G or GATA-1. [Results]: We found that C3G participates in the differentiation of immature hematopoietic cells to megakaryocytes. Accordingly, bone marrow cells from transgenic C3G, but not those from transgenic C3GΔCat mice, showed increased expression of the differentiation markers CD41 and CD61, upon thrombopoietin treatment. Furthermore, C3G overexpression increased the number of CD41+ megakaryocytes with high DNA content. These results are supported by data obtained in the different models of megakaryocytic cell lines. In addition, it was uncovered GATA-1 as a positive regulator of C3G expression. Moreover, C3G transgenic megakaryocytes from fresh bone marrow explants showed increased migration from the osteoblastic to the vascular niche and an enhanced ability to form proplatelets. Although the transgenic expression of C3G in platelets did not alter basal platelet counts, it did increase slightly those induced by TPO injection in vivo. Moreover, platelet C3G induced adipogenesis in the bone marrow under pathological conditions. [Conclusions]: All these data indicate that C3G plays a significant role in different steps of megakaryopoiesis, acting through a mechanism dependent on its GEF activity.This work was supported by grants from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness [SAF2013–48210-C2–1-R and SAF2016–76588-C2–2-R to CG, SAF2013–48210-C2–2-R and SAF2016–76588-C2–1-R to AP], and by two grants from the Council of Education of Junta de Castilla y León, Spain [SA157A12–1 and SA017U16 to CG]. All funding was cosponsored by the European FEDER Program