13 research outputs found

    Produksi Gosipol Menggunakan Kultur Akar Berambut Gossypium hirsutum L. CV. KANESIA 7

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    INTISARI Nurchayati, Y., Wardani, W., dan R.R. Ersyanti. 2006. Produksi gosipol menggunakan kultur akar berambut Gossypium hirsutum L. cv Kanesia 7. Berkala Ilmiah Biologi 5 (1): 51 - 56. Gosipol adalah salah satu metabolit sekunder yang dijumpai pada tanaman kapas, dengan potensi sebagai obat antifertilitas, antimalaria dan antiviras. Selain dapat diekstrak langsung dari biji kapas, produksi metabolit sekunder gosipol dapat diperoleh dari kultur akar berambut yang ditransformasi oleh Agrobacterium rhizogenes. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui potensi induksi bakteri A. rhizogenes strain ATCC-15834 terhadap pembentukan akar berambut Gossypium hirsutum dan mengetahui kandungan gosipol pada kultur akar berambut G. hirsutum pada medium LS dengan penambahan NAA (asam a -naftalen asetat) maupun tanpa NAA. Kultur akar berambut kapas diperoleh dari kotiledon kecambah kapas umur 4 had yang diinfeksi dengan suspensi bakteri A. rhizogenes, dan kemudian didekontaminasi dengan Cefotaksim 100 mg/L. Kandungan gosipol dianalisis secara kualitatif dan kuantitatif dengan KCKT pada X 230 nm dengan perbandingan eluen metanol: air = 1:1. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pertumbuhan akar berambut dan produksi gosipol tampak lebih baik pada medium tanpa penambahan NAA. Gosipol pada kultur akar berambut lebih banyak disekresikan ke dalam medium. Kata kunci: Agrobacterium rhizogenes, gosipol, kultur akar berambut

    Banana Flower-Insect Interaction: Alpha-Pinene as Potential Attractant for the Insect Vector of Banana Blood Disease

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    Volatile metabolites are produced by plants for self-defense and as communication mediators with the environment. Terpenes are volatiles emitted as odorant cues for herbivores and microorganisms. This study was aimed to investigate volatile metabolites produced by banana flowers that attract insect vectors of BBD. The volatile metabolites from banana flowers were extracted by headspace-solid phase microextraction (HS-SPME) and identified by gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC-MS). It was apparent that the concentrations of the metabolite alpha-pinene gradually increased from the first to the the third stage. Comparison of metabolites produced by symptomatic banana male flowers for BBD infection with non-symptomatic ones showed that the concentration of alpha-pinene was higher in symptomatic male flowers. In addition, preference for alpha-pinene was tested on three insect vector species (Rhodesiella bhutanensis, Drosophila sp., and Musca sp.), analyzed by M. Anova p<0.001, F(1.5) =12.539 and Duncan test. Results showed that the insect vectors were mostly attracted to 20 µl volume of alpha-pinene compared to the other volumes and that alpha-pinene functioned as an attractant to these insects. This research is important for the formulation of attractants for insect vectors of BBD to control transmission of banana blood disease

    Possibility of sap-feeding beetle, nitidulidae, as a spreading agent for blood disease bacterium on the banana plant

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    Banana blood disease (BBD) caused by blood disease bacterium (BDB) is one of the major diseases of Indonesian banana plants. The foraging activity of flower-visiting insects was suspected as the vectors of the disease. This study aims at analyzing the potential of the sap-feeding beetle, Nitidulidae, as a vector of BDB. Beetle collection was done by using purposive sampling method on three cultivars of banana inflorescence: Nangka, Klutuk, and Siem. The bacterium was isolated from the outside and the inside of beetle tissues and was followed with bacterial DNA extraction. Confirmation of bacterial cell culture as BDB was conducted by biochemical assay and PCR using 16S rDNA oligonucleotide. The findings revealed that the beetle population in the three cultivars of banana cultivars was Nangka (66%), Siem (19%) and Klutuk (16%). According to the biochemical assay and PCR result, it has been found that the bacterial cell culture was found positive as BDB, which was putative 79% and homolog with BDB that is in accordance with the data provided by NCBI. Thereby, the discovery of BDB in sap-feeding beetle, Nitidulidae, showed that the foraging activity has the potential as an agent of spreader of BDB in banana plants

    Pola Produksiajmalisin Darikultur Agregat Sel Catharanthus Roseus (L) G Don. Dalam Bioreaktor [Production Pattern of Ajmalicine in Catharanthus Roseus (L) G Don. Cell Aggregates Culture in the Bioreactor]

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    A research has been conducted to optimize the rate of aeration and initial cell aggregates weight in the production of ajmalicine in Catharanthus roseus cell culture in bioreactor. Catharanthus roseus culture were grown in Zenk medium with the addition of 2.5 x 10"6 M NAA ('naphthalene acetic acid') and 10s M BAP ('benzyl amino purine'). Cell aggregates were subcultured two times before transferring 20 and 30 g/fw of cell aggregates into bioreactor, respectively, and aerated with the rate of 0.2460 L/min and 0,3405 L/min, respectively. The pattern of ajmalicine production in bioreactor were observed every 3 days for 24 days.Qualitative and quantitative analysis were conducted using HPLC connected to Cromatopac CL-7APlus. The results showed that the cell aggregates and medium contain ajmalicine. The highest concentration was obtained in combination of 30 g/fw and 0.3405 L/min aeration compare to 20 g/fw - 0,246 L/min, 20 g/fw- 0,3405 L/min, as well as 30 g/fw - 0,2460 L/min. The highest ajmalicine content in cell aggregates was obtained on the 12"d days (79.23ug/g) whilst in medium was obtained in the 18th days (981.15 ug/L)

    Respons Pertumbuhan, Kadar Protein Dan Aktivitas Triptofan Dekarboksilase Agregat Sel Catharanthus Roseus (L) G. Don Yang Diberi Prekursor Triptofan

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    Salah satu cara untuk meningkatkan kandungan metabolit sekunder dalamkultur jaringan adalah dengan penambahan prazat (prekursor). Oleh karena itutelah dilakukan penelitian mengenai penambahan triptofan sebagai prekursorterhadap pertumbuhan, kadar protein dan aktivitas Triptofan Dekarboksilase(TDC) pada kultur agregat sel Catharanthus roseus (L) G.Don. Penelitian inibertujuan untuk meningkatkan kandungan katarantin dalam kultur agregat selCatharanthus roseus (L) G.Don yang didukung dengan pertumbuhan yangoptimum. Penelitian dilakukan secara eksperimental di laboratorium. Konsentrasiprekursor triptofan digunakan dari 50-250 mg.L-1. Pertumbuhan ditentukandengan penimbangan berat basah dan berat kering serta pengamatan Perubahansecara morfologis. Kadar protein ditentukan dengan spektrofotometer. AktivitasTDC ditentukan dengan spektrofluorometer. Pertumbuhan maksimum kulturagregat sel terjadi pada perlakuan triptofan 150 mg.L-1 pada Erlenmeyer.Penambahan triptofan dapat menginduksi sintesis protein dan meningkatkanaktivitas TDC pada kultur agregat sel C.roseus. Kandungan protein dan aktivitasTDC tertinggi terjadi pada perlakuan 250 mg.L-1 setelah 10-14 hari kultur.Perlakuan triptofan menimbulkan pengaruh yang berbeda terhadap kandunganprotein, aktivitas TDC, pada kultur Erlenmeyer. Kesimpulannya adalah perlakuanprekursor triptofan dapat meningkatkan kadar protein dan aktivitas TDC yangdiberi prekursor triptofan dan optimum pertumbuhan agregat selnya pada triptofan150 mg.L-1 setelah 14 hari kultur

    Possibility of SAP-Feeding Beetle, Nitidulidae, as a Spreding Agent for Blood Disease Bacterium on The Banana Plant

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    Banana blood disease (BBD) caused by blood disease bacterium (BDB) is one of the major diseases of Indonesian banana plants. The foraging activity of flower-visiting insects was suspected as the vectors of the disease. This study aims at analyzing the potential of the sap-feeding beetle, Nitidulidae, as a vector of BDB. Beetle collection was done by using purposive sampling method on three cultivars of banana inflorescence: Nangka, Klutuk, and Siem. The bacterium was isolated from the outside and the inside of beetle tissues and was followed with bacterial DNA extraction. Confirmation of bacterial cell culture as BDB was conducted by biochemical assay and PCR using 16S rDNA oligonucleotide. The findings revealed that the beetle population in the three cultivars of banana cultivars was Nangka (66%), Siem (19%) and Klutuk (16%). According to the biochemical assay and PCR result, it has been found that the bacterial cell culture was found positive as BDB, which was putative 79% and homolog with BDB that is in accordance with the data provided by NCBI. Thereby, the discovery of BDB in sap-feeding beetle, Nitidulidae, showed that the foraging activity has the potential as an agent of spreader of BDB in banana plants

    Banana Flower-Insect Interaction: Alpha-Pinene as Potential Attractant for the insect Vector of Banana Blood Disease

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    Volatile metabolites are produced by plants for self-defense and as communication mediators with the environment. Terpenes are volatiles emitted as odorant cues for herbivores and microorganisms. This study was aimed to investigate volatile metabolites produced by banana flowers that attract insect vectors of BBD. The volatile metabolites from banana flowers were extracted by headspace-solid phase microextraction (HS-SPME) and identified by gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC-MS). It was apparent that the concentrations of the metabolite alpha-pinene gradually increased from the first to the the third stage. Comparison of metabolites produced by symptomatic banana male flowers for BBD infection with non-symptomatic ones showed that the concentration of alpha-pinene was higher in symptomatic male flowers. In addition, preference for alpha-pinene was tested on three insect vector species (Rhodesiella bhutanensis, Drosophila sp., and Musca sp.), analyzed by M. Anova p<0.001, F(1.5)=12.539 and Duncan test. Results showed that the insect vectors were mostly attracted to 20 μl volume of alpha-pinene compared to the other volumes and that alpha-pinene functioned as an attractant to these insects. This research is important for the formulation of attractants for insect vectors of BBD to control transmission of banana blood disease

    Analysis of ethylene biosynthesis gene expression profile during titanium dioxide (TiO2) treatment to develop a new banana postharvest technology

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    Banana is an important crop that demands proper methods in postharvest handling. As a climacteric fruit, thebanana fruit ripening process is affected by ethylene. Several methods have been developed to extend the shelf life of a banana, such as using ethylene scrubbers. In this study, ttanium dioxide (TiO2), a photocatalyst, was used as an alternatve method to delay the fruit ripening process. The effect of TiO2 on the ripening‐related gene MaACS1 was investgated. Banana fruits were placed in a TiO2‐coated glass chamber and observed for ten days. Fruit ripening in the treated chamber was delayed for eight days compared to the control. Total RNA was extracted from control and TiO2‐treated fruit pulp and synthesized into cDNA. Reverse transcripton PCR was performed to investgate the gene expression, which showed that MaACS1 expression was relatvely lower than treated control. The fnding of these studies suggested that the TiO2 chamber has the potental to extend the shelf life of banana by delaying its ripening process and decreasing the expression of MaACS1. To the best of our knowledge, no previous study has investgated the effect of TiO2 on the expression of genes related to banana fruit ripening

    Pengetahuan lingkungan

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    iv, 121 p. : il.,; 29 cm

    Pengetahuan Lingkungan (Catatan Kuliah)

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    iv, 121 hal. 29,5c