48 research outputs found

    Collaboration and value creation in multi-partner R&D alliances: a longitudinal case study on the acuisost consortium

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    Esta tesis doctoral versa sobre el fenómeno de las alianzas multi-socio de investigación y desarrollo (i+d), que pueden definirse como acuerdos de colaboración entre múltiples organizaciones cuyo objetivo es desarrollar conjuntamente actividades de i+d. en particular, el contexto empírico de toda la investigación desarrollada en este tesis doctoral es un consorcio de i+d real: el consorcio ACUISOST. A través de un caso de estudio longitudinal basado en diferentes niveles de análisis de dicho consorcio, esta tesis doctoral contribuye al desarrollo de una visión más completa sobre los procesos de colaboración y de creación de valor en las alianzas multi-socio de i+d.Departamento de Organización de Empresas y Comercialización e Investigación de Mercado

    Beyond the Scope of the Deal:Configuration of Technology Alliance Portfolios and the Introduction of Management Innovation

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    While firms invest in portfolios of technology alliances primarily seeking technological benefits (e.g. access to novel technological knowledge to develop product innovations), an adequate portfolio of technology alliances can also bring non-technological benefits, such as access to novel managerial knowledge, which can result in management innovation. However, it remains unclear under what conditions technology alliance portfolios yield such benefits. Drawing from the literature on knowledge utilization from alliance portfolios, we examine how the configuration of a firm's technology alliance portfolio affects the likelihood of the firm introducing management innovation. Our panel data analyses of Spanish manufacturing firms for 2008–2016 reveal that a firm is more likely to introduce management innovation when its alliance portfolio shows diversity of partner types; however, this positive effect of diversity becomes less pronounced as the alliance portfolio becomes more oriented towards exploration (i.e. relatively greater presence of research-focused partner types). Our study also provides recommendations for managers seeking to connect the technological and non-technological spheres of innovation: a technological alliance portfolio that brings together diverse partner types while avoiding excessive presence of research-focused partner types may offer greater opportunity for management innovation

    Employment generation by small firms in Spain

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    Despite the relevance in terms of policy, we still know little in Spain about where and by whom jobs are created, and how that is affecting the size distribution of firms. The main innovation of this paper is to use a rich database that overcomes the problems encountered by other firm-level studies to shed some light on the employment generation of small firms in Spain. We find that small firms contribute to employment disproportionately across all sectors of the economy although the difference between their employment and job creation share is largest in the manufacturing sector. The job creators in that sector are both new and established firms whereas only new small firms outperform their larger counterparts in the service sector. The large annual job creation of the small firm size class is shifting the firm size distribution towards the very small production units, although not uniformly across industries of different technology intensit

    Knowledge Management in Coopetition 

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    When two competitors team up to develop an innovation project, they need to share their knowledge with one another and, at the same time, protect their knowledge from one another. Knowledge management plays a vital role in dealing with this coopetition tension. This chapter discusses extant literature on knowledge management in coopetition and highlights promising directions to advance the field. Amongst others, the need for a more integrative examination of the inter-organizational and intra-organizational dimensions of the phenomenon is emphasized

    Knowledge Management in Coopetition 

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    Innovation dynamics in multipartneralliance teams: a focus on human resource management fit

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    Documento de Trabajo 05/08 perteneciente a la colección de documentos de trabajo "Nuevas Tendencias en Dirección de Empresas", dentro del Máster en Investigación en Economía y Empresa.[ES]Se estudian las dinámicas de innovación en equipos con múltiples alianza-(equipos de MA), un tipo particularmente complejo de equipos. MA equipos, son equipos temporales del proyecto integrado por miembros de los diferentes socios que se encargan de lograr la innovación. En particular, se centran en las posibles contribuciones de la gestión de recursos humanos (HRM) que tienen en la creación de un clima adecuado en un equipo de MA para la innovación. Nos dirigimos a la necesidad de reconceptualizar la noción de ajuste de gestión de recursos humanos desde una visión integral, que ofrece una nueva conceptualización de múltiples niveles. En el socio de nivel, que incluyen las dos dimensiones tradicionales de gestión de recursos humanos aptos (ajuste vertical y forma horizontal); en la alianza a nivel, se incluye una nueva dimensión ("ajuste relacional»). Nuestro argumentos nos permiten concluir que el poder de la adecuación de la gestión de recursos humanos en el socio-nivel es armado y / o debilitado en función de los efectos sinérgicos de la combinación de los conjuntos de los socios de las prácticas de gestión de recursos humanos específicos de alianzas para un determinado equipo de MA, sugiriendo algunas direcciones sobre la futura labor.[EN]We explore the innovation dynamics in multipartner-alliance teams (MA teams), a particularly complex type of teams. MA teams are temporary project teams composed of members from different partners and are in charge of attaining innovation. In particular, we focus on the potential contributions of human resource management (HRM) fit on the creation of a proper MA team climate for innovation. We address the necessity of reconceptualizing the notion of HRM fit from a holistic view, offering a new multi-level conceptualization. At the partner-level, we include the two traditional dimensions of HRM fit (vertical fit and horizontal fit); at the alliance-level, we include a new dimension (‘relational fit’). Our arguments allow us to conclude that the power of the HRM fit at the partner-level is reinforced/undermined depending on the synergistic effects of the combination of the partners’ sets of alliance-specific HRM practices for a particular MA team. Some directions for further work are suggested

    Technological strategic alliances: formation under the real options approach

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    Documento de Trabajo 04/08 perteneciente a la colección de documentos de trabajo "Nuevas Tendencias en Dirección de Empresas", dentro del Máster en Investigación en Economía y Empresa.[ES]La Alianza Estratégica Tecnológica (TSA) representa un importante mecanismo competitivo para las empresas, y se puede considerar como una opción real en el futuro de las oportunidades tecnológicas. El objetivo es analizar, en virtud de un razonamiento opciones reales, cómo deben las empresas decidir entre las CST o sobre la adopción de estrategias alternativas tecnológicas en un solo paso. Utilizando un panel de 29.376 observaciones de 4050 las empresas manufactureras que operan en España - que abarca el período 1998-2005 -, se encontró que a una mayor capacidad de absorción de la empresa, mayor será el grado de riesgo tecnológico, siendo más probable que la empresa forme un TSA en lugar de adoptar otras estrategias tecnológicas. Los resultados también muestran que cuanto mayor es el riesgo de suscripción preferente por los rivales y el coste de oportunidades asociados con la formación TSA, hay menos posibilidades de que la empresa concierte un TSA.[EN]Strategic Technology Alliance (TSA) is an important competitive mechanism for enterprises, and can be considered as a real option in the future of technological opportunities. The objective is to analyze, under a real options reasoning, how should companies decide between the CST or the adoption of alternative strategies in a single technological step. Using a panel of 29 376 observations of 4050 manufacturing firms operating in Spain - which covers the period from 1998 to 2005 - found that a higher absorption capacity of the company, the greater the degree of technological risk, being more likely to TSA to form a company instead of taking other technology strategies. The results also show that the greater the risk of pre-emption by rivals and the cost of training opportunities associated with TSA, there are fewer opportunities for the firm to a TS