4,917 research outputs found

    Chirally symmetric quark description of low energy \pi-\pi scattering

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    Weinberg's theorem for \pi-\pi scattering, including the Adler zero at threshold in the chiral limit, is analytically proved for microscopic quark models that preserve chiral symmetry. Implementing Ward-Takahashi identities, the isospin 0 and 2 scattering lengths are derived in exact agreement with Weinberg's low energy results. Our proof applies to alternative quark formulations including the Hamiltonian and Euclidean space Dyson-Schwinger approaches. Finally, the threshold \pi-\pi scattering amplitudes are calculated using the Dyson-Schwinger equations in the rainbow-ladder truncation, confirming the formal derivation.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures, Revtex

    Beneficios y costos de la rehabilitación de pasturas degradadas en Honduras

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    The impact of pasture degradation on animal productivity in six regions of Honduras was assessed, and pasture rehabilitation costs were estimated. The study, carried out in March 2004, involved the interviewing of 25 livestock producers and eight extension agents. The milk and beef production of cows grazing pastures with different levels of degradation was calculated, as well as the losses in income also attributable to the process of degradation. The proportion of pastures found at each level of degradation was determined for each of the six administrative regions of Honduras, and the different strategies to rehabilitate degraded pastures were identified and their cost calculated. A 4-level degradation gradient was defined, level 1 being non-apparent degradation and level 4, severe degradation. Based on personal and descriptive information provided by the interviewees, regressions were generated that better explained the loss in animal productivity at each level of pasture degradation. According to producers, 29% of the area under pastures in Honduras ranked as level 1 of degradation, whereas extension agents ranked 19% of the pastures as level 1. Similarly, livestock producers considered that 27% of the pastures were level 4 of degradation, while extension agents estimated that 31% ranked as level 4. According to producer estimates, each year Honduras ceases to produce 284,106 MT of fluid milk and animal live weight gains equivalent to 48,271 MT of beef due exclusively to the loss of productivity of pasture in level 4 of degradation, which is equivalent to 48% of the country’s annual milk production and 37% of its beef production. In economic terms, losses in milk production totaled US63millionperyearandthoseofbeefproduction,US63 million per year and those of beef production, US48 million. The cost of rehabilitating pastures of level 4 degradation in Honduras was estimated at US57.1million,accordingtoproducers,andatUS57.1 million, according to producers, and at US83.6 million, according to extension agents. These figures represented, respectively, 51% of the US111.2millioninannualincomeforsaleofmilkandbeefthatwerenotreceivedand52111.2 million in annual income for sale of milk and beef that were not received and 52% of the US159.8 million in lower annual income per concept of lower sale of milk and beef. Livestock producers indicated that the average useful life of improved pastures was approximately 10 years, ranging from 9 years for B. humidicola and Digitaria swazilandensis to 12 years for star grass (Cynodon nlemfuensis). Extension agents, on the other hand, considered that grasses have a useful life of 8.4 years, ranging from 6 years for D. swazilandensis to 12 years for B. brizantha cv. Marandú. According to study results, the annual rate of degradation of pastures in Honduras varied from 10% to 12%. To eliminate pasture areas of level 4 of degradation nationwide, it would be necessary to make a one-time investment of US57million.However,theannualprofitinincreasedmilkandbeefproductionwouldamountto156,000litersmilkperdayand26,500kgliveweightthatamounttoanadditionalincomeofUS57 million. However, the annual profit in increased milk and beef production would amount to 156,000 liters milk per day and 26,500 kg liveweight that amount to an additional income of US22.2 million per year. This should serve as both economic and production incentive for the private and public sectors to jointly develop and execute an action plan that allows paddocks in advanced state of degradation to be recovered


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    Objetivos: Comparar el efecto espasmolítico, del extracto de membrillo, en el tránsito intestinal, comparándolo con fármacos como la atropina y papaverina, conocidos espasmolíticos. Métodos: El diseño del estudio del presente trabajo fue de tipo experimental – analítico y de corte transversal. La población de estudio fue un total de 10 ratones; los cuales estuvieron divididos en tres grupos: 3 en controles negativo (agua destilada), 3 en controles positivos (papaverina) y 4 en grupo de estudio (membrillo). Resultados: Se demostró que el extracto de membrillo es un eficiente reductor del tránsito intestinal, aunque al ser comparado con la papaverina, ésta presenta una mayor respuesta en la reducción del tránsito intestinal. Conclusión: En el presente comprobó el efecto del uso del membrillo como agente reductor del tránsito intestinal de forma significativa, siendo éste más eficaz que el grupo control, pero menos eficaz que la papaverina. Palabras clave: Espasmolítico; Cydonia vulgaris; Tránsito intestinal. (fuente: DeCS BIREME) DOI: https://doi.org/10.25176/RFMH.v17.n4.120

    Evaluación de los implantes cocleares bilaterales en niños: criterios de indicación de los implantes cocleares en niños y adultos

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    Implants coclears; Avaluació; Infants; Cochlear Implants; Evaluation; Childrens; Implantes Cocleares; Evaluación; NiñosL’Agència d’Informació, Avaluació i Qualitat en Salut (AIAQS, abans Agència d’Avaluació de Tecnologia i Recerca Mèdiques), va elaborar l’any 2006, per encàrrec del Departament de Salut de la Generalitat de Catalunya, una consulta tècnica (informe d’avaluació breu) sobre els implants coclears (IC), que tenia com a objectius descriure les indicacions clíniques dels IC en adults i nens, així com avaluar la seva seguretat i eficàcia sobre la base de l’evidència científica disponible. Al final del 2009, l’AIAQS va rebre l’encàrrec de la Comissió de Terciarisme del CatSalut d’actualitzar aquesta consulta tècnica analitzant el coneixement científic disponible sobre l’eficàcia/efectivitat i seguretat dels implants coclears bilaterals (ICB) i els criteris d’indicació dels IC en adults i nens

    Laboratory diagnosis of severe hypertriglyceridaemia. Cases from the dyslipidaemia regristy of the spanish atherosclerosis society

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    Background and Aims Severe hypertriglyceridaemia (sHTG) increases the risk of cardiovascular disease and acute pancreatitis episodes. Patients with sHTG fit mainly into two clinical entities: Familial or Multifactorial Chylomicronemia Syndromes (FCS and MCS, respectively). FCS and MCS exhibit clinical differences but also separate genetic and biochemical characteristics that can be assessed in the laboratory. The aim of this work has been to implement a laboratory workflow to help diagnose sHTG patients with either FCS or MCS. Methods Patients with two fasting triglycerides >1000mg/dL determinations were sequenced with a capture probe panel of 24 triglycerides-related genes using massive parallel sequencing (n=200). Two-step sequential ultracentrifugation was performed (n= 159) to diagnose Type I hyperlipoproteinemia (HLP I) and post heparin lipoprotein lipase activity was measured to discard or confirm its deficiency (n=60). Results Most patients had MCS as they: (i) did not exhibit HLPI and/or (ii) their genetic profile was not compatible with FCS and (iii) were not deficient in LPL activity. FCS cases were identified as they had: (i) HLPI, and/or (ii) biallelic pathogenic variants in LPL (n=5), GPIHBP1 (n=3), or LMF1 (n=2) genes and/or (iii) LPL activity deficiency. We identified 4 FCS patients with HLPI, biallelic pathogenic variants in APOA5 but a rescued LPL activity. An additional study of Apo-AV functionality was designed to confirm the FCS diagnosis in these cases. Conclusions Laboratory studies, in patients with severe hypertriglyceridaemia, provide with information of clinical utility to distinguish between Familial and Multifactorial Chylomicronemia Syndromes.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Gas production and environmental impact indicators from in vitro fermentation of diets with nopal silage (Opuntia ficus-indica L.)

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    Objective: To evaluate the global warming potential index (GWPI) and in vitro gas production (GP) of diets of fattening lambs fed with silage of agricultural by-products of cactus and prickly pear (Opuntia ficus-indica L.)-hibiscus grain (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.)-oats straw (Avena sativa L.) Design/methodology/approach: The PG technique was used to obtain the GWPI of isoproteic (crude protein (CP)) and isoenergetic diets 15%CP and 2.8 Mcal ME (metabolizable energy)): conventional diet (CD; control), with corn silage (CSD), and with 10 or 20% of cactus-prickly pear-hibiscus grain-oats straw silage (CHSD10, CHSD20), offered during 60 d to 24 fattening bighorn sheep. Results: Although in vitro dry matter digestibility at 72 h (IVDMD72) was better in CSD, it was similar for CHSD10, CHSD20, and CSD. CHSD10 and CHSD20 had the lowest CH4 production, GWPI, and environmental impact index (EII). The low fermentable fraction (LF; GP=24-72 h) was related to IVDMD72. Findings/conclusions: The cactus pear-hibiscus grain silages inclusion had the same IVDMD72 that conventional diets but decreased the CH4 emissions and the GWPI