11 research outputs found
The performance of community organisers in promotion of community forestry in Leyte Province, Phillipines
A study was conducted to assess the role and effectiveness of community organisers in supporting the development of people’s organisations in achieving community-based forest management objectives in Leyte Province Philippines. Community organisers were found to be effective in forming people’s organisations (POs), motivating people to participate in voluntary activities organised by POs and encouraging cohesiveness among PO members. Community organisers manage to raise the level of environmental awareness and knowledge of members of people’s organisations, develop leadership interest and skills, create various livelihood opportunities and provide direction and facilitate the establishment of large tree plantations. However, the short duration of community organisers’ contracts (typically two years) is insufficient to establish mature and cohesive POs prepared to assume management on their own, including the management of tree plantations. Further, lack of training and funding support, low wages, delayed payment of salaries and limited time to work with people’s organisations, as well as the pressure to produce tangible outputs such the establishment of large tree plantations, prevents them from placing greater emphasis on the development and empowerment of the people
«Fazer cavaleiros»: as cerimónias de investidura cavaleiresca no Portugal medieval (séculos XII-XV)
The ritual of dubbing to knighthood assumed since an early stage a capital importance, given that it was the necessary step to become a knight. This article will focus on this ceremony, dividing its analysis in two main parts. First, it will try to understand the different meanings of the ritual on the selected period. On the second part, the aim is to focus on the ritual itself, trying to describe how it was processed and analyzing the simbology of each step. As sources, this study uses chronicles, genealogical literature, legislative compilations, chivalric treatises and diplomatic documents. Throughout the text, there will be a comparative view with the rest of the Iberian kingdoms and also with other European regions.<br><br>Un caballero no nacía caballero: se hacía en uno. Por esa misma razón, la investidura o adubamento tomó desde muy pronto una importancia crucial. Este artigo pretende analizar esta ceremonia en dos puntos de vista. Empezaremos por tratar de entender los signifi cados que la misma ha asumido al largo del tiempo defi nido. En la segunda parte, se analiza el ritual, intentando describirlo y buscando comprender la simbología que le estaba asociada. Para lograr estos objetivos se mezclan diferentes tipologías de fuentes: crónicas, livros de linhagens, obras de naturaleza legislativa y tratadística, recorriendo aún así a documentación de carácter diplomático. Al largo del texto, se buscará mantener una perspectiva comparativa con otras realidades peninsulares, no olvidando también lo que se pasaba en los territorios más allá de los Pirineos.
[pt] Um cavaleiro não nascia cavaleiro: fazia-se. Por essa razão, a investidura ou adubamento tornou-se um evento de capital importância. Este artigo pretende analisar tal cerimónia sob dois prismas. Começar-se-á por tentar perceber os signifi cados que ela foi assumindo ao longo do período cronológico defi nido. Na segunda parte, analisa-se o ritual propriamente dito, tentando descrevê-lo e procurando compreender a simbologia que lhe estava associada. Para cumprir estes propósitos cruzam-se diferentes tipologias de fontes: crónicas, livros de linhagens, obras de cariz legislativo e tratadístico, recorrendo-se ainda a documentação de carácter diplomático. Ao longo do texto procurar-se-á manter uma perspetiva comparativa com outras realidades peninsulares, não perdendo também de vista o que entretanto se passava nos territórios além-Pirenéus
More than just trees: Assessing reforestation success in tropical developing countries
Rural communities in many parts of the tropics are dependent of forests for their livelihoods and for environmental services. Forest resources in the tropics have declined rapidly over the past century and therefore many developing countries in the tropics have reforestation programs. Although reforestation is a long-term process with long-term benefits, existing evaluations of the success of these programs tends to focus on short-term establishment success indicators. This paper presents a review of reforestation assessment that highlights the need to not only consider short-term establishment success, but also longer-term growth and maturation success, environmental success and socio-economic success. In addition, we argue that reforestation assessment should not be based on success indicators alone, but should incorporate the drivers of success, which encompasses an array of biophysical, socio-economic, institutional and project characteristics. This is needed in order to understand the reasons why reforestation projects succeed or fail and therefore to design more successful projects in future. The paper presents a conceptual model for reforestation success assessment that links key groups of success indicators and drivers. This conceptual model provides the basis for a more comprehensive evaluation of reforestation success and the basis for the development of predictive systems-based assessment models. These models will be needed to better guide reforestation project planning and policy design and therefore assist rural communities in tropical developing countries to alleviate poverty and achieve a better quality of life
Abstract not availabl
Gambaran Pengetahuan Ibu Hamil Tentang ASI Eskklusif Di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Sikumana Kota Kupang
ASI (Air Susu Ibu) merupakan makanan utama pada bayi. dikarenakan mengandung nutrisi yang alamiah dan terbaik pada bayi. ASI mengandung banyak nutrisi yang sangat baik sehingga bayi jarang terkena penyakit. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah Untuk Mengidentifikasi tingkat pengetahuan ibu hamil tentang ASI ekslusif diwilayah kerja Puskesmas Sikumana. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan Juni hingga Juli 2022. Desain penelitian digunakan adalah desktiptif, pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik sampling. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa sebagian besar ibu hamil (55%) memiliki tingkat pengetahuan yang cukup tentang pengertian ASI eksklusif. Sebagian besar ibu hamil (95%) memiliki tingkat pengetahuan yang baik tentang manfaat ASI eksklusif. Sebagian besar ibu hamil (75%) memiliki tingkat pengetahuan yang cukup tentang komposisi ASI eksklusif. Sebagian besar ibu hamil (61%) memiliki tingkat pengetahuan yang baik tentang cara pemberian ASI eksklusif. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang dilakukan di Puskesmas Sikumana dapat di simpulkan bahwa sebagian besar ibu hamil memiliki tingkat pengetahuan yang baik tentang ASI eksklusif
A critical overview of forestry seedling production policies and practices in relation to smallholder forestry in developing countries
This paper reviews forestry seedling production systems in South-east and East Asia and identifies problems with respect to seedling quality, seedling distribution and financial sustainability, and measures which have been adopted or advocated to improve performance in this sector. The paper draws in particular on experience in a series of research projects on smallholder forestry in the Philippines. Some observations are also drawn from the following papers in this combined special issue of Small-scale Forestry. It is found that a mix of public and private sector models are adopted for forestry seedling production, between and even within countries. Often nurseries are set up to provide seedlings for a government-directed expansion in tree planting, and have difficulty surviving once the initial planting purpose is completed. Private nurseries often lack resources, and depend on contracts to supply seedlings for financial viability. Demand tends to be highest for fast-growing species (often exotics), fruit trees, and ornamentals in the case of urban nurseries. Government policies typically favour quantity over quality of the seedlings produced. Considerable scope exists for adopting best or at least improved management practice in seedling nurseries
Progress and prospects of community forestry in developing and developed countries
The original publication can be found at www.springerlink.comCommunity forestry is practiced in various countries throughout the world, with respect to both native forests and plantations, for livelihood and forest protection purposes and also for urban amenity values. While forests have been managed to some extent by communities for thousands of years, modern models of community forestry have been practiced widely for only about 30 years. Community forestry takes many forms; there is no unique definition or categorisation, although a number of characteristics are frequently present. There is in general, involvement of a local community in forest planning as well as management, for a form of forestry which is usually relatively small-scale, motivated by multiple objectives, and receiving some financial support and organisational assistance by government and non-government organisations. Where plantations are established, these may be managed as common property, individual property rights may apply, or there may be a combination of both. Analysis of the specific research studies included in this issue reveals that community forestry systems have been refined over time as experience is gained in program designs, and notable successes have been achieved. However, ‘the jury is still out’ on whether community forestry has lived up to the optimistic expectations of its proponents.Steve Harrison and Jungho Su