1,330 research outputs found

    Proposed realization of the Dicke-model quantum phase transition in an optical cavity QED system

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    The Dicke model describing an ensemble of two-state atoms interacting with a single quantized mode of the electromagnetic field (with omission of the Ă‚^2 term) exhibits a zero-temperature phase transition at a critical value of the dipole coupling strength. We propose a scheme based on multilevel atoms and cavity-mediated Raman transitions to realize an effective Dicke model operating in the phase transition regime. Optical light from the cavity carries signatures of the critical behavior, which is analyzed for the thermodynamic limit where the number of atoms is very large

    Renormalization group flows for the second ZNZ_{N} parafermionic field theory for N odd

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    Using the renormalization group approach, the Coulomb gas and the coset techniques, the effect of slightly relevant perturbations is studied for the second parafermionic field theory with the symmetry ZNZ_{N}, for N odd. New fixed points are found and classified

    Hard and soft probe - medium interactions in a 3D hydro+micro approach at RHIC

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    We utilize a 3D hybrid hydro+micro model for a comprehensive and consistent description of soft and hard particle production in ultra-relativistic heavy-ion collisions at RHIC. In the soft sector we focus on the dynamics of (multi-)strange baryons, where a clear strangeness dependence of their collision rates and freeze-out is observed. In the hard sector we study the radiative energy loss of hard partons in a soft medium in the multiple soft scattering approximation. While the nuclear suppression factor RAAR_{AA} does not reflect the high quality of the medium description (except in a reduced systematic uncertainty in extracting the quenching power of the medium), the hydrodynamical model also allows to study different centralities and in particular the angular variation of RAAR_{AA} with respect to the reaction plane, allowing for a controlled variation of the in-medium path-length.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, Quark Matter 2006 proceedings, to appear in Journal of Physics

    Antineutrino emission and gamma background characteristics from a thermal research reactor

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    The detailed understanding of the antineutrino emission from research reactors is mandatory for any high sensitivity experiments either for fundamental or applied neutrino physics, as well as a good control of the gamma and neutron backgrounds induced by the reactor operation. In this article, the antineutrino emission associated to a thermal research reactor: the OSIRIS reactor located in Saclay, France, is computed in a first part. The calculation is performed with the summation method, which sums all the contributions of the beta decay branches of the fission products, coupled for the first time with a complete core model of the OSIRIS reactor core. The MCNP Utility for Reactor Evolution code was used, allowing to take into account the contributions of all beta decayers in-core. This calculation is representative of the isotopic contributions to the antineutrino flux which can be found at research reactors with a standard 19.75\% enrichment in 235^{235}U. In addition, the required off-equilibrium corrections to be applied to converted antineutrino energy spectra of uranium and plutonium isotopes are provided. In a second part, the gamma energy spectrum emitted at the core level is provided and could be used as an input in the simulation of any reactor antineutrino detector installed at such research facilities. Furthermore, a simulation of the core surrounded by the pool and the concrete shielding of the reactor has been developed in order to propagate the emitted gamma rays and neutrons from the core. The origin of these gamma rays and neutrons is discussed and the associated energy spectrum of the photons transported after the concrete walls is displayed.Comment: 14 pages, 11 figures, Data in Appendix A and B (13 pages

    Particles in non-Abelian gauge potentials - Landau problem and insertion of non-Abelian flux

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    We study charged spin-1/2 particles in two dimensions, subject to a perpendicular non-Abelian magnetic field. Specializing to a choice of vector potential that is spatially constant but non-Abelian, we investigate the Landau level spectrum in planar and spherical geometry, paying particular attention to the role of the total angular momentum J = L +S. After this we show that the adiabatic insertion of non-Abelian flux in a spin-polarized quantum Hall state leads to the formation of charged spin-textures, which in the simplest cases can be identified with quantum Hall Skyrmions.Comment: 24 pages, 10 figures (with corrected legends

    New antineutrino energy spectra predictions from the summation of beta decay branches of the fission products

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    In this paper, we study the impact of the inclusion of the recently measured beta decay properties of the 102;104;105;106;107^{102;104;105;106;107}Tc, 105^{105}Mo, and 101^{101}Nb nuclei in an updated calculation of the antineutrino energy spectra of the four fissible isotopes 235,238^{235, 238}U, and 239,241^{239,241}Pu. These actinides are the main contributors to the fission processes in Pressurized Water Reactors. The beta feeding probabilities of the above-mentioned Tc, Mo and Nb isotopes have been found to play a major role in the Îł\gamma component of the decay heat of 239^{239}Pu, solving a large part of the Îł\gamma discrepancy in the 4 to 3000\,s range. They have been measured using the Total Absorption Technique (TAS), avoiding the Pandemonium effect. The calculations are performed using the information available nowadays in the nuclear databases, summing all the contributions of the beta decay branches of the fission products. Our results provide a new prediction of the antineutrino energy spectra of 235^{235}U, 239,241^{239,241}Pu and in particular of 238^{238}U for which no measurement has been published yet. We conclude that new TAS measurements are mandatory to improve the reliability of the predicted spectra.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figure

    First measurements with a new β\beta-electron detector for spectral shape studies

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    The shape of the spectrum corresponding to the electrons emitted in β\beta decay carries a wealth of information about nuclear structure and fundamental physics. In spite of that, few dedicated measurements have been made of β\beta-spectrum shapes. In this work we present a newly developed detector for β\beta electrons based on a telescope concept. A thick plastic scintillator is employed in coincidence with a thin silicon detector. First measurements employing this detector have been carried out with mono-energetic electrons from the high-energy resolution electron-beam spectrometer at Bordeaux. Here we report on the good reproduction of the experimental spectra of mono-energetic electrons using Monte Carlo simulations. This is a crucial step for future experiments, where a detailed Monte Carlo characterization of the detector is needed to determine the shape of the β\beta-electron spectra by deconvolution of the measured spectra with the response function of the detector. A chamber to contain two telescope assemblies has been designed for future β\beta-decay experiments at the Ion Guide Isotope Separator On-Line facility in Jyv\"askyl\"a, aimed at improving our understanding of reactor antineutrino spectra

    High pT and jet physics from RHIC to LHC

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    The observation of the strong suppression of high pT hadrons in heavy ion collisions at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) at BNL has motivated a large experimental program using hard probes to characterize the deconfined medium created. However what can be denoted as ``leading particle physics'' accessible at RHIC presents some limitations which motivate at higher energy the study of much more penetrating objects: jets. The gain in center of mass energy expected at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN will definitively improve our understanding on how the energy is lost in the system opening a new major window of study: the physics of jets on an event-by-event basis. We will concentrate on the expected performance for jet reconstruction in ALICE using the EMCal calorimeter.Comment: 14 pages, 14 figures, Proceedings of the Workshop on Relativistic Nuclear Physics (WRNP) 2007, Kiev, Ukraine. Conference Info: http://wrnp2007.bitp.kiev.ua/. Final version published in "Physics of Atomic Nuclei

    Entanglement Entropy of Random Fractional Quantum Hall Systems

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    The entanglement entropy of the ν=1/3\nu = 1/3 and ν=5/2\nu = 5/2 quantum Hall states in the presence of short range random disorder has been calculated by direct diagonalization. A microscopic model of electron-electron interaction is used, electrons are confined to a single Landau level and interact with long range Coulomb interaction. For very weak disorder, the values of the topological entanglement entropy are roughly consistent with expected theoretical results. By considering a broader range of disorder strengths, the fluctuation in the entanglement entropy was studied in an effort to detect quantum phase transitions. In particular, there is a clear signature of a transition as a function of the disorder strength for the ν=5/2\nu = 5/2 state. Prospects for using the density matrix renormalization group to compute the entanglement entropy for larger system sizes are discussed.Comment: 29 pages, 16 figures; fixed figures and figure captions; revised fluctuation calculation
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