75 research outputs found

    Alteraciones visuales en un modelo animal de albinismo

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    Tesis doctoral inédita, leída en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias, Departamento de Biología Molecular. Fecha de lectura: 24-07-201

    Associations between Feelings of Loneliness and Attitudes towards Physical Education in Contemporary Adolescents According to Sex, and Physical Activity Engagement

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    Background: Currently, adolescents grow up consuming a large amount of multimedia content and lead a sedentary lifestyle. As a result, emerging trends show greater feelings of loneliness. The present research seeks to describe adolescents’ attitudes towards Physical Education (PE), indices of loneliness and physical activity (PA) engagement. Further, it analyses associations between attitudes towards PE as a function of PA engagement and considers sex, loneliness and school year repetition as factors. Method: A sample of 2388 adolescents (43.3% males and 56.6% females) was recruited. Participants were aged 11–17 years (M = 13.8 years; SD = 1.2) and came from Spain. The following instruments were used: The Attitudes towards Physical Education questionnaire (AQPE) in order to analyze attitudes towards PE, and the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) loneliness scale to estimate loneliness. Results: With regard to sex and attitudes towards PE, significant differences were detected in relation to the difficulty of PE, with higher values being achieved in males (M = 2.4) than females (M = 2.3). A medium correlation emerged between the dimension of loneliness and the usefulness of PE (r = 0.323 **). Conclusions: It is confirmed that adolescents who experience greater levels of emotional or relational loneliness have less positive attitudes towards PE

    Generation of a human iPSC line from a patient with Leigh syndrome

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    Human iPSC line LND554SV.3 was generated from heteroplasmic fibroblasts of a patient with Leigh syndrome carrying a mutation in the MT-ND5 gene (m.13513G. >. A; p.D393N). Reprogramming factors Oct3/4, Sox2, Klf4, and cMyc were delivered using a non-integrative methodology that involves the use of Sendai virus.This work was supported by grants from the “Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red en Enfermedades Raras” (CIBERER) (grant 13-717/132.05 to RG), the “Instituto de Salud Carlos III” [Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria and Regional Development Fund (ERDF/FEDER) funds PI10/0703 and PI13/00556 to RG and PI15/00484 to MEG], “Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid” (grant number S2010/BMD-2402 to RG); TG receives grant support from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (FPI-UAM) and FZD from the Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte (FPU13/00544). MEG is a staff scientist at the “Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red en Enfermedades Raras” (CIBERER) at the “Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red en Enfermedades Raras” (CIBERER)

    Generation of a human control iPSC line with a European mitochondrial haplogroup U background

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    Human iPSC line N44SV.5 was generated from primary normal human dermal fibroblasts belonging to the European mitochondrial haplogroup U. For this purpose, reprogramming factors Oct3/4, Sox2, Klf4, and cMyc were delivered using a non-integrative methodology that involves the use of Sendai virus.This work was supported by grants from the “Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red en enfermedades raras” (CIBERER) (grant 13-717/132.05 to RG), the “Instituto de Salud Carlos III” [Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria and Regional Development Fund (ERDF/FEDER) funds PI10/0703 and PI13/00556 to RG and PI15/00484 to MEG], “Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid” (grant number S2010/BMD-2402 to R.G); T.G. receives grant support from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, FPI-UAM and F.Z.D. from the Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte, grant number FPU13/00544. M.E.G. is staff scientist at the “Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red en Enfermedades Raras” (CIBERER

    Generation of a human iPSC line from a patient with a mitochondrial encephalopathy due to mutations in the GFM1 gene

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    Human iPSC line GFM1SV.25 was generated from fibroblasts of a child with a severe mitochondrial encephalopathy associated with mutations in the GFM1 gene, encoding the mitochondrial translation elongation factor G1. Reprogramming factors OCT3/4, SOX2, CMYC and KLF4 were delivered using a non integrative methodology that involves the use of Sendai virus.This work was supported by grants from the “Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red en enfermedades raras” (CIBERER) (Grant 13-717/132.05 to RG), the “Instituto de Salud Carlos III” [Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria and Regional development fund (ERDF/FEDER) funds PI10/0703 and PI13/00556 to RG and PI15/00484 to MEG], “Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid” (Grant number S2010/BMD-2402 to RG); TG receives grant support from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (FPI-UAM) and FZD from the Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte (Grant FPU13/00544). MEG is staff scientist at the “Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red en Enfermedades Raras” (CIBERER

    Generation of a human iPSC line from a patient with Leigh syndrome caused by a mutation in the MT-ATP6 gene

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    Human iPSC line L749.1 was generated from fibroblasts of a patient with Leigh syndrome associated with a heteroplasmic mutation in the MT-ATP6 gene. Reprogramming factors OCT4, SOX2, CMYC and KLF4 were delivered using retroviruses.This work was supported by grants from the “Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red en enfermedades raras” (CIBERER) (Grant 13-717/132.05 to RG), the “Instituto de Salud Carlos III” (FIS PI10/0703 and PI13/00556 to RG and PI15/00484 to MEG cofunded by FEDER), “Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid” (grant number S2010/BMD-2402 to R.G); T.G-M. receives grant support from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, FPI-UAM and F.Z-D. from the Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte, grant number FPU13/00544. M.E.G. is senior staff scientist at the “Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red en Enfermedades Raras” (CIBERER

    Generation of a human iPSC line from a patient with a defect of intergenomic communication

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    Human iPSC line PG64SV.2 was generated from fibroblasts of a patient with a defect of intergenomic communication. This patient harbored a homozygous mutation (c.2243G>C; p.Trp748Ser) in the gene encoding the catalytic subunit of the mitochondrial DNA polymerase gamma gene (POLG). Reprogramming factors Oct3/4, Sox2, Klf4, and cMyc were delivered using a non integrative methodology that involves the use of Sendai virus.This work was supported by grants from the “Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red en enfermedades raras” (CIBERER) (Grant 13-717/132.05 to RG), the “Instituto de Salud Carlos III” [Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria and Regional development fund (ERDF/FEDER) funds PI10/0703 and PI13/00556 to RG and PI15/00484 to MEG], “Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid” (Grant number S2010/BMD-2402 to RG); TG receives grant support from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (FPI-UAM) and FZD from the Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte (Grant FPU13/00544). MEG is staff scientist at the “Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red en Enfermedades Raras” (CIBERER

    Generation of a human iPSC line from a patient with an optic atrophy ‘plus’ phenotype due to a mutation in the OPA1 gene

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    AbstractHuman iPSC line Oex2054SV.4 was generated from fibroblasts of a patient with an optic atrophy ‘plus’ phenotype associated with a heterozygous mutation in the OPA1 gene. Reprogramming factors OCT3/4, SOX2, CMYC and KLF4 were delivered using a non-integrative methodology that involves the use of Sendai virus

    A Slc38a8 Mouse Model of FHONDA Syndrome Faithfully Recapitulates the Visual Deficits of Albinism Without Pigmentation Defects

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    Purpose: We aimed to generate and phenotype a mouse model of foveal hypoplasia, optic nerve decussation defects, and anterior segment dysgenesis (FHONDA), a rare disease associated with mutations in Slc38a8 that causes severe visual alterations similar to albinism without affecting pigmentation. Methods: The FHONDA mouse model was generated with clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPR)/Cas9 technology using an RNA guide targeting the Scl38a8 murine locus. The resulting mice were backcrossed to C57BL/6J. Melanin content was measured using spectrophotometry. Retinal cell architecture was analyzed through light and electron microscopy. Retinal projections to the brain were evaluated with anterograde labelling in embryos and adults. Visual function was assessed by electroretinography (ERG) and the optomotor test (OT). Results: From numerous Slc38a8 mouse mutant alleles generated, we selected one that encodes a truncated protein (p.196Pro*, equivalent to p.199Pro* in the human protein) closely resembling a mutant allele described in patients (p.200Gln*). Slc38a8 mutant mice exhibit wild-type eye and coat pigmentation with comparable melanin content. Subcellular abnormalities were observed in retinal pigment epithelium cells of Slc38a8 mutant mice. Anterograde labeling experiments of retinal projections in embryos and adults showed a reduction of ipsilateral fibers. Functional visual analyses revealed a decreased ERG response in scotopic conditions and a reduction of visual acuity in mutant mice measured by OT. Conclusions: Slc38a8 mutant mice recapitulate the phenotype of patients with FHONDA concerning their normal pigmentation and their abnormal visual system, in the latter being a hallmark of all types of albinism. These mice will be helpful in better understanding the pathophysiology of this genetic condition.Funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness under BIO2015-70978-R, the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation under RTI2018-101223-B-I00, CIBERER and Fundación Ramón Areces to L.M. Additionally, Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (FEDER-PID2019-106230RB-I00, 2019) and Generalitat Valenciana IDIFEDER/2017/064, 2017, PROMETEO/2021/024, 2021 supported the work of N.C. Funds from INSERM, Sorbonne Université, Retina France and Genespoir supported the work of A.R., as well as LabEx LIFESENSES (ANR-10-LABX-65) and IHU FOReSIGHT (ANR-18-IAHU-01) for the Institut de la Vision, a doctoral fellowship from the French Ministry of Education and Research to V.C

    La comprensión lectora como fundamento del pensamiento crítico

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    This article has been called Reading comprehension as the foundation of critical thinking, where it has sought to analyze the levels of development of each of the variables that are reading comprehension and critical thinking, for which an exploratory methodology has been used, quantitative and cross-sectional, collecting relevant information on the two variables in various specialized platforms, using the PRISMA diagram. The results showed that reading comprehension has levels of Literal 36%, Inferential 39% and Critical 26%, on the other hand, reading comprehension was logical thinking 27%, contextual thinking 49%, pragmatic thinking 24%. The conclusion of the article mentions that both variables complement each other, since the person who manages to develop an adequate understanding of the texts has the potential to develop adequate critical thinking.El presente articulo se ha denominado La comprensión lectora como fundamento del pensamiento crítico, en el cual se analizó el nivel de desarrollo de cada una de las variables que son la comprensión lectora y el pensamiento crítico, mediante la metodología exploratoria, cuantitativa y transversal, recopilando información relevante de las dos variables en diversas plataformas especializadas, con el uso del diagrama de PRISMA. Los resultados mostraron que la comprensión lectora tiene niveles de Literal 36%, inferencial 39% y critico 26%, por otro lado, la comprensión lectora fue de Pensamiento lógico 27%, Pensamiento contextual 49%, Pensamiento pragmático 24%. La conclusión del articulo menciona que, ambas variables se complementan entre sí, debido que, la persona que logra desarrollar una adecuada comprensión de los textos, tiene potencialidades para desarrollar un adecuado pensamiento crítico