258 research outputs found

    Managed realignment: A viable long-term coastal management strategy?

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    Climate change and environmental and financial concerns have led to a shift from the traditional ‘hold-the-line’ approach of coastal protection towards more flexible soft engineering options. Managed realignment is a coastal management strategy increasingly implemented in Europe and other countries worldwide. It is a relatively new soft engineering alternative aiming to provide sustainable flood risk management with added environmental and socio-economic benefits by creating space for coastal habitats to develop more dynamically. The natural adaptive capacity of coastal habitats and the delivery of ecosystem services underpin the sustainability of managed realignment. However, many definitions of managed realignment exist and the understanding of what the term actually represents in practice has evolved through time and varies regionally. This book clarifies the definitions and terminology used in the literature and proposes that managed realignment is used as a general term that encompasses the many different methods of implementation worldwide, including: removal, breach and realignment of defences; controlled tidal restoration ; and managed retreat. These methods of implementation are explained and illustrated with examples from around the world. In addition to a general overview of emerging policies and current practices, specific chapters discuss approaches adopted in the Netherlands, the UK and Maui (US). The UK experience is presented from the perspectives of three sectors: the National Trust (a charity that owns 10% of England’s coastline), the Environment Agency (a government organisation responsible for implementing flood and erosion risk policy) and a private consultant involved in the design and delivery of managed realignment projects. Recent national and regional strategies worldwide give managed realignment an increasing role in climate change and flood risk management. Gaining stakeholders and public support is fundamental for the success of emerging coastal management strategies. However, public perception and stakeholders engagement are often cited as a factor limiting the wider uptake of managed realignment. Results from a recent survey are used to benchmark the current thinking about the potential, the performance and the limitations of managed realignment in the UK and elsewhere. The views of stakeholders are considerably more negative and notably contrast with the views of practitioners and researchers. The only clear and dominant agreement across all groups of respondents is that better understanding about the long-term evolution of sites is needed. Taking a wider perspective to consider the range of implementation methods, the viability of managed realignment as a long-term coastal management strategy is discussed

    Integrated Assessment of Coastal Exposure and Social Vulnerability to Coastal Hazards in East Africa

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    An index of vulnerability to coastal change, integrating indices of social vulnerability and exposure to coastal hazards, was created for East Africa to identify ‘areas of priority concern’ for risk reduction. Currently, 22% of East Africa’s coastline and 3.5 million people are at higher levels of exposure to coastal hazards, which would increase, respectively, to 39% and 6.9 million people if mangroves, coral reefs and seagrasses are lost. Madagascar and Mozambique show the largest proportion of the coastline at higher exposure, while Kenya and Tanzania benefit the most from natural coastal protection. Coral reefs protect 2.5 million people from higher exposure, mostly in Mombasa, Zanzibar and Dar es Salaam. Considering Mozambique, Kenya and Tanzania, the latter is the least, and the former is the most vulnerable. Under current conditions, 17 (out of 86) coastal districts are considered ‘areas of priority concern’; four of these are critically exposed as over 90% of their shoreline length are at higher exposure (Zavala, Inharrime, Manhiça and Mandlakaze, all in southern Mozambique). These locations are of critical concern for any present or future coastal development due to the high level of exposure posed to both vulnerable people and investments. Habitat loss would increase the number of ‘priority concern’ districts to 24; some would show great increase in the population exposed (e.g. Pemba and Mossuril in Mozambique). Applying this knowledge to identify where ecosystem-based management should be prioritised to promote social and environmental resilience is timely and urgent in East Africa

    Alongshore Variability in the Response of a Mixed Sand and Gravel Beach to Bimodal Wave Direction

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    Characterising spatial and temporal variations in coastal behaviour is essential for the management of beach systems. Recent studies have shown that beach response is more complex in coasts subjected to bimodal wave directions. Despite being pervasive at higher latitudes, relatively little is known about the spatial variability in the response of mixed sand and gravel beaches. This work presents evidence that the response of mixed sand and gravel beaches to bimodal wave directions can be highly variable (both in magnitude and direction of change) even within short shoreline stretches. The analyses focused on beach topography data collected between 2009 and 2018 along five cross-shore transects within a 2-km-long shoreline in Suffolk (East England) and offshore wave data recorded at the West Gabbard Smart buoy. The dominant offshore wave direction oscillates between the southwest and the northeast from year to year, and the bimodal beach sediment has modes at 0.35 mm and 16 mm. Analyses were undertaken considering two timeframes: Biannual surveys from January 2009 to February 2018, and more intensive surveying (from seasonal to pre- and post-storm) from July 2016 to March 2018. Results highlighted large differences in beach response even between transects 350 m apart and no clear seasonal pattern of change. Instead, response seemed to depend on a complex interaction between wave power, dominant wave direction, and local settings. Although correlations were identified between indicators of beach change and wave conditions, these varied across transects. Divergence of longshore transport may occur locally, likely influencing the high alongshore variability

    A política internacional dos leitos oceânicos e o conflito Norte-Sul: 1945-1970

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    Desde tempos imemoriais os mares desempenham importante papel na manutenção e desenvolvimento de atividades econômicas e de defesa. Pesca, conquista territorial, pirataria e trocas comerciais adquiriram progressivamente papel central na expansão do sistema de Estados e terminaram por desenvolver, já no século XVII, um princípio que orientava o comportamento dos nascentes Estados nacionais em relação aos mares: o princípio de liberdade dos mares. Contudo, desde então, novas formas de uso e apropriação dos recursos marítimos foram desenvolvidas, politizando de maneira crescente o debate sobre a natureza desse espaço. Tal processo foi testemunhado pela recorrência de reivindicações de soberania sobre o mar, que desde o início do século passado animou a política internacional dos oceanos. De fato, o início do século XX desafiou a doutrina clássica da liberdade dos mares tal como estabelecida desde o século XVII quando Hugo Grotius publicou Mare Liberum. O caráter de res nullius sob o qual se assentava o princípio da liberdade dos mares foi sendo minado com os avanços tecnológicos que permitiam sua utilização cada vez mais rentável, uma vez que a conseqüência imediata deste aumento de capacidades era a reivindicação da soberania sobre este espaço. Este artigo discute a demanda por um regime internacional dos leitos oceânicos que emerge na segunda metade do século XX. Mais especificamente, o artigo toma como objeto o conflito distributivo gerado no interior do processo de negociação internacional entre países desenvolvidos e países em desenvolvimento

    Possíveis Impactos do Projeto: “Uso de Smen Resfriado e Inseminação Artificial em Caprinos Leiteiros na República de Cabo Verde

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    Este artigo procura discutir o contexto do projeto “Uso de sêmen resfriado e inseminação artificial em caprinos leiteiros na República de Cabo Verde”, suas implicações no sistema de criação de caprinos leiteiros, bem como seu impacto nos planos social, ambiental e econômico

    Possíveis Impactos do Projeto: “Uso de Smen Resfriado e Inseminação Artificial em Caprinos Leiteiros na República de Cabo Verde

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    Este artigo procura discutir o contexto do projeto “Uso de sêmen resfriado e inseminação artificial em caprinos leiteiros na República de Cabo Verde”, suas implicações no sistema de criação de caprinos leiteiros, bem como seu impacto nos planos social, ambiental e econômico

    Prescription of Yellow Fever vaccine: The experience of the International Vaccination Centre of the Loures-Odivelas Health Centre Group

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    Copyright © Ordem dos Médicos 2018Introduction: Yellow fever is a vector-borne disease in sub-Saharan Africa and tropical South America regions which is preventable by an effective and safe vaccine. In some cases, it may cause serious adverse effects and should therefore be prescribed only to individuals at risk of exposure to the yellow fever virus or those traveling to countries requiring proof of vaccination. The aim of this study was to analyze the prescriptions of yellow fever vaccine, based on travel destination and type of referring consultation, according to the international recommendations of the World Health Organization. Material and Methods: The database of the International Vaccination Centre of the International Vaccination Centre of the LouresOdivelas Health Centre Group was used to analyze data concerning the year of 2016. Travelers who were prescribed and administered the yellow fever vaccine were grouped based on travel destination and type of referring consultation (travelers’ medical consultations or non-specialist consultations). Results: A total of 517 yellow fever vaccines were administered, with the highest proportion in female (53%) and in individuals aged 40 - 49 years (20.7%). One hundred and thirteen (22.6%) of the 499 individuals with known-destinations were travelling to nonendemic/non-epidemic countries and a greater proportion of those were prescribed in non-specialist consultations (27.3%) than in travel medicine consultations (8.8%). Discussion/Conclusion: The highest percentage of yellow fever vaccines that were administered to individuals travelling to nonendemic/non-epidemic countries were prescribed in non-specialist consultations.Introdução: A febre amarela é uma doença de transmissão vetorial que ocorre na África Subsaariana e na América do Sul tropical, e é evitável por uma vacina eficaz e segura. Nalguns casos pode causar efeitos adversos graves, devendo ser prescrita apenas a indivíduos em risco de exposição ao vírus ou que viajem para países que exigem prova de vacinação. O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar a prescrição da vacina contra a febre amarela, de acordo com o destino da viagem e o tipo de consulta de referenciação, segundo as recomendações internacionais da Organização Mundial de Saúde. Material e Métodos: Foi analisada a base de dados existente no Centro de Vacinação Internacional do Agrupamento de Centros de Saúde Loures-Odivelas, referente a 2016. Foram estudados os registos dos viajantes a quem foi prescrita e administrada a vacina contra a febre amarela, de acordo com o destino da viagem e o tipo de consulta de referenciação (consulta de medicina do viajante ou consulta não especializada). Resultados: Foram administradas no total 517 vacinas contra a febre amarela, em maior proporção em indivíduos do sexo feminino (53%) e em indivíduos dos 40 aos 49 anos de idade (20,7%). Dos 499 indivíduos que tinham destino conhecido, 113 (22,6%) tinham como destino países não endémicos/não epidémicos, com uma maior proporção de prescrições em contexto de consultas não especializadas (27,3%) do que em consultas de medicina do viajante (8,8%). Discussão/Conclusão: A maior percentagem de vacinas contra a febre amarela administradas a indivíduos que tiveram como destino países não endémicos/não epidémicos foram prescritas numa consulta não especializada.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Storm-wave development of shore-normal grooves (gutters) on a steep sandstone beach face.

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    Shore-normal grooves (gutters) cut into the seabed have been reported widely from the marine geological record. Grooves commonly are spaced regularly across plane, consolidated surfaces in the littoral and sub-littoral zones and may be deeply incised. Despite their common occurrence in the rock record, there are few detailed descriptions of examples from modern environments. Previously reported examples have been ascribed to erosion by wave-induced currents, especially storm-driven near-shore flows. In particular, examples from beach faces have been related to either wave swash or backwash. However, no conceptual model exists to explain the presence of grooves, their morphology or their spacing alongshore. Herein, quasi-regularly spaced grooves on a soft sandstone beach face are described and interpreted to have formed due to wave breaking and swash zone processes consequent upon exceptional storms at sea. The groove morphologies are quantified using terrestrial laser scanning. Numerical modelling of the translation from offshore waves to nearshore breaking waves provides estimates of the swash zone parameters. A consideration of swash zone processes provides an explanation for formation of the grooves. In particular, the swash zone shear stress distribution and consequent bed erosion is a dome-shaped function of distance across the beach face, and this controls the cross-shore variability in groove depths. High-speed sheet flows, such as swash and backwash, develop periodic, shore normal, high and low speed streaks alongshore. Consequent streaky erosion produces the quasi-regular alongshore groove spacings. However, on any given beach face the specific spacing of grooves is likely a property, not only of the local sheet flow attributes, but also of larger-scale morphological forcing. This outcome suggests that spacing is an emergent property of the coupled sheet flow and larger-scale forcing, and thus specific spacings on any beach face remain unpredictable

    A teoria do reconhecimento no documentário ônibus 174

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    Este artigo propõe uma análise do documentário brasileiro Ônibus 174, dirigido por José Padilha, com base na Teoria do Reconhecimento do filósofo alemão Axel Honneth. O objetivo é fazer uma correlação entre os três âmbitos do reconhecimento: amor, direito e solidariedade, tidos como essenciais para garantir a realização plena do indivíduo em sociedade, com elementos da trajetória de vida de Sandro do Nascimento, o sequestrador do ônibus. Da mesma maneira, com base na observação do documentário, pretende-se refletir sobre como, conscientemente, Sandro utilizou a mídia como espaço de reconhecimento e de que forma o reconhecimento pode ser identificado também na decisão de José Padilha na escolha do gênero