47 research outputs found

    Muscle Activation in Middle-Distance Athletes with Compression Stockings

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate changes in electromyographic activity with the use of gradual compression stockings (GCSs) on middle-distance endurance athletes’ performance, based on surface electromyography measurement techniques. Sixteen well-trained athletes were recruited (mean ± SD: age 33.4 ± 6.3 years, VO2max 63.7 ± 6.3 mL·kg−1·min−1, maximal aerobic speed 19.7 ± 1.5 km·h). The athletes were divided into two groups and were assigned in a randomized order to their respective groups according to their experience with the use of GCSs. Initially, a maximum oxygen consumption (VO2max) test was performed to standardize the athletes’ running speeds for subsequent tests. Afterward, electromyographic activity, metabolic, and performance variables for each group were measured with surface electromyography. In addition, blood lactate concentration was measured, both with and without GCSs, during 10 min at 3% above VT2 (second ventilatory threshold), all of which were performed on the track. Next, surface electromyography activity was measured during a 1 km run at maximum speed. No significant changes were found in electromyography activity, metabolic and performance variables with GCSs use (p > 0.164) in any of the variables measured. Overall, there were no performance benefits when using compression garments against a control condition


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    Tensiomyography (TMG) is a non-invasive technique commonly used for evaluating muscle properties in highly trained athletes. The aim of our study was to evaluate the mechanical characteristics of m. triceps surae in competitive runners through TMG measurement and analyze if there was a relationship with running economy (RE). Nine male runners completed the study (mean±SD: age 40.4±9.0 years, body height 176.2±4.9 cm, body mass 70.7±9.4 kg, 10-km time 39.8±5.9 min, VO2peak 56.9 ± 6.5 mL kg-1 min-1). Each subject visited the lab on two occasions with 72h of rest between the trials. On the first day, an incremental test was performed to determine their ventilatory thresholds and peak oxygen consumption. On the second day, RE was evaluated on a treadmill at the velocity of their first ventilatory threshold (VT1), and mechanical characteristics of the soleus and gastrocnemius muscles were analyzed with TMG. Significant differences were found between the economic and non-economic runners in m. soleus in delayed time (Td), contraction time (Tc), and maximal radial displacement of the muscle belly (Dm). Also, significant differences were found in contraction time (Tc) in medium calf (MC) and in half relaxation time (Tr) in lateral twin (LT). The main finding of our study was that the runners with better RE showed greater stiffness in the triceps surae muscles, an aspect that seems to be associated with better performance in athlete runners.Key words: running economy (RE), tensiomyography (TMG), m. triceps surae, m. gastrocnemius, m. soleus</p

    Red de elaboración de materiales en la asignatura de “Teoría y práctica del entrenamiento deportivo”

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    El objetivo del proyecto cuya memoria se presenta ha consistido en la preparación, diseño y elaboración, de los materiales de la asignatura del tercer curso de Grado “Teoría y práctica del entrenamiento deportivo”. Dichos materiales se utilizarán como documento base el próximo curso 2014/15. Hemos tomando como referencia un sistema basado en el crédito europeo y que supone un cambio radical, no solo a nivel estructural, sino también en relación con las metodologías docentes y la evaluación. En el ámbito del entrenamiento deportivo, el título de “Grado en ciencias de la actividad física y del deporte” distingue cinco asignaturas que abarcan un amplio abanico de contenidos. En su conjunto esta materia posee una gran carga en cuanto a número de créditos dentro del título, por lo que las competencias y contenidos deben definirse claramente. La asignatura “Teoría y práctica del entrenamiento deportivo” se imparte durante el primer cuatrimestre del tercer curso, por lo que es la base de todas las restantes asignaturas del ámbito del entrenamiento deportivo. El trabajo realizado ha tratado de conseguir, en un esfuerzo de coordinación docente, una metodología común adecuada para el desarrollo de los contenidos, la evaluación de los conocimientos y competencias adquiridos en esta asignatura

    Factors affecting training and physical performance in recreational endurance runners

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    Abstract: Endurance running has become an immensely popular sporting activity, with millions of recreational runners around the world. Despite the great popularity of endurance running as a recreational activity during leisure time, there is no consensus on the best practice for recreational runners to effectively train to reach their individual objectives and improve physical performance in a healthy manner. Moreover, there are lots of anecdotal data without scientific support, while most scientific evidence on endurance running was developed from studies observing both recreational and professional athletes of different levels. Further, the transference of all this information to only recreational runners is difficult due to differences in the genetic predisposition for endurance running, the time available for training, and physical, psychological, and physiological characteristics. Therefore, the aim of this review is to present a selection of scientific evidence regarding endurance running to provide training guidelines to be used by recreational runners and their coaches. The review will focus on some key aspects of the training process, such as periodization, training methods and monitoring, performance prediction, running technique, and prevention and management of injuries associated with endurance running

    Changes in Triathletes’ Performance and Body Composition During a Specific Training Period for a Half-Ironman Race

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    The number of recreational athletes completing a Half-Ironman triathlon has increased exponentially in recent years. However, there is a lack of research on how to train for this kind of an event. The purpose of this study was thus to analyse triathletes’ changes in performance and body composition following a triathlon-specific training period. Fourteen male amateur triathletes completed a 7-week period of general training and a 13-week period of specific training for a Half-Ironman triathlon. Anthropometric measures and performance tests were carried out to assess the effects of the specific training program. Results showed that the pre-test value of VO2max for cycling was inversely correlated not only with the percentage of change in cycling performance, but also with the percentage change in several variables of running performance. In swimming, inverse correlations were observed between the time of the first 800 m test and the time percentage change for this test, but not with the percentage change in the performance of other segments of the race. Moreover, the somatotype component of endomorphy and the fat mass percentage of the first anthropometry were highly correlated with the percentage change in VO2max in the run segment. These results highlight the importance of providing individualised training, considering that the same training program had a different impact on recreational triathletes belonging to the same group. Amateur athletes with higher initial performance levels probably need a greater amount of training to achieve improved adaptation

    How Do Humans Control Physiological Strain during Strenuous Endurance Exercise?

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    Background: Methodology/principal Findings: Conclusions/significance: Distance running performance is a viable model of human locomotion.To evaluate the physiologic strain during competitions ranging from 5-100 km, we evaluated heart rate (HR) records of competitive runners (n = 211). We found evidence that: 1) physiologic strain (% of maximum HR (%HRmax)) increased in proportional manner relative to distance completed, and was regulated by variations in running pace; 2) the %HRmax achieved decreased with relative distance; 3) slower runners had similar %HRmax response within a racing distance compared to faster runners, and despite differences in pace, the profile of %HRmax during a race was very similar in runners of differing ability; and 4) in cases where there was a discontinuity in the running performance, there was evidence that physiologic effort was maintained for some time even after the pace had decreased.The overall results suggest that athletes are actively regulating their relative physiologic strain during competition, although there is evidence of poor regulation in the case of competitive failures.2.308 SJR (2008) Q1, 60/1774 Medicine (miscellaneous), 19/144 Biochemistry, genetics and molecular biology (miscellaneous), 15/175 Agricultural and biological sciences (miscellaneous)UE

    Training load quantification in triathlon

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    There are different Indices of Training Stress of varying complexity, to quantification Training load. Examples include the training impulse (TRIMP), the session (RPE), Lucia’s TRIMP or Summated Zone Score. But the triathlon, a sport to be combined where there are interactions between different segments, is a complication when it comes to quantify the training. The aim of this paper is to review current methods of quantification, and to propose a scale to quantify the training load in triathlon simple application

    Genes relacionados con el rendimiento físico

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    El rendimiento humano es el producto de múltiples factores, siendo la herencia un aspecto muy importante. Una de las vías de estudio utiliza hermanos gemelos, atribuyendo las diferencias de fenotipos a factores ambientales. De forma similar aunque con muestras mayores se estudian semejanzas familiares en factores compartidos a nivel genético y ambiental. Con los avances en el estudio del genoma, lo que se intenta es descomponer la influencia que tiene un gen determinado en una función concreta, más que todos los genes involucrados en un rasgo. La mayoría de estudios sobre genes relacionados con el rendimiento deportivo han estudiado la presencia o ausencia de un fragmento de 287-bp en el gen de la enzima convertidora de la angiotensina I (ACE). Los estudios realizados con deportistas de un mismo deporte parecen indicar una relación entre el alelo I (presencia) de ese gen y el rendimiento en actividades de resistencia, al contrario que los otros trabajos con deportistas de múltiples disciplinas. Podría existir una relación entre los genotipos con el alelo D (ausencia) y las actividades de potencia. Se debe seguir avanzando en el estudio de más genes relacionados con mayor relevancia con el rendimiento deportivo.Sin financiaciónNo data 200