5 research outputs found

    Kepastian Hukum dalam Penggunaan Karya Cipta Lagu Rohani oleh Jemaat Gereja di Indonesia

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    Pembawaan lagu-lagu rohani ciptaan para pencipta dan/atau pengarang lagu-lagu gerejawi oleh para jemaat gerejawi di Indonesia, sampai saat ini masih merupakan sebuah polemik, sejak adanya beberapa permasalahan atas terjadinya beberapa kasus yang terjadi belakangan ini, khususnya yang dialami oleh Gereja Bethel Indonesia (GBI), sekitar tahun 2021. Undang-undang Nomor 28 Tahun 2014 tentang Hak Cipta telah menegaskan dengan jelas, sepanjang ciptaan lagu-lagu rohani gerejawi tersebut dinyanyikan oleh para jemaat gerejawi untuk beribadah dan bukan untuk komersial, maka hal tersebut dibenarkan dalam Hak Kekayaan Intelektual rejim Hak Cipta. Penyelesaian sengketa yang timbul karena penggunaan karya cipta lagu-lagu rohani untu komersial, sudah masuk ranah pengadilan beserta putusan majelis hakim yang menyidangkan perkara tersebut. Bahkan sekarang, upaya Non Pengadilan-pun sudah mulai ditempuh oleh para pihak yang bersengketa, seperti Badan Arbitrase dan Mediasi (BAM). Secara umum masih banyak masyarakat (khususnya jemaat gereja) tidak mengetahui akan adanya hak eksklusif atau hak ekonomi dari suatu karya cipta lagu-lagu rohani gerejawi, apalagi dampak dari delik aduan dari pihak pencipta lagu-lagu rohani, baik secara perorangan, kelompok maupun badan hukum. Saatnya pemangku kekuasaan dan/atau pemerintah lebih pro aktif dalam publikasi, atas kepastian hukum guna perlindungan hukum bagi pencipta dan pelantun karya cipta lagu-lagu rohani gerejawi, dan diperlukan juga menejerial kontrol bagi aparat yang mengawasinya, karena dalam rejim Hak Kekayaan Intelektuam rejim Hak Cipta ini adalah merupakan delik aduan dan bukan delik biasa. Kata kunci: Kepastian hukum melantunkan lagu-lagu rohani gereja non komersial. /The performance of spiritual songs composed and/or authors of church hymns by church congregations in Indonesia is still a subject of controversy until now, following several issues that have arisen in recent cases, especially those experienced by the Indonesian Bethel Church (GBI) around year 2021. Law Number 28 of 2014 concerning Copyright has clearly stated that as long as the creation of spiritual church song is sung by church congregations for worship purposes and not for commercial purposes, it is justified under the Intellectual Property rights of the Copyright regime. Dispute resolutions arising from the commercial use of copyrighted spiritual songs have been brought to court along with the verdicts of the judges who presided over the cases. Moreover, non-judicial efforts are now being pursued by the disputing parties, such as the Arbitration and Mediation Agency (BAM). In general, many people (especially church congregations) are unaware of the existence of exclusive rights or economic rights of spiritual church song compositions, let alone the impact, group, or legal entity basis. In this time for the authorities and/or the government to be more proactive in publicizing the legal certainty for the protection of the rights of the creators and performers of copyrighted spiritual church songs, and it is also necessary to exercise managerial control over the supervising agencies. This is because, under the Intellectual Property rights of the Copyright regime, it is considered a criminal complaint and not an ordinary offense. Keywords: Legal certainty in performing non-commercial church hymns

    Coronainfektion och koagulationsrubbningar

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    English summary. Covid-19-pandemin

    Microvesicles as mediators of intercellular communication in cancerā€”the emerging science of cellular ā€˜debrisā€™.

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    Abstract Cancer cells emit a heterogeneous mixture of vesicular, organelle-like structures (microvesicles, MVs) into their surroundings including blood and body fluids. MVs are generated via diverse biological mechanisms triggered by pathways involved in oncogenic transformation, microenvironmental stimulation, cellular activation, stress, or death. Vesiculation events occur either at the plasma membrane (ectosomes, shed vesicles) or within endosomal structures (exosomes). MVs are increasingly recognized as mediators of intercellular communication due to their capacity to merge with and transfer a repertoire of bioactive molecular content (cargo) to recipient cells. Such processes may occur both locally and systemically, contributing to the formation of microenvironmental fields and niches. The bioactive cargo of MVs may include growth factors and their receptors, proteases, adhesion molecules, signalling molecules, as well as DNA, mRNA, and micro-RNA (miRs) sequences. Tumour cells emit large quantities of MVs containing procoagulant, growth regulatory and oncogenic cargo (oncosomes), which can be transferred throughout the cancer cell population and to nontransformed stromal cells, endothelial cells and possibly to the inflammatory infiltrates (oncogenic field effect). These events likely impact tumour invasion, angiogenesis, metastasis, drug resistance, and cancer stem cell hierarchy. Ongoing studies explore the molecular mechanisms and mediators of MV-based intercellular communication (cancer vesiculome) with the hope of using this information as a possible source of therapeutic targets and disease biomarkers in cancer

    Diccionario de mejicanismos : colecciĆ³n de locuciones i [sic] frases viciosas ...

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