8 research outputs found


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    ABSTRAKPandemi Covid-19 telah menimbulkan dampak yang luas bagi seluruh masyarakat khususnya lansia dan pra lansia. Meningkatnya angka terpapar dan terkonfirmasi corona virus membuat semua orang merasakan kesemasan, takut, khawatir dan stress. Kecemasan dan perilaku yang tidak sesuai yang dirasakan akan dapat teratasi bila ada upaya yang dilakukan secara optimal dan efektif. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untukmengontrol kecemasan serta perilaku yang tidak berlebihan dalam menyikapi virus Covid-19 pada lansia dan pralansia di Perumahan Korpri Abdinegara Sucen Jurutengah, Bayan, Purworejo. Metode pelaksanaan kegiatanberupa edukasi yang dilakukan dalam beberapa tahapan seperti tahap persiapan, pelaksanaan serta tahap evaluasi. Lansia dan pralansia memiliki kecemasan yang lumayan tinggi terhadap pandemi namun sikap lansia dan pra lansia masih banyak yang tidak menerapkan pola hidup sehat dimasa pandemi, seperti menerapkan protokol kesehatan. Kata Kunci : kecemasan; perilaku; lansia; pra lansia; covid-19 ABSTRACTThe Covid-19 pandemic has had a wide impact on the entire community, especially the elderly and pre-elderly. The increasing number and confirmed corona virus makes everyone feel anxious, afraid, worried, and stressed. Anxiety and inappropriate behavior that is felt will be overcome if efforts are made optimally and effectively. This activity aims to control supervision and behavior that is not excessive in responding to the Covid-19 virus in the elderly and the elderly at the Korpri Abdinegara Sucen Jurutengah Housing, Bayan, Purworejo. the method of carrying out activities is carried out in several stages such as the preparation, implementation and evaluation stages. The elderly and pre-elderly have fairly high anxiety about the pandemic, but the attitudes of the elderly and pre-elderly are still many who do not apply a healthy lifestyle during the pandemic, such as implementing health protocols. Keywords: anxiety; behavior; elderly; pre-elderly; covid-1

    Pengaruh Modal Psikologis dan Persepsi Gaya Kepemimpinan terhadap Stres Kerja Karyawan

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis apakah terdapat pengaruh modal psikologis dan persepsi gaya kepemimpinan terhadap stres kerja karyawan ditinjau dari jenis kelamin, usia, lama masa kerja. Stres di tempat kerja merupakan hal yang hampir setiap hari dialami oleh para karyawan perusahaan. karyawan sering dihadapkan dengan berbagai masalah dalam perusahaan sehingga sangat tidak mungkin untuk terkena stres. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu kuantitatif  metode penelitian yang menggambarkan dan menjelaskan variabel-variabel independen untuk dianalisis pengaruhnya terhadap variabel dependen. Adapun teknik sampling yang digunakan yaitu total sampling. Sampel penelitian yaitu karyawan sales motor PT.Cendana Giri Purworejo yang berjumlah 100 orang. Instrumen pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner Modal Psikologis, Persepsi Gaya Kepemimpinan, Stres Kerja dengan skala Likert 1 – 4 yang dibagikan secara offline dalam bentuk Kuesioner. Sedangkan untuk analisis data menggunakan uji asumsi klasik. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa modal psikologis lebih berpengaruh daripada persepsi gaya kepemimpinan dari hasil penelitian pengaruh dari antar individu variabel menurut hasil yang telah peneliti uji menunjukan bahwa pengaruh utama dari stres kerja disebabkan oleh optimis. karyawan yang memiliki optimis adalah kaum yang selalu berpikir positif, dan mempunyai tingkat keberhasilan yang menjanjikan dalam bekerja, sikap optimis yang dimiliki karyawan dapat berdampak pada stres kerja, karena dalam menghadapi kesulitan maupun persaingan di tempat kerja akan dilalui dengan semangat dan pantang menyerah.  Berdasarkan hasil analisis yang telah dilakukan oleh peneliti mengatakan bahwa atas hasil dan juga kesimpulan dari penelitian tentang “Pengaruh Modal Psikologis Dan Persepsi Gaya Kepemimpinan Terhadap Stres Kerja Karyawan terdapat pengaruh yang positif dan signifikan antara modal psikologis dan persepsi gaya kepemimpinan terhadap stres kerja


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    Employee performance is important to be considered because it supports the achievement of organizational goals. The special juvenile correctional institution as an institution under the Ministry of Law and Human Rights is tasked with providing guidance to foster children. The weight of responsibility can affect employee performance. This study was conducted at the Class I Kutoarjo Special Juvenile Correctional Institution. The population of this study were ASN employees of the Class I Kutoarjo Special Juvenile Correctional Institution. The sampling technique used was saturated sampling, with a sample size of 42 people. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of psychological capital and workplace well-being on performance. This study is a quantitative study using multiple regression analysis. The research instruments were in the form of a psychological capital questionnaire, a workplace well-being questionnaire, and a performance questionnaire. The data obtained were then analyzed using SPSS. The results showed that there was a significant positive effect simultaneously and partially of psychological capital and workplace well-being on performance, with an R square value of 85.1%


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    Menjadi seorang mantan pasien skizofrenia memerlukan proses penyesuaian yang mendukung dalam fungsi kehidupan sehari-hari. Kondisi awal sembuh hingga saat ini tentu mengalami fluktuatif berbagai aspek yaitu aspek sosial, aspek kognitif serta aspek psikologis. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat gambaran subjective well-being pada mantan pasien skizofrenia. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode studi kasus. Responden pada penelitian ini berjumlah 2 responden yang ditentukan dengan teknik purposive sampling. Pengambilan data menggunakan wawancara semi terstruktur.Hasil analisis menunjukkan kedua responden memiliki subjective well-being yang bervariasi. Responden AS terlihat dari kepuasan hidupnya diseluruh domain dan afek positif lebih mendominasi afek negatifnya. Sedangkan untuk responden T terlihat dari kepuasan pekerjaannya memiliki afek positif yang cukup baik serta memiliki kepuasan hidup sedangkan afek negatifnya hanya muncul pada saat kondisi tertentu misalnya ketika responden sedang lelah atau teringat dan merindukan orang terdekat

    Effect of perceived career development and work-life balance to psychological well-being of lecturer

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    The amount of work requirement that must be met by lecturers can cause stress and create discomfort feelings. Therefore, institutions need to pay attention to things that can reduce the psychological well-being of their lecturers so that they can comfortably work and give their best performance. This study aims to determine the effect of perceived career development and work-life balance to psychological well-being of lecturers. A total of 63 lecturers from P University became the sample of this study which was obtained by convenience sampling method. The measuring instrument used consists of the Perceived Career Development Scale, Work-Life Balance Scale, and Psychological Well-Being Scale. The analytical method used is multiple regression analysis technique and using SPSS 16. The results showed that there was no influence of perceived career development and work-life balance to psychological well-being of lecturers at P University (F = 3.471, p = 0.037, p> 0.05)

    Effect of perceived career development and work-life balance to psychological well-being of lecturer

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    The amount of work requirement that must be met by lecturers can cause stress and create discomfort feelings. Therefore, institutions need to pay attention to things that can reduce the psychological well-being of their lecturers so that they can comfortably work and give their best performance. This study aims to determine the effect of perceived career development and work-life balance to psychological well-being of lecturers. A total of 63 lecturers from P University became the sample of this study which was obtained by convenience sampling method. The measuring instrument used consists of the Perceived Career Development Scale, Work-Life Balance Scale, and Psychological Well-Being Scale. The analytical method used is multiple regression analysis technique and using SPSS 16. The results showed that there was no influence of perceived career development and work-life balance to psychological well-being of lecturers at P University (F = 3.471, p = 0.037, p> 0.05)


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    This study aims to determine the effect of human relations, Islamic work ethic and employee performance at LAZISMU Purworejo Region .The population of this research is LAZISMU Purworejo Region employees from various ranks/classes. The sampling technique used is random sampling. Data related to research variables were collected using questionnaires distributed to all respondents and filled out by respondents themselves based on respondents' perceptions. Based on the instrument test conducted, it is proven that all statement items in the questionnaire are proven to be valid and reliable. The analytical technique used to prove the hypothesis is multiple linear regression. The results showed that Human Relations did not have a positive and significant effect on employee performance. Islamic work ethic has a positive and significant effect on the performance of LAZISMU Purworejo Region employees. Suggestions that can be given to LAZISMU Purworejo Region is to keep paying attention to Human relations (relationships between humans) where the relationship or cooperation between two or more individuals, especially in relationship status or social interaction and good social communication can certainly affect an individual's performance in complete tasks assigned by superiors. The better the level of human relations between employees, superiors, and customers, the better the performance of employees. Furthermore, the management of LAZISMU Purworejo Region also needs to improve the existence of a high work ethic in employees where the work ethic will make the employee effective at work. The better the Islamic work ethic, the better the performance of employees Keywords: Human Relations, Islamic Work Ethic, Employee Performanc