48 research outputs found

    Healthy lifestyle behaviors and the periodicity of mammography screening in brazilian women

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    INTRODUCTION: Certain behaviors have been associated with health promotion, including mammography screening, in women worldwide. OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to determine whether there is an association between the periodicity of mammography screening and healthy lifestyle behaviors in Brazilian women employed at a public university in Bahia, Brazil. METHODS: A total of 635 women of 50–69 years of age at the time of the interview, from the Brazilian Longitudinal Study of Adult Health cohort who were resident in Bahia, participated in the study. Data were collected using a multidimensional questionnaire that included questions on participants’ sociodemographic characteristics and health-related behaviors (smoking, alcohol consumption, leisure-time physical activity and diet) and another questionnaire that dealt with risk factors and breast cancer screening. Measures of association were calculated using simple and multivariate logistic regression. RESULTS: The practice of physical activity, not smoking, moderate alcohol consumption and a healthy diet were the health behaviors most adopted by the women who had last had a mammogram ⩽2 years previously (which is in line with the interval recommended by the Brazilian Ministry of Health). A statistically significant association was found between a lapse of ⩾3 years since last undergoing mammography screening and excessive alcohol consumption, while a borderline association was found between the same screening interval and leisure-time physical inactivity. CONCLUSION: There was an association between lifestyle risk behaviors and a longer time interval between mammography screenings. The present results contribute to the debate on the use of mammography, lifestyle behaviors and health promotion among women

    Ethnoracial and social trends in breast cancer staging at diagnosis in Brazil, 2001–14: a case only analysis

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    Background: Policies for early detection of breast cancer, including clinical breast examinations and mammographic screening, were introduced in Brazil in 2004, but their effect on disease stage at diagnosis is unclear. We aimed to assess whether these policies have led to a decrease in the prevalence of late-stage breast cancer at diagnosis. Methods: In this case only analysis, using an anonymised nationwide hospital based-cancer registry network, we identified women aged 18–89 years who had been diagnosed with an invasive breast cancer in Brazil during 2001–14. We extracted individual patient-level data on patient demographics, tumour variables, and health-care provider variables for the centre where the patient was diagnosed. Our objectives were to estimate the prevalence of late-stage breast cancer (TNM stage III or IV) at diagnosis overall, across age groups, and by ethnoracial and social strata (ie, self-reported ethnoracial group, as white, black, brown, Asian, or Indigenous, and educational level, marital status, and region of residence) across the study period, and compare these estimates with international data from high-income countries (Norway and the USA). We used logistic regression to estimate odds ratios (ORs) for late-stage versus early-stage (TNM stage I or II) breast cancer at diagnosis in relation to relevant exposures, either minimally adjusted (for age, year of diagnosis, and region of residence) or fully adjusted (for all patient, tumour, and health-care provider variables). Findings: We identified 247 719 women who were diagnosed with invasive breast cancer between Jan 1, 2001, and Dec 31, 2014, with a mean age at diagnosis of 55·4 years (SD 13·3), of whom 36·2% (n=89 550) identified as white, 29·8% (n=73 826) as black or brown, and 0·7% (n=1639) as Asian or Indigenous. Prevalence of late-stage breast cancer at diagnosis remained high throughout 2001–14, at approximately 40%, was inversely associated with educational level (p value for linear trend <0·0001), and was higher for women who identified as black (minimally adjusted OR 1·61, 95% CI 1·53–1·70; fully adjusted OR 1·45, 95% CI 1·38–1·54) and brown (minimally adjusted OR 1·26, 95% CI 1·22–1·30; fully adjusted OR 1·18, 1·14–1·23) than those who identified as white. The predicted prevalence of late-stage cancer at diagnosis was highest for women who were black or brown with little or no formal education (48·8%, 95% CI 48·2–49·5) and lowest for women who were white with university education (29·4%, 28·2–30·6), but both these prevalences were higher than that of all women diagnosed with breast cancer in Norway before the introduction of mammography screening (ie, 16·3%, 95% CI 15·4%–17·2% in 1970–74). Similar ethnoracial and social patterns emerged in analyses restricted to the age group targeted by screening (50–69 years). Interpretation: The persistently high prevalence of late-stage breast cancer at diagnosis across all ethnoracial and social strata in Brazil, although more substantially among the most disadvantaged populations, implies that early detection policies might have had little effect on breast cancer mortality so far, and highlights the need to focus primarily on timely diagnosis of symptomatic breast cancer rather than on screening for asymptomatic disease. Funding: Newton Fund, Research Councils UK, and Conselho Nacional das Fundações Estaduais de Amparo à Pesquisa

    Covid-19 no Nordeste do Brasil: primeiro ano de pandemia e incertezas que estão por vir

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    OBJETIVO Analisar a epidemia da covid-19 na região Nordeste do Brasil, uma das mais atingidas por essa virose. MÉTODOS Os dados oficiais para covid-19 dos estados do Nordeste são referentes ao período de março de 2020 a março de 2021. A análise para capitais e estados da série do acumulado semanal de casos e de óbitos confirmados foi feita com emprego do aplicativo JoinPoint Trend Analysis. RESULTADOS Em um ano, o Nordeste acumulou 22,9% dos casos e 21,5% dos óbitos do país pela covid-19. No início da pandemia, todos os estados apresentaram um crescimento sustentável de casos, primeiro nas capitais e depois interior. Em seguida, observam-se decréscimos em todos os estados e suas capitais, porém muitos permanecem com números elevados. Em meados do segundo semestre de 2020, o número de casos começa a crescer nos estados e suas capitais, alguns em velocidade explosiva, em especial no final de 2020 e início de 2021. Padrão similar é observado para os óbitos, os quais ultrapassaram ou aproximam-se do teto observado na primeira onda, na qual todas as capitais e estados do Nordeste adotaram intensas medidas de isolamento. Fortaleza, Recife e Teresina atingiram os maiores índices de isolamento de todas as capitais, perto de 0,60. Esse índice decresce, com tendência leve de crescimento até final de dezembro, voltando a decrescer. Com exceção de Fortaleza e Salvador, as demais capitais caíram para menos de 0,40. CONCLUSÃO O Nordeste brasileiro e o país estão em uma situação sanitária, social e econômica cada vez mais complexa. É necessário acelerar o processo de vacinação e manter as medidas não farmacológicas – constante uso de máscaras faciais, medidas de distanciamento e cuidados de higiene –, além de políticas de proteção aos trabalhadores que perderam as suas rendas e subsídios aos pequenos empresários.OBJECTIVE To analyze the epidemic of COVID-19 in northeastern Brazil, one of the regions most affected by the virus. METHODS The official data for COVID-19, from March 2020 to March 2021 in the states of the Northeast Region (NE), were used. The analysis of capital cities and states for accumulated weekly cases and confirmed deaths was made using the JoinPoint Trend Analysis application. RESULTS In one year, the Northeast region reported 22.9% of the cases and 21.5% of the deaths in the country due to COVID-19. At the beginning of the pandemic, all states showed a growing number of cases, first in the capitals and then in the interior. Following this wave, decreases are observed in all states and their capitals, but with many still reporting a large number of cases. In the middle of the 2nd semester of 2020 the number of cases begins to increase again simultaneously in states and their capitals—some at explosive speed—especially in late 2020 and early 2021. A similar pattern is observed in deaths, which exceed or approach the peak seen in the first wave. In the first wave, all capitals and northeastern states adopted intense isolation measures. Fortaleza, Recife and Teresina reached the highest isolation index of all capitals, close to 0.60. This index decreases, with a slight growth trend until the end of December. With the exception of Fortaleza and Salvador, the other capitals fell to less than 0.40. CONCLUSION The Brazilian NE and the country are in increasingly complicated health, social and economic situations. It is necessary to speed up vaccinations and maintain non-pharmacological measures: face masks, social distancing measures and hygiene care, in addition to policies to protect workers who have lost their incomes and to subsidize small business owners

    Ethnoracial and social trends in breast cancer staging at diagnosis in Brazil, 2001–14: a case only analysis

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    Background: Policies for early detection of breast cancer, including clinical breast examinations and mammographic screening, were introduced in Brazil in 2004, but their effect on disease stage at diagnosis is unclear. We aimed to assess whether these policies have led to a decrease in the prevalence of late-stage breast cancer at diagnosis. Methods: In this case only analysis, using an anonymised nationwide hospital based-cancer registry network, we identified women aged 18–89 years who had been diagnosed with an invasive breast cancer in Brazil during 2001–14. We extracted individual patient-level data on patient demographics, tumour variables, and health-care provider variables for the centre where the patient was diagnosed. Our objectives were to estimate the prevalence of late-stage breast cancer (TNM stage III or IV) at diagnosis overall, across age groups, and by ethnoracial and social strata (ie, self-reported ethnoracial group, as white, black, brown, Asian, or Indigenous, and educational level, marital status, and region of residence) across the study period, and compare these estimates with international data from high-income countries (Norway and the USA). We used logistic regression to estimate odds ratios (ORs) for late-stage versus early-stage (TNM stage I or II) breast cancer at diagnosis in relation to relevant exposures, either minimally adjusted (for age, year of diagnosis, and region of residence) or fully adjusted (for all patient, tumour, and health-care provider variables). Findings: We identified 247 719 women who were diagnosed with invasive breast cancer between Jan 1, 2001, and Dec 31, 2014, with a mean age at diagnosis of 55·4 years (SD 13·3), of whom 36·2% (n=89 550) identified as white, 29·8% (n=73 826) as black or brown, and 0·7% (n=1639) as Asian or Indigenous. Prevalence of late-stage breast cancer at diagnosis remained high throughout 2001–14, at approximately 40%, was inversely associated with educational level (p value for linear trend <0·0001), and was higher for women who identified as black (minimally adjusted OR 1·61, 95% CI 1·53–1·70; fully adjusted OR 1·45, 95% CI 1·38–1·54) and brown (minimally adjusted OR 1·26, 95% CI 1·22–1·30; fully adjusted OR 1·18, 1·14–1·23) than those who identified as white. The predicted prevalence of late-stage cancer at diagnosis was highest for women who were black or brown with little or no formal education (48·8%, 95% CI 48·2–49·5) and lowest for women who were white with university education (29·4%, 28·2–30·6), but both these prevalences were higher than that of all women diagnosed with breast cancer in Norway before the introduction of mammography screening (ie, 16·3%, 95% CI 15·4%–17·2% in 1970–74). Similar ethnoracial and social patterns emerged in analyses restricted to the age group targeted by screening (50–69 years). Interpretation: The persistently high prevalence of late-stage breast cancer at diagnosis across all ethnoracial and social strata in Brazil, although more substantially among the most disadvantaged populations, implies that early detection policies might have had little effect on breast cancer mortality so far, and highlights the need to focus primarily on timely diagnosis of symptomatic breast cancer rather than on screening for asymptomatic disease. Funding: Newton Fund, Research Councils UK, and Conselho Nacional das Fundações Estaduais de Amparo à Pesquisa

    Ethical issues in longitudinal studies: the case of ELSA-Brasil

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    Historicamente a discussão acerca da eticidade dos atos em pesquisas com seres humanos privilegiou os estudos experimentais, pelo maior potencial de danos aos sujeitos envolvidos. Todavia, os estudos observacionais também envolvem riscos e suscitam questões relevantes. Neste artigo pretende-se apresentar e discutir aspectos éticos do desenvolvimento do ELSA-Brasil, um estudo longitudinal e multicêntrico, com financiamento público, no qual os sujeitos da pesquisa e pesquisadores pertencem às mesmas instituições. São descritos os procedimentos adotados para atender às exigências e compromissos éticos e a casuística que orientou as ações segundo seus princípios norteadores (beneficência, autonomia e justiça social). São apresentados alguns problemas morais que exigiram ponderação sobre riscos e benefícios na confluência com os objetivos do estudo e comentam-se peculiaridades de um estudo longitudinal e seus potenciais benefícios.The debate about ethics in research with human beings has historically emphasized experimental studies because of their greater potential to harm the subjects involved. However, observational studies also include risks and relevant questions to be discussed. This article aims to present and discuss the ethical aspects involved in the implementation of ELSA-Brasil, a longitudinal multicenter study, with public funding, in which the research subjects and investigators are employees of the same institutions. The procedures adopted to meet the ethical requirements and commitments are described, as well as the casuistics that guided the actions according to their guiding principles (beneficence, autonomy and social justice). We present some moral problems that required consideration of risks and benefits at the confluence with the study's objectives, and we conclude with comments on the peculiarities and the potential benefits of a longitudinal study

    Questionnaire development in ELSA-Brasil: challenges of a multidimensional instrument

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    O artigo apresenta o processo de elaboração do questionário utilizado no Estudo Longitudinal de Saúde do Adulto (ELSA-Brasil). Iniciamos pelo relato sobre a "Seleção de Temas" abordados no questionário, cujo conteúdo teria que abranger o conhecimento disponível acerca da complexa rede de causalidade dos desfechos de interesse, assim como possibilitar a comparabilidade com estudos semelhantes. Contextualizamos a "tradução e a adaptação de instrumentos de medida", necessárias no caso de escalas de avaliação de vizinhanças, do instrumento para diagnóstico de transtornos depressivos e de ansiedade, e do questionário de frequência alimentar. A seguir, comentamos os critérios que nortearam a "ordem dos blocos temáticos" e finalmente a importância prática dos "pré-testes e estudos-piloto". As relações entre o conjunto de informações reunidas no ELSA poderão constituir contribuição original sobre os fatores que causam ou agravam os desfechos de interesse no contexto brasileiro, assim como sobre seus fatores de proteção.This article describes the development of the Brazilian Longitudinal Study for Adult Health (ELSA-Brasil) questionnaire. We first address the selection of topics whose contents have to cover the knowledge available on the complex causal network of outcomes and allow comparability with similar studies. Then we deal with the "translation and adaptation of measurement instruments" including neighborhood environment rating scales, depression and anxiety disorder rating scale and a food frequency questionnaire and discuss criteria that guided "theme block sequencing". And finally we focus on the practical importance of "pretesting and pilot studies". The ELSA may provide an original contribution regarding factors that cause or aggravate the outcomes of interest in the Brazilian population, as well as protective factors

    Evaluating the health effect of a Social Housing programme, Minha Casa Minha Vida, using the 100 million Brazilian Cohort: a natural experiment study protocol.

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    INTRODUCTION: Social housing programmes have been shown to influence health, but their effects on cardiovascular mortality and incidence of infectious diseases, such as leprosy and tuberculosis, are unknown. We will use individual administrative data to evaluate the effect of the Brazilian housing programme Minha Casa Minha Vida (MCMV) on cardiovascular disease (CVD) mortality and incidence of leprosy and tuberculosis. METHODS AND ANALYSIS: We will link the baseline of the 100 Million Brazilian Cohort (2001-2015), which includes information on socioeconomic and demographic variables, to the MCMV (2009-2015), CVD mortality (2007-2015), leprosy (2007-2015) and tuberculosis (2007-2015) registries. We will define our exposed population as individuals who signed the contract to receive a house from MCMV, and our non-exposed group will be comparable individuals within the cohort who have not signed a contract for a house at that time. We will estimate the effect of MCMV on health outcomes using different propensity score approaches to control for observed confounders. Follow-up time of individuals will begin at the date of exposure ascertainment and will end at the time a specific outcome occurs, date of death or end of follow-up (31 December 2015). In addition, we will conduct stratified analyses by the follow-up time, age group, race/ethnicity, gender and socioeconomic position. ETHICS AND DISSEMINATION: The study was approved by the ethic committees from Instituto Gonçalo Muniz-Oswaldo Cruz Foundation and University of Glasgow Medical, Veterinary and Life Sciences College. Data analysis will be carried out using an anonymised dataset, accessed by researchers in a secure computational environment according to the Centre for Integration of Data and Health Knowledge procedures. Study findings will be published in high quality peer-reviewed research journals and will also be disseminated to policy makers through stakeholder events and policy briefs