96 research outputs found

    Profile types of sound speed in the lower atmosphere and their relationships to acoustic focusing

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    Profile types of sound speed in lower atmosphere and relations to acoustic focusin

    Why digital medicine depends on interoperability

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    Digital data are anticipated to transform medicine. However, most of today's medical data lack interoperability: hidden in isolated databases, incompatible systems and proprietary software, the data are difficult to exchange, analyze, and interpret. This slows down medical progress, as technologies that rely on these data - artificial intelligence, big data or mobile applications - cannot be used to their full potential. In this article, we argue that interoperability is a prerequisite for the digital innovations envisioned for future medicine. We focus on four areas where interoperable data and IT systems are particularly important: (1) artificial intelligence and big data; (2) medical communication; (3) research; and (4) international cooperation. We discuss how interoperability can facilitate digital transformation in these areas to improve the health and well-being of patients worldwide

    Development of a feed monitor system for a helium-cooled Michelson intererometer for the Spacelab

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    A Michelson interferometer feed monitor system developed for Spacelab is described. The device is helium cooled and is to be used to measure far infrared radiation sources in space. Performance data and development sequence are presented

    Flipping the Switch: Prosecutors Keeping Youth Out of the Criminal Justice System

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    Ideal for law enforcement, educators, and all citizens working with youth at risk, this unique presentation explains how prosecutors in one of the nation’s largest counties have engaged local school districts, community-based organizations, and even ex-gang members to create an award-winning Crime Prevention Unit designed to keep youth in the classroom and out of the criminal justice system

    Plugging the Pipeline: Prosecutors and Educators Collaborating to Eliminate the School to Prison Pipeline

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    Ideal for law enforcement, educators, and all citizens working with youth at-risk, this unique presentation explains how prosecutors in one of the nation’s largest counties have engaged local school districts, community based organizations, and even ex-gang members to create an award winning Crime Prevention Unit designed to keep youth in the classroom and out of the criminal justice system

    Efectos de la terapia miofuncional en la masticación y deglución de niños que presentan parálisis cerebral

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    La parálisis cerebral es un trastorno motor que afecta la postura y el movimiento. En cuanto a la actividad muscular de la región orofacial en los casos de parálisis cerebral PC se ve afectada, evidenciándose dificultades para realizar la masticación y deglución adecuadamente. La presente investigación tiene como objetivo describir los efectos de la terapia miofuncional en la masticación y deglución de niños que presentan PC. Se trata de un estudio de tipo cuantitativo-cualitativo, con un diseño descriptivo comparativo y una muestra seleccionada de manera intencional, conformada por 2 niños que presentan PC con alteración en la masticación y deglución. La metodología aplicada en el estudio comprendió instrumentos y técnicas. Los instrumentos usados para el recojo de información son el Protocolo de Evaluación de Motricidad Orofacial MBGR, traducido por el equipo de habla de CPAL (Paredes y Fernández, 2013); y la electromiografía de superficie. Mientras que, las técnicas utilizadas son: la observación sistemática, el análisis documental, el procedimiento de análisis de datos y un plan de terapia miofuncional. En la muestra seleccionada, luego de la aplicación de la terapia miofuncional, los resultados se evidenciaron en la optimización de cinco aspectos: mejorar la postura; promover el cierre labial durante la masticación; percibir la presencia de saliva acumulada en el labio inferior y deglutirla; mejorar el patrón masticatorio; y fortalecer la musculatura orofacial. Ello nos permite concluir que la terapia miofuncional sí consigue mejorar la funcionalidad de las estructuras que participan en la masticación y deglución de niños que presentan parálisis cerebral.Cerebral palsy is a motor disorder that affects posture and movement. As for the muscular activity of the orofacial region in cases of PC cerebral palsy are affected, evidencing difficulties in performing automatic chewing and swallowing. This research aims to describe the effects of myofunctional therapy on the chewing and swallowing of children with PC. This is a quantitative-qualitative study, with a comparative descriptive design and an intentionally selected sample, consisting of 2 children who present PC with alteration in chewing and swallowing. The methodology applied in the study of instruments and techniques. The instruments used for the collection of information are the MBGR Orofacial Motor Assessment Protocol, translated by the CPAL speaking team (Paredes and Fernández, 2013); and surface electromyography. Meanwhile, the techniques used are: systematic observation, documentary analysis, data analysis procedure and a myofunctional therapy plan. In the selected sample, then in the application of myofunctional therapy, the results were evidenced in the optimization of five aspects: improving the position; promote lip closure during chewing; perceive the presence of accumulated saliva on the lower lip and swallow it; improve the chewing pattern; and strengthen the orofacial musculature. This allows us to conclude that myofunctional therapy does improve the functionality of the structures involved in chewing and swallowing children who have cerebral palsy

    Ground-based detection of a vibration-rotation line of HD in Orion

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    The v =1-0 R(5) line of HD at 2.46um has been detected at the position of brightest line emission of shocked H2 in the Orion Molecular Cloud. The flux in this HD line, when compared to that of the previously detected HD 0--0 R(5) line at 19.43um, suggests that, like the v=1 levels of H2, the v=1 levels of HD are populated in LTE, despite their much higher rates of spontaneous emission compared to H2. The higher than expected population of vibrationally excited HD may be due to chemical coupling of HD to H2 via the reactive collisions HD + H H2 + D in the shocked gas. The deuterium abundance implied by the strengths of these lines relative to those of H2 is (5.1 pm 1.9 x 10^-6.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figures, Proceedings of the Conference on "Deuterium in the Universe," to be published in Planetary and Space Science

    Diseño de suelo estabilizado con cemento y aceite sulfonado de mantenimiento periódico del camino vecinal: Circuito de Producción km 15.5 carretera Mazamari- Puerto Ocopa- a Dos de Mayo

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    El presente trabajo trata sobre mejorar la carpeta estructural del circuito de producción km 15.5 de la carretera denominada Mazamari-Puerto Ocopa a Dos de Mayo, localizado en el departamento de Junín, Mazamari, provincia Satipo. Se determinó que la calidad del material de la capa de la superficie del tramo km 0+000.00 a km. 50+043.79, no es apto de un material de afirmado, sugerido por el incumplimiento de las especificaciones EG 2013, caracterizándose propiedades granulares de suelos GM y GC. El diseño propuesto se basó en la aplicación de un suelo cemento, con aceite sulfonado determinando una mezcla teórica en una proporción de 70.0% de material coluvial de la cantera Ampliación arco Iris ubicado en el km. 50+043.00 Lado izquierdo y 30.0% material Aluvial de la cantera Tsiriari ubicado en el Km. 0+000 Lado izquierdo obteniendo en la carpeta estructural un CBR mayor a 100% y una plataforma de rodadura impermeable a las precipitaciones pluviales cumpliendo con lo requerido en las especificaciones técnicas de proyecto

    The German Corona Consensus Dataset (GECCO): a standardized dataset for COVID-19 research in university medicine and beyond

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    Background: The current COVID-19 pandemic has led to a surge of research activity. While this research provides important insights, the multitude of studies results in an increasing fragmentation of information. To ensure comparability across projects and institutions, standard datasets are needed. Here, we introduce the “German Corona Consensus Dataset” (GECCO), a uniform dataset that uses international terminologies and health IT standards to improve interoperability of COVID-19 data, in particular for university medicine. Methods: Based on previous work (e.g., the ISARIC-WHO COVID-19 case report form) and in coordination with experts from university hospitals, professional associations and research initiatives, data elements relevant for COVID-19 research were collected, prioritized and consolidated into a compact core dataset. The dataset was mapped to international terminologies, and the Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) standard was used to define interoperable, machine-readable data formats. Results: A core dataset consisting of 81 data elements with 281 response options was defined, including information about, for example, demography, medical history, symptoms, therapy, medications or laboratory values of COVID-19 patients. Data elements and response options were mapped to SNOMED CT, LOINC, UCUM, ICD-10-GM and ATC, and FHIR profiles for interoperable data exchange were defined. Conclusion: GECCO provides a compact, interoperable dataset that can help to make COVID-19 research data more comparable across studies and institutions. The dataset will be further refined in the future by adding domain-specific extension modules for more specialized use cases