252 research outputs found


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    Il termine “modernismo”, letterariamente riservato, fino a non molto tempo fa, a designare nell’ambito della cultura angloamericana l’insorgere fra gli anni dieci e venti del Novecento di istanze e tensioni che dovevano trovare nelle opere di Joyce, Pound, Eliot, Woolf un’espressione ritenuta emblematica, ha ricevuto positiva accoglienza e appare ormai largamente usato anche nella critica italiana, che non più condizionata dal riferimento – già inevitabile ma ormai lontano – alle ansie di rinnovamento religioso che si legarono ai nomi di Romolo Murri e di Ernesto Buonaiuti ha creduto opportuno uniformarsi a quanto era invalso altrove, e non solo nella letteratura

    Nota introduttiva

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    Le postille di questo numero trattano dei seguenti volumi (fra parentesi il nome del recensore):Daniel Defoe, I peggiori criminali del nostro tempo, traduzione e cura di Fabrizio Bagatti (Marialuisa  Bignami)Massimo Mila, Le opere “brutte” di Giuseppe Verdi, a cura di Tito M. Tonietti (Emilio Sala)Oliver Sacks, In movimento (Paolo Inghilleri)Elena Fabietti, Immagini figurali. Uno studio sulla poesia di Baudelaire e Rilke (Lorenzo Cardilli

    Un Quaderno di traduzioni

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    Dal banchetto – non certo luculliano – delle mie maggiori traduzioni (che furono tra il 1938 e il 1943 i soli pot boilers a me concessi) erano cadute sotto il tavolo alcune briciole che finora non avevo pensato a raccogliere. Mi ha aiutato a ritrovarle la fraterna sollecitudine dell’amico Vittorio Sereni, al quale dedico il mio «Quaderno». Così Eugenio Montale all’atto di licenziare il suo Quaderno di traduzioni, con il consueto understatement che qualificava di «briciole» un mannello di traduzioni liriche scarso sì, e disperso, ma che segna oggi uno dei punti fermi del lungo lavoro che ha visto nel Novecento i nostri autori impegnati a far conoscere i contemporanei stranieri

    Modulation of homogeneous and isotropic turbulence in emulsions

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    We present a numerical study of emulsions in homogeneous and isotropic turbulence at Reλ=137Re_\lambda=137. The problem is addressed via Direct Numerical Simulations (DNS), where the Volume of Fluid (VOF) is used to represent the complex features of the liquid-liquid interface. We consider a mixture of two iso-density fluids, where fluid properties are varied with the goal of understanding their role in turbulence modulation, in particular the volume fraction (0.03<α<0.50.03<\alpha<0.5), viscosity ratio (0.01<μd/μc<1000.01<\mu_d/\mu_c<100) and large scale Weber number (10.6<WeL<106.510.6<We_\mathcal{L}<106.5). The analysis, performed by studying integral quantities and spectral scale-by-scale analysis, reveals that energy is consistently transported from large to small scales by the interface, and no inverse cascade is observed. Furthermore, the total surface is found to be directly proportional to the amount of energy transported, while viscosity and surface tension alter the dynamic that regulates energy transport. We also observe the 10/3-10/3 and 3/2-3/2 scaling on droplet size distributions, suggesting that the dimensional arguments which led to their derivation are verified in HIT conditions

    Vittorio Sereni, un altro compleanno

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    Preziosa testimonianza di quanto il lavoro poetico e l’impegno intellettuale di Vittorio Sereni abbiano segnato profondamente il percorso letterario del nostro Novecento, e di quanto siano tuttora capaci di promuovere adesioni non effimere e riflessioni non scontate, i saggi che costituiscono questo volume ne approfondiscono la conoscenza e ne rinnovano, nel centenario della nascita, la memoria. Questa raccolta di saggi rende disponibili gli atti del convegno su Vittorio Sereni tenutosi dal 24 al 26 ottobre 2013

    Aqueous Humor Biomarkers of M\ufcller Cell Activation in Diabetic Eyes.

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    PURPOSE: To identify early biomarkers of retinal M\ufcller cell activation in diabetic eyes with or without clinically detectable signs of diabetic retinopathy (DR). METHODS: This study was a cross-sectional comparative case series. The aqueous humor (AH) of 34 eyes was collected in 12 healthy controls, 11 diabetic patients without DR, and 11 diabetic patients with nonproliferative DR. Full ophthalmic examination and spectral-domain optical coherence tomography were performed in all eyes. Glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP), aquaporin 1 (AQP1), and aquaporin 4 (AQP4) were quantified in AH samples as biomarkers of M\ufcller cell activity by ELISA. Statistical analysis was performed with ANOVA followed by Tukey-Kramer post hoc test. RESULTS: There was no significant difference in the age among the three groups. Mean concentration of GFAP, AQP1, and AQP4 significantly increased in diabetic eyes versus controls (P < 0.05, for each comparison). Glial fibrillary acidic protein and AQP1 showed an approximate 2-fold increase, whereas AQP4 showed an approximate 25-fold increase in diabetics with DR versus controls. In diabetics without DR, AQP4 showed an approximate 6-fold increase versus controls. CONCLUSIONS: Glial fibrillary acidic protein, AQP1, and AQP4-biomarkers of M\ufcller cell activity-are significantly increased in human eyes with diabetes, confirming that M\ufcller cells are precociously affected by diabetes mellitus

    Role of Nutrition in Pediatric Patients with Cancer

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    : Children with cancer are at high risk for developing short-term and long-term nutritional problems related to their underlying disease and side effects of multimodal treatments. Nutritional status (NS) can influence several clinical outcomes, such as overall survival (OS) and event-free survival (EFS), treatment tolerance, risk of developing infections and quality of life (QoL). However, the importance of nutrition in children with cancer is still underestimated. This review focuses on alterations of NS that occurs in children during cancer treatment. In particular, we reviewed the pathogenesis of undernutrition in oncological children, as well as how NS affects treatment tolerance and response, the immune system and the risk of infections of children with cancer. Thanks to recent advances in all types of supportive therapy and to the progress of knowledge on this topic, it has been realized that NS is a modifiable prognostic factor that can be intervened upon to improve the outcome of these patients. Currently, there is a lack of a systematic approach and standard recommendations for nutritional care in the pediatric cancer population. Literature analysis showed that it is essential to define the NS and treat any alterations in a timely manner ensuring proper growth and development. Nutritional follow-up should become an integral part of the care pathway. Regular nutritional monitoring should be performed at diagnosis, during treatment and during follow-up. A close collaboration and sharing of expertise between pediatric oncologists and nutrition specialists, combined with careful and participatory sharing of the feeding experience with the family and the child (after age 6 years), is strongly required

    FluTAS: A GPU-accelerated finite difference code for multiphase flows

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    We present the Fluid Transport Accelerated Solver, FluTAS, a scalable GPU code for multiphase flows with thermal effects. The code solves the incompressible Navier-Stokes equation for two-fluid systems, with a direct FFT-based Poisson solver for the pressure equation. The interface between the two fluids is represented with the Volume of Fluid (VoF) method, which is mass conserving and well suited for complex flows thanks to its capacity of handling topological changes. The energy equation is explicitly solved and coupled with the momentum equation through the Boussinesq approximation. The code is conceived in a modular fashion so that different numerical methods can be used independently, the existing routines can be modified, and new ones can be included in a straightforward and sustainable manner. FluTAS is written in modern Fortran and parallelized using hybrid MPI/OpenMP in the CPU-only version and accelerated with OpenACC directives in the GPU implementation. We present different benchmarks to validate the code, and two large-scale simulations of fundamental interest in turbulent multiphase flows: isothermal emulsions in HIT and two-layer Rayleigh-B\'enard convection. FluTAS is distributed through a MIT license and arises from a collaborative effort of several scientists, aiming to become a flexible tool to study complex multiphase flows