1,238 research outputs found

    Intellectual Property, Technology, and Justice

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    Forme, funzioni e trasformazioni dell’abitato intorno al Campus Agonis nel tardo medioevo

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    I primi scavi sistematici delle parti dello stadio ancora esistenti entro le costruzioni intorno alla piazza furono avviati nella seconda metà del XIX secolo, ma la presenza delle strutture era nota e, spesso, visibile in alcuni settori della piazza, in ogni tempo. Alla carenza delle fonti scritte sull’assetto dell’area nel tardo medioevo fa riscontro la lettura di alcune strutture e di allineamenti murari messi in evidenza dallo studio diretto e indiretto delle diverse realtà architettoniche presenti sulla piazza, che ha reso possibile una lettura dell’insieme della piazza e degli isolati che su questa si affacciano. Lo studio e la mappatura della stratigrafia delle costruzioni sulla piazza è apparso uno degli strumenti più efficaci, accanto e sostenuto in molti casi dalla documentazione scritta, di ‘lettura’ della fenomenologia dell’area. In riferimento allo sviluppo del campus e alla sua trasformazione in piazza, emerge una realtà in continuo mutamento, contraddistinta, in tutti i tempi, da fasi di abbandono ma anche di continuità di utilizzi diversi delle strutture che costituivano il perimetro della piazza (campus) dall’alto medioevo e fino alla prima attestazione di una sua ‘mattonatura’ durante il pontificato di Sisto IV e nell’ambito di un processo di sistemazione di alcune fra le principali piazze della città di Roma (1485).It is not easy to determine with certainty what was the attitude of the campus with its surroundings in the late Middle Ages and before the works of brickwork of 1485. To this end have been carried out investigations that have taken account of the formative process of the present architecture of the square, the large structures of the ancient Roman Stadium, detectable mainly in the basement of the buildings, interventions, even the most minute, consisting of adjustments and reuse of ancient spaces, destruction, dismantling for recovery of building materials and the construction of new realities architettoniche.Attraverso analysis of the sources of indirect materials and propose some reflections for a reading of the minutes of the processes of open and closed spaces of 'area between the fourteenth and fifteenth century, the interior modifications and adaptations of the different structures present on campus. In particular, we will refer to some written records of the XIV-XVI and analysis to direct how the metric survey and other buildings in the square, including the underground environments and the analysis of the alignments and the squareness of the walls, metrology used in the different parts factories, research officers of any geometrical outlines of the buildings or parts of the

    Sustainable Polymer Composites Manufacturing through 3D Printing Technologies by Using Recycled Polymer and Filler

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    In the last years, the excessive use of plastic and other synthetic materials, that are generally difficult to dispose of, has caused growing ecological worries. These are contributing to redirecting the world's attention to sustainable materials and a circular economy (CE) approach using recycling routes. In this work, bio-filaments for the Fused Filament Fabrication (FFF) 3D printing technique were produced from recycled polylactic acid (PLA) and artisanal ceramic waste by an extrusion process and fully characterized from a physical, thermal, and mechanical point of view. The data showed different morphological, thermal, rheological, and mechanical properties of the two produced filaments. Furthermore, the 3D objects produced from the 100% recycled PLA filament showed lower mechanical performance. However, the results have demonstrated that all the produced filaments can be used in a low-cost FFF commercial printer that has been modified with simple hand-made operations in order to produce 3D-printed models. The main objective of this work is to propose an example of easy and low-cost application of 3D printing that involves operations such as the reprocessing and the recyclability of materials, that are also not perfectly mechanically performing but can still provide environmental and economic benefits

    An Interdisciplinary Approach for the Historical and Technical Characterization of Medieval and Modern Mortars

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    The study concerns Italian masonries and focuses on historical, medieval and modern mortars. Within the context of the different regions under examination (Piedmont, the Po Valley area, Latium, the Umbria-Marche region, and Apulia and Sardinia) a wide variety of materials with different chemical-physical characteristics were used in masonry work, determining different structural behaviors. The project aims at improving our knowledge about historical mortars in order to further the conservation of Italian built heritage, especially in zones with seismic risk. To achieve these results, we took samples and carried out analyses to investigate the different mechanical and cohesion properties that influence the vulnerability of ruined or collapsed structures. This information has enabled advances to be made in the prevention, maintenance, protection and preservation of historical buildings. Further details will concern the history of construction techniques, with particular regard to the relationship between local resources and construction sites. Another important topic is the role of different components and additives during the preparation of the mortars and their level of hydraulicity.Lo studio riguarda le strutture murarie in Italia e si concentra sulle malte storiche, medievali e moderne. Nei contesti regionali oggetto d’indagine (Piemonte e Pianura Padana, Lazio, Umbria-Marche, Puglia e Sardegna) è stata utilizzata una grande varietà di materiali, con caratteristiche chimico-fisiche diverse, e queste differenze determinano anche comportamenti strutturali diversi. Il progetto mira a migliorare la nostra conoscenza delle malte storiche per approfondire il tema della conservazione del patrimonio edilizio italiano, soprattutto nelle zone a rischio sismico. Per ottenere questi risultati, sono stati prelevati campioni sui quali sono state effettuate analisi per indagare quanto le diverse proprietà meccaniche e di coesione incidano sulla vulnerabilità delle strutture in rovina o collassate. Grazie a queste informazioni è stato possibile contribuire alla prevenzione, manutenzione, protezione e conservazione dell'edilizia storica. Ulteriori conoscenze hanno riguardato la storia delle tecniche di costruzione, con particolare riguardo al rapporto tra risorse locali e i cantieri. Un altro importante tema è stato il ruolo dei diversi componenti e additivi durante la preparazione delle malte e il loro livello di idraulicità

    A “medieval shaped castle”. Neo-medieval restorations of the purist architect, Giovanni Partini from Siena

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    A study of the restoration of the castle of Torre Alfina, in northern Lazio, is the occasion to propose a wider reflection on the “invention” of the medieval past by nineteenth century architects, under the influence of Viollet-le-Duc’s theories. The essay is divided into two parts: the former deals with the general interest of neo-medieval architects in the restoration of medieval castles. The castle typology is particularly suitable to that kind of operation where historical reconstruction and fantasy are mixed together, as clearly seen in the experience of Viollet-le-Duc in Pierrefonds, but also in Alfredo D’Andrade’s work in the park of the Valentino, in Turin. The latter part of the essay concerns the restoration of the “medieval shape” of the castle of Torre Alfina and the important role played by the architect, Giuseppe Partini, a protagonist of Purism in Siena, who considered neo-medievalism both as a sublimation of Gothic architecture, and as the highest expression of creativity. The project of Torre Alfina was realized by Partini with the help of a team of craftsmen who translated Partini’s theoretical issues on neo-medievalism and interpretation/re-creation of the past into practical results

    Characterization of Coffee Silver Skin as Potential Food-Safe Ingredient

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    By-products from the coffee industry are produced in large amounts each year. Among other wastes, coffee silver skin (CSS) is highly available and more stable due to its lower content of water. This research aimed to characterize coffee silver skin composition and evidence its potentiality for use as a food-safe ingredient in new formulations. Results showed an average total dietary fiber content of 50% but with a higher ratio for insoluble than soluble fiber. A high content of total phenolic compounds, chlorogenic acid, caffeine, and caffeic acid was found and correlated with the high measured antioxidant capacity. Moreover, minerals (e.g., calcium, magnesium, phosphorous, potassium, copper, iron, manganese) important for human wellbeing were found at a high level in CSS, while toxic minerals (e.g., nickel) were found at low levels. In conclusion, coffee silver skin could have an advantageous role for the recovery of valuable compounds and as a potential food-safe ingredient

    Poly-Lactic Acid-Bagasse Based Bio-Composite for Additive Manufacturing

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    : Beer bagasse is a residue waste produced in great amounts; nevertheless, it is still underestimated in the industry. The aim of this paper is to develop an innovative and efficient methodology to recycle the beer bagasse by producing Poly-lactic acid(PLA)-based bio-composites, in the forms of pellets and filaments, to be used in additive manufacturing processes. To assess the suitability of beer bagasse for extrusion-based 3D printing techniques, it was, firstly, physically and chemically characterized. Then, it was added in combination with different kinds of plasticizers to PLA to make bio-composites, analyzing their thermal and physical properties. The results prove the great potential of bagasse, evidencing its printability. Both composites' pellets and filaments were used in two different 3D printing machines and the mechanical properties of the 3D-printed models were evaluated as a function of the composition and the kind of technology used. All the used plasticizers improved processability and the polymer-bagasse interface. Compared to neat PLA, no changes in thermal properties were detected, but a lowering of the mechanical properties of the 3D-printed composites compared to the neat polymers was observed. Finally, a comparison between the efficiency of the two 3D printing techniques to be used with the bio-based composites was performed

    Meaning coconstruction in group counseling: The development of innovative moments

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    This study discusses a model of group counseling, the narrative mediation path (NMP), which is a unique narrative, multimodal approach that combines four narrative modes (metaphoric, iconographic, writing, and bodily ) and the narrative group. The purpose of the NMP is to foster reflexive processes with underachieving university students and to improve their academic performance. The study analyzes a single case of group counseling for seven underachieving economics students at an Italian university and the process of meaning construction among NMP narrative modes and the follow-up session. It applies the innovative moments coding system, a reliable method for studying change by tracking narrative innovations in sessions. More specifically, we focus on how innovative moments (IMs: action, reflection, protest, and reconceptualization) evolve during the four different narrative modes and the follow-up session. The findings suggest that the NMP fosters narrative innovations, mainly of a reflexive nature (reflection and reconceptualization). Moreover, during counseling and the follow-up session, the pattern of change is primarily characterized by reconceptualization IMs, the most complex form of narrative innovationEuropean Commission (Grant Agreement 2011-4040 Project 517750-LLP-1-2011-1-IT-ERASMUS-ESIN