122 research outputs found

    Multiple Hashing Integration for Real-Time Large Scale Part-to-Part Video Matching

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    A real-time large scale part-to-part video matching algorithm, based on the cross correlation of the intensity of motion curves, is proposed with a view to originality recognition, video database cleansing, copyright enforcement, video tagging or video result re-ranking. Moreover, it is suggested how the most representative hashes and distance functions - strada, discrete cosine transformation, Marr-Hildreth and radial - should be integrated in order for the matching algorithm to be invariant against blur, compression and rotation distortions: (R; _) 2 [1; 20]_[1; 8], from 512_512 to 32_32pixels2 and from 10 to 180_. The DCT hash is invariant against blur and compression up to 64x64 pixels2. Nevertheless, although its performance against rotation is the best, with a success up to 70%, it should be combined with the Marr-Hildreth distance function. With the latter, the image selected by the DCT hash should be at a distance lower than 1.15 times the Marr-Hildreth minimum distance

    Theoretical Kinetics Study of the F(2P) + NH3 Hydrogen Abstraction Reaction

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    The hydrogen abstraction reaction of fluorine with ammonia represents a true chemical challenge because it is very fast, is followed by secondary abstraction reactions, which are also extremely fast, and presents an experimental/theoretical controversy about rate coefficients. Using a previously developed full-dimensional analytical potential energy surface, we found that the F + NH3 → HF + NH2 system is a barrierless reaction with intermediate complexes in the entry and exit channels. In order to understand the reactivity of the title reaction, thermal rate coefficidents were calculated using two approaches: ring polymer molecular dynamics and quasi-classical trajectory calculations, and these were compared with available experimental data for the common temperature range 276–327 K. The theoretical results obtained show behavior practically independent of temperature, reproducing Walther–Wagner’s experiment, but in contrast with Persky’s more recent experiment. However, quantitatively, our results are 1 order of magnitude larger than those of Walther–Wagner and reasonably agree with the Persky at the lowest temperature, questioning so Walther−Wagner’s older data. At present, the reason for this discrepancy is not clear, although we point out some possible reasons in the light of current theoretical calculationsThis work was partially supported by Gobierno de Extremadura, Spain, and FEDER (Project No. IB10001). Y.V.S. acknowledges the support of a Combustion Energy Research Fellowship through the Combustion Energy Frontier Research Center, an Energy Frontier Research Center funded by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Basic Energy Sciences under Award Number DE-SC0001198. A.F-.R. thanks Xunta de Galicia through Grant No. 2012/314 para a consolidación e a estruturación de unidades de investigación competitivas do Sistema Universitario de Galicia, 2012S

    Estudio comparativo del mercado eléctrico español y del mercado eléctrico italiano

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    Este Trabajo de Fin de Grado se divide en tres bloques. En el primero se explica en detalle la estructura y el funcionamiento de los mercados eléctricos de España y de Italia, comparando las cifras de las principales compañías que producen y comercializan electricidad y comparando también las principales cifras de los dos Operadores del Sistema, REE en España y Terna S.p.A. en Italia. Se explica el método de cálculo del kWh para cada uno de los mercados y cómo se tiene controlada a diario esta variación del precio. En el segundo bloque se explican las facturas de la luz de ambos países, entrando en detalle en los tipos de pagos e impuestos con los que pagamos el transporte y la distribución de la luz. Se hace un análisis del precio que se paga por estas partidas y su comparación con el precio que se paga por el consumo realizado. Por último, se presenta un tercer bloque en el que se pone sobre la mesa la situación de las energías renovables, el uso que ambos países le están dando a las mismas y el contexto europeo en el que nos encontramos, se explican los objetivos que la Unión Europea puso para 2020 y la mirada al futuro con los objetivos previstos para 2030 para intentar convivir con el cambio climático de la manera menos perjudicial posible. En este último bloque se expone un tema de actualidad a nivel europeo, el uso de dos horarios durante el año y su posible desaparición en 2021, se pone en duda que sea una medida adecuada de ahorro de energía y se explican las posibles soluciones, tanto para España como para Italia, de cara a su posible abolición a nivel europeo.<br /

    Gelatin–chitosan–PVA hydrogels and their application in agriculture

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    This work demonstrated the ability of a fabrication process in the preparation of gelatin-chitosan-PVA hydrogels for potential agricultural applications. The hydrogels showed a dense, tridimensional, interconnected and reticulated structure that was more evident in the hydrogel loaded with inulin. The hydrogels showed a water absorption capacity of ≤12 times its mass. FTIR and light microscopy demonstrated that the hydrogels were biodegradable. The percentage of degradation of hydrogels in inoculated soil was higher than in sterile soil using the soil burial test. Hydrogel loaded with inulin was found to be capable of inducing resistance in chili plants against Phytophthora capsici.ITESO, A.C

    Cost-effectiveness analysis for joint pain treatment in patients with osteoarthritis treated at the Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social (IMSS): Comparison of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) vs. cyclooxygenase-2 selective inhibitors

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Osteoarthritis (OA) is one of the main causes of disability worldwide, especially in persons >55 years of age. Currently, controversy remains about the best therapeutic alternative for this disease when evaluated from a cost-effectiveness viewpoint. For Social Security Institutions in developing countries, it is very important to assess what drugs may decrease the subsequent use of medical care resources, considering their adverse events that are known to have a significant increase in medical care costs of patients with OA. Three treatment alternatives were compared: celecoxib (200 mg twice daily), non-selective NSAIDs (naproxen, 500 mg twice daily; diclofenac, 100 mg twice daily; and piroxicam, 20 mg/day) and acetaminophen, 1000 mg twice daily. The aim of this study was to identify the most cost-effective first-choice pharmacological treatment for the control of joint pain secondary to OA in patients treated at the Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social (IMSS).</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A cost-effectiveness assessment was carried out. A systematic review of the literature was performed to obtain transition probabilities. In order to evaluate analysis robustness, one-way and probabilistic sensitivity analyses were conducted. Estimations were done for a 6-month period.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Treatment demonstrating the best cost-effectiveness results [lowest cost-effectiveness ratio 17.5pesos/patient(17.5 pesos/patient (1.75 USD)] was celecoxib. According to the one-way sensitivity analysis, celecoxib would need to markedly decrease its effectiveness in order for it to not be the optimal treatment option. In the probabilistic analysis, both in the construction of the acceptability curves and in the estimation of net economic benefits, the most cost-effective option was celecoxib.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>From a Mexican institutional perspective and probably in other Social Security Institutions in similar developing countries, the most cost-effective option for treatment of knee and/or hip OA would be celecoxib.</p

    Intervención no farmacológica como estrategia para favorecer el control de la hipertensión arterial y mejorar el cumplimiento antihipertensivo

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    ResumenObjetivoComprobar la eficacia de una intervención mediante una revista educacional en el cumplimiento antihipertensivo de la hipertensión arterial (HTA) no controlada.DiseñoEstudio clínico controlado, aleatorizado y multicéntrico.EmplazamientoOchenta y siete Centros de Salud de España.ParticipantesSe incluyeron 450 pacientes hipertensos diagnosticados de HTA no controlada.IntervenciónSe formaron 2 grupos con 225 individuos: a) grupo de intervención (GI), los que recibieron una revista educacional domiciliaria bimensual y b) grupo de control (GC), que tuvieron práctica clínica habitual.Mediciones principalesEl cumplimiento se midió mediante monitores electrónicos (MEMS-Aardex). Se calculó el porcentaje de cumplimiento, el porcentaje de cumplidores del total de dosis y de días en los que tomaba una dosis y el NNT (number needed to treat 'número de pacientes que es necesario tratar'). Se definió cumplidor un consumo del 80 al 110%. Se calculó la presión arterial media y los porcentajes de los controlados.ResultadosConcluyeron 393 individuos (edad: 62,4 años [desviación estándar de 11,6 años]), 196 pacientes del GI y 197 pacientes del GC. Ciento ochenta y cuatro eran varones (46,8%).Fueron cumplidores del total de las dosis tomadas el 83,2% en el GI (del 78 al 88,4%) y el 49,2% del GC (IC del 95%: del 42,2 al 56,2%) (p=0,0001) y fueron cumplidores diarios el 74% del GI (IC del 95%: del 67,9 al 80,1%) y el 42,6% del GC (IC del 95%: del 35,7 al 49,5%) (p=0,0001).El control de la HTA fue del 81,6% en el GI (IC del 95%: del 76,2 al 86,5%) y del 56,3% en el GC (IC del 95%: del 49,4 al 63,2%). El NNT con la intervención fue de 3,3 pacientes.ConclusionesEl incumplimiento del tratamiento fue muy alto. La revista educacional es una estrategia eficaz para disminuir el incumplimiento y mejorar el grado de control de la HTA.AbstractObjetiveTo evaluate the efficacy of an intervention by means of an educational magazine on treatment compliance in uncontrolled arterial hypertension (AHT).DesignControlled, randomised clinical trial.Setting87 primary care centres. Spain.ParticipantsA total of 450 patients with uncontrolled hypertension were included.InterventionTwo groups of 225 patients were formed: 1) Control group (CG): standard health intervention; 2) Intervention Group (IG): received a twice monthly educational magazine at home.Main measurementsCompliance was measured using the Medication Event Monitoring System (MEMS-Aardex). Compliance rate (CR) was recorded. Compliers were defined as individuals with a treatment compliance of 80–110%. The percentage of compliers, the mean percentage of doses taken and the percentage of patients taking the medication at the correct times were estimated. The mean blood pressures (BPs) and the percentage of controlled patientswere calculated. The number needed to treat (NNT) was calculated.ResultsA total of 393 individuals were evaluable (Age: 62.4 years), 196 in the IG and 197 in the CG. There were 83.2% (95% CI 78–88.4) and 49.2% (95% CI 42.2–56.2) (P=0.0001) of overall compliers in the IG and CG, respectively and 74% (95% CI: 67.9–80.1) and 42.6% (95% CI=35.7–49.5) (P=0.0001) of correct times compliers. A total of 81.6% (95% CI=76.2–86.5%)) were controlled in the IG and 56.3% (95% CI=49.4–63.2) in the CG. The NNT was 3.3 patients.ConclusionsTherapeutic non-compliance was very high. The educational magazine is an effective strategy to improve the compliance and degree of control of the AHT

    Psycho-emotional disorders as incoming risk factors for myocardial infarction with non-obstructive coronary arteries

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      Background: There is an emerging field underlying the myocardial infarction (MI) with non-obstruc­tive coronary arteries (MINOCA). The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of psycho-emotional disorders and social habits in MINOCA patients. Methods: The study included 95 consecutive patients diagnosed of MINOCA and 178 patients with MI and obstructive lesions. MINOCA patients were included when they fulfilled the three main criteria: accomplishment of the Third Universal Definition of Myocardial Infarction, absence of obstructive coronary arteries and no clinically overt specific cause for the acute presentation. Results: MINOCA patients had a higher frequency of previous psychiatric illnesses than the obstructive coronary arteries group (29.7% vs. 12.9%, p = 0.001). MINOCA patients recognized emotional stress in 75.7% of the cases, while only 32.1% of the obstructive related group did (p &lt; 0.001). The relation­ship remained after excluding takotsubo syndrome from the analysis (26 cases, 27.4%): psychiatric diseases (27.9% vs. 12.9%, p &lt; 0.01) and recognition of emotional stress (70.8% vs. 32.1%, p &lt; 0.001). Social habits which could act as stress modulating showed no significant relation with MINOCA. Conclusions: Psycho-emotional disorders are related to MINOCA and they could act as risk fac­tor. This relationship is maintained after excluding takotsubo from the analysis. (Cardiol J 2018; 25, 1: 24–31

    Psycho-emotional disorders as incoming risk factors for myocardial infarction with non-obstructive coronary arteries

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    Comment[Abstract] Background: There is an emerging field underlying the myocardial infarction (MI) with non-obstruc-tive coronary arteries (MINOCA). The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of psycho-emotional disorders and social habits in MINOCA patients. Methods: The study included 95 consecutive patients diagnosed of MINOCA and 178 patients with MI and obstructive lesions. MINOCA patients were included when they fulfilled the three main criteria: accomplishment of the Third Universal Definition of Myocardial Infarction, absence of obstructive coronary arteries and no clinically overt specific cause for the acute presentation. Results: MINOCA patients had a higher frequency of previous psychiatric illnesses than the obstructive coronary arteries group (29.7% vs. 12.9%, p = 0.001). MINOCA patients recognized emotional stress in 75.7% of the cases, while only 32.1% of the obstructive related group did (p < 0.001). The relation-ship remained after excluding takotsubo syndrome from the analysis (26 cases, 27.4%): psychiatric diseases (27.9% vs. 12.9%, p < 0.01) and recognition of emotional stress (70.8% vs. 32.1%, p < 0.001). Social habits which could act as stress modulating showed no significant relation with MINOCA. Conclusions: Psycho-emotional disorders are related to MINOCA and they could act as risk fac-tor. This relationship is maintained after excluding takotsubo from the analysis. (Cardiol J 2018; 25, 1: 24-31).This work was supported by unrestricted grants from Red Tematica de Investigacion Cooperativa en Enfermedades Cardivasculares (RIC) RD12/0042/0067 of the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad), and by a competitive grant from Section of Clinical Cardiology of the Spanish Society of Cardiologyinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MINECO/Acción Estratégica de Salud/RD12%2F0042%2F0067/ES/Enfermedades cardiovasculare

    Clinical characteristics and prognosis of myocardial infarction with non-obstructive coronary arteries: a prospective single-center study

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    [Abstract] Background: A definition of myocardial infarction with non-obstructive coronary arteries (MINOCA) was published by European Society of Cardiology in 2016. The aim of this study is to analyze the clinical profile and prognosis of these patients in a prospective single-center study and compare it with the literature data. Methods: During a 3-year period, information from every consecutive MINOCA patient was gathered (n = 109). It was then compared with 412 contemporaneous patients with myocardial infarction and obstructive coronary arteries (MIOCA). Univariate and multivariate analyses were performed. Prognosis analysis was adjusted by age and cardiovascular risk factors (CVRF). Results: MINOCA represented 16.9% of the total of patients admitted for myocardial infarction (MI). Compared with MIOCA, they had more psychosocial disorders (22.9% vs. 10.7%; p < 0.01) and more pro-inflammatory conditions (34.9% vs. 14.0%; p < 0.01). Atrial fibrillation was twice as frequent in MINOCA (14.7% vs. 7.3%; p = 0.016). Predictors of MINOCA were as follows: female gender, absence of diabetes, absence of tobacco use, tachycardia, troponin above 10 times the 99th percentile, and proinflammatory conditions. Median follow-up was 17.3 ± 9.3 months. Major adverse cardiovascular events (MACE; a composite of a recurrence of acute MI, transient ischemic attack/stroke, or death from cardiovascular cause and death from any cause) occurred in 10.8% of the MINOCA group as compared with 10.7% in the MIOCA group (hazard ratio [HR] 1.19, 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.58-2.45; p = 0.645). Cardiovascular re-admission rates were higher in the MINOCA group: 19.8% vs. 13.9% (HR 1.85; CI 1.06-3.21; p = 0.030). Conclusions: The frequency of MINOCA is high, with fewer CVRF, and it is linked to atrial fibrillation, psychosocial disorders, and pro-inflammatory conditions. Mid-term prognosis is worse than previously thought, with a similar proportion of MACE as compared to MIOCA, and even a higher rate of cardiovascular re-admissions