44 research outputs found

    Maximum mass and universal relations of rotating relativistic hybrid hadron-quark stars

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    We construct equilibrium models of uniformly and differentially rotating hybrid hadron-quark stars using equations of state (EOSs) with a first-order phase transition that gives rise to a third family of compact objects. We find that the ratio of the maximum possible mass of uniformly rotating configurations - the supramassive limit - to the Tolman-Oppenheimer-Volkoff (TOV) limit mass is not EOS-independent, and is between 1.15 and 1.31,in contrast with the value of 1.20 previously found for hadronic EOSs. Therefore, some of the constraints placed on the EOS from the observation of the gravitational wave event GW170817 do not apply to hadron-quark EOSs. However, the supramassive limit mass for the family of EOSs we treat is consistent with limits set by GW170817, strengthening the possibility of interpreting GW170817 with a hybrid hadron-quark EOSs. We also find that along constant angular momentum sequences of uniformly rotating stars, the third family maximum and minimum mass models satisfy approximate EOS-independent relations, and the supramassive limit of the third family is approximately 16.5 % larger than the third family TOV limit. For differentially rotating spheroidal stars, we find that a lower-limit on the maximum supportable rest mass is 123 % more than the TOV limit rest mass. Finally, we verify that the recently discovered universal relations relating angular momentum, rest mass and gravitational mass for turning-point models hold for hybrid hadron-quark EOSs when uniform rotation is considered, but have a clear dependence on the degree of differential rotation.Comment: 19 pages, 14 figures, submitted to EPJA Topical Issue "First joint gravitational wave and electromagnetic observations: Implications for nuclear and particle physics

    Quantifying uncertainties in general relativistic magnetohydrodynamic codes

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    In this paper, we show that similar open-source codes for general relativistic magnetohydrodynamic (GRMHD) produce different results for key features of binary neutron star mergers. First, we present a new open-source version of the publicly available IllinoisGRMHD code that provides support for realistic, finite temperature equations of state. After stringent tests of our upgraded code, we perform a code comparison between GRHydro, IllinoisGRMHD, Spritz, and WhiskyTHC, which implement the same physics, but slightly different computational methods. The benefit of the comparison is that all codes are embedded in the EinsteinToolkit suite, hence their only difference is algorithmic. We find similar convergence properties, fluid dynamics, and gravitational waves, but different merger times, remnant lifetimes, and gravitational wave phases. Such differences must be resolved before the post-merger dynamics modeled with such simulations can be reliably used to infer the properties of nuclear matter especially in the era of precision gravitational wave astronomy

    Impact of moment-based, energy integrated neutrino transport on microphysics and ejecta in binary neutron star mergers

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    We present an extensive study of the effects of neutrino transport in 3-dimensional general relativistic radiation hydrodynamics (GRHD) simulations of binary neutron star (BNS) mergers using our moment-based, energy-integrated neutrino radiation transport (M1) scheme. We consider a total of 8 BNS configurations, while varying equation of state models, mass ratios and grid resolutions, for a total of 16 simulations. We find that M1 neutrino transport is crucial in modeling the local absorption of neutrinos and the deposition of lepton number throughout the medium. We provide an in-depth look at the effects of neutrinos on the fluid dynamics and luminosity during the late inspiral and post-merger phases, the properties of ejecta and outflow, and the post-merger nucleosynthesis. The simulations presented in this work comprise an extensive study of the combined effect of the equation of state and M1 neutrino transport in GRHD simulations of BNS mergers, and establish that the solution provided by our M1 scheme is robust across system properties and provides insight into the effects of neutrino trapping in BNS mergers

    Efecto de bloques con propionato de calcio sobre respuestas productivas en corderos y GEI in vitro

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    Objective. Evaluate multinutritional blocks with and without calcium propionate (Pr-Ca) in digestibility and live weight changes of lambs and in the green house emission in vitro. Materials and methods. Twelve sheep were used (20.17 ± 2.35 Katahdin x criollo) in three treatments: Basal diet (BD 70% oat straw, 30% concentrate), BD+ Block without Ca-Pr and BD+ Block with 1.5% Ca-Pr, it was evaluated for 50 days. In vitro gas production (GP) and kinetic parameters were estimated (Vmax, S, Lag) according to consumption. Digestibility, CH4 and CO2 in vitro and in vivo were estimated. Results. The dry matter intake was the lowest (p<0.0001) in lambs without block (753 g/d) compared lambs supplemented with block without (839 g) or with Ca-Pr (828 g) by including blocks increased methane (16.16 and 16.18 g/d; 0 and 1.5% Ca-Pr respectively) than with BD (13.93 g/d). The GP in vitro was higher (p=0.0001) with the BD (380.76, ml) than with blocks without differences among blocks (335.76 and 341.13 ml, 0 and 1.5% Ca-Pr respectively), and the BD had higher (p=0.0001) production of CH4 (47.16 mol) and CO2 (200.04 mol) than with blocks (42.25 and 41.58 mol CH4; 179.21 and 176.39 mol CO2; 0 and 1.5% Ca-Pr respectively). Conclusions. Block supplementation improved dry matter intake. Blocks reduced in vitro gas production and increased digestibilityby reducing CH4 and CO2.Objetivo. Evaluar dos bloques multinutricionales formulados para mejorar el crecimiento de los corderos alimentados con una dieta basal de bajo valor nutritivo, con y sin propionato de calcio (Pr-Ca), evaluando el crecimiento de los corderos, digestibilidad y las emisiones de gases efecto invernadero in vivo e in vitro. Materiales y métodos. Se utilizaron doce borregos (20.17 ± 2.35 Katahdin x criollo) en tres tratamientos: Dieta basal (DB 70% paja de avena; 30% concentrado), DB+ Bloque sin Pr-Ca y DB + Bloque con 1.5% de Pr-Ca, por 50 días. Se midió producción de gas (PG) in vitro y se estimaron los parámetros de cinética (Vmax, S, Lag). Se estimaron la digestibilidad, CH4 y CO2 in vitro e in vivo. Resultados. El consumo fue menor (P<0.0001) en borregos sin bloque (753 g/d) en comparación con bloque sin (839 g) o con Pr-Ca (828 g) emisiones de metano mayor con bloques (16.16 y 16.18 g/d; 0 y 1.5% Pr-Ca respectivamente) que con DB (13.93 g/d). La PG in vitro fue mayor (P=0.0001) con la DB (380.76 ml) sin diferencias entre bloques (335.76 y 341.13 ml, 0 y 1.5% Pr-Ca respectivamente), y la DB tuvo mayor (P=0.0001) producción de CH4 (47.16 mol) y CO2 (200.04 mol) que con bloques (42.25 y 41.58 mol CH4; 179.21 y 176.39 moles CO2; 0 y 1.5% Ca-Pr respectivamente). Conclusiones. La suplementación con bloques mejora el consumo. In vitro los bloques redujeron la producción de gas e incrementaron la digestibilidad reduciendo CH4 y CO2

    Herramientas de aprendizaje para estudiantes de secundaria en el campo de la Genética

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    Se ha diseñado una actividad: la caracterización molecular de la mutación de un gen que modifica el color de los ojos en Drosophila melanogaster, partiendo de un carácter morfológico, el color de los ojos, se obtendrá la secuencia del gen responsable y su localización en el genoma de la especie. Se pretende desarrollar una actividad práctica que permita a los alumnos de segundo ciclo de la ESO comprender la genética y la genómica y cómo estos conocimientos se pueden aplicar a distintas áreas: salud, biotecnología o impacto ambiental

    re-habitar El Carmen : Un proyecto sobre patrimonio contemporáneo

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    El proyecto _re-HABITAR suponía para el propio proceder de la institución un avance más allá del reconocimiento, registro, inventario o protección patrimonial de la arquitectura del siglo XX y del Movimiento Moderno para posicionarse en la acción preventiva y conservativa de ese legado contemporáneo. Para ello, la praxis patrimonial se aferraba a un modelo: el de la vivienda social en España en la segunda mitad del siglo XX; a un caso concreto: el de la barriada de Nuestra Señora del Carmen (Recasens Méndez-Queipo de Llano, 1958); y a un requisito fundamental: analizar un objeto vivo y en uso, aún con la presencia de quienes lo vivieron y usaron desde su origen