8 research outputs found

    The eco-social transition in generalist television channels in Spain: Presence and Themes

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    La transición ecosocial es la transformación de las sociedades hacia modos de vida armónicos con la naturaleza, especialmente en el contexto actual de crisis ecosistémica. Resultan fundamentales en este proceso las dinámicas y rutinas mediáticas relacionadas con la configuración de la agenda setting, avaladas por las teorías del framing y el priming, pudiendo los medios convertirse en un referente inspirador para la sociedad, o por el contrario actuar de parapeto, tal y como asumimos en este artículo. Esta investigación analiza la presencia de temáticas de transición ecosocial en las programaciones y los principales informativos de las cadenas generalistas de televisión con cobertura estatal en España: TVE1, La2, Antena3, Cuatro, Telecinco y LaSexta. El diseño metodológico se basa, por un lado, en el análisis cuantitativo de las parrillas de programación durante cuatro semanas. Por otro lado, se han analizado los informativos de las cadenas citadas, cuantificando aquellas noticias relacionadas con temáticas que puedan favorecer la transición ecosocial, ya sea por poner el enfoque en problemáticas ecosistémicas o por presentar alternativas de la economía circular, entre otros mecanismos. Los resultados muestran que solamente las cadenas públicas difunden programas de tipo ecológico, y en ningún caso esta programación supera el 2% del total de sus parrillas. En relación con la presencia en los informativos de cobertura nacional, no alcanza el 4% de sus contenidos. Esta ínfima incidencia indica que aún queda mucho por hacer. Investigación derivada de la aplicación de Irscom (Indicador de Rentabilidad Social en Comunicación, LabCOMandalucía, Universidad de Málaga) a cadenas de televisión.The Eco-social transition is the transformation of societies towards ways of life in harmony with nature, especially within the context of the current ecosystem crisis. The dynamics and media routines related to the configuration of the agenda setting are fundamental to this process, supported by the theories of framing and priming. In this sense, the media might become an inspiring reference for society or, on the contrary, simply act as a parapet, as we indeed assume in this article. This study analyses the presence of eco-social transition themes in the programming and main news programmes of the general television channels with state coverage in Spain: TVE1, La2, Antena3, Cuatro, Telecinco and LaSexta. The methodological design is based, on the one hand, on the quantitative analysis of the programming schedules for four weeks. On the other hand, the news programmes of the aforementioned channels were analysed, quantifying those pieces of news related to topics that might favour the eco-social transition, either by focusing on ecosystem problems or by presenting circular economy alternatives, among other mechanisms. The results show that only the public channels broadcast ecological programmes, and nowhere does this programming exceed 2% of the total of their programming. In relation to the presence of these topics in the news with national coverage, it does not attain 4% of its content. This minimal incidence indicates that much remains to be done. Research derived from the application of Irscom (Indicator of Social Profitability in Communication, LabCOMandalucía, University of Malaga) to television channels.Investigación enmarcada en la aplicación del IRSCOM (Indicador de Rentabilidad Social en Comunicación, LabCOMandalucía, Universidad de Málaga) a cadenas de televisión: Proyecto UMA18-FEDERJA-187)

    Migrating through Moroccan cinema

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    Migrando por el cine marroquí propone un circuito a través de los mitos, las metáforas, los imaginarios y la mentalidad de las personas migrantes tal y como los y las cineastas marroquíes las contemplan a través de sus narrativas fílmicas. Un libro que continúa los trabajos anteriores de la autora y que tiene como binomio protagonista al cine y las migraciones. Pero desde la mirada y el trabajo de los y las cineastas marroquíes, ofreciendo así una mirada propia de las migraciones desde y en el país, lejos de la visión occidentalizada que protagoniza las películas europeas, en el que no existe migración más allá de la tragedia de la patera, conformando así una visión reduccionista de un fenómeno tan amplio y diverso.Migrating through Moroccan cinema proposes a circuit through the myths, metaphors, imaginaries and mentality of migrants as Moroccan filmmakers contemplate them through their filmic narratives. A book that continues the previous works of the author and whose protagonist binomial is cinema and migrations. But from the point of view and the work of Moroccan directors, thus offering a view of migrations from and within the country, far from the Western vision that stars in European films, in which there is no migration beyond the tragedy, thus conforming a reductionist vision of such a wide and diverse phenomenon

    Keys to rethink the media and the World we inhabit

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    Distopía, “representación ficticia de una sociedad futura de características negativas causantes de la alineación humana” (Real Academia de la Lengua Española). Esta es la palabra que Manuel Chaparro, con matemática precisión, escoge para el título de su obra: “Claves para repensar los medios y el mundo que habitamos. La distopía del desarrollo”. Para el autor desarrollo es mucho más que un término, se trata de todo un sistema complejo cuyo carácter distópico va desenmascarando a través de las páginas de este libro, que nos ofrece una perspectiva de análisis de la realidad y la evolución que hemos tenido como civilización desde el ámbito de la comunicación. Un libro que nos habla de cómo la información y la comunicación han construido, difundido e implantado los imaginarios del Modelo de Desarrollo.Dystopia, “fictitious representation of a future society with negative characteristics that cause human alignment” (Royal Academy of the Spanish Language). This is the word that Manuel Chaparro, with mathematical precision, chooses for the title of his work: “Keys to rethink the media and the world we inhabit. The dystopia of development”. For the author, development is much more than a term, it is an entire complex system whose dystopian character is unmasking through the pages of this book, which offers us a perspective of analysis of reality and the evolution that we have had as a civilization from the field of communication. A book that tells us about how information and communication have built, disseminated and implemented the imaginaries of the Development Model

    Towards a responsible communication strategy in the eco-social transition sector: an epistemological and applied degrowth approach

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    The current transitions towards fair and sustainable models of social and economic relations represents a vital process for the maintenance of the ecosystems and the ways of inhabiting them. This paper is an empirical and epistemological study whose aim is to consider how to develop a responsible communication strategy with the eco-transitions sector. We take a specific region of Spain, Castilla-La Mancha, as a field of experimentation and case study. The analysis is based on a sample of 55 active eco-transition projects, out of a total census of 156. Our position assumes that communication strategy goes through several phases. Firstly, access to empirical and census-based knowledge of this sector; secondly, establishing a type of indicator that can measure the functioning and internal dynamics of these entities in terms of eco-transition; and thirdly, the expansion of responsible, realistic and proactive media coverage, which can encourage messages that contribute to an ever-increasing number of people moving towards eco-social issues. In order to measure the “internal health” of these entities, including the “communication environment,” we have elaborated and implemented the Eco-Transition Indicator (ETI), a measurement tool that allows us to place a project or initiative within a frame leading towards fair and sustainable models of social and economic relations. While the sector shows good “health” in some aspects, the results point very clearly to the need to strengthen the communicative strategy of the eco-transition initiatives and projects

    Towards a responsible communication strategy in the eco-social transition sector: an epistemological and applied degrowth approach

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    The current transitions towards fair and sustainable models of social and economic relations represents a vital process for the maintenance of the ecosystems and the ways of inhabiting them. This paper is an empirical and epistemological study whose aim is to consider how to develop a responsible communication strategy with the eco-transitions sector. We take a specific region of Spain, Castilla-La Mancha, as a field of experimentation and case study. The analysis is based on a sample of 55 active eco-transition projects, out of a total census of 156. Our position assumes that communication strategy goes through several phases. Firstly, access to empirical and census-based knowledge of this sector; secondly, establishing a type of indicator that can measure the functioning and internal dynamics of these entities in terms of eco-transition; and thirdly, the expansion of responsible, realistic and proactive media coverage, which can encourage messages that contribute to an ever-increasing number of people moving towards eco-social issues. In order to measure the “internal health” of these entities, including the “communication environment,” we have elaborated and implemented the Eco-Transition Indicator (ETI), a measurement tool that allows us to place a project or initiative within a frame leading towards fair and sustainable models of social and economic relations. While the sector shows good “health” in some aspects, the results point very clearly to the need to strengthen the communicative strategy of the eco-transition initiatives and projects

    Preclinical PET Study of Intravitreal Injections

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    PURPOSE. This work aimed at describing the time course of vitreous clearance through the use of positron emission tomography (PET) as a noninvasive tool for pharmacokinetic studies of intravitreal injection. METHODS. The pharmacokinetic profile of intravitreal injections of molecules labeled with 18Fluorine (18F) was evaluated in adult Sprague Dawley rats by using a dedicated small-animal PET/computed tomography scanner. Different conditions were studied: three molecules radiolabeled with 18F (18F-FDG, 18F-NaF, and 18F-Choline), three volumes of intravitreal injections (7, 4, and 2 lL), and absence or presence of eye inflammation (uveitis). RESULTS. Our results showed that there are significant pharmacokinetic differences among the radiolabeled molecules studied but not among the injected volumes. The presence or absence of uveitis was an important factor in vitreous clearance, since the elimination of the drug was clearly increased when this condition is present. CONCLUSIONS. Intravitreal pharmacokinetic studies based on the use of dedicated PET imaging can be of potential interest as noninvasive tools in ophthalmic drug development in small animalsSupported by Instituto de Salud Carlos III Rio Hortega Research Grant CM15/00188 (AF-F) and Miguel Servet Research Grant CP12/ 03162 (JP-M), MICINN Ramon y Cajal RYC-2015-17430 (PA), and partially supported by the government research funding agencies of Xunta de Galicia, Spain (ED431C-2016-025, ED341D-R2016- 032), and by ISCIII (RETICS Oftared, RD16/0008/0003 and RD12/ 0034/0017) cofunded by FEDERS

    Contaminantes emergentes en los recursos hídricos de la Vega de Granada y de la cuenca del Río Guadalhorce (Málaga).

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    Se presentan los resultados de análisis de contaminantes emergentes de campañas de muestreo de finales de 2021 en los recursos hídricos de la Vega de Granada y de la cuenca del Río Guadalhorce, en la provincia de Málaga. El estudio se ha centrado en las aguas subterráneas de los acuíferos aluviales y en las aguas superficiales relacionadas. Todas las muestras presentaban un contenido detectable en contaminantes emergentes. Se encontraron 80 sustancias distintas, al menos una vez, que pueden clasificarse, según su uso, como productos de cuidado personal, edulcorantes artificiales, sustancias derivadas del consumo de drogas de abuso y fármacos de distintas aplicaciones (antibióticos, antiinflamatorios, reguladores lipídicos, analgésicos, diuréticos, etc.). Las concentraciones oscilan entre 0,02 ng/L y 3,5 mg/L. En la depresión de Granada, 11 compuestos se detectaron en más del 75% de las muestras, 19 se detectaron en más del 50% y 35 se detectaron en más del 25% de las muestras. En la cuenca del Guadalhorce, 12 compuestos se detectaron en más del 75% de las muestras, 27 se detectaron en más del 50% y 53 compuestos se detectaron en más del 25% de las muestras. Estos resultados preliminares se enmarcan en una investigación sobre la distribución espacial y temporal de este tipo de contaminantes en sistemas hidrogeológicos del sur peninsular.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec

    Multidisciplinary Ophthalmic Imaging Positron Emission Tomography for the Development and Characterization of Corneal Permanence of Ophthalmic Pharmaceutical Formulations

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    Citation: Fernández-Ferreiro A, SilvaRodríguez J, Otero-Espinar FJ, et al. Positron emission tomography for the development and characterization of corneal permanence of ophthalmic pharmaceutical formulations. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2017;58:772-780. DOI:10.1167/iovs.16-20766 PURPOSE. This work is aimed at describing the utility of positron emission tomography/ computed tomography (PET/CT) as a noninvasive tool for pharmacokinetic studies of biopermanence of topical ocular formulations. METHODS. The corneal biopermanence of a topical ophthalmic formulation containing gellan gum and kappa carragenan (0.82% wt/vol) labeled with 18 Fluorine ( 18 F) radiotracers ( 18 F-FDG and 18 F-NaF) was evaluated by using a dedicated small-animal PET/CT, and compared with the biopermanence of an aqueous solution labeled with the same compounds. Regions of interest (ROIs) were manually drawn on the reconstructed PET images for quantifying the radioactivity concentration in the eye. The biopermanence of the formulations was determined by measuring the radioactivity concentration at different times after topical application. Additionally, cellular and ex vivo safety assays were performed to assess the safety of the performed procedures. RESULTS. Differences were observed in the ocular pharmacokinetics of the two formulations. After 1.5 hours of contact, 90% of the hydrogel remained in the ocular surface, while only 69% of the control solution remained. Furthermore, it was observed that flickering had a very important role in the approach of the trial. The application of 18 F-FDG in the eye was neither irritating nor cytotoxic for human corneal epithelial cells. CONCLUSIONS. The use of small-animal PET and 18 F radiotracers in ocular pharmacokinetics of ophthalmic formulations is feasible and could be a safe method for future ocular pharmacokinetic studies in humans