14 research outputs found

    Smartphone: It’s Use for Stress Coping in Spanish Teenagers

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    Nowadays, smartphones are becoming the most generalized technological device on the planet, and Spain is the European leader in smartphones market penetration. Objective: to analyze the differences between both kinds of coping (one directed to emotion and the other straight to the problem) in function of the kind of usage of the intelligent phone. Participants: The sample comprised 382 teenagers from whom 142 were discarded due to lacking certain inclusion criteria. A 54.6% (131) belonged to the feminine gender and 45.4% (109) to the masculine. Results: showed differences between the cognitive avoidance coping and the excessive usage of the intelligent phone, the behavioral approximation and occasional and frequent usage. There are also differences between the sexes and all the strategies of coping directed to the problem, girls being the ones who used them the most. The interaction between age and the mobile phone usage for the variable emotional suppression is significant in 16-18-year-olds frequent users and at risk for 12 and 13 years old. Conclusion: for less adaptive coping ways (e.g. avoidance) teenagers are the most vulnerable to develop an excessive usage of the smartphone, while as those who confront the problems and difficulties from approximation tend to not use it in excess

    Women health providers: materials on cures, remedies and sexuality in inquisitorial processes (15th–18th century)

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    Background: The first inquisitorial trials were against Muslims and Jews. Later, they focused on women, especially caregivers. Progressively, they were linked to witchcraft and sorcery because of their great care, generational and empirical knowledge. The historiography of health in the 15th–18th centuries still has important bibliographical and interpretative gaps in the care provided by women. Objective: To analyse the care provided by healers as health providers, accused by the Inquisition, justifying the importance of nursing in the diversity of community care in the 15th–18th centuries. Method: A scoping review was conducted following the Dialectical Structural Model of Care (DSMC). A database search was conducted for the period 2013–2022. Bibliographic and legislative resources were used. Cases and convictions from Castilla la Nueva were found in the National Historical Archive and the Diocesan Archive of Cuenca. Results: The concepts of healer, witch and sorceress envolved during the study period. They reflect and reveal the collective imaginary of the social structure. They had healing laboratories, practised psychological and sexual care. They used to accompany their therapeutic action with prayers and amulets. They shared their professional activity with their main denouncers, doctors, apothecaries and priests. They were usually women in socially vulnerable situations, who did not conform to social stereotypes. Conclusions: They were predecessors of today’s nursing, they overcame socio-cultural difficulties, although they were condemned for it. Healers did not manage to regulate their profession, but they acted as agents of health in a society that demanded them while participating in the “witch-hunt”

    The Art of Childbirth of the Midwives of Al-Andalus: Social Assessment and Legal Implication of Health Assistance in the Cultural Diversity of the 10th–14th Centuries

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    (1) Background: The role of Al-Andalus’s women were the result of Arabization and Islamization in Spain. The 10th to the 14th centuries were a time of significant cultural diversity in the region. Female physicians and midwives were important for providing care to women. Despite existing studies, there is still a lack of focused research on the professionalization of these trades, including their requirements, intervention areas, and treatments. (2) Methods: To address this gap, we conducted a scoping review using the dialectical structural model of care (DSMC). Primary medical and legislative sources were used. (3) Results: two kinds of midwife, or qābila, were discovered, along with a woman physician, or ṭabība, who also acted as a midwife. These professions underwent diverse training and fulfilled duties as obstetricians and pediatricians. Midwives were esteemed members of society and were the sole female professionals who needed qualified training. Their performance in the courts was exemplary. Tools for facilitating childbirth and interventions related to female health were discovered in the study. (4) Conclusions: The patriarchal societies suffer from significant inequality in terms of academic training, knowledge transmission, and healthcare provision. Midwives functioned in segregated domestic and legal spaces and were responsible for providing public care to communities from the 10th to 14th centuries.This work is financed by ENDOCU research group, through resolution 31 March 2023 UCLM aid for research projects co-financed by FEDER, reference 2023-GRIN-34481

    Midwives in Health Sciences as a Sociocultural Phenomenon: Legislation, Training and Health (XV–XVIII Centuries)

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    Background and Objectives: The first inquisitorial processes were developed against Muslims and Jews. Then, they focused on women, especially those dedicated to care. Progressively, they were linked to witchcraft and sorcery due to their great assistance, generational and empirical knowledge. The health historiography of the 15th–18th centuries still has important bibliographic and interpretive gaps in the care provided by women. The main objective was to analyse the care provided by midwives in the legislative and socio-sanitary context of New Castile, in the inquisitorial Spain of the 15th–18th centuries. Materials and Methods: A historical review was conducted, following the Dialectical Structural Model of Care. Historical manuals, articles and databases were analysed. Results: The Catholic Monarchs established health profession regulations in 1477, including midwives. However, all legislations were annulled by Felipe II in 1576. These were not resumed until 1750. Midwives assumed a huge range of functions in their care commitment (teaching, care and religion) and were valued in opposing ways. However, many of them were persecuted and condemned by the Inquisition. They used to accompany therapeutic action with prayers and charms. Midwives were usually women in a social vulnerability situation, who did not comply with social stereotypes. Conclusions: Midwives, forerunners of current nursing and health sciences, overcame sociocultural difficulties, although they were condemned for it. Midwives achieved an accredited title, which was taken from them for two centuries. They acted as health agents in a society that demanded them while participating in a “witch hunt”

    Wet Nurse or Milk Bank? Evolution in the Model of Human Lactation: New Challenges for the Islamic Population

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    (1) Introduction: The establishment of milk banks in the Islamic world as well as donation to Islamic families in Western countries remains a challenge in the context of human lactation. Religious reservations established since the Qur’an and regulated at the legal–religious and medical level equate milk kinship with consanguinity, which prevents donation. The aim of the study was to analyse the evolution in the model of breastfeeding and care in Islamic society. (2) Methods: The methodology of comparative history was applied, following the structural–dialectical model of care. Historical manuals, articles and databases were analysed. (3) Results: Paediatric care in medical manuals from the 10th–15th centuries is similar to that practiced by the Muslim population today, some beneficial, some harmful; the wet nurse had to follow a series of dietary habits and have a series of physical, moral and educational characteristics in order to be hired. They constituted a beginning of pseudo-professionalisation, in a domestic–family framework. Human milk was used as a remedy for different health problems. (4) Conclusions: Islamic society and nursing have to evolve towards transnational care adapted to the needs of the population

    A figura da ama de leite e a sua implicação no parentesco leiteiro na cultura islâmica: um quadro sociocultural e jurídico

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    Introducción: La lactancia materna a lo largo del tiempo ha reglado el modo de establecer relaciones, traspasando fronteras sociales y religiosas. La regulación jurídico-religiosa y médica de la lactancia andalusí, es un tema poco explorado a pesar de que actualmente continua en las sociedades islámicas. Objetivos: 1) Determinar la repercusión jurídico-religiosa de la lactancia en los siglos X-XV y su implicación para la sociedad musulmana actual; 2) Examinar las diferentes funciones de la nodriza andalusí; 3) Establecer la valoración social de la nodriza a través de su profesionalización. Metodología: Revisión histórica-narrativa. Se consultaron bases de datos y fuentes primarias. La selección documental siguió criterios de inclusión y exclusión. Resultados: Desde el nacimiento, los textos sagrados regulan los derechos de madre, padre, nodriza y recién nacido. Se legislan parentescos que regularán de por vida a nodriza y lactante; el parentesco de leche se equipara al de consanguinidad. La nodriza asumió además funciones de crianza y educación. Tuvo un papel decisivo para asegurar la supervivencia del lactante, por lo que llegó a ser un oficio con gran repercusión socio-sanitaria. Conclusión: Existen variables prácticas del cuidado materno-infantil. Se han de tener en cuenta para cuidar desde un marco de competencia cultural integrador.Introduction: Breastfeeding throughout time has regulated the way of establishing relationships, crossing social and religious boundaries. The legal-religious and medical regulation of Andalusian breastfeeding is a subject that has been little explored, although it continues to this day in Islamic societies. Objectives: 1) To determine the legal-religious repercussion of breastfeeding in the 10th-15th centuries and its implications for Muslim society today; 2) To examine the different functions of the Andalusian wet nurse; 3) To establish the social valuation of the wet nurse through her professionalization. Methodology: Historical-narrative review. Databases and primary sources were consulted. Documentary selection followed inclusion and exclusion criteria. Results: From birth, sacred texts regulate the rights of mother, father, wet nurse and newborn. Kinships are legislated that will regulate for life the wet-nurse and the infant; the kinship of milk is equated to that of consanguinity. The wet nurse also assumed the functions of upbringing and education. This figure played a decisive role in ensuring the survival of the infant, which is why it became an occupation with great socio-health repercussions. Conclusion: There are practical variables of maternal and infant care that must be taken into account in order to provide culturally competent care.Introdução: A amamentação ao longo do tempo regulamentou a forma de estabelecer relações, atravessando fronteiras sociais e religiosas. A regulamentação jurídico-religiosa e médica da amamentação andaluza é um assunto pouco explorado, embora continue até hoje nas sociedades islâmicas. Objetivos: 1) Determinar a repercussão legal-religiosa da amamentação nos séculos X-XV e as suas implicações para a sociedade muçulmana de hoje; 2) Examinar as diferentes funções da ama de leite andaluza; 3) Estabelecer a valorização social da ama de leite através da sua profissionalização. Metodologia: Revisão histórico-narrativa. Foram consultadas bases de dados e fontes primárias. A seleção documental seguiu critérios de inclusão e exclusão. Resultados: Desde o nascimento, os textos sagrados regulam os direitos da mãe, do pai, da ama de leite e do recém-nascido. A legislação regula as amas de leite e a criança considerando-as parentes para toda a vida; o paren-tesco do leite é equiparado ao da consanguinidade. A ama de leite também assumiu as funções de criação e educação. Esta figura desempenhou um papel decisivo na garantia da sobrevivência da criança, razão pela qual se tornou uma ocupação com grandes repercussões sócio-sanitárias. Conclusão: Existem variáveis práticas de cuidados maternais e infantis que devem ser tidas em conta a fim de proporcionar cuidados culturalmente competentes

    Enfermeros entre el personal de los Hospitales de la Universidad de Coímbra, de 1779 a 1797: particularidades e implicaciones

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    Context: Resulting from the integration of small hospitals, the Coimbra University Hospitals were, at this time, an institution of significant size. At the end of the 18th century, during the Age of Enlightenment, hospitals were undergoing a process of transition to modernity. Objectives: To describe the staff of the Coimbra University Hospitals in the last decades of the 18th century and analyze the evolution of the existing professions and compare their salaries and positions, while focusing on nurses. Methodology: A historical analysis based on published sources, considering the contexts and long-lasting evolutionary lines while building an interpretative summary. Results: Four professional groups were found and divided into treatment of the body - nurses, physicians, and surgeons; treatment of the soul - chaplains and sexton; support services - assistants, helpers, cooks, laundry maid, washerwoman, despenseiro; and security services - doorkeepers, guards, and tronqueiro. Conclusion: It was possible to observe the presence of nurses during the transition between medieval continuity, with the continuance of bloodletting nurses and cook nurses, and the ascending differentiation of the delivery nurse and the descending differentiation of ward assistants.Contexto: Os Hospitais da Universidade de Coimbra resultam da concentração de pequenos hospitais e são, nesta época, uma instituição de dimensões significativas. Nos finais do século XVIII, em pleno iluminismo, os hospitais vivenciaram um processo de transição para a modernidade. Objetivos: Descrever os funcionários que existiam nos Hospitais da Universidade de Coimbra nos finais do século XVIII. Analisar a evolução dos ofícios em presença e os seus posicionamentos relativos, com o foco nos enfermeiros. Metodologia: Análise histórica, partindo de fontes publicadas, considerando os contextos e as linhas evolutivas de longa duração, construindo uma síntese interpretativa. Resultados: Estamos em presença de quatro agrupamentos profissionais - cuidadores do corpo (enfermeiros, médicos e cirurgiões), cuidadores da alma (capelões e sacristãos), serviços de apoio (ajudantes, serventes, cozinheiros, roupeira, lavadeira, despenseiro), e Serviços de segurança (porteiros, guardas e tronqueiro). Conclusão: Verificou-se a presença de enfermeiros num processo de transição entre linhas de continuidade medieval, com enfermeiros-sangradores e enfermeiros-cozinheiros, e a diferenciação ascendente com enfermeira dos partos e descendente com ajudantes das enfermarias.Marco contextual: Los Hospitales de la Universidad de Coímbra son el resultado de la concentración de pequeños hospitales y son, en este momento, una institución de dimensiones significativas. A finales del siglo XVIII, en plena Ilustración, los hospitales experimentaron un proceso de transición a la modernidad. Objetivos: Describir al personal que existía en los Hospitales de la Universidad de Coímbra a finales del siglo XVIII. Analizar la evolución de los oficios en presencia y sus posicionamientos relativos, centrándose en los enfermeros. Metodología: Análisis histórico, a partir de fuentes publicadas, se consideraron los contextos y las líneas evolutivas de larga duración, y se construyó una síntesis interpretativa. Resultados: Se encontraron cuatro grupos profesionales, cuidadores del cuerpo (enfermeros, médicos y cirujanos), cuidadores del alma (capellanes y sacristanes), servicios de apoyo (ayudantes, sirvientes, cocineros, guardarropa, lavandera, mayordomo) y servicios de seguridad (porteros, guardias y tronqueiro – guardia del albergue). Conclusión: Se verificó la presencia de enfermeros en un proceso de transición entre líneas de continuidad medieval, con enfermeros-sangradores y enfermeros-cocineros, y la diferenciación ascendente con el enfermero de partos y descendiente con los ayudantes de enfermería

    Uma exceção na formação das mulheres: Al-Andalus nos séculos VIII-XII

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    Introducción: Diferenciando lugares y períodos históricos, la mujer residente en Al-Ándalus durante los siglos VIII-XII pudo formarse de manera reglada en la medicina y el cuidado. Tal inflexión entre normativa jurídico-religiosa y práctica sanitaria se debió a diferentes factores. Objetivo general: Esclarecer el recorrido formativo de las mujeres de Al-Ándalus durante los siglos VIII-XII. Objetivos específicos: conocer los inicios formativos de las mujeres en Al-Ándalus; establecer las vías de formación en salud de la mujer andalusí; determinar las figuras femeninas resultantes dedicadas a la atención sanitaria en Al-Ándalus según su formación. Metodología: Revisión histórico-descriptiva. Búsqueda bibliográfica en fuentes primarias, artículos originales, manuales y otros, bibliotecas, archivos históricos y bases de datos. Resultados: La educación de la mujer andalusí comenzó con el aprendizaje de la lecto-escritura del Corán. La formación en salud estuvo vinculada a docentes masculinos, tabib, y femeninas, tabiba y qabila. Cuando terminaban su formación, debían adquirir la iyaza y superar un examen teórico-práctico. Se formaron en medicina hispano-árabe. Conclusiones: La formación de tabibas y qabilas andalusíes fue silenciosa pero revolucionaria, dado su carácter reglado y formal, e hizo aportaciones a la obstetricia de la época. Parte de la tradición formativa en Al-Ándalus perdura hasta la actualidad.Introduction: Women in Al-Andalus, 8th to the 12th centuries, could get trained in a formal way in medicine and caring. This turning point between legal-religious regulation and healthcare was the result of different factors. Main objective: To clarify the training course of women in Al-Andalus during the 8th to the 12th centuries. Specific objectives: to know the educational beginnings of women in Al-Andalus; to establish the healthcare training paths of women in Al-Andalus; to define the feminine figures dedicated to healthcare according to their academic education. Methods: Historical and descriptive review. It has conducted a bibliographic research in primary sources, original articles, manuals, libraries, historical archives and databases. Results: The education of the andalusi women began with the reading and writing of the Koran. The training in healthcare was associated to male teachers known as tabib, and female teachers, tabiba and qabila. When their training was finished, women should acquire the iyaza and pass a theoretical-practical exam. Andalusí women got trained in hispanic-arabic medicine. Conclusions: The training of tabibas and qabilas in Al-Andalus was silent but revolutionary, giving its formal and regulated nature. They made contributions to the obstetrics. Part of the training tradition of Al-Andalus lasts nowadays.Introdução: Considerando diferentes de lugares e períodos históricos, a mulher residente em Al-Andalus, durante os séculos VIII-XII, podia ser formada, de forma regulamentada, em medicina e em cuidado. Tal inflexão entre as normas jurídico-religiosas e a prática sanitária foi devida a diferentes fatores. Objetivo geral: Esclarecer a trajetória formativa das mulheres de Al-Andalus durante os séculos VIII-XII. Objetivos específicos: conhecer os inícios formativos das mulheres em Al-Andalus; estabelecer os percursos de formação em saúde para as mulheres andaluzes; determinar as figuras femininas dedicadas aos cuidados de saúde em Al-Andalus de acordo com a sua formação. Metodologia: Revisão histórico-descritiva. Pesquisa bibliográfica em fontes primárias, artigos originais, manuais e outros, bibliotecas, arquivos históricos e bases de dados. Resultados: A educação da mulher andaluza começou com o aprendizagem da leitura e escrita do Corão. A formação em saúde esteve vinculada a professores do sexo masculino, tabib e do sexo feminino, tabiba e qabila. Quando terminaram a sua formação, tiveram que adquirir o iyaza e passar num exame teórico-prático. A sua formação foi em medicina hispano-árabe. Conclusões: A formação de tabibas e qabilas andaluses foi silenciosa, mas revolucionária, dado o seu caráter regulado e formal, e contribuiu para a obstetrícia da época. Parte da tradição formativa em Al-Andalus dura até hoje

    Amamentação: transição alimentar durante a guerra espanhola e o período pós-guerra (1936-1949)

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    Durante los años 1900 hasta 1936, la salud infantil comenzaba a ganar importancia en Europa. En España, la mortalidad infantil era elevada. Para contrarrestar esta situación, el estado propuso medidas sanitarias, educativas y alimentarias. Objetivo. Analizar la Guerra Civil Española (1936-1939), que continuó con los “años del hambre” durante la posguerra (1939-1949), conocidos por el racionamiento de alimentos y decadencia de la salud materno-infantil. Método. Estudio histórico descriptivo con fuentes primarias y secundarias. Que trata sobre, el contexto sociosanitario y la transición alimentaria, que vivieron los infantes durante la guerra y posguerra española (1936-1949). Resultados. El gobierno realizó una promoción de la lactancia materna guiada por pediatras de la época, no obstante, la leche de fórmula ganó importancia, debido a la modificación de la estructura familiar básica. La figura clásica de la mujer se fracturó, en favor del trabajo en las fábricas o, en última instancia, como participantes activas en la guerra. Conclusiones. Las instituciones sanitarias, se centraron en el cuidado de heridos, cuestión que repercutió en la atención del niño enfermo. Esta situación dio lugar a altas tasas de morbimortalidad infantil, las cuales se mantuvieron hasta el final de la posguerra.During the years 1900 to 1936, children’s health began to gain importance in Europe. In Spain, infant mortality was high. To counteract this situation, the state proposed health, educational and food measures. Objective. To analyze the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939), which continued with the “hungry years” of the post-war period (1939-1949), known for food rationing and the decline of mother and child health. Method. Historical descriptive study with primary and secondary sources. It deals with the socio-health context and the food transition experienced by infants during the Spanish war and post-war period (1936-1949). Results. The government carried out a promotion of breastfeeding guided by pediatricians of the time, however, formula gained importance, due to the modification of the basic family structure. The classic figure of the woman was fractured, in favour of working in factories or, ultimately, as active participants in the war. Conclusions. Health institutions focused on the care of the wounded, an issue that impacted on the care of the sick child. This situation resulted in high rates of child morbidity and mortality, which continued until the end of the post-war period.Durante os anos de 1900 a 1936, a saúde das crianças começou a ganhar importância na Europa. Em Espanha, a mortalidade infantil foi elevada. Para contrariar esta situação, o Estado propôs medidas sanitárias, educativas e alimentares. Objectivo. Analisar a Guerra Civil Espanhola (1936-1939), que continuou com os “anos de fome” do pós-guerra (1939-1949), conhecida pelo racionamento de alimentos e pelo declínio da saúde materna e infantil. Método. Estudo descritivo histórico com fontes primárias e secundárias. Trata do contexto sócio-sanitário e da transição alimentar vivida pelos bebés durante a guerra espanhola e o período pós-guerra (1936-1949). Resultados. O governo realizou uma promoção da amamentação orientada por pediatras da época, mas a fórmula ganhou importância, devido à modificação da estrutura básica da família. A figura clássica da mulher foi fracturada, a favor de trabalhar em fábricas ou, em última análise, como participante activa na guerra. Conclusões. As instituições de saúde concentraram-se no cuidado dos feridos, uma questão que teve impacto no cuidado da criança doente. Esta situação resultou em elevadas taxas de morbilidade e mortalidade infantil, que se mantiveram até ao final do período pós-guerra

    Organização dos cuidados de enfermagem na Guerra Civil Espanhola (1936- 1939): uma abordagem histórica

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    La solución de los problemas de salud, así como el auxilio a los heridos durante la Guerra Civil Española (1936-1939), fueron gestionados por entidades nacionales e internacionales en los frentes sublevado y republicano, con una demanda sanitaria muy elevada. Objetivo: Conocer las organizaciones socio-sanitarias que apoyaron a los bandos nacional y republicano; describir la formación sanitaria impartida durante 1936-1939; destacar el trabajo asistencial desempeñado en la contienda por la mujer. Método: Estudio histórico descriptivo con fuentes primarias y secundarias. Que tratan sobre, las organizaciones nacionales e internacionales que cooperaron durante la guerra, y el personal sanitario profesional y voluntario que realizó cuidados y recibió formación en salud durante 1936-1939. Resultados: Mientras que el bando sublevado fue asistido por la Cruz Roja, enfermeras de la Falange y un sinfín de voluntarios con breve formación sanitaria, el frente popular fue auxiliado por la Cruz Roja, las Brigadas Internacionales, el Socorro Rojo Internacional y asociaciones feministas. Conclusión: La Guerra Civil estuvo marcada por una ingente cantidad de heridos, a los que el personal sanitario y voluntario dispensó la atención sanitaria con valor y entrega, aun a pesar del peligro existente. Éstos fueron incluso capaces de atender con humanidad.The resolution of health problems in the population, as well as the assistance to injured people during the Spanish Civil War (1936-1938), were achieved in the Insurgent and republican fronts by national and international organizations. That health care was extremely demanded. Objective: To know the social and health organizations that supported in the national and republican fronts; to describe the health training taught during 1936-39, and also to emphasize the health care worked during the war by women. Method: It is a descriptive and historical review, based on primary and secondary sources, which investigate: 1) national and international organizations which cooperate with Spain during the war; 2) health professionals and volunteers who cared and were taught in health during 1936-39. Results: Whereas the insurgent camp was assisted by the Red Cross, Falange’s nurses and volunteers without health training, the republican camp was helped by the Red Cross, International Brigades, International Red Aid and also feminist associations. Conclusions: The Civil War was marked by a huge number of injured, nevertheless, all the health professionals and volunteers dispensed health care with courage and dedication, even in spite of the danger. They were able to assistance each people with humanity.A solução dos problemas de saúde, bem como a assistência aos feridos durante a guerra civil espanhola (1936-1939), foi realizada pela frente rebelde e republicana, por entidades nacionais e internacionais, com um investimento muito elevado na atenção à saúde. Objetivo: Conhecer as organizações socio-sanitárias que apoiaram o lado nacional e republicano; descrever o treino em saúde desenvolvido durante os anos 1936-1939; destacar o trabalho assistência realizado na guerra pelas mulheres. Método: Estudo histórico descritivo, com fontes primárias e secundárias, questionando sobre: as organizações nacionais e internacionais que cooperaram durante a guerra; o pessoal de saúde profissional e voluntário que realizou a assistência; e o treino de saúde recebido durante 1936-1939. Resultados: O lado rebelde foi assistido pela Cruz Vermelha, enfermeiras da Falange e uma série de voluntários sem treino em saúde; enquanto a frente popular foi auxiliada pela Cruz Vermelha, pelas Brigadas Internacionais, pelo Socorro Vermelho Internacional e por associações feministas. Conclusões: A Guerra Civil foi marcada por um grande número de feridos, no entanto, todos os profissionais de saúde e voluntários dispensaram cuidados de saúde com valor e entrega, mesmo apesar do perigo existente, podendo ainda atender a todos as pessoas com humanidade