780 research outputs found

    “Better than we”: landscapes and materialities of race, class, and gender in pre-emancipation colonial Saba, Dutch Caribbean

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    This research strives to reveal how ideologies of race, class, and gender manifested in the the social, physical, and material landscapes of pre-emancipation colonial Saba, Dutch Caribbean. Race, class, and gender serve as facets and vectors for ideology. By viewing them as processes, their capacity to express such through their social and material environments inextricably tied to their particular temporal and spatial contexts. Through comparisons of the social and material environments of multiple, contemporaneous social contexts within Saba, common social and material vectors among these ideological facets can become apparent. In particular, this concerns: • How tensions between the “incomplete hegemony” of colonial authorities and plantation agriculture with Saban residents resulted in a dialectic between local landscapes, materiality, and ideologies of race, class, and gender. • Differentiating between slavery, free poverty, and low class in the archaeological record. • The dialectic between scale, locality, and perspective in defining and situating class and poverty

    The Left-Right Dichotomy in Contemporary Democratic Theory

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    This thesis examines the phenomenon of Left-Right in political discourse from the perspective of political theories of radical democracy, discourse and representation. Extant research conceives of Left/Right as spatial metaphors, exploring their meaning and/or function in democratic politics. This thesis focuses on how Left-Right structure political identification in modernity and on the implications this has for theories and practices of radical democracy. The thesis argues that Left/Right structure political space and constitute public subjects who identify themselves and others in relation to that space. Through a critical discussion of Jürgen Habermas, it shows how such subjects are constituted as dispassionate individuals defined by their opinions, arguments and beliefs which acknowledge their partiality to others and the whole. Through a critical reading of Ernesto Laclau, the thesis also argues that radical democratic demands cannot be channelled through ‘the Left’, because doing so entails a confinement within the Left/Right space of politics, divesting subjects of political passion and commitment. This space co-opts disparate demands into participating in public debate as if they were not excluded, disabling them from laying claim to a radical equality that is not yet instantiated. Overall, the thesis aims to make a contribution to theories of radical democracy by showing that proponents of Laclauian populism should focus more on other spaces to effect a radical antagonism with the public subject and a dislocation of its relation to the state. Only this way can it reinstitute the truly radical dimensions of democracy that Left/Right tame

    On the understanding of industrial usability work in IT-systems development

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    Grønland: Lad Rigsfællesskabet bestå

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    Sukkerroedyrkningen og Agerbruget i Hildesheim.

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    Sukkerroedyrkningen og Agerbruget i Hildesheim

    Klæder, klude og konfektion – Chr. Juncher A/S i Randers 1852-1980

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    Samlet set var konfektionsindustrien i 1950’erne og 1960’erne en af de industribrancher med flest ansatte. Alligevel er det begrænset, hvad der er forfattet om denne industris generelle historie og om de enkelte konfektionsvirksomheders udvikling. Ikke mindst er det bemærkelsesværdigt, hvor forsvindende lidt, der er skrevet om fremstillingen af herrekonfektion. Det samme gør sig til en vis grad også gældende for den danske klædeindustri, selvom denne de seneste år har fået en vis bevågenhed med undersøgelserne af klædefabrikkerne i Brede, Vejle, Hellebæk og Odense. Museum Østjylland forsøgte i efteråret 2009 at råde bod på dette ved at foretage en historisk undersøgelse af en af landets største fabrikker inden for klæder og konfektion; Chr. Junchers Klæde- og Konfektionsfabrik A/S i Randers. Undersøgelsen blev finansieret af projektet TRÅD under Kulturregion Østjysk Vækstbånd og Kulturministeriet, og var den første undersøgelse, der specifikt omhandlede en af byens store tekstilfabrikker. Undersøgelsen byggede dels på det omfattende arkivmateriale, der var at finde på Erhvervsarkivet i Aarhus og Randers Lokalhistoriske Arkiv, dels på en række interviews med tidligere medarbejdere og ledere i virksomheden. Den følgende artikel bygger på museets undersøgelse

    Pædagoger i folkeskolen

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    Kakkelovne, kundegods og køkkentøj fra Morsø Jernstøberi – omvæltning og strategi hos A/S N.A. Christensen & Co. 1950-1993

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    I artiklen redegøres der for de store omvæltninger, som de danske ovnstøberier, eksemplificeret ved jernstøberiet A/S N.A. Christensen & Co. på Mors, gennemgik i løbet af perioden 1950 til 1993. I disse årtier måtte branchen gang på gang forholde sig til nye udfordringer forårsaget af samfundsmæssige ændringer og teknologiske fremskridt. A/S N.A. Christensen & Co., bedst kendt under navnet Morsø Jernstøberi, var et af de få ovnstøberier, der klarede sig igennem branchens forandringer. Det skete ikke mindst, fordi virksomhedens ledelse i begyndelsen af 1960’erne formåede at omstille produktionen fra den hidtidige hovedproduktion af klassiske kakkelovne til det hjemlige marked til en fremstilling af køkkentøj, isenkram og kundegods, som for størstedelens vedkommende blev eksporteret. Da oliekrisen i 1970’erne igen gjorde de klassiske ovne til fast brændsel populære blandt forbrugerne, lykkedes det endnu engang A/S N.A. Christensen & Co. at omstille sig. I artiklen undersøges det, hvorfor netop støberiet på Mors klarede sig gennem omvæltningerne, og der konkluderes, at årsagen skal findes i en kombination af både virksomhedens langsigtede strategier, dens strategiske evne til at tilknytte den rette ledelse samt disse lederes evne til med kortsigtede strategier at reagere på de udfordringer, støberiet undervejs blev mødt af. --- Stoves, finished goods and kitchenware from Morsø Iron Foundry – Change and strategy at N.A. Christensen & Co. 1950 -1993 This article explains the radical changes that the Danish stove foundries, illustrated by the iron foundry A/S N.A. Christensen & Co. on Mors, underwent in the period 1950 to 1993. During these decades the industry had to relate to new challenges caused by social changes and technological advances. A/S N.A. Christensen & Co., better known as Morsø Iron Foundry, was one of the few stove foundries that survived the changing industry. This was not least because the company’s management succeeded in changing the main production line in the early 1960s from classic stoves for the domestic market to a production of kitchenware, hardware, and finished goods for other companies, which was mainly exported. When the oil crisis of the 1970s re-established the popularity of classic stoves, A/S N.A. Christensen & Co. once again succeeded in reorganising the company. This article questions why this particular foundry managed to survive a period of upheaval in the industry, and it deduces that the reason is found in a combination of both the company’s long-term strategies, its strategic ability to engage the right management, and the management’s ability to respond with short-term strategies to the challenges the company faced in this period