13 research outputs found

    La influencia de los psicof谩rmacos en la conducci贸n

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    Con el objetivo de condensar los 煤ltimos avances de la investigaci贸n en la interacci贸n de los psicof谩rmacos en las habilidades implicadas en la conducci贸n se realiz贸 una b煤squeda en PubMed y PsycINFO con las palabras clave benzodiazepines, antidepressants, neuroleptics AND drive, driving y drivers. En el trabajo se revisaron todos los art铆culos publicados desde enero del 2006 hasta octubre de 2010.In order to condense the latest developments in research into the interaction of psychoactive drugs in the skills involved in driving, a search in PubMed and PsycINFO was made, using keywords benzodiazepines, antidepressants, neuroleptics AND drive, driving and drivers. In the paper all articles published from January 2006 until October 2010 were reviewed

    Valoraci贸n, afrontamiento y ansiedad a la hora de dejar de fumar

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    El objetivo de este estudio consiste en analizar la valoraci贸n (appraisal) cognitiva y los tipos de afrontamiento que adoptan las personas a la hora de dejar de fumar. El instrumento de evaluaci贸n utilizado en una muestra de 107 estudiantes es el Inventario de Valoraci贸n y Afrontamiento (IVA), dise帽ado a partir del modelo de la valoraci贸n de Lazarus y Folkman (1986). El IVA consta de tres subescalas de valoraci贸n (amenaza, desaf铆o e irrelevante) y seis subescalas de afrontamiento (cognitivo y conductual-motor dirigido a cambiar la situaci贸n, cognitivo y conductual-motor dirigido a reducir la emoci贸n, pasivo y evitativo). Los resultados, se帽alan que cuando las personas realizan una valoraci贸n de amenaza ante la situaci贸n de dejar de fumar sufren, de forma significativa, mayores niveles de ansiedad (correlaci贸n producto momento = .61) que cuando valoran la situaci贸n como un desaf铆o (correlaci贸n nula) o como irrelevante (correlaci贸n negativa y significativa). Adem谩s, se ha encontrado que la valoraci贸n de la situaci贸n dejar de fumar como amenazante correlaciona de forma positiva y significativa con el afrontamiento evitativo, y de forma negativa con el afrontamiento cognitivo activo (estrategias cognitivas dirigidas a cambiar la situaci贸n y a reducir la emoci贸n). Estos resultados est谩n en consonancia con estudios previos sobre el IVA ante otra situaci贸n altamente ansi贸gena (Cano-Vindel and Miguel-Tobal, 1999). Se resalta la necesidad de evaluar las valoraciones primarias y los diferentes tipos de afrontamiento que adoptan las personas que quieren dejar de fumar, ya que algunos se relacionan de forma significativa con el nivel de ansiedad, que a su vez juega un papel importante en la adicci贸n al tabaco y en el fracaso al intentar dejar de fumar

    Transdiagnostic cognitive behavioral therapy versus treatment as usual in adult patients with emotional disorders in the primary care setting (PsicAP study) : protocol for a randomized controlled trial

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    Demand for primary care (PC) services in Spain exceeds available resources. Part of this strong demand is due to the high prevalence of emotional disorders (EDs)-anxiety, depression, and somatic symptom disorders-and related comorbidities such as pain or chronic illnesses. EDs are often under- or misdiagnosed by general practitioners (GPs) and, consequently, treatment is frequently inadequate. We aim to compare the short- and long-term effectiveness of group-delivered transdiagnostic cognitive behavioral therapy (TD-CBT) versus treatment as usual (TAU) in the treatment of EDs in the PC setting in Spain. We also aim to compare the effect of these treatments on disability, quality of life, cognitive-emotional factors, and treatment satisfaction. Here we present the study design of a two-arm, single-blind, randomized controlled trial (N=1126) to compare TAU to TD-CBT for EDs. TAU will consist primarily of pharmacological treatment and practical advice from the GP while TD-CBT will be administered in seven 90-minute group sessions held over a period ranging from 12 to 14 weeks. Psychological assessments are carried out at baseline (ie, pretreatment); posttreatment; and at 3-, 6-, and 12-month follow-up. The study is conducted in approximately 26 PC centers from the National Health System in Spain. This study was initiated in December 2013 and will remain open to new participants until recruitment and follow-up has been completed. We expect all posttreatment evaluations to be completed by December 2017, and follow-up will end in December 2018. We expect the TD-CBT group to have better results compared to TAU on all posttreatment measures and that this improvement will be maintained during follow-up. This project could serve as a model for use in other areas or services of the National Health System in Spain and even in other countries. International Standard Randomized Controlled Trial Number (ISRCTN): 58437086; http://www.isrctn.com/ISRCTN58437086 (Archived by WebCite at http://www.webcitation.org/6mbYjQSn3

    The PHQ-PD as a screening tool for panicdisorder in theprimarcarsetting in Spain.

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    INTRODUCTION Panic disorder is a common anxiety disorder and is highly prevalent in Spanish primary care centres. The use of validated tools can improve the detection of panic disorder in primary care populations, thus enabling referral for specialized treatment. The aim of this study is to determine the accuracy of the Patient Health Questionnaire-Panic Disorder (PHQ-PD) as a screening and diagnostic tool for panic disorder in Spanish primary care centres. METHOD We compared the psychometric properties of the PHQ-PD to the reference standard, the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Axis I Disorders (SCID-I) interview. General practitioners referred 178 patients who completed the entire PHQ test, including the PHQ-PD, to undergo the SCID-I. The sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive values and positive and negative likelihood ratios of the PHQ-PD were assessed. RESULTS The operating characteristics of the PHQ-PD are moderate. The best cut-off score was 5 (sensitivity .77, specificity .72). Modifications to the questionnaire's algorithms improved test characteristics (sensitivity .77, specificity .72) compared to the original algorithm. The screening question alone yielded the highest sensitivity score (.83). CONCLUSION Although the modified algorithm of the PHQ-PD only yielded moderate results as a diagnostic test for panic disorder, it was better than the original. Using only the first question of the PHQ-PD showed the best psychometric properties (sensitivity). Based on these findings, we suggest the use of the screening questions for screening purposes and the modified algorithm for diagnostic purposes

    Intervenci贸n cognitivo-conductual en los trastornos de ansiedad: una actualizaci贸n

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    This article sets out a proposal for a treatment planning protocol of emotional disorders, especially focused on anxiety disorders, which includes the main steps that should be outlined in a work plan. It also describes a cognitive intervention model based on the cognitive bias approach, particularly Michael W. Eysenck鈥檚 Four Factor Theory, developed in the early nineties. This is an intervention focused on cognitive restructuring, which was inspired by experimental cognitive psychology, and has found a way to explain and treat emotional disorders in a more practical and effective way than cognitive behavioral interventions based on traditional models.En este art铆culo se expone una propuesta de protocolo sobre planificaci贸n de tratamiento para des贸rdenes emocionales, centr谩ndonos especialmente en trastornos de ansiedad, el cu谩l incluye las principales fases que debe contemplar un plan de trabajo. Se expone tambi茅n un modelo de intervenci贸n cognitiva basado en el enfoque de los sesgos cognitivos, en concreto en la Teor铆a de los Cuatro Factores de Michael W. Eysenck, desarrollada en los inicios de la d茅cada de los noventa. Se trata de una intervenci贸n centrada en la reestructuraci贸n cognitiva, que se ha inspirado en la psicolog铆a cognitiva experimental, y ha encontrado una forma de explicar y tratar los des贸rdenes emocionales de manera m谩s pr谩ctica y eficaz que la intervenci贸n cognitivo-conductual basada en los modelos tradicionales

    Farmacos de acci贸n lenta (Sysadoa) en el tratamiento de la osteoartrosis

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    Arthrosis, or osteoarthrosis (OA) is the most common disease of the musculoskeletal system, generates the largest medical expense and is the main cause for disability or invalidity of all the chronic diseases. Its incidence is around 11 % in the Spanish population, bearing an important medical expense. It is an arthropathy characterized by degeneration and loss of the articular cartilage. Pain and and functional impotence are present, and can affect one or more joints. Nowadays the concept of the pathology of the disease has changed, giving more importance to the chondrocyte and the inflammatory response, looking for the possibility of acting pharmacologically on the chondrocyte, which would delay this degenerative process. Since the nineties there is an increasing interest in the so called chondroprotector or chondromodulating agents. They are known as SYSADOA (Symptomatic Slow Acting Drugs for Osteoarthritis). Clinical trials carried out with these substances have demonstrated a moderate improvement in the OA麓s symptomatology, acting upon the slow onset symptoms. The European Society of Rheumatology 2003 Recommendations state the efficacy of glucosamine, chondroitin sulphate, diacerein and hyaluronic acid for the treatment of the disease, being recommended to improve the symptoms and as possible modifiers in the progression of the cartilage structural damage. The aim of this article is to provide information regarding these drugs, their mechanism of action, indication, dose and route of administration.La osteoartrosis (OA) es la enfermedad m谩s frecuente del aparato locomotor, la que genera mayor gasto sanitario y la principal causa de incapacidad o invalidez de todas las enfermedades cr贸nicas. Se estima una incidencia en la poblaci贸n espa帽ola de un 11%, conllevando un importante gasto sanitario. Es una artropat铆a que se caracteriza por la degeneraci贸n y p茅rdida del cart铆lago articular. Cursa con dolor e impotencia funcional y puede afectar a una o m谩s articulaciones. Actualmente el concepto sobre la patogenia de la enfermedad se ha modificado, dando m谩s importancia al condrocito y a la respuesta inflamatoria, buscando la posibilidad de actuar farmacol贸gicamente sobre el condrocito, lo que retrasar铆a este proceso degenerativo. Desde la d茅cada de los 90 existe un creciente inter茅s por los llamados agentes condroprotectores o condromoduladores. Atendiendo se denominan: f谩rmacos modificadores de s铆ntomas de acci贸n lenta SYSADOA (Symptomatic Slow Acting Drugs for Osteoarthritis). Los ensayos cl铆nicos realizados con estas sustancias han demostrado una mejor铆a moderada en la sintomatolog铆a de la OA, actuando sobre los s铆ntomas con un comienzo de acci贸n lento. En las recomendaciones del tratamiento de la osteoartrosis de la Sociedad Europea de Reumatolog铆a del 2003 se afirma la eficacia de la glucosamina, el condroit铆n sulfato, la diacere铆na y el 谩cido hialur贸nico en el tratamiento de la enfermedad, siendo recomendados para mejorar los s铆ntomas y como posibles modificadores de la progresi贸n del da帽o estructural del cart铆lago. El objetivo de este art铆culo es aportar informaci贸n acerca de estos f谩rmacos, sobre su mecanismo de acci贸n, indicaci贸n, posolog铆a y formas de administraci贸n

    Somatizaciones en Atenci贸n Primaria. Oportunidades de intervenci贸n

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    Somatizations are one of the mental problems, with a higher prevalence among the population, generating high levels of suffering, reducing the quality of life and contributing to the functional disability of the people who suffer from it. However, there are still certain difficulties, both at conceptual and diagnostic level. This implies limitations in carrying out studies to clarify the nature of this disorder and in allowing the development of effective interventions. The objective of this work is to show, in a synthetic way, the knowledge collected to date on somatizations. It includes problems regarding its own denomination, diagnostic criteria, existing situation in Primary Care at the time of addressing this type of symptomatology, assessment tools and the latest advances in intervention.Las somatizaciones constituyen uno de los problemas mentalescon mayor prevalencia entre la poblaci贸n, generando elevados niveles de sufrimiento, reduciendo la calidad de vida y contribuyendo a la discapacidad funcional de las personas que lo padecen. Sin embargo, siguen existiendo ciertas dificultades, tanto de tipo conceptual como a la hora de realizar el diagn贸stico, que implican limitaciones para llevar a cabo estudios que clarifiquen la naturaleza de este trastorno y permitan desarrollar intervenciones eficaces.El objetivo de este trabajo consiste en mostrar, de forma sint茅tica, el estado de la cuesti贸nsobre las somatizaciones, aludiendo a la problem谩tica presente respecto a su propia denominaci贸n, criterios diagn贸sticos, la situaci贸n existente en Atenci贸n Primaria (AP)a la hora de atender este tipo de sintomatolog铆a, su detecci贸n en AP y los 煤ltimos avances en intervenci贸

    The PHQ-PD as a screening tool for panic disorder in the primary care setting in Spain

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    Introduction: Panic disorder is a common anxiety disorder and is highly prevalent in Spanish primary care centres. The use of validated tools can improve the detection of panic disorder in primary care populations, thus enabling referral for specialized treatment. The aim of this study is to determine the accuracy of the Patient Health Questionnaire-Panic Disorder (PHQ-PD) as a screening and diagnostic tool for panic disorder in Spanish primary care centres. Method: We compared the psychometric properties of the PHQ-PD to the reference standard, the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Axis I Disorders (SCID-I) interview. General practitioners referred 178 patients who completed the entire PHQ test, including the PHQ-PD, to undergo the SCID-I. The sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive values and positive and negative likelihood ratios of the PHQ-PD were assessed. Results: The operating characteristics of the PHQ-PD are moderate. The best cut-off score was 5 (sensitivity .77, specificity .72). Modifications to the questionnaire's algorithms improved test characteristics (sensitivity .77, specificity .72) compared to the original algorithm. The screening question alone yielded the highest sensitivity score (.83). Conclusion: Although the modified algorithm of the PHQ-PD only yielded moderate results as a diagnostic test for panic disorder, it was better than the original. Using only the first question of the PHQ-PD showed the best psychometric properties (sensitivity). Based on these findings, we suggest the use of the screening questions for screening purposes and the modified algorithm for diagnostic purposes

    Transdiagnostic cognitive behavioral therapy versus treatment as usual in adult patients with emotional disorders in the primary care setting (PsicAP study) : protocol for a randomized controlled trial

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    Demand for primary care (PC) services in Spain exceeds available resources. Part of this strong demand is due to the high prevalence of emotional disorders (EDs)-anxiety, depression, and somatic symptom disorders-and related comorbidities such as pain or chronic illnesses. EDs are often under- or misdiagnosed by general practitioners (GPs) and, consequently, treatment is frequently inadequate. We aim to compare the short- and long-term effectiveness of group-delivered transdiagnostic cognitive behavioral therapy (TD-CBT) versus treatment as usual (TAU) in the treatment of EDs in the PC setting in Spain. We also aim to compare the effect of these treatments on disability, quality of life, cognitive-emotional factors, and treatment satisfaction. Here we present the study design of a two-arm, single-blind, randomized controlled trial (N=1126) to compare TAU to TD-CBT for EDs. TAU will consist primarily of pharmacological treatment and practical advice from the GP while TD-CBT will be administered in seven 90-minute group sessions held over a period ranging from 12 to 14 weeks. Psychological assessments are carried out at baseline (ie, pretreatment); posttreatment; and at 3-, 6-, and 12-month follow-up. The study is conducted in approximately 26 PC centers from the National Health System in Spain. This study was initiated in December 2013 and will remain open to new participants until recruitment and follow-up has been completed. We expect all posttreatment evaluations to be completed by December 2017, and follow-up will end in December 2018. We expect the TD-CBT group to have better results compared to TAU on all posttreatment measures and that this improvement will be maintained during follow-up. This project could serve as a model for use in other areas or services of the National Health System in Spain and even in other countries. International Standard Randomized Controlled Trial Number (ISRCTN): 58437086; http://www.isrctn.com/ISRCTN58437086 (Archived by WebCite at http://www.webcitation.org/6mbYjQSn3