400 research outputs found

    Is the caries registration reliable? The properties of two indices for visual registration of occlusal caries examined on extracted teeth.

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    Grein þessi birtist samtímis í Den norske Tannlegeforenings Tidende og Tannlæknablaðinu. Hún var ritrýnd í Norska Tannlæknablaðinu. Efst á síðunni er hægt að nálgast greinina í heild sinni með því að smella á hlekkinnTilgangur rannsóknarinnar var að bera saman og meta tvo mælikvarða fyrir sjónræna greiningu á bitflatatannskemmdum. Annar mælikvarðinn byggir á texta og myndum en hinn styðst eingöngu við texta. Mælikvarðarnir voru sannreyndir með því að rannsakendur greindu 95 bitfleti í úrdregnum endajöxlum. Síðan var sannreynt með borun í smásjá (referanse standard) hvort tannáta væri til staðar eða ekki. Þar að auki greindu þrír rannsakendur röntgenmyndir af tönnunum. Við samanburð á niðurstöðum út frá Youdens J stuðli virðast mælikvarðarnir því sem næst jafngildir en þó er á þeim munur sem birtist fyrst og fremst við greiningu á byrjandi skemmdum. Töluvert var um vangreiningu á þessum minni skemmdum í rannsókninni. Við greiningu á skemmdum inn í tannbein var hæsta Youdens J gildi fyrir mælikvarða Ekstrands J=0,59. Þar var næmi (sensitivitet) 0,67 og sérhæfi (spesifisitet) 0,78. Samsvarandi fyrir Espelid og Tveit mælikvarðann var J=0,54 með næmi 0,54 og sérhæfi 0,76. Mismunur á milli mælikvarða var ekki marktækur (p>0,05). Ekki tókst að greina allar skemmdir í glerungi sjónrænt. Allar djúpar skemmdir í tannbeini voru greindar á röntgenmyndum en 9 af 27 skemmdum í ysta þriðjungi tannbeins voru vangreindar. Mælt er með samhliða notkun röntgen og sjónrænna greininga. Tannlæknir sem ætlar að bjóða upp á góða meðferð við tannskemmdum, þarf að þekkja eiginleika mælikvarðanna sem hann notast við í greiningu á skemmdum í bitflötum.-----------------------------------------------The study aimed to compare and validate Ekstrand’s index and Espelid and Tveit’s index for registration of occlusal caries. The first index is based on a written description only and the latter uses a combination of manipulated photos with accompanying text. The indices were tested by two observers who recorded occlusal caries on 95 extracted third molars. Gold standard was clinical examination of opened fissures after drilling controlled visually in microscope. Radiographs were examined by three observers. The data were analyzed in crosstables and Youdens J was calculated. The highest Youdens J for visual registration of occlusal caries into dentine was 0.59. Corresponding sensitivity and spesificity values were 0.67 and 0.92 for Ekstrand’s index (cut off point: grade≥3) respectively and for Espelid and Tveit’s index 0.76 and 0.78 (cut off point: grade≥2, Youdens J 0.54). The differences between indices were not statistical significant (p>0.05). Small lesions were on some occasions not recorded visually. The sensitivity and specificity change in inverse directions according to cut off value chosen for the indices. All deeper dentine lesions were identified radiographically, but 9 out of 27 lesions in outer third of dentine were not seen radiographically. A deeper understanding of the properties of diagnostic indices is needed for optimum treatment decisions. Based on the different properties of the clinical and radiographic examinations a combination of methods is recommended

    On the subdivision strategy in adaptive quadrature algorithms

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    AbstractThe subdivision procedure used in most available adaptive quadrature codes is a simple bisection of the chosen interval. Thus the interval is divided in two equally sized parts. In this paper we present a subdivision strategy which gives three nonequally sized parts. The subdivision points are found using only available information. The strategy has been implemented in the QUADPACK code DQAG and tested using the “performance profile” testing technique. We present test results showing a significant reduction in the number of function evaluations compared to the standard bisection procedure on most test families of integrands

    Harp Harmonics : En innføring i teknikkens og dens anvendelse i samspillsituasjoner

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    Master's thesis in Popular music (MUR502

    SINGINT: Automatic numerical integration of singular integrands

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    We explore the combination of deterministic and Monte Carlo methods to facilitate efficient automatic numerical computation of multidimensional integrals with singular integrands. Two adaptive algorithms are presented that employ recursion and are runtime and memory optimised, respectively. SINGINT, a C implementation of the algorithms, is introduced and its utilisation in the calculation of particle scattering amplitudes is exemplified

    Restorative Treatment Decisions of Croatian University Teachers

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    This study aimed to identify differences in diagnostic criteria and restorative treatment among Croatian university teachers. The questionnaire was distributed to 120 Croatian university teachers in Zagreb and Rijeka. Responses were collected from 59 (49.2%) university teachers. Treatment thresholds for hypothetical approximal and occlusal caries, as well as most favored types of restorative techniques and materials were assessed. The majority (34%) of the respondents would intervene for an approximal caries lesion at the enamel-dentin junction. The leading strategy for occlusal caries was postponing operative treatment until the caries lesion was in the outer third of dentin and removing caries tissue only. Composite resin was the predominant material of choice for restoration of approximal and occlusal caries (70% and 81% respectively). More than half (54%) of Croatian university teachers believed the radiographs underestimated the depth of the caries lesion compared with clinical finding. Findings of this study should be a guideline for Croatian university teachers for a more consistent and modern teaching on the subject of caries management

    Restorative Treatment Decisions of Dentists in Split and Dalmatia County on Approximal and Occlusal Caries: a Pilot Study

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    Svrha istraživanja: Zadatak ovog eksperimentalnog istraživanja bio je odrediti dubinu aproksimalnih i okluzalnih karijesnih lezija kod kojih se stomatolozi na području Splitsko-dalmatinske županije odlučuju za restaurativni tretman te vrste preparacija i materijale koje za to odabiru. Materijali i metoda: Upitnik koji su sastavili Espelid i suradnici (2001.) preveden je s engleskoga jezika na hrvatski i podijeljen slučajno odabranom uzorku (n=100) stomatologa u Splitsko-dalmatinskoj županiji. Ispunilo ga je njih 28. Na slikama u upitniku bili su prikazani različiti klinički i radiološki stadiji aproksimalnih, okluzalnih i upitnih karijesnih lezija. Rezultati: Većina stomatologa odlučila se za restaurativni tretman aproksimalnih karijesnih lezija koje su dosegnule caklinsko-dentinsko spojište (39%) ili vanjsku trećinu dentina (39%). Za aproksimalnu karijesnu leziju 61 posto stomatologa odabrao je tunelsku preparaciju. Otvaranje okluzalne karijesne lezije u dentinu bio je izbor njih 75 posto. Većina (46%) odgovorila je da zub A ima karijesnu leziju u caklini, a 39 posto smatralo je da zub B nema karijesnu leziju. Zaključak: Stomatolozi Splitsko-dalmatinske županije odlučuju se za restaurativni tretman u trenutku kada karijesna lezija dosegne caklinsko-dentinsko spojište ili vanjsku trećinu dentina, ali su potrebna daljnja istraživanja na većem broju ispitanika.Objective of work: The aim of this pilot study was to identify treatment thresholds, restorative methods and materials for approximal and occlusal caries lesions used by dentists in Split and Dalmatia County. Materials and Methods: The questionnaire of Espelid et al. (2001) was translated from English to Croatian and distributed to a random sample (n=100) of dentists in Split and Dalmatia County. Responses were collected from 28 dentists. Figures, included as an addition to questions, illustrated different clinical and radiographic stages of approximal, occlusal and questionable carious lesions. Results: The majority of dentists would perform restorative treatment for an approximal carious lesion which reached dentin-enamel junction (39%) or would not restore the lesion until it penetrated dentin (39%). The preferred cavity design was the tunnel preparation technique chosen by 61% of dentists. The majority of dentists (75%) stated that they would intervene restoratively for occlusal carious lesions in dentin. The majority (46%) of the dentists judged tooth A like having a carious lesion confined to the enamel while tooth B was judged “sound” by 39% of the respondents. Conclusions: Dentists in this pilot study tend to restore carious lesions at the moment the lesions reached dentin-enamel junction or just penetrated dentin, but further studies are necessary to conclude about the restorative decisions of dentists in Split and Dalmatia County