669 research outputs found

    Short- and long-run goals in ultimatum bargaining: impatience predicts spite-based behavior

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    The ultimatum game (UG) is widely used to study human bargaining behavior and fairness norms. In this game, two players have to agree on how to split a sum of money. The proposer makes an offer, which the responder can accept or reject. If the responder rejects, neither player gets anything. The prevailing view is that, beyond self-interest, the desire to equalize both players’ payoffs (i.e., fairness) is the crucial motivation in the UG. Based on this view, previous research suggests that fairness is a short-run oriented motive that conflicts with the long-run goal of self-interest. However, competitive spite, which reflects an antisocial (not norm-based) desire to minimize others’ payoffs, can also account for the behavior observed in the UG, and has been linked to short-run, present-oriented aspirations as well. In this paper, we explore the relationship between individuals’ intertemporal preferences and their behavior in a citywide dual-role UG experiment (N = 713). We find that impatience (short-run orientation) predicts the rejection of low, “unfair” offers as responder and the proposal of low, “unfair” offers as proposer, which is consistent with spitefulness but inconsistent with fairness motivations. This behavior systematically reduces the payoffs of those who interact with impatient individuals. Thus, impatient individuals appear to be keen to minimize their partners’ share of the pie, even at the risk of destroying it. These findings indicate that competitively reducing other’s payoffs, rather than fairness (or self-interest), is the short-run goal in ultimatum bargaining

    Analysis of Collective Behavior and the Psychology of the Masses. Case: October–2019, Ecuador

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    In this research, an analysis was performed of collective behavior and its relationship with the psychology of the masses. The objective was to explain the collective behavior of the masses following the events of October 2, 2019 in Ecuador. A quantitative approach was used. Data were collected through observation and using a registration form for the follow-up of written media. The results of the investigation identified causes of the collective protests to decree 883 pronounced by the Ecuadorian government, whose effect was a series of collective behaviors, according to the psychology of the masses; these were: imitation, acting as followers, looking for affection or acceptance, frustration, repressed and controlled emotions, emotional contagion, feeling protected, defending their rights and being heard. In addition, the indigenous behavior identified included leadership, perseverance, solidarity, union, the formation of a new generation of leaders, the use of digital media, and the Andean worldview on the participation of the family clan and death. Keywords: collective behavior, mass psychology, individual behavior. Resumen La presente investigaciĂłn realiza un anĂĄlisis del comportamiento colectivo y la relaciĂłn con la psicologĂ­a de las masas El objetivo de la investigaciĂłn es explicar el comportamiento colectivo de las masas que conllevaron a los sucesos del 2 de octubre de 2019 en Ecuador. El desarrollo de la investigaciĂłn se sustenta en el enfoque cuantitativo, en el nivel explicativo, en los tipos observacional, documental, retrospectivo y transversal. El mĂ©todo fue inductivo, al observar a los sujetos el de la investigaciĂłn y los hechos sucedidos para ser analizados, la tĂ©cnica fue la observaciĂłn a travĂ©s de una ficha de registro para seguimiento de los medios de comunicaciĂłn escritos. Los resultados de la investigaciĂłn identifican la causa de las protestas colectivas al decreto 883 pronunciado por el gobierno ecuatoriano, cuyo efecto fue una serie de comportamientos colectivos, que segĂșn la psicologĂ­a de las masas buscan: la imitaciĂłn, son seguidores, buscan afecto, aceptaciĂłn, existe frustraciĂłn, emociones reprimidas y controladas, contagio emocional, sentirse protegidos, defender sus derechos y ser escuchados. Se identificĂł: el comportamiento indĂ­gena su liderazgo, la constancia, la solidaridad, la uniĂłn y la formaciĂłn de la nueva generaciĂłn de lĂ­deres, el uso de los medios de comunicaciĂłn digital y la cosmovisiĂłn andina sobre la participaciĂłn del clan familiar y la muerte. Palabras clave: comportamiento colectivo, psicologĂ­a de las masas, comportamiento individual

    Facial identity and emotional expression as predictors during economic decisions

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    Two sources of information most relevant to guide social decision making are the cooperative tendencies associated with different people and their facial emotional displays. This electrophysiological experiment aimed to study how the use of personal identity and emotional expressions as cues impacts different stages of face processing and their potential isolated or interactive processing. Participants played a modified trust game with 8 different alleged partners, and in separate blocks either the identity or the emotions carried information regarding potential trial outcomes (win or loss). Behaviorally, participants were faster to make decisions based on identity compared to emotional expressions. Also, ignored (nonpredictive) emotions interfered with decisions based on identity in trials where these sources of information conflicted. Electrophysiological results showed that expectations based on emotions modulated processing earlier in time than those based on identity. Whereas emotion modulated the central N1 and VPP potentials, identity judgments heightened the amplitude of the N2 and P3b. In addition, the conflict that ignored emotions generated was reflected on the N170 and P3b potentials. Overall, our results indicate that using identity or emotional cues to predict cooperation tendencies recruits dissociable neural circuits from an early point in time, and that both sources of information generate early and late interactive patterns

    Overview on agent-based social modelling and the use of formal languages

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    Transdisciplinary Models and Applications investigates a variety of programming languages used in validating and verifying models in order to assist in their eventual implementation. This book will explore different methods of evaluating and formalizing simulation models, enabling computer and industrial engineers, mathematicians, and students working with computer simulations to thoroughly understand the progression from simulation to product, improving the overall effectiveness of modeling systems.Postprint (author's final draft

    Parallel 3-D marine controlled-source electromagnetic modelling using high-order tetrahedral Nédélec elements

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    We present a parallel and high-order NĂ©dĂ©lec finite element solution for the marine controlled-source electromagnetic (CSEM) forward problem in 3-D media with isotropic conductivity. Our parallel Python code is implemented on unstructured tetrahedral meshes, which support multiple-scale structures and bathymetry for general marine 3-D CSEM modelling applications. Based on a primary/secondary field approach, we solve the diffusive form of Maxwell’s equations in the low-frequency domain. We investigate the accuracy and performance advantages of our new high-order algorithm against a low-order implementation proposed in our previous work. The numerical precision of our high-order method has been successfully verified by comparisons against previously published results that are relevant in terms of scale and geological properties. A convergence study confirms that high-order polynomials offer a better trade-off between accuracy and computation time. However, the optimum choice of the polynomial order depends on both the input model and the required accuracy as revealed by our tests. Also, we extend our adaptive-meshing strategy to high-order tetrahedral elements. Using adapted meshes to both physical parameters and high-order schemes, we are able to achieve a significant reduction in computational cost without sacrificing accuracy in the modelling. Furthermore, we demonstrate the excellent performance and quasi-linear scaling of our implementation in a state-of-the-art high-performance computing architecture.This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No. 777778. Furthermore, the research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 programme under the ChEESE Project (https://cheese-coe.eu/ ), grant agreement No. 823844. In addition, the authors would also like to thank the support of the Ministerio de EducaciĂłn y Ciencia (Spain) under Projects TEC2016-80386-P and TIN2016-80957-P. The authors would like to thank the Editors-in-Chief and to both reviewers, Dr. Martin Cuma and Dr. Raphael Rochlitz, for their valuable comments and suggestions which helped to improve the quality of the manuscript. This work benefited from the valuable suggestions, comments, and proofreading of Dr. Otilio Rojas (BSC). Last but not least, Octavio Castillo-Reyes thanks Natalia Gutierrez (BSC) for her support in CSEM modeling with BSIT.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    The cognitive basis of social behavior: cognitive reflection overrides antisocial but not always prosocial motives

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    Even though human social behavior has received considerable scientific attention in the last decades, its cognitive underpinnings are still poorly understood. Applying a dual-process framework to the study of social preferences, we show in two studies that individuals with a more reflective/deliberative cognitive style, as measured by scores on the Cognitive Reflection Test (CRT), are more likely to make choices consistent with “mild” altruism in simple non-strategic decisions. Such choices increase social welfare by increasing the other person's payoff at very low or no cost for the individual. The choices of less reflective individuals (i.e., those who rely more heavily on intuition), on the other hand, are more likely to be associated with either egalitarian or spiteful motives. We also identify a negative link between reflection and choices characterized by “strong” altruism, but this result holds only in Study 2. Moreover, we provide evidence that the relationship between social preferences and CRT scores is not driven by general intelligence. We discuss how our results can reconcile some previous conflicting findings on the cognitive basis of social behavior

    BMI is not related to altruism, fairness, trust or reciprocity: experimental evidence from the field and the lab

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    Over the past few decades obesity has become one of the largest public policy concerns among the adult population in the developed world. Obesity and overweight are hypothesized to affect individuals’ sociability through a number of channels, including discrimination and low self-esteem. However, whether these effects translate into differential behavioural patterns in social interactions remains unknown. In two large-scale economic experiments, we explore the relationship between Body Mass Index (BMI) and social behaviour, using three paradigmatic economic games: the dictator, ultimatum, and trust games. Our first experiment employs a representative sample of a Spanish city's population (N=753), while the second employs a sample of university students from the same city (N=618). Measures of altruism, fairness/equality, trust and reciprocity are obtained from participants’ experimental decisions. Using a variety of regression specifications and control variables, our results suggest that BMI does not exert an effect on any of these social preferences. Some implications of these findings are discussed

    Economics Students: Self-Selected in Preferences and Indoctrinated in Beliefs

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    There is much debate as to why economics students display more self-interested behavior than other students: whether homo economicus self-select into economics or students are instead “indoctrinated” by economics learning, and whether these effects impact on preferences or beliefs about others’ behavior. Using a classroom survey (n\u3e500) with novel behavioral questions we show that, compared to students in other majors, econ students report being: (i) more self-interested (in particular, less compassionate or averse to advantageous inequality) already in the first year and the difference remains among more senior students; (ii) more likely to think that people will be unwilling to work if unemployment benefits increase (thus, assuming others are motivated primarily by self-interest), but only among senior students. These results suggest self-selection in preferences and indoctrination in beliefs
