467 research outputs found
Immunoglobulina G4-rekin erlazionaturiko gaixotasuna: epe luzerako pronostikoa. Gaixoberritze eta gaiztotze arriskua.
[EUS] Immunoglobulina G4-rekin erlazionaturiko gaixotasuna (IgG4-EG) duela gutxi deskribatutako eritasuna da. IgG4-EGren bereizgarri dira serumeko IgG4 kontzentrazioaren igoera, infiltratu linfoplasmatikoa, fibrosi estoriformea eta flebitis obliteratzailea. Gaixotasun honek organo bat baino gehiago erasan ditzake, pankrea ohikoena izanik. Gero eta onespen gehiago duen arren, gaixotasun hau duten pazienteen kopurua ezezaguna da. Pazienteen gehiengoak glukokortikoideekiko erantzun ona du, gaixotasunaren ezaugarri dena.
62 urteko gizon baten kasua deskribatzen da, pankreatitis autoimmunea eta gibel masa dituena. Glukokortikoideekin tratatu zen eta erantzun ona izan zuen. Errebisio honen xedea IgG4-EGren pronostikoa argitzea da, gaixoberritze eta gaiztotzeei lotuta
Efficiency, profitability and carbon footprint of different management programs under no-till to control herbicide resistant Papaver rhoeas
The present work examines the effects of different integrated weed management (IWM) programs on multiple herbicide-resistant Papaver rhoeas populations in terms of effectiveness, profitability and carbon footprint. With this aim a trial was established in a winter cereal field under no-till in North-Eastern Spain during three consecutive seasons. Four IWM programs with different intensification levels, from less (crop rotation, mechanical control, and no herbicides) to more intense (wheat monoculture with high chemical inputs), were established. The different strategies integrated in the four programs were efficient in managing the weed after three years, with increased effectiveness after management program intensification. Whereas low input program (which includes fallow season) represented less economic cost than the other programs, on average, no differences were observed on carbon foot print, considered as kg CO2eq kg−1 product, between the different programs, except in the crop rotation program due to the low pea yield obtained. The results from this study show that in the search for a balance between crop profitability and reduction of the carbon footprint while controlling an herbicide resistant population is challenging, and particularly under notill. In this scenario the short term priority should be to reduce the presence of multiple herbicide resistant biotypes integrating the different available chemical, cultural, and physical strategies.This work has been supported by the Agencia Estatal de Investigación (AEI) and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) with project AGL2014-52465-C4-2-R. Dr. J. Torra obtained a Ramon y Cajal contract from the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (RYC2018-023866-I). Mr. F. Valencia-Gredilla obtained a PhD grant from the University of Lleida
Estudio del comportamiento de un sistema de transmisión por polea excéntrica mediante métodos sistémicos
[EN] This paper describes a case study carried out on the behaviour of an eccentric pulley transmission system housed in a manually operated abdominal-intestinal assistant device for human use. The aim is to establish a systemic framework that serves as a validation tool for mechanical systems in the initial stages of the product design processes. The proposed study system describes the device transmission process as a function of the input angle variation (d¿), the height of the user¿s feet (HF) and the pulley curvature function (C), resulting from the variation of its radius (dR) over time (dt). In order to explore and compare the different behaviours and identify possible solutions four different configurations of curvatures were proposed. Causal diagrams and differential equations describe the simulation scenario. The resulting application model supports the use of a systemic frame and methods as a pre-response to the validation of design proposals.[ES] El presente artÃculo describe un caso de estudio llevado a cabo sobre el comportamiento de un sistema de transmisión por polea excéntrica alojado en un dispositivo de asistencia abdomino-intestinal de accionamiento manual para uso humano. El objetivo es establecer un marco sistémico que sirva como herramienta de validación de sistemas mecánicos en las etapas iniciales de los procesos de diseño de producto. El sistema en estudio propuesto describe la dinámica del proceso de transmisión del dispositivo en función de la variación del ángulo de entrada (d¿), la altura de los pies del usuario (HF) y la función de curvatura de la polea (C), resultante de la variación de su radio (dR) respecto del tiempo (dt). Se propusieron cuatro configuraciones diferentes de curvaturas con el fin de explorar y comparar los diferentes comportamientos e identificar las posibles soluciones. El escenario de simulación fue descrito mediante diagramas causales y ecuaciones diferenciales. El modelo de aplicación resultante respalda la utilización de los métodos sistémicos como una respuesta previa a la validación de las propuestas de diseño.Esnal-Angulo, I.; Hernandis Ortuño, B. (2019). Behaviour study of an eccentric pulley transmission system using systemic methods. DYNA. 86(210):204-210. https://doi.org/10.15446/dyna.v86n210.7607320421086210Bertalanffy, L. V. General System Theory; Foundations, Development, Applications. New York: George Braziller, 1968.Hernandis-Ortuño, B., Iribarren-Navarro, E. R. Diseño de nuevos productos: Una perspectiva sistémica. Valencia: Servicio de publicaciones Universitat Politècnica de València, 1999.Hernandis-Ortuño, B. Desarrollo de una metodologÃa para el diseño de productos industriales, PhD Thesis, Department of Graphic Engineering, Universitat Politècnica de València, Valencia, Spain, 2003.Ashby, W. R. Design for a brain. New York: John Wiley & Sons Inc., 1954.Briede, J. C, Cabello, M. B., Pacheco, B. y Cartes, J. Implicación de participantes en la fase de diseño conceptual de un producto. Caso de estudio del impacto de la metodologÃa sistémica en una Pyme chilena. Interciencia 41 (9), pp 622-628, 2016.Cardozo, J., Hernandis, B. and RamÃrez, N. The systemic perspective in conceptual product design in the context of strong diversity. The International Journal of Design Management and Professional Practice 6 (4), pp. 39-56, 2013. doi:10.18848/2325-162X/CGP/v06i04/38591.Cardozo, J., Hernandis, B. y RamÃrez, N. Caracterización de los sistemas de productos en el marco de la personalización, la variabilidad y la diferenciación. Ingeniare 22(2), pp. 278-291, 2014.Rivera, J., González, J. R. and Hernandis, B. Analysis of contexts and conceptual variables for a sustainable approach into systemic model, Proceedings of Relating Systems Thinking and Design Symposium (RSD2), 2013. Available at http://openresearch.ocadu.ca/id/eprint/2161/Ashby, W. R. An introduction of Cybernetics. London: Chapman & Hall Ltd., 1957.MartÃnez, S., Requena, A. Dinámica de sistemas. Madrid: Alianza editorial, 1986.Forrester, J. W. Industrial dynamics. Portland: Productivity Press, 1961.González-Busto Múgica, B. La dinámica de sistemas como metodologÃa para la elaboración de modelos de simulación. Oviedo: Universidad de Oviedo, 1998.SESGE. Sociedad Española de Sistemas Generales. Madrid: SESGE, 1979. [Reference date, 16 October 2016] Available at http://www.sesge.orgForrester, J. W. World dynamics. Cambridge: The MIT Press, 1970.López-Moreda, I. Dinámica y control de procesos. Montevideo: Universidad de la República, 2007.Proncheva, O., Markhov, S. J. Forrester’s model of world dynamics and its development. Artificial intelligence methods and techniques for business and engineering, pp. 190-200, 2012.Serrano Reina, C., Esnal Angulo, I. Validación funcional de un producto que ayude a disminuir el estreñimiento u otra disfunción asociada mediante el análisis sistémico. Rdis journal [Online]. 1(2), pp. 70 – 81, 2012. [Date of reference, 2 September 2018]. Available at http://www.rdis.es/publicacionesrevistaRad, S. Impact of ethnic habits on defecographic measurements. Arch Iranian Med 5(2), pp. 115-117, 2002.International Organization for Standardization. ISO 7250-3:2008 Basic human body measurements for technological design, 2013th edition. Geneva, 2013.Carmona, A. Datos antropométricos de la población laboral española. CNMP-INSHT, Sevilla, 2001, pp. 22-35.Esnal Angulo, I, Hernandis Ortuño, B. Aplicación de un modelo sistémico para el diseño de un asistente abdomino-intestinal, Proceedings of 6ºIFDP-SD2016 International Conference, pp. 959-972, 2016. doi:10.4995/IFDP.2016.3767
Fresh matter production by two forms of Oxalis latifolia as influenced by soil and climate
Oxalis latifolia is
a widely distributed weed that mainly affects corn fields, orchards, plant nurseries and gardens.
Two forms of the weed have been identified: the common form, with fish-tailed leaflets, bulbils
growing on stolons and dark pink flowers, and the Cornwall form, with rounder leaflets, sessile
bulbils and whitish-pale pink flowers. In this study, the fresh matter production, expressed
as the increase of the bulbs’ fresh weight, of both forms was compared during two growing
seasons in two locations. The bulbs were grown in pots from spring to autumn, and different
aspects of growth were measured at the end of each season. The total fresh matter production,
weight of the apical bulb, total weight of the lateral bulbs and number of lateral bulbs differed
between the forms, but the mean weight of the lateral bulbs did not. The production of fresh
matter was related mainly to the climatic conditions, with both forms of O. latifolia being
sensitive to excess rainfall (e.g., > 100 mm) in June and July. The two forms of O. latifolia
differed with respect to the fresh matter allocation to the apical or lateral bulbs, suggesting a
difference in their growth strategies. The common form developed a light apical bulb and devoted
more resources to the lateral bulbs, whereas the Cornwall form developed a heavy apical bulb and many
comparatively smaller lateral bulbs. Despite their relative indifference to the soil type, the differences
between the two forms suggest that they originated from different climatic regions and that they
may differ in their invasive abilities
Diet components in the food of Antarctic ascidians living at low levels of primary production
Coupling between pelagic and benthic systems has been described in numerous shallow water communities. In Potter Cove, where pelagic primary production is low (not only during the Antarctic winter but also during the summer), the rich benthic community present there must depend on other food sources than phytoplankton. Over a year-round period we determined the abundance of the different seston particles which constituted the stomach contents of the Antarctic ascidian Cnemidocarpa verrucosa (Lesson, 1830) at Potter Cove. Stomach repletion was highest in November and lowest in June. Ascidians took in a wide range of particles from large detritus (macroalgal debris and faecal pellets) to minute particles < 5 μm. Large detritus and minute particles together represent the main percentage of contents throughout the year (mean 91%). Diatoms were a low percentage (mean 4.5%). Unidentified flagellates, dinoflagellates and coccolithophorids were scarce, with mean values lower than 4%. Among diatoms benthic species were more abundant in summer and pelagic ones prevailed from March to November. Resuspension of benthic material due to wind mixing and the input of allochthonous particles by currents are important mechanisms that ensure food for ascidians and the community of suspension feeders in Potter Cove.Fil:Esnal, G.B. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales; Argentina
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