558 research outputs found

    An unusual appearance of the post-pubertal Herlyn-Werner-Wunderlich syndrome with acute abdominal pain: A case report

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    Background: Herlyn-Werner-Wunderlich (HWW) syndrome is a rare congenital urogenital defect. It is detected by unilateral low vaginal obstruction, uterus didelphys, and ipsilateral kidney agenesis. It usually becomes apparent with pain, dysmenorrhea, and presence of a vaginal or pelvic mass. Purulent vaginal discharge may also happen rarely because of infective complications of the obstructed hemivagina. In this report, we describe a post-pubertal case with acute abdominal pain. Case: The patient was a 13-yr-old girl who was referred to us with acute abdominal pain one year after the onset of her menarche. In the pelvic examination, we detected hematocolpos. Abdominopelvic-computed tomography scan confirmed the presence of mullerian duct anomalies with uterus didelphys. This case of HWW syndrome along with pyocolpus was managed by vaginal septum resection, drainage of pus, and salpingectomy. Conclusion: The symptoms of HWW syndrome should be monitored in early puberty to prevent more complications. Key words: Herlyn-Werner-Wunderlich syndrome, Uterus didelphys, Kidney agenesis, Mullerian duct anomaly

    The effect of selective rhythmic movements on, hand- foot coordination in girl children with developmental coordination disorder

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    زمینه و هدف: اختلال هماهنگی رشدی وقتی رخ می دهد که در رشد مهارت های حرکتی تاخیر بیافتد یا در انجام حرکات هماهنگ مشکلاتی بروز کند که نتیجه آن عدم توانایی انجام وظایف روزمره است. این مطالعه با هدف بررسی اثر یک دوره حرکت های منتخب ریتمیک بر هماهنگی دست و پای کودکان دارای اختلال هماهنگی رشدی انجام شد. روش بررسی: در این تحقیق نیمه تجریی ابتدا توسط غربالگری از طریق پرسشنامه رشدی ویلسون و سیاهه مشاهده حرکتی آموزگاران از بین 475 دانش آموز دختر دبستانی (6 تا 11 ساله) شهرکرد تعداد 30 کودک دارای ناهنجاری هماهنگی رشدی انتخاب شدند. از این گروه پیش‌ـ آزمون توسط مقیاس رشد حرکتی لینکن‌ـ اوزرتسکی (آیتم‌های مربوط به هماهنگی دست و پا) اخذ شد و سپس با تقسیم تصادفی، در دو گروه تجربی و کنترل قرار گرفتند. گروه تجربی در یک دوره برنامه‌ی منتخب حرکات ریتمیک به مدت 8 هفته (سه جلسه در هفته، هر جلسه 45 دقیقه) شرکت کردند، در انتها مجدداً آیتم‌های مربوط به هماهنگی دست – پا مقیاس رشد حرکتی لینکن‌ـ اوزرتسکی از هر دو گروه اخذ شد. داده ها با استفاده از آزمون آماری تی مستقل تجزیه و تحلیل شد. یافته‌ها: نتایج نشان داد که در پیش آزمون میانگین هماهنگی دست و پای (گروه تجربی و کنترل) تفاوت معنادار وجود ندارد، اما در پس آزمون میانگین هماهنگی دست و پا در گروه تجربی بیشتر از گروه کنترل بود (01/0

    En iverksettelsesstudie av integreringspolitikk i Kristiansand kommune : Flyktningekoordinatorenes rolle

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    Master's thesis in Political science and management (ME502)Denne masteroppgaven er en beskrivende kvalitativ casestudie av måten Kristiansand kommune gjennomførernasjonal integreringspolitikk for nyankomne flyktninger. Oppgaven utdyper hvordan introduksjonsprogrammet i kommunen gjennomføres i lys av litteraturen om governance (mellomorganisatoriske samstyring). I tillegg inkluderer oppgaven å studere flyktningekoordinatorenes rolle og funksjon i dette arbeidet, i lys av teori om «boundary spanners»(brobyggere på norsk).Dvs. ansatte som forener innsatser, ressurser og ekspertise på tvers av sektorer og hierarkiske nivåer, for å oppnå en så fyldig som mulig flyktningetjeneste i kommunen. Integreringav flyktninger i Kristiansand kommune er en implementeringsprosess som kan belyses med mange teoretiske tilnærminger. I denne oppgaven belyses dette fenomenet hovedsakelig med litteratur om governance, koordinering av nettverk og annen forskning om norske introduksjonsprogram. I tillegg er litteratur om wicked problems(komplekse samfunnsutfordringer), styring og ledelse av nettverk, styringsverktøy i nettverk og kulturforståelse også inkludert. Det vil igjennom oppgaven redegjøres for disse litteraturfeltens sammenheng med hverandre og introduksjonsordningen i kommunen. Oppgavens hovedfokus er altså å undersøke hvordan kommunens integreringsarbeid av nyankomne flykninger vedtas, iverksettes og gjennomføres, men også hvordan dette koordineres, samt hva flyktningekoordinatorenes arbeid med dette innebærer

    Technical Analysis of Collapse in Tunnel Excavation and Suggestion of Preventing Appropriate Applicable Methods (Case Study: Sardasht Dam Second Diversion Tunnel)

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    In order to either optimal use of water resource of KELAS river basin and electrical energy generation, Sardasht Dam and power plant are designed. Dam water diversion system includes two tunnels with inner diameter of 7 m. Several collapses have occurred in portal of second diversion tunnel (A2) which has created large cavity in tunnel crown. In order to prevent collapse, various ways such as steel sets installation and also grouting to increase strength of surrounded rock mass, are prescribed but none of technics could not to ban caving in. considering this fact that in order to continue tunnelling process, collapse zone should be passed, a solution or solutions must be suggested to overcome consecutive and dangerous collapses problem. In order to decrease tunnelling risks, in this research, using both experience and knowledge obtained from previous proposed executive solution to similar cases and technically analysis of occurred collapse in current diversion tunnel, it has been tried to suggest a new appropriate solution which defeat the problem. Finally, in order to stabilize of tunnel crown, as an effective and applicable solution, constructing retaining crown by means of rock bolts, was introduced