37 research outputs found

    Education for older drivers in the future

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    Five presumptions have to be considered when addressing future education for older drivers: 1. Driving a car will continue to be one element of mobility in the future; 2. Older people want to be able to keep driving; 3. Safety will be an even more important factor in mobility in the future; 4. Ecological values will be more important in the future; and 5. Innovative technological applications will be more important in the future. Hierarchical models of driving are suitable in increasing understanding of older drivers&#39; needs and abilities. The highest levels of the driving hierarchy in the Goals for Driver Education (GDE) model are especially important for the safety of both young and elderly drivers. In these highest levels goals for life, skills for living, and social environment affect everyday decision making in general but also driving, which has an impact on driver safety. Giving up driving is very much a social decision and should be taken as such. However, the highest levels of the driving hierarchy are by nature inaccessible to teacher-centered instruction These levels require more coaching-like education methods where the learner takes the central role and the teacher helps the drivers understand their own abilities and limitations in traffic. Testing and selecting older drivers to enhance safety is not, according to research findings, working in a proper way. Older drivers do not so much need more information concerning traffic rules, etc., but rather better understanding of themselves, their health restrictions, their skills, and their abilities to ensure daily mobility. Their closest companions also need tools to help them in discussions of traffic safety issues affecting older drivers.</p

    Driver training interests of a Spanish sample of young drivers and its relationship with their self-assessment skills concerning risky driving behavior

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    This paper explores what competences are considered by the Spanish young drivers as more relevant to improve their current training as drivers as well as the relationship of these interests with their current risky driving self- assessment skills. For this purpose, a survey research design was planned with the Spanish young drivers (age between 18 and 24 years; no more than 4 years driving experience) as target population. From the initial near 1300 people sample invited to participate, we finally obtained complete data from 321 subjects. Measurement was based on participants self-report of interests about contents to improve their driving, self-report of their risky driving behaviour, and self¿assessment about their likelihood of being involved in a risky driving situation. Two main results arose from our data analysis: (1) novice drivers showed as their main interest to improve competences related to recognize their strengths and weaknesses as drivers (i.e., self-assessment skills); (2) a significant relationship between novice drivers interests and their current risky driving self-assessment skills was found, more especifically, general interest about post-license training was higher for the under confident self-assessors than for the over confident ones. These results provide a relevant input to be taken into account in the design of driver training programs for novice drivers; moreover, the relationship between their training interests and their current risky driving self-assessment skills introduces an additional factor to be considered in the implementation of these training program

    Pienyrittäjien työkyky ja jaksaminen - yrittäjäkulttuurin ja persoonallisuuden näkökulmasta

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    Tutkimus oli osa Varsinais-Suomen Yrittäjien ja Turun aluetyöterveyslaitoksen SYTY 2000 - Terveempi yrittäjä, terveempi yritys -hanketta. Tutkimuksen rahoitti sosiaali- ja terveysministeriö. Tutkimuksen kohderyhmän muodostivat Varsinais-Suomen Yrittäjät ry:hyn (Turkua lukuun ottamatta) kuuluneet mikroyrittäjät, jotka olivat osallistuneet terveystarkastuksiin vuosien 1995-1998 välisenä aikana

    Post-license Education for Novice Drivers: Evaluation of a Training Programme implemented in Spain

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    Introduction: This study evaluated the implementation of a 2nd phase training programme for novice drivers in Spain, which puts the primary focus of the training on the higher hierarchical levels of driver behaviour. Method: Two hundred and sixty-three participants took part throughout the study, which was implemented as an experimental design with the test and control groups assessed before and after the one day safety training. Measurement of the impact of the training program focused on the participants¿ self-evaluation and self reporting of some driving behaviour indicators related to accident risk. Results: Data analysis showed a change in the expected direction in the scale related to the skills for careful driving, but not for the other four scales considered. A feedback survey about the training course offered some important input for evaluating the organization, contents, tuition, and results of the three parts of the training programme (discussion group, on-road and track training) as reported by the participants in the test group. Conclusions and suggestions: The results of the experiment show that using a one day driver safety course, it is possible to change some of the drivers¿ evaluations connected to safe driving style into safe direction. The follow-up period was exceptionally long (9 months) and the design (randomly divided experimental and control groups with before and after measurements) was reliable. More effort should be devoted to improving the on-road part of the training, which was often perceived as a typical driving lesson rather than a feedback drive

    Intra-abdominal pressure in severe acute pancreatitis

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    BACKGROUND: Hospital mortality in patients with severe acute pancreatitis (SAP) remains high. Some of these patients develop increased intra-abdominal pressure (IAP) which may contribute to organ dysfunction. The aims of this study were to evaluate the frequency of increased IAP in patients with SAP and to assess the development of organ dysfunction and factors associated with high IAP. METHODS: During 2001–2003 a total of 59 patients with severe acute pancreatitis were treated in the intensive care unit (ICU) of Helsinki University Hospital. IAP was measured by the intravesical route in 37 patients with SAP. Data from these patients were retrospectively reviewed. RESULTS: Maximal IAP, APACHE II score, maximal SOFA score, maximal creatinine, age and maximal lactate were significantly higher in nonsurvivors. There was a significant correlation of the maximal IAP with the maximal SOFA, APACHE II, maximal creatinine, maximal lactate, base deficit and ICU length of stay. Patients were divided into quartiles according to the maximal IAP. Maximal IAP was 7–14, 15–18, 19–24 and 25–33 mmHg and the hospital mortality rate 10%, 12.5%, 22.2% and 50% in groups 1–4, respectively. A statistically significant difference was seen in the maximal SOFA, ICU length of stay, maximal creatinine and lactate values. The mean ICU-free days in groups 1–4 were 45.7, 38.8, 32.0 and 27.5 days, respectively. The difference between groups 1 and 4 was statistically significant. CONCLUSION: In patients with SAP, increased IAP is associated with development of early organ failure reflected in increased mortality and fewer ICU-free days. Frequent measurement of IAP during intensive care is important in optimizing abdominal perfusion pressure and recognizing patients potentially benefitting from decompressive laparotomy

    Implementation of the driver training curriculum in Spain – An analysis based on the Goals for Driver Education (GDE) framework

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    The Goals for Driver Education (GDE) framework represents a conceptual outline of the goals to be satisfied in driver education (Hatakka et al., 2002). We aimed to analyze the implementation of the driver training curriculum in Spain, taking this framework as reference; the Spanish driving instructors was the target population from which to gather the information to be analyzed. For this purpose, we developed the DTCI (Driver Training Curriculum Implementation) scale as well as a number of questions concerning the driving instructors&#39; opinions about their own training as instructors, and they were included in a survey that provided information for a probabilistic sample of 676 driving instructors. On the one hand, an analysis of the factor structure of the DTCI scale provided a two-factor solution that fitted the hierarchical levels of the first dimension of the GDE framework; however, no factor differentiation reflected the components of the second dimension of this framework. On the other hand, the survey results suggested that the Spanish driver education system places more emphasis on knowledge and skills related to the operative and tactical aspects of driving, whereas less importance is placed on risk-prevention and self-evaluation skills related to the strategic and personal levels of driving behavior. These results reveal a potential weakness in the driver training curricula from the point of view of the GDE framework and support the application of instructional methods and teaching tools that correct these potential flaws in the training of student drivers.</p

    Metsätalouden vesiensuojelun tehostaminen puuaineksella: Prototyyppien kehittäminen ja testaus kunnostusojituskohteissa

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    Turvemaiden hakkuumäärien kasvu yhdessä muuttuvan ilmaston kanssa voi kasvattaa metsätalouden aiheuttamaa vesistökuormitusta. Viimeaikaisten tutkimusten perusteella erityisesti turvemaiden metsätaloudessa tarvitaan uusia vesiensuojelukeinoja. Eräs mahdollisuus on hyödyntää vesien luontaisia itsepuhdistusprosesseja lisäämällä ojiin, laskeutusaltaisiin ja purouomiin puumateriaalia, jonka pintaan kehittyvän biofilmin ja sitä hyödyntävän eliöstön oletetaan suodattavan vedestä ra-vinteita, humusaineita ja metalleja. Lisäksi rakenteiden oletetaan pidättävän tehokkaasti myös kiin-toainesta. Tutkimuksen avulla pyrittiin arviomaan laskeutusaltaisiin lisätyn puuaineksen merkitystä niiden fysikaalisten ja biologisten prosessien tehostajana, jotka edesauttavat eroosion vähentämisessä sekä ravinteiden pidättymisessä ja poistumisessa vesiekosysteemistä takaisin maaekosysteemiin. Tutkimusotteena oli kokeellinen kenttätutkimus ja kvantitatiivinen aineistoanalyysi, jossa vertailtiin kahdella ojitusalalla sijaitsevien puukäsitellyn ja käsittelemättömän (verrokkialtaan) laskeutusaltaan vedenlaatua. Puukäsittely toteutettiin asentamalla huhtikuussa 2018 laskeutusaltaisiin pienpuusta tuotettuja rankanippuja. Avovesikausilla 2018 ja 2019 otetuista vesinäytteistä mitattuina suureina tarkasteltiin erityisesti kiintoaineksen, kemiallisen hapenkulutuksen, typen, fosforin ja liuenneen hiilen määriä. Vesinäytteistä saatujen tulosten perusteella puukäsittely alensi systemaattisesti lähtevän veden ainepitoisuuksia kemiallisen hapenkulutuksen, kokonaisravinteiden sekä orgaanisen hiilen osalta. Samoin puukäsittely alensi altaista purkautuvien vesien kiintoainespitoisuuksia selvästi tehokkaammin kuin pelkkä laskeutusallasrakenne. Tutkimustulosten perusteella näyttäisi siltä, että puun lisääminen nykyisin käytössä oleviin vesien-suojelurakenteisiin on helppo ja edullinen tapa tehostaa vesiensuojelua. Menetelmää tulee kuitenkin kehittää siten, että käytettävä puuaines kerätään konetyönä esimerkiksi ojalinjojen avaamisen yhteydessä ja asennetaan konetyönä laskeutusaltaan kaivamisen yhteydessä

    Kiinteistökauppa yksityisoikeudellisena sopimuksena

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    Opinnäytetyössä käsitellään kiinteistökauppaa koskevia maakaaren 1 ja 2 luvun määräyksiä. Opinnäytetyöraportin tavoitteena on tuoda esille kiinteistökauppaan liittyviä ongelmatilanteita ja esitellä esimerkkien avulla sitä, millä tavoin niitä on oikeuskäytännössä ratkaistu. Opinnäytetyössä käytettiin aineistona kiinteistökauppaa koskevan lainsäädännön lisäksi aihepiiriin liittyviä Korkeimman oikeuden sekä Kuluttajariitalautakunnan ratkaisuja. Lisäksi tutkittiin Jyväskylän käräjäoikeuden vuosina 2004–2008 antamat, kiinteistön virhettä koskevat ratkaisut. Opinnäytetyön perusteella voidaan päätellä, että kiinteistökaupan osapuolilla on usein riittämättömät tiedot kiinteistökauppaa ohjaavasta lainsäädännöstä. Sen seurauksena osapuolet ratkovat kiinteistökauppoihin liittyviä kiistoja yhä useammin myös oikeudessa. Riidat aiheuttavat merkittäviä kustannuksia kaupan osapuolten lisäksi myös yhteiskunnalle. Opinnäytetyöraportti kehottaa kiinnittämään tiedottamisessa erityistä huomiota kiinteistökaupan osapuolten velvollisuuksiin ja vastuisiin. Lisäksi raportti kannustaa rakennusalan ammattilaisia kehittämään julkis- ja yksityisoikeudellista osaamistaan objektiivisempaan suuntaan. Raportissa tuodaan myös esille tarve kehittää rakennusalan eettistä ja moraalista ohjausta.The purpose of the thesis was to introduce some problematic circumstances in the property business and to demonstrate by examples how these problems have been solved in legal practice. Sometimes business partners are in disagreement on purchase conditions and the injured party aspires to claim for damages in a civil trial. The material used in the thesis was legislation on real estate business deals and also some solutions decisions made by the Supreme Court and the Consumer Disputes Board. In addition, the decisions made by the Jyväskylä Local District Court concerning defects in properties were studied. The study shows that the juridical knowledge and skills of property business partners are sadly deficient. People should be counseled in legal matters. This would empower business partners to avoid financial and juridical difficulties. It is also important for the professionals in the building trade to develop their juridical knowledge into a more objective direction. There is also a need to develop the ethical and moral education in the building trade