12 research outputs found

    بررسی رابطه‌ی عشق و رضایت زناشویی با هرزه‌نگاری جنسی در دانشجویان متاهل شهرستان بیرجند

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    مقدمه: هرزه‌نگاری جنسی منجر به آسیب‌های جدی در افراد ‌شده و موجب از دست رفتن نقش روابط طبیعی زناشویی در زندگی مشترک زوجین گردیده و ایجاد حالت دلزدگی در آنان می‌گردد در حالی که عشق و رضایت زناشویی از عوامل پیشرفت و دستیابی به اهداف زندگی می‌باشد. این مطالعه با هدف بررسی رابطه­ی بین عشق و رضایت زناشویی با هرزه‌نگاری جنسی در دانشجویان متاهل دانشگاه‌های شهر بیرجند انجام شد. روش­کار: این مطالعه­ی توصیفی-همبستگی بر روی 310 نفر از دانشجویان متاهل دانشگاه‌های شهر بیرجند (آزاد، دولتی) در سال تحصیلی 92-1391 با روش نمونه‌گیری سهمیه‌ای تصادفی انجام شد. ابزار گردآوری داده‌ها شامل فرم مشخصات جمعیت­شناختی و پرسش­نامه­های رضایت زناشویی انریچ، مثلث عشق استرنبرگ و هرزه­نگاری جنسی محقق­ساخته بود. داده‌ها با آزمون­های آماری توصیفی، تی مستقل، همبستگی پیرسون و رگرسیون چندمتغیره و نرم‌افزار آماریSPSS نسخه­ی 15 تحلیل شدند. یافته­ها: بین مولفه‌های عشق (صمیمیت، هوس، تعهد) و رضایت زناشویی در کل، با هرزه‌نگاری در دانشجویان، رابطه­ی منفی و معنی‌داری وجود دارد (001/0P). نتیجه­گیری: به نظر می‌رسد هرزه‌نگاری جنسی بر عشق و رضایت زناشویی، تاثیری منفی دارد

    Taking the Points: The Socialization Process of a Sports Book “Regular”

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    Patrons of a casino sports book use the environment for much more than the instrumental task of sports betting. It is also a place to congregate with other like-minded patrons and through this process complex interactional dynamics develop over time. The social world of the sports book emerges in a designated space for the betting act where patrons meet, interact, and establish a culture to which they adhere

    On the association between adolescent autonomy and psychosocial functioning: examining decisional independence from a self-determination theory perspective

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    In the present study, we focus on the concept of adolescent autonomy and its relation with psychosocial functioning. Specifically, we aim to differentiate between 2 prevailing conceptualizations of autonomy, that is, (a) autonomy defined as independence versus dependence and (b) autonomy defined as self-endorsed versus controlled functioning. A 2nd goal is to examine the relative contribution of each autonomy operationalization in the prediction of adolescents' adjustment (i.e., well-being, problem behavior, and intimacy). Data were gathered in a sample of 707 Belgian adolescents. Using a newly developed questionnaire, we assessed both the degree of independent decision making per se and the self-endorsed versus controlled motives underlying both independent and dependent decision making. The degree of independent decision making could clearly be differentiated from the underlying motives for doing so. Moreover, independent decision making as such showed unique associations with more problem behavior. Further, as expected, self-endorsed motives for both independent and dependent decision making generally related to an adaptive pattern of psychosocial functioning, and controlled motives were associated with maladjustment. The discussion focuses on the difference between the 2 perspectives on autonomy and on the different meaning of the motives underlying independent, relative to dependent, decision making

    T he relationship between friendship factors, body-image concern and restrained eating. A study on Greek female adolescents and young adults

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    This study was designed to examine the relationship between friendship factors and Greek female adolescents’ and young adults’ body-image concern, body dissatisfaction, and restrained eating. While each of these issues has received much research attention in the past, very few studies have addressed whether perceived social support from friends or friend­ship intimacy influence young women’s body-image attitudes and eating behaviours, and whether heavier girls experience poorer friendship relations. The study was conducted in Greece and the total sample (N = 131) consisted of 67 high-school students and 64 university students, all which were females. Data relied solely on self-report measures. Contrary to the hy­pothesis, lower perceived social support and friendship intimacy were not associated with increased levels of body-image concern, body dissatisfaction, or restrained eating, for either of the two age-groups. Additionally, higher levels of BMI were not associated with poorer levels of perceived social support or friendship intimacy. Finally, an additional finding-beyond the original hypotheses of this study- was that, even though levels of friendship intimacy were almost identical for the two age-groups, adolescents scored higher that young adults in body-image concern, body dissatisfaction, and restrained eating. The implications of these findings for future research are discussed

    Aparência física e amizade íntima na adolescência: Estudo num contexto pré-universitário

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    O presente estudo aborda a associação entre a percepção sobre a aparência física e a amizade íntima, considerando-os como um factor de importante valor preditivo no desenvolvimento psicossocial de adolescentes. Um grupo de alunos matriculados no 12.º Ano de Escolaridade, foi inquirida através da aplicação directa de um Questionário contendo as seguintes escalas de medida: Escala de Amizade Íntima – Intimate Friendship Scale (Sharabany, 1994), Escala de Percepção de Auto conceito – The self-perception profile for college students (Neemann & Harter, 1986) adaptada para a população portuguesa (Ribeiro, 1994) e Notação Social Familiar – Graffar Adaptado, adaptada do original (Graffar, 1956). Os valores de Amizade Íntima são mais elevados no sexo feminino e os valores de Percepção sobre a Aparência Física, mais elevados no sexo masculino. Os valores da Percepção sobre a Aparência Física sugerem-nos uma valorização diferente, entre sexos, dos aspectos do auto-conceito físico e da amizade íntima na adaptação social e pessoal de adolescentes

    Relación entre estatus sociométrico, género y rendimiento académico

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    We pretended to establish whether there was a relation effect between sociometric status and gender on academic achievement in a sample of 156 students (88 female and 68 males) secondary students from a well-known public school in Valledupar (Colombia). Sociometric status was evaluated according to pair nomination to categorize students in six groups: popular, rejected, excluded, controverted, average and non-classified. The variance analysis did not show a significant effect of the interaction sociometric status – gender on academic achievement, although there was shown an independent significant effect of the two main variables. In the post-hoc testing a direct relation between achievement and social preference and between achievement and social impact as well, and a significant difference between controverted males and females.Se pretendió establecer si existía un efecto de interacción entre el estatus sociométrico y el género sobre el rendimiento académico en una muestra de 156 estudiantes (88 niñas y 68 varones) de educación secundaria de un reconocido colegio público de Valledupar (Colombia). El estatus sociométrico se evaluó según las nominaciones de los pares para categorizar a los estudiantes en seis grupos: popular, rechazado, excluido, controvertido, promedio y no clasificado. El análisis de varianza no reveló un efecto significativo de la interacción del estatus sociométrico y el género sobre el rendimiento académico, aunque sí mostró un efecto significativo independiente de las dos variables principales. En la prueba post hoc, se presentó una relación directa entre el rendimiento y la Preferencia Social, así como entre el rendimiento y el Impacto Social, y una diferencia significativa entre niñas y varones controvertidos

    Die Entwicklung der Beziehung zu Freunden

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    Das Ziel dieser Arbeit war, Zusammenhänge und Einflüsse auf die Freundschaftsbeziehungen der Jugendlichen zu erfassen und aufzuzeigen. Die Daten stammen aus dem Längsschnittprojekt „ Familienentwicklung im Lebenslauf“, genauer gesagt aus der siebten Erhebungswelle, die von Oktober 2009 bis April 2010 unter der Leitung von o. Univ. Prof. Dr. Brigitte Rollett und Ass.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Harald Werneck durchgeführt wurde

    The Boys\u27 club: An exploration into the social world of a Las Vegas casino sports book

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    This ethnography of the La Mesa Casino Sports Book explores the characteristics that frame the social world its regular patrons create. Specifically, I explain the characteristics of La Mesa’s sports bettors, the types of people who bet on sports, the mechanisms used to sustain participation in the scene, and how the sports bettors view themselves, their social world, and those outside of it. I argue that regular sports book patrons do not use the environment simply for sports betting. Rather, their complex interactional dynamics create a robust social world they come back to again and again to create a meaningful social world or community. My observations reveal the existence of a hierarchal order among bettors; they abide by both formal rules of conduct regulated by the casino and informal rules of conduct that are governed by La Mesa regulars. Regulars participate in ritualistic behavior, develop social bonds with like patrons, and combine different styles of expression and interaction to create a male-dominated home away from home. More broadly, Las Mesa regulars create a sense of community in the sports book. One implication is that we may have to look in seemingly unusual places to understand how and where community is created. In Las Vegas, the sports book is one such unusual space for camaraderie, social cohesion, and community