1,959 research outputs found

    Regional media and its role in Tahrir\u27s revolution: Comparison between Al-Jazeera and Al-Arabiya

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    One of the hallmarks of the Egyptian revolution was the extensive presence of different media outlets to the extent that their coverage directly affected the course of events, if not shaped them. Being a central state in the Arab world, Egypt naturally received a great attention through out the world during the revolution. The coverage of the 25 January revolution was by far more focused and extensive than that of the Tunisian revolution. Unlike the Tunisian revolution which developed gradually, the Egyptian revolution emerged since its initial stages with thousands of people marching to Tahrir Square, which is a stage that was that was only reached in the final days of the Tunisian revolution. The strong character of the Egyptian revolution and its anticipated effect on the rest of the Arab world placed Egypt in the headlines on a regional and international scale throughout the revolution period. This paper will highlight the role of al-Jazeera Arabic, the Qatar-based news channel that people around the Arab world credited for supporting the revolution. This paper will also analyze the coverage of the Saudi-owned al-Arabiya, and compare it to that of al-Jazeera. This comparison will serve as a lens to read the political stance and underlying ideologies of different Arab countries towards the revolutions in the region, specifically Qatar and Saudi Arabia

    Effectiveness of Dental Units, AL-Salamaby Health Center, Khartoum, Sudan 2020.

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    خلفية الدراسة: وحدات عناية الاسنانِ في مستوى مراكزِ الرعاية الصحيةِ الأولية هي ضروريه جداً لتنمية مجتمع صحّي. هذه لأن الأسنانَ يَجِبُ أَنْ تَكُونَ في أعلى المعاييرِ الصحّيةِ. في السَنَوات الأخيرة، قضية الجودة والإدراكِ مِن قِبل المرضى كَسبا أهميةَ كبيرةَ بين مقدمينِ الخدمات الصحيةِ؛ لذا، رضى المريض هو مؤشر جيد على الامتثال للعلاج و إلتزامِ طبيبَ الأسنان أو مقدمِ الخدمةَ اهداف الدراسة: هذه الدراسةِ لتقييم فعالية وحداتِ الأسنانِ في مستوى الرعاية الصحيةِ الأولية ورضى المرضى في ناحيةِ الخرطوم. علاوة على ذلك، معْرفُه السياساتَ وإستراتيجياتَ المركز الصحيه الأولية في وحداتِ الأسنان. منهجية البحث: أُجريت هذه الدراسة من خلال وسيلة عرضية وصفية على مرافق وحداتِ الأسنانِ في الخرطوم، في الفتره 2020-2021. على عدد 170 مُشاركُ في هذا البحثِ. إعتمدت الدراسه أُسلوب جَمع البيانات من خلال إستبيان مكتوب ذاتياً, يحتوي على(5) أقسام الأقسام مُلِأت مِن قِبل المرضى، قائمة تدقيق على الأجهزةِ و قائمة تدقيق المقابلةِ مَع الأشخاصِ الرئيسيينِ مَلأتُها بنفسي. النتائج: أظهرت دراستنا أنّ (62.7 %) من المرضى كان إنطباعَهم العامَّ راضي حول الخدمة المقدمه لعيادات الاسنان، ومن جه أخرى، أكثر من الرُبْعِ (25.7 %) منهم الى حد ما و(11.6 %) غير راضيين من الخدمه المقدمة. الخاتمة: كَشفتْ الدراسةَ الحاليةَ بأنّ المرضى لديهم إنطباعُ ورضاءُ إيجابيُ حول خدماتِ عيادةِ الأسنان، في الوقتِ نفسهِ لَديهاُ الكثير مِنْ النَقْصِ، لِذلك، يَجب على صُنّاعَ سياسات الصحةَ والمسؤوليين أَنْ يعْملَو على زيادة التمويل و تَحسين الإستراتيجيات. الكلمات المفتاحية: التقييم ، وحدة الاسنان ، رضى المريض ، الخرطوم، 202

    An Implementation of a Dual-Processor System on FPGA

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    In recent years, Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA) have evolved rapidly paving the way for a whole new range of computing paradigms. On the other hand, computer applications are evolving. There is a rising demand for a system that is general-purpose and yet has the processing abilities to accommodate current trends in application processing. This work proposes a design and implementation of a tightly-coupled FPGA-based dual-processor platform. We architect a platform that optimizes the utilization of FPGA resources and allows for the investigation of practical implementation issues such as cache design. The performance of the proposed prototype is then evaluated, as different configurations of a uniprocessor and a dual-processor system are studied and compared against each other and against published results for common industry-standard CPU platforms. The proposed implementation utilizes the Nios II 32-bit embedded soft-core processor architecture designed for the Altera Cyclone III family of FPGAs


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    Every single consumption choice that consumers make has an impact on the society and on the environment. By choosing products that have a limited impact on the environment and the society consumers can help saving the environment and help in having a sustainable resources, thus bring the changes they want in the marketplace. The purpose of this research paper is to identify what people in Qatar include in the concept of responsible consumption, with regard to many choices, and which are the responsibilities they think they have as responsible consumers. A questioner was developed and distributed to different category of the society to measure their social responsible consumer behavior. A total of 129 respond has been collected. The paper has concluded that there is no relation between different consumer groups and their social consumer behavior. The consumers in Qatar do not have much awareness in that filed due to many reasons. Society wealth, lack of awareness from the government and the social responsible culture might be some of reasons for that problem

    Psychological Analysis on Autogenesis as Preface to God Cognition (A Comparative Analysis of View Point of Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib --peace be upon him-and Scholars of Education and Pedagogy)

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    One of the questions which has engaged the mind and soul of many people is: how can fifteen century old teachings of Islam and its guide lines given by Prophet Mohammad (peace be upon him) and infallible Imams (peace be upon them) can answer the needs of today and how can it lead the way of today’s people to perfection? Is the teaching of Islam compatible with science of today?The present papertries to emphasize on teachings of Islam not belonging to people of specific time period, and have static and variable laws and comprehensive view on every aspect of life. It also performs an analytic and comparative study on viewpoint of psychologists and sayings of Imam Ali's concerning the most fundamental need of humanity; Autogenesis and perfectionism. Probably it may help us answer the above questions and will also help us in manifesting some part of that infallible Imam's endless knowledge

    Reality of the Industrial Sector in Jordan

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    The study aims to examine Jordan's industrial sector by using descriptive statistical and econometric methods. For the purposes of analysis, we used a time series data for the Jordanian industrial sector (Mining, manufacturing, and electricity) from 1990 to 2017. The study came out of the importance of the Jordanian industrial sector. During the study period, the industrial sector ranked first among the sectors in terms of relative importance in its contribution to GDP at an annual average rate of 16% . Comparing the industry's contribution to Jordan's GDP with other countries, Jordan is still relatively late compared to semi-industrialized developing countries, like Singapore, Indonesia, South Korea, Thailand, Malaysia, and Egypt. In addition, there was a fluctuating rise in labor productivity in the industrial sector, this may be due to the increase in the amount of fixed capital, as expressed by high capital intensity technology, or to the development of labor’s skills and competencies. The study recommended the need to work to improve the output of the educational system in line with the requirements of revitalization of the industrial sector, and work to increase the efficiency of vocational training institutions in order to raise the productive efficiency of local labor because of the impact of the revitalization of the industrial sector. Keywords: industry , manufacturing, Mining, market , Jordan, electricity, Value added DOI: 10.7176/JESD/10-18-11 Publication date:September 30th 201

    The Accounting and Auditing Profession in Jordan: Its Origin and Development

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    This study reviews the historical development of accounting the auditing profession in Jordan. It investigates the social, economic, and political factors which have affected the accounting and auditing profession in Jordan. In addition, this study tracks the development of the accounting and auditing profession themselves and the related commercial legislations since the beginning of the twentieth century to the current era, with the aim of providing a general background about the development of accounting and auditing in Jordan. The findings indicate that the Anglo-American model was adopted in accounting as a result of social, political, and economical factors. Also, Jordan is currently committed to financial reporting standards and international auditing standards. Keywords: Accounting; Auditing profession, Emergence, Development, Financial reportin

    Heroism in the Age of Consumerism: The Emergence of a Moral Don Quixote in John Updike’s “A & P”

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    This paper analyzes John Updike’s short story “A & P” in the light of Max Weber’s notion of moral decision-making. A prominent contemporary American story-writer and literary critic, Updike has devoted his fiction to subjects' rational and moral problems in the contemporary consumerist society. Updike’s lifelong probing into the middle classes' lives is a body of fiction that raises questions about determinism, moral decision, and social responsibility, among others. “A & P” is a revealing example of such fiction and one among Updike’s most frequently anthologized short stories. The story, titled after a nationwide American shopping mall in the early twentieth century, investigates the possibility of decision-making within consumerist society. This paper demonstrates how Updike’s portrayal of his characters' everyday lives reveals the predicament of intellectual thinking and moral decision-making in a consumerist society and warns against the loss of individual will in such societies

    Degree of Disclosure and Conservatism in the Annual Financial Statements in Service and Industrial Public Shareholding Companies listed in Amman Stock Exchange

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    The study aimed to  reveal the extent of compliance  with a proposed index of disclosure in  the financial statements  by Jordanian  public shareholding  companies of  service and industrial sectors  listed in Amman Stock Exchange  and to reveal the extent of the Jordanian companies’ compliance  with the concept of conservatism (accounting conservatism )in their financial reports in addition to reveal the impact of accounting conservatism in the  level of disclosure. To achieve the objectives of the study,   an index of disclosure consisting of 105 items has been built and the financial reports of the companies listed in Amman Stock Exchange of the services and industry sectors have been reviewed to identify their compliance with the proposed index of disclosure. The level of conservatism in the companies’ financial reports was measured using two models:   ratio of the firm’s book to market ratio and the accrual model. To test the hypotheses of the study, descriptive statistics, One Sample (T) test and a simple regression test were all used. The study revealed lack of full compliance with disclosure in presenting the financial statements according to the proposed index of disclosure in the service and industrial companies and at the sectorial level. The results also showed lack of compliance with concept of conservatism at the annual financial reports’ preparation process and lack of conservatism’s existence in the disclosure’s level in presenting the financial statements in the companies of service and industrial sectors and at the sectorial level.  Based on these results, the study recommended the control’s parties to follow up the compliance with international accounting standards and the concept of conservatism which adds more reliability to the financial statements.   Key words: Accounting Conservatism, Financial Statements, Disclosure, Public Shareholding Companies listed in Amman Stock Exchange.