80 research outputs found

    Fragmentierte Nation - globalisierte Region? Der baskische und katalanische Nationalismus im Kontext von Globalisierung und europäischer Integration

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    Im Zeitalter der Globalisierung scheinen nationale Grenzziehungen an Bedeutung zu verlieren. Dennoch wird immer wieder die Forderung nach Eigenstaatlichkeit erhoben - so auch im spanischen Staat: in Katalonien und im Baskenland. Patrick Eser zeichnet die ideologische und programmatische Entwicklung der katalanischen und baskischen Nationalbewegungen in einer umfangreichen Darstellung nach. Wie schätzen diese Bewegungen die Globalisierung und die europäische Integration ein - als Chance oder als Bedrohung? Anhand ausgewählter Themenfelder (Europa, Einwanderung, ökonomische Globalisierung, kulturelle Identität/Metropolen) vermittelt die Studie einen vielfältigen Einblick in die Realität und jüngste Entwicklung der in den beiden Regionen sehr virulenten politischen Bewegungen

    Exile between estrangement and second homeland: affective atmospheres and imaginary geographies in the exile literature of Robert Schopflocher

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    This article analyzes the work of the exiled writer Roberto Schopflocher, who emigrated from Nazi Germany to Argentina with his family as a teenager. Schopflocher dedicated himself to writing literary texts in the last third of his life, an activity that he intensified after his retirement. He wrote his first texts in Spanish, then changed to his mother tongue. The experience of emigration, the arrival in the “new homeland” and the “integration” in it are very resent motifs in his literary work. This article analyzes these facets, focusing both on the Jewish experience of migration and on the imaginary significance of the geographies of the “new homeland”.El artículo analiza escritos del “exiliado” Roberto Schopflocher, quien emigró de adolescente con su familia a la Argentina, escapándose de la Alemania nazi. Schopflocher se dedicó a escribir textos literarios en el último tercio de su vida, actividad que intensificó siendo jubilado. Escribió sus textos primero en español, después cambió a su lengua materna. La experiencia de la emigración, la vivencia de ella, la llegada a la “nueva patria” y la “integración” en ella son motivos muy presentes en su obra literaria. El artículo analiza estas facetas enfocando tanto la experiencia judía que se manifiesta en la escritura sobre los procesos migratorias como la imaginación y significación de las geografías de la “nueva patria”


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    The essay analyses the Spanish film Maixabel (2021) as a cinematic reflection within the set of cultural narratives of the Basque post-conflict. It analyses the restorative encounters that are at the heart of the film's narrative by focusing on the characters and their relationships. The interpretation of the dialogical situation between victim and perpetrators and the place of the commemoration of the politician assassinated by ETA, Juan María Jáuregui, constitute the key aspects from which the film is read. The cinematographic gestures towards restorative justice made by Maixabel are placed in dialogue with the reflections on the ethics of forgiveness and the vision of a future coexistence in peace that characterizes the Basque post-conflict.El ensayo analiza la película española Maixabel (2021) como una reflexión cinematográfica dentro del conjunto de las narrativas culturales del posconflicto vasco. Se analizan los encuentros restaurativos que están en el centro del relato del filme enfocando los personajes y sus relaciones. La interpretación de la situación dialógica entre víctima y victimarios y del lugar de la conmemoración del político asesinado por ETA, Juan María Jáuregui, constituyen los aspectos claves desde los que se lee la película. Los gestos cinematográficos hacia una justicia restaurativa que realiza Maixabel, están puestos en diálogo con las reflexiones acerca de la ética del perdón y la visión de una futura convivencia en paz que caracteriza el postconflicto vasco

    Fragmentierte Nation - globalisierte Region?

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    Im Zeitalter der Globalisierung scheinen nationale Grenzziehungen an Bedeutung zu verlieren. Dennoch wird immer wieder die Forderung nach Eigenstaatlichkeit erhoben - so auch im spanischen Staat: in Katalonien und im Baskenland. Patrick Eser zeichnet die ideologische und programmatische Entwicklung der katalanischen und baskischen Nationalbewegungen in einer umfangreichen Darstellung nach. Wie schätzen diese Bewegungen die Globalisierung und die europäische Integration ein - als Chance oder als Bedrohung? Anhand ausgewählter Themenfelder (Europa, Einwanderung, ökonomische Globalisierung, kulturelle Identität/Metropolen) vermittelt die Studie einen vielfältigen Einblick in die Realität und jüngste Entwicklung der in den beiden Regionen sehr virulenten politischen Bewegungen

    Determinants of RNA metabolism in the Schizosaccharomyces pombe genome

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    To decrypt the regulatory code of the genome, sequence elements must be defined that determine the kinetics of RNA metabolism and thus gene expression. Here, we attempt such decryption in an eukaryotic model organism, the fission yeast S. pombe. We first derive an improved genome annotation that redefines borders of 36% of expressed mRNAs and adds 487 non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs). We then combine RNA labeling invivo with mathematical modeling to obtain rates of RNA synthesis and degradation for 5,484 expressed RNAs and splicing rates for4,958 introns. We identify functional sequence elements inDNA and RNA that control RNA metabolic rates and quantifythecontributions of individual nucleotides to RNA synthesis,splicing, and degradation. Our approach reveals distinct kineticsof mRNA and ncRNA metabolism, separates antisense regulation by transcription interference from RNA interference, and provides a general tool for studying the regulatory code of genomes

    Multimodal prehabilitation for major surgery in elderly patients to lower complications: protocol of a randomised, prospective, multicentre, multidisciplinary trial (PREHABIL Trial).

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    INTRODUCTION The global volume of surgery is growing and the population ageing, and economic pressure is rising. Major surgery is associated with relevant morbidity and mortality. Postoperative reduction in physiological and functional capacity is especially marked in the elderly, multimorbid patient with low fitness level, sarcopenia and malnutrition. Interventions aiming to optimise the patient prior to surgery (prehabilitation) may reduce postoperative complications and consequently reduce health costs. METHODS AND ANALYSIS This is a multicentre, multidisciplinary, prospective, 2-arm parallel-group, randomised, controlled trial with blinded outcome assessment. Primary outcome is the Comprehensive Complications Index at 30 days. Within 3 years, we aim to include 2×233 patients with a proven fitness deficit undergoing major surgery to be randomised using a computer-generated random numbers and a minimisation technique. The study intervention consists of a structured, multimodal, multidisciplinary prehabilitation programme over 2-4 weeks addressing deficits in physical fitness and nutrition, diabetes control, correction of anaemia and smoking cessation versus standard of care. ETHICS AND DISSEMINATION The PREHABIL trial has been approved by the responsible ethics committee (Kantonale Ethikkomission Bern, project ID 2020-01690). All participants provide written informed consent prior to participation. Participant recruitment began in February 2022 (10 and 8 patients analysed at time of submission), with anticipated completion in 2025. Publication of the results in peer-reviewed scientific journals are expected in late 2025. TRIAL REGISTRATION NUMBER NCT04461301

    Household air pollution in low- and middle-income countries: health risks and research priorities

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    Household air pollution (HAP), which results from incomplete combustion of the solid fuels traditionally used for cooking and heating, affects the homes of nearly 3 billion people. It is the leading environmental cause of death and disability worldwide, with highest risks for women and children due to their domestic roles. The high levels of pollutants found in HAP cause a range of diseases, in addition to burns and scalds and injuries or violence experienced during fuel collection. Additionally, household solid fuel use can pose substantive environmental risks, including degradation from fuel gathering as well as climate change from release of both CO2 and short-lived climate forcers, such as black carbon, during combustion. Despite the broad support to find solutions, only a few solid fuel interventions have shown that they might improve health over the long term, especially when implemented at the scale required (Box 1)

    Acute mountain sickness.

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    Acute mountain sickness (AMS) is a clinical syndrome occurring in otherwise healthy normal individuals who ascend rapidly to high altitude. Symptoms develop over a period ofa few hours or days. The usual symptoms include headache, anorexia, nausea, vomiting, lethargy, unsteadiness of gait, undue dyspnoea on moderate exertion and interrupted sleep. AMS is unrelated to physical fitness, sex or age except that young children over two years of age are unduly susceptible. One of the striking features ofAMS is the wide variation in individual susceptibility which is to some extent consistent. Some subjects never experience symptoms at any altitude while others have repeated attacks on ascending to quite modest altitudes. Rapid ascent to altitudes of 2500 to 3000m will produce symptoms in some subjects while after ascent over 23 days to 5000m most subjects will be affected, some to a marked degree. In general, the more rapid the ascent, the higher the altitude reached and the greater the physical exertion involved, the more severe AMS will be. Ifthe subjects stay at the altitude reached there is a tendency for acclimatization to occur and symptoms to remit over 1-7 days