65 research outputs found

    Análisis del riesgo de exclusión social en el medio rural: el índice Z como solución «lowcost» a la falta de indicadores sintéticos municipales

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    After the 2008 crisis, the study of social exclusion merits even more attention in rural research. However, common approaches usually employ macro analysis perspective (such as AROPE rate), which may not be appropriate, as rural areas are heterogeneous. Heterogeneity should be acknowledged in order to accomplish the social inclusion of the individuals and / or families who are excluded. Therefore, research should point out territorial differences of social exclusion problems at a micro-level. To this end, we work with the delimitation of the rurality used in the PDR, and we take as cases of study the municipalities of the GAL-LEADER of the province of Valencia. To maintain a multidimensional approach to social exclusion and operate in an efficient way (using free access official statistics) we did develop a «Z-index» with available recent data (2016) from an economic, social and spatial point of view. Basic results do confirm what was expected: rural territories analysed show a plurality of exclusion situations and social inclusion at municipal level. Especially in the most negative cases, where spatial variable turns out to be a critical vulnerability that affects rural society, even more than unemployment.Tras la crisis de 2008 el estudio de la exclusión social resulta un objeto recurrente para las investigaciones rurales. Pero las aproximaciones habituales suelen emplear perspectivas de análisis macro (como la tasa AROPE), algo inadecuado cuando el medio rural se caracteriza por su heterogeneidad. Si no reconocemos esta, difícilmente se puede lograr la inclusión social de los individuos y/o familias excluidas en este. Luego resulta clave evidenciar las diferencias territoriales de los fenómenos de exclusión social a nivel micro. Para ello trabajamos con la delimitación que de ruralidad emplean los PDR, y tomamos como casos de estudio los municipios de los GAL-LEADER de la provincia de Valencia. Para mantener el enfoque multidimensional de la exclusión social y operar con sencillez (emplear la estadística oficial de libre acceso), desarrollamos un «índice Z» con la información más reciente posible (2016) desde un punto de vista económico, social y espacial. Los resultados básicos confirman lo esperado: los territorios rurales analizados evidencian una pluralidad de situaciones de exclusión e inclusión social a nivel municipal. Sobre todo, en los casos más negativos, donde la variable espacial aparece con una vulnerabilidad crítica que afecta a la sociedad rural más que incluso el desempleo

    Le commerce dans les zones rurales de Valence: de la caractérisation, des fonctions, des problèmes et des stratégies d’action

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    El aumento de la movilidad, la proliferación de superficies comerciales, nuevos hábitos de ocio y consumo, entre otros, son factores que debilitan el comercio rural. Examinar las orientaciones estratégicas para mejorar su viabilidad y sus impactos socioeconómicos derivados son nuestros objetivos. Para ello, analizamos la actividad comercial de una zona rural próxima al área metropolitana de Valencia, a partir de entrevistas con informantes clave y usuarios habituales. Los resultados muestran que no existen soluciones únicas ante la naturaleza multidimensional de los problemas que afectan al comercio rural, y que este debe redefinir su valor para mantenerse como servicio a la población.Increased mobility, proliferation of retail outlets, new leisure and consumption habits, among others, are factors that weaken the rural trade. Examine the strategic options to improve its viability and their derivatives socioeconomic impacts are our goal. We analyze the trading activity in a rural area near the metropolitan area of Valencia, from interviews with stakeholders and regular users. The results show that there is no single solution to the multidimensional nature of the problems affecting rural trade, and it must redefine its value to remain a service to the public.L’accroissement de la mobilité, la prolifération des points de vente, de nouvelles habitudes de loisirs et d’achats, entre autres, sont des facteurs qui affaiblissent le commerce rural. Examiner les orientations stratégiques pour améliorer sa viabilité et ses impacts socio-économiques dérives sont nos objectifs. Nous analysons l’activité commerciale d’une zone rurale prés de l’aire métropolitaine de valencia, a partir des entretiens avec des informateurs clés et des consommateurs réguliers. Les résultats montrent qu’il n’y a pas seulement une solution a la nature multidimensionnelle des problèmes qui touchent le commerce rural, et celui-ci doit redéfinir sa valeur pour rester comme un service destine a la population

    Diseño y validación de un cuestionario para el estudio de la relación y colaboración museo y escuela (MUSELA DOC)

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    The purpose of this study was to design and validate the Museum and School information collection tool, relationship and use for teaching history to teachers (MUSELA DOC). The analysis procedure consists of the study of the psychometric characteristics of the instrument, its validity of content, reliability and construct validity. The quantitative design is analytical descriptive. The strategies used were a pilot study and an external analysis in which eighteen experts participated. The participants had to assess the instrument using a validation scale, designed ad hoc and structured in three different parts (presentation of the purpose of the research and the objectives of the questionnaire, instructions for completion, items that should be analyzed according to the adequacy, relevance, relevance and orthographic correction through a scale of numerical estimation with five values).The scale consisted of five dimensions that support the conceptual basis of the instrument. The analysis of the reliability of the questionnaire, using Cronbach's alpha method, has shown a coefficient of .57 for the 38 items analyzed on the global scale, which indicates a moderate internal consistency. Two questions have had to be excluded from the analytical process because they do not have enough variability.El propósito de este estudio ha sido diseñar y validar el instrumento de recogida de información Museo y Escuela, relación y uso para la enseñanza de la historia destinado a docentes (MUSELA DOC). En el procedimiento de análisis se valoraron las características psicométricas del instrumento, su validez de contenido, confiabilidad y validez de constructo adoptando un diseño descriptivo analítico, fundamentalmente cuantitativo. Las estrategias utilizadas fueron un estudio piloto y un análisis externo en el que participaron dieciocho expertos. Los participantes debían valorar el instrumento utilizando una escala de validación, diseñada ad hocy estructurada en tres partes diferenciadas. La escala se componía de cinco dimensiones que sustentan las bases conceptuales del instrumento. El análisis de la confiabilidad del cuestionario, mediante el método alfa de Cronbach, ha arrojado un coeficiente de .57 para los 38 ítems analizados de la escala global, lo que indica una consistencia interna moderada. MUSELA se establece como uno de los primeros instrumentos de recogida de información cuantitativa sometidos a un proceso de validación y encargado de analizar la planificación y modos de colaboración entre el museo y la educación formal

    The Territorialisation of Social Inclusion Policies from the Perspective of the Spanish Rural Areas: Regional Comparative

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    En el artículo examinamos cómo se materializa la atención al medio rural en los planes de inclusión social españoles. Analizamos el marco estatal y autonómico clasificando las Comunidades Autónomas según su grado de ruralidad (OCDE). Así, establecemos si existe relación entre el carácter territorial de cada CCAA y el tipo de acciones inclusivas planteadas para los espacios rurales, y cuáles son los temas abordados. Los resultados evidencian que, al contrario de lo que cabría esperar, las CC.AA. predominantemente rurales no registran la mayor cantidad de actuaciones destinadas al medio rural, y que las temáticas sobre las que más se actúan atienden a la planificación y desarrollo territorial, la mejora formativa y educativa, y al apoyo a colectivos vulnerables.This article explores how the attention to rural areas is materialised in the plans for social inclusion in Spain. We analyse the national and autonomous frameworks classifying the Autonomous Communities (AACC) according to their degree of rurality (OCDE). Therefore, we establish if there is a relationship between the territorial character of each AACC and the type of inclusive actions set for rural areas, and which are the topics approached. The results show that the predominantly rural autonomous communities do not register the most substantial quantity of actions targeted to rural areas and that the themes more developed are on planning and regional development, education and training enhancement, and support to specific groups

    Implantación de energías renovables y determinación de la huella de carbono en un municipio del sureste de España (Murcia)

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    El concepto de desarrollo sostenible en el mercado energético quiere asegurar una sostenibilidad del mismo, para lo cual es necesario fomentar las energías renovables como política municipal, tanto en su dimensión económica, como social y medioambiental. En este trabajo se analiza el estado actual de implantación de energías renovables en el municipio de Blanca (Murcia), valorando la incidencia de la legislación sectorial energética, al respecto, y obtener la huella de carbono derivada del consumo de energía eléctrica en comparación con las emisiones de CO2 de otras fuentes energéticas. Igualmente, se estudiará el consumo de electricidad del municipio en el mismo período bianual distribuido por sectores: residencial, municipal e industrial.The concept of sustainable development led to the energy market wants to ensure sustainability of it, for it is necessary to promote renewable energies such as municipal politics, both in its economic, socially and environmentally. This paper reviews the current state of implementation of renewable energies in the town of Blanca (Murcia), assessing the impact of the energetic sector legislation, respect, and get the carbon footprint of electric energy consumption in comparison with the CO2 emissions from other energy sources. It will also study electricity consumption of the municipality in the same period biannual distributed by sectors: residential, municipal and industrial.Universidad Nacional de La Plat

    Implantación de energías renovables y determinación de la huella de carbono en un municipio del sureste de España (Murcia)

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    El concepto de desarrollo sostenible en el mercado energético quiere asegurar una sostenibilidad del mismo, para lo cual es necesario fomentar las energías renovables como política municipal, tanto en su dimensión económica, como social y medioambiental. En este trabajo se analiza el estado actual de implantación de energías renovables en el municipio de Blanca (Murcia), valorando la incidencia de la legislación sectorial energética, al respecto, y obtener la huella de carbono derivada del consumo de energía eléctrica en comparación con las emisiones de CO2 de otras fuentes energéticas. Igualmente, se estudiará el consumo de electricidad del municipio en el mismo período bianual distribuido por sectores: residencial, municipal e industrial.The concept of sustainable development led to the energy market wants to ensure sustainability of it, for it is necessary to promote renewable energies such as municipal politics, both in its economic, socially and environmentally. This paper reviews the current state of implementation of renewable energies in the town of Blanca (Murcia), assessing the impact of the energetic sector legislation, respect, and get the carbon footprint of electric energy consumption in comparison with the CO2 emissions from other energy sources. It will also study electricity consumption of the municipality in the same period biannual distributed by sectors: residential, municipal and industrial.Universidad Nacional de La Plat

    Implantación de energías renovables y determinación de la huella de carbono en un municipio del sureste de España (Murcia)

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    El concepto de desarrollo sostenible en el mercado energético quiere asegurar una sostenibilidad del mismo, para lo cual es necesario fomentar las energías renovables como política municipal, tanto en su dimensión económica, como social y medioambiental. En este trabajo se analiza el estado actual de implantación de energías renovables en el municipio de Blanca (Murcia), valorando la incidencia de la legislación sectorial energética, al respecto, y obtener la huella de carbono derivada del consumo de energía eléctrica en comparación con las emisiones de CO2 de otras fuentes energéticas. Igualmente, se estudiará el consumo de electricidad del municipio en el mismo período bianual distribuido por sectores: residencial, municipal e industrial.The concept of sustainable development led to the energy market wants to ensure sustainability of it, for it is necessary to promote renewable energies such as municipal politics, both in its economic, socially and environmentally. This paper reviews the current state of implementation of renewable energies in the town of Blanca (Murcia), assessing the impact of the energetic sector legislation, respect, and get the carbon footprint of electric energy consumption in comparison with the CO2 emissions from other energy sources. It will also study electricity consumption of the municipality in the same period biannual distributed by sectors: residential, municipal and industrial.Universidad Nacional de La Plat

    Conducting Polymer–TiO2 Hybrid Materials: Application in the Removal of Nitrates from Water

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    Materials able to produce the reduction of nitrate from water without the need of a metal catalyst and with avoiding the use of gaseous hydrogen have been developed by combining the synergistic properties of titania and two conducting polymers. Polymerization of aniline and pyrrol on titanium dioxide in the presence of two different oxidants/dopants (iron trichloride or potassium persulfate) has been evaluated. The resulting hybrid materials have good thermal stability imparted by the titania counterpart, and a considerable conductivity provided by the conducting polymers. The capability of the hybrid materials of reducing aqueous nitrate has been assessed and compared to the catalytic hydrogenation of nitrate using a platinum catalyst supported on these hybrid synthesized materials. The mechanism of nitrate abatement implies adsorption of nitrate on the polymer by ion exchange with the dopant anion, followed by the reduction of nitrate. The electron transfer from titania to the conducting polymer in the hybrid material favors the reductive ability of the polymer, in such a way that nitrate is selectively reduced with a very low production of undesirable side products. The obtained results show that the activity and selectivity of the catalytic reduction of nitrate with dihydrogen in the presence of a platinum catalyst supported on the hybrid materials are considerably lower than those of the metal-free nanocomposites.Financial support from Generalitat Valenciana, Spain (PROMETEOII/2014/004) and Ministry of Economy and Competitivity (MAT2016-80285-P) is gratefully acknowledged. E.S. acknowledges the Spanish MINECO and AEI/FEDER (ref CTQ2015-74494-JIN) and the University of Alicante (ref UATALENTO16-03)

    Hydrogenation of 4-nitrochlorobenzene catalysed by cobalt nanoparticles supported on nitrogen-doped activated carbon

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    The hydrogenation of nitroarenes to produce the corresponding amines using dihydrogen as reducing agent has an important industrial role, since it allows to obtain important added-value products. This reaction needs the help of a catalyst to proceed. Many catalysts have been already tested and studied. Most of them are based on noble metals supported on metal oxides. These catalysts perform well, but they are expensive and thus, alternative systems are needed. In this context, cobalt-based catalysts have emerged as adequate alternatives, despite cobalt nanoparticles per se are not very active for this reaction. A way to improve the catalytic activity of cobalt nanoparticles is by supporting them on a support with functional groups that are able to change their intrinsic properties and to enhance their catalytic properties. In this sense, N-containing carbons are promising candidates to be used as support, since nitrogen functionalities may modify the catalytic properties of cobalt. In this work, cobalt nanoparticles supported on N-doped activated carbons have been prepared and studied as catalysts for the hydrogenation of 1-chloro-4-nitrobencene to the corresponding chloro-aniline. It is demonstrated that the catalytic activity is enhanced by the presence of nitrogen species in the support. When the temperature of the catalyst activation treatment (reduction under flowing hydrogen) is increased, the catalytic activity increases drastically in the presence of nitrogen functionalities on the support. The catalysts have been characterised by transmission electron microscopy (TEM), temperature-programmed reduction (TPR), X-ray diffraction, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopi (XPS) and N2 adsorption at 77 K. It has been found that the enhanced catalytic activity was due to two different factors, namely the interaction of the cobalt particles with the nitrogen functional groups (forming Co4N), and the development of mesopores in the support during the activation process that increases the accessibility of reactants to the active sites.Authors acknowledge financial support by MINECO (Spain) through the projects MAT2017-86992-R and MAT2016-80285-P and the European Union for the project “eForFuel”, grant agreement 763911. J. C. S. R. would like to thank the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation for financial support through the Ramón y Cajal Program, Grant: RYC-2015-19230 J. C. S. R. would also like to thank Junta de Andalucía for financial support through the projects PY18-RE-0012 and IE18_0047_FUNDACIÓN LOYOLA

    Conserved HA-peptides expressed along with flagellin in Trichoplusia ni larvae protects chicken against intranasal H7N1 HPAIV challenge

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    The immunization of poultry where H5 and H7 influenza viruses (IVs) are endemic is one of the strategies to prevent unexpected zoonoses. Our group has been focused on conserved HA-epitopes as potential vaccine candidates to obtain multivalent immune responses against distinct IV subtypes. In this study, two conserved epitopes (NG-34 and CS-17) fused to flagellin were produced in a Baculovirus platform based on Trichoplusia ni larvae as living biofactories. Soluble extracts obtained from larvae expressing "flagellin-NG34/CS17 antigen" were used to immunize chickens and the efficacy of the vaccine was evaluated against a heterologous H7N1 HPAIV challenge in chickens. The flagellin-NG34/CS17 vaccine protected the vaccinated chickens and blocked viral shedding orally and cloacally. Furthermore, no apparent clinical signs were monitored in 10/12 vaccinated individuals. The mechanism of protection conferred is under investigation.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio